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360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
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360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 18:40
Duke em' Nuke em' I very rarely EVER refer to Gamespot, but I am bored and at work, and thought that their comparisons were quite interesting with the way they executed it. They may not be a credible source, but most of the time, they are first with news articles and I thought this would be a read good for the average Kikizoer to reference to. Enjoy, critisize, plan, spit, cuss, frown, agree, disagree... whatever! Just ENJOY NOW!!    Where' s Quez?
< Message edited by Tiz -- 22 Dec 06 10:44:53 >
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 18:59
Having been up close and personal with both systems, I would have to say that there isn' t anything at the moment that makes me (Personally) want to shell out the money on a PS3, Assasin' s creed was going to be a game that I was going to get but seeing as this is now no longer a PS3 exclusive, sames as GTA4 then I am really hard pushed to see what the fuss is all about.
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 22 Dec 06 10:59:42 >
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 19:14
Well, now I don' t actually know why I put this up... Both systems are out, and it IS possible for to get a side-by-side comparison (Live), so I think I' ll let the flies swarm around this thread.
Agent Ghost
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 19:58
Don' t take this the wrong way Tiz, as I' m all for sticking it to the man. But where do you work that allows you to spend time on sites like Kikizo while on the job? I' m just asking because I have to get myself a job like that... As for the link we already looked at it. Majik went on about PS3 potentially lacking video ram giving it a bottleneck for textures. Which is most obvious in the background of Fight Night round 3, where the PS3 version looks pathetic by comparison with the 360 version.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 22 Dec 06 11:59:10 >
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 20:04
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Don' t take this the wrong way Tiz, as I' m all for sticking it to the man. But where do you work that allows you to spend time on sites like Kikizo while on the job? I' m just asking because I have to get myself a job like that... Why I oughta!!!  I work in a contact centre, I help people with phone problems all day, and I am situated in the most quiet department, where every hour, maybe 3 or 4 people call in (though, lately we have had a few problems, so it' s been about 6 people per hour.) i' m on Kikizo a lot today, because there are no managers around, and people that would be calling have pissed off somewhere to do Christmas Shopping. It' s an easy job (most of the time) for about 15K-17k per year..
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 21:03
Interesting...I have a friend that worked as a call support for an internet provider, he told me it was 98% boredom and 2% fustration. He said it could be fustrating becuase everday he would get at least one caller that was too dumb to follow basic instructions. I' m sure you know the type...
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 22, 2006 21:40
I too am accessing from work, call center it service desk, can get on here a reasonable amount, but im on one of the more busy dept. so there isn' t always time, on a 7-7 today.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 23, 2006 03:50
PS3 COD3 doesn' t use HDR.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 23, 2006 10:07
This was posted as a link before ( by another user in Quez' s screenshot comparison thread) and it is interesting to see. Does anyone else think all the PS3 screens on here look like they are washed out? Also, I think these are unfair comparisons as most 3rd party games are made for one console or the other then retooled for another one. Im not sure the effect this gen but last gen it held back the original Xbox as most 3rd party games were built for the PS2 then ported. I would assume with the 360 having a larger installed base most 3rd party games are going to be made with it/PC in mind then ported to PS3 (at least for the time being). To sum it up, Im saying I dont think any of these games take advantage of either console, and there is more to a game than graphics.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 23, 2006 15:59
The reason PS3 games look so washed out directly compared to 360 games is because PS3 can' t do AA and HDR at the same time. It also way less memory for textures. That leads to less variety or lower resolution textures and poor lighting in comparison. 360 does 4x AA basically for free. All PS3 games are forced to either be jaggy or have crap lighting. 360 hardware > PS3 hardware
Vx Chemical
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 23, 2006 16:15
i rarely access from home and do it all from work, i always have time, im the System Administrator for a school here in denmark. I have plenty of time to do what ever i please to!
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 24, 2006 09:08
360 hardware > PS3 hardware Loco, I know this already  . Ive been trying to tone down due to X360 fanboy accusations. But yeah, everything you said was true, the 10mb of EDRAM on the 360' s graphics card is a great design choice that frees up the graphics card for other things (like textures)
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 24, 2006 09:16
Why would all that produce a washed out image though? More jaggy and blurry maybe, but washed out colours? (Also the 360 VGA cable produces washed out colours compared to component, maybe the PS3 HDMI cable is just shit..)
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 24, 2006 13:19
The image looks washed out because the textures are either lower resolution or there are less of them. HDR also adds a lot of contrast, lighting makes a huge difference in the way games look. 360 VGA cable does not produce washed out colors... If anything it is just darker than you are used to.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 24, 2006 16:04
HDR also adds a lot of contrast, lighting makes a huge difference in the way games look. Ah yea I guess you' re right there. 360 VGA cable does not produce washed out colors... If anything it is just darker than you are used to. Nah its pretty bright, but the colours are definitely not as vibrant as they are through component on my setup at least, and it kinda reminded me of that when I looked at the comparisons above.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 24 Dec 06 8:06:19 >
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 01:37
.....i' d of thought ya' ll would be a lot smarter than judging the capabilities of either x360 or PS3 on multi format titles.... Why would all that produce a washed out image though? ...disregarding multi titles (rightly so), i think its just down to pure unfamiliarity with the hardware.... ...expect proper 1st generation PS3 titles (as opposed to launch titles like Resistance) to look MUCH better:
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 24 Dec 06 18:29:04 >
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 01:57
Comparing games that was made for 360 and proted over to PS3 (in most ases their first grps with the hardware).. is silly.. IF Anything.. The PS3 should impress you more on that basis alone.. (that even with a few years of 360 dev time, a port on PS3 with very little dev time can almost look as good, and has not even tapped 30% into the Cell/Ps3 power).. Seriously, its like when EA announced that they used around 30% of the PS3s potential for FightNight.. I would just hold the comparisons till this time next year. Then again, even fools can just look at Motorstorm to see the power kicking inside the CEll.. Ive been saying this for ages and will say it again.. Even Motorstorm does things ive not seen in a 360 game, the combination of ultra smooth motions, particle FX and draw distance totally own anything ive seen running on my 360 hands own .. And thats the only real example of things to come at the moment. Im pretty sure this time next year PS3 will be wiping the floor with 360 in visual terms.. I' ll bet money on that.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Dec 06 18:05:23 >
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 02:02
I' m not a graphics guy so I don' t care how cool Motorstorm looks. I want good games for a good price. The PS3 has got NOTHING exclusive in the nearest future that I' m interesed in except for Motorstorm. I' m doing the smart thing and buying a 360 because it already has a couple of games I like and the future looks awesome. I would' ve gotten the Wii but it' s sold out and Meoitrd Prime 3 isn' t out yet anyway so the 360 is looking pretty good to me. Maybe I' ll get a PS3 in the future if it gets any games I' m interested in and the Cell and RSX actually turns out to be useful. but right now, the PS3 is a rip-off!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 02:09
stick to the thread, Its about the comparison of screenshots not what sytem is worth buying.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 02:28
Well I couldn' t really figure out which screenshots looked the best on those. They just looked... different. I guess that' s how the 360 and PS3 are. None of them are really better, they' re just different. BTW, how about throwing in some Wii screenshots there to make the comparison a little more interesting
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 24 Dec 06 18:29:46 >
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