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 Which games will sell PS3 to you?
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Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 08:43
So Sony' s re-designed pad, the price and the size of the console are somewhat putting me off right now, but there ARE a number of games that will only be available on Sony' s machine that i suspect i will really want to play upon their respective release dates.

These are the titles that will keep me interested in Sony' s console, and why despite Sony' s stupid mistakes i won' t disregard their system. If these games turn out half as good as they look then i will almost certainly buy the console.


Heavenly Sword

Metal Gear Solid 4

Assassins Creed

Virtua Fighter 5


What i want to know is -- which games slated for release on PS3 only do YOU think will be system sellers, or which games would sell the system to YOU?!

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 08:49
You forgot DMC4, FF13,Tekken 6 ..and er MotorStrom? [it could turn out to be good] of course the inhouse games sequals that will eveunually come to the system are The new game from the Ico team, God of War Ps3, Gran Trismo, and some new ip' s that we havent heard of yet.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 09:28
For me, it would be MSG4 and maybe some of the Capcom games (Resident Evil 5, etc.).

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 09:43
....Metal Gear Solid 4, Virtual Fighter 5, Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy XIII and possibly Resistance I-8 are the killer apps that will make most find ways around PS3' s asking price....

< Message edited by Bishonen -- 14 May 06 1:46:23 >

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 09:50
FFXIII, FF Vs. XIII, Heavenly Sword, MGS4, Assassins Creed and a next gen Nippon Ichi title. I need more Prinnies! More! MORE!!!

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 10:06
The eye toy game,one of the most impressive thing i ever seen in the gaming community.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 10:10
Eyetoy is getting cooler... but you can still cheat, right?

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 10:11
Im refering to the Card game shown at the conference,was truly something that blew me away.
was like a star wars " hologram" .

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 10:18
Yes, THAT was very cool looking. I recall that now.

Too many awesome titles, way too many to recall off hand. Perhaps I should abandon all hope of building a new PC just so I can experience the complete console experience from all three companies.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 18:58
I' m definitely going to wait some time before I get PS3

The only games that make me think about it are MGS4 and VF5
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 May 06 20:52:26 >

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 19:45
I like vf5 and fatal inertia (reminds me of redshift) but I think I can wait a a while for them.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 19:49
Next-Gen Sonic (currently sharper on PS3)
Ridge Racer 7
Tekken 6 (despite that trailer the actual game I' d imagine should still be good)

I would say Resi Evil 5 but I would rather use the 360 pad to control it. Same really for Sonic, but if they look better on PS3 then that will be the machine of choice for those.

Assasins creed sounds promising, but all I' ve seen of it is the pre-rendered trailer so I can' t make a proper judgement on that one. Heavenly Sworrd despite it' s looks dosen' t interest me as the gameplay seems quite jittery with regards to combos and moving around. Unlike God Of War.

The Sega, Capcom, Namco and Knonami stuff will be why I' ll buy the PS3 for.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 14 May 06 11:50:32 >

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 20:59
I' m not gonna complain about how expensive the PS3 is, Im gonna complain on how much more they want me to spend for a console that has shown no giant leaps over their competitors. Besides the Blu-ray, Sony has shown me nothing to convince me to buy their system. Am I going to rush out and spend 600 eujro (750 USD) for a system that has equal graphics to the 360, and has a tilt feature that' s similar to the Wii? No! I would not! Especially when I can probably be able to purchase the 360 and the Wii together for about the same price, and get first party exclusive titles for both those systems. As For the Blu-ray, sure PS3 has it, but with the 360 I can wait till I' m ready and adopt the technology at my own pace.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 14 May 06 13:00:48 >

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 21:46

Am I going to rush out and spend 600 eujro (750 USD) for a system that has equal graphics to the 360, and has a tilt feature that' s similar to the Wii? No! I would not!

I would, simply because it has more games in the pipeline that appeals to me than the 360. The PS2 had the most support from devs that produced the games that I wanted to play, and by the looks of things the PS3 won' t be much different. Exclusives-wise the 360 currently has hardly anything that I want, while Wii will no doubt rival PS3' s support in this matter.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 14, 2006 23:22
Looking at what' s been said already, for me it' s only really MGS4, possibly DMC4 and that Heavy Rain demo running on PS3 was pretty impressive imo. None of the other games are for me. And 3 tentative games that I' ve seen nothing of gameplay aren' t worth $600 imo.

I lmao at that F1 demo though! He was saying ' Oh yea it' s got all those great graphics, AI and physics' and at the same time the demoer was getting driven into by a dumb AI car, and physics and damage looked completely unconvincing, heh. And then you had Phil Harrison trying to convince us that buying two PSPs and the $600 PS3 package for the WiFi would be better than if they' d just made the in-game wing mirrors work!

[:' (]

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 15, 2006 01:08

And then you had Phil Harrison trying to convince us that buying two PSPs and the $600 PS3 package for the WiFi would be better than if they' d just made the in-game wing mirrors work!

Now thats untrue, he was just showing off how the psp and ps3 will hook up with each other and affect the games being played, just like the Virtual Memory Card on the Dreamcast pad. nothing major, but it was cool.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 15, 2006 01:16

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

And then you had Phil Harrison trying to convince us that buying two PSPs and the $600 PS3 package for the WiFi would be better than if they' d just made the in-game wing mirrors work!

Now thats untrue, he was just showing off how the psp and ps3 will hook up with each other and affect the games being played, just like the Virtual Memory Card on the Dreamcast pad. nothing major, but it was cool.

I really liked that. It' s one of those things that won' t get used, but it' s cool to know that it' s possible.

The EyeToy demo' s REALLY impressed me and as long as it works properly then there could be some cool uses for it. I always wated to be able to map my face into Perfect Dark and when Nintendo made Rare drop the idea i was gutted. Hopefully both Sony' s EyeToy and 360' s camera will allow for that kind of stuff in games like the next TimeSplitters.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 15, 2006 01:22
How come no one is complaining about Microsoft copying Sony' s Eye-Toy idea when Sony gets all kinds of crappy comments?
And saying Sony stole the home button, shame on you. It' s like saying it' s a bad idea to steal the start-button. Seriously. Besides, Sony have had their Home button on the PSP so it' s been around. And didn' t Nintendo also steal the Home button idea in that case? I don' t hear any complaints about that.
I don' t know who was first with the idea but the Live Arcade/Virtual Console concepts are very similar. Not exactly the same but similar. Just as the PS3s motion-sensor VS Nintendos motion-sensor.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 May 06 17:23:02 >

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 15, 2006 01:28
Because Microsoft' s camera won' t be used like EyeToy for games. It' s primarily a webcam and they' ve been around for years.

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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you? - May 15, 2006 01:31
But I doubt you would say a word if Microsoft started using it as an Eye-Toy. You' ve even said it yourself that you' d like them to do so.
Honestly I would to, give Sony a little taste of their own medicine .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 May 06 17:31:34 >
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