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- Joined: May 03, 2006
only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 10:20
Sure there are games that look great for the next gen consoles. Its just there doesnt seem to be anything that completely blows me away. Am I the only one feeling this way?
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 11:05
Mass X
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 11:06
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 11:20
okay, maybe impressed was the wrong word. Okay how about there is nothing that makes me go " OMFG! I MUST GET THAT!!!!" by the way I do realize that this gen of games has just started.
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 11:41
I' m sorry. There are games that are pure hype already shown at E3 - it just won' t be released anytime soon. Said games are different for different types of gamers. I myself lean to Wii' s triple threat of Zelda and Mario, but especially Smash. Perhaps you are wondering if there was a " killer app" at the show. In that regard, the killer app does not exist as software yet. The closest to a killer app this E3 is the Wii, but that is hardware, and therefore does not count. So in a sense, I think I know where you are coming from... sorta.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 12:44
My great decrease in , for lack of a better word, intrest in this generation may also be from the interference of new things in life: Getting a my drivers licence (Going to driveing school for that matter). getting a car getting a job I liked the super smash brothers games but never enough to buy them. Same goes for the halo games. although DOA4 looks excellent I really like 2d fighters better (KOF). The racing games have nice graphics but i' m so bad i wont pick up the controller. The fact that I am a bit more concerned about spending money also influences my view greatly. Don' t get me wrong there are many games that I want to play but so far none that I want to spend all that money on.
stephen ashaley
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 13:06
it' s very good for u to show ur consence but the reason why u don' t want to spend on them his that u really get borad on them,i got something that u may like if u really want to hear me out with my plan for u plz contact me them for answers
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 13:27
You don' t sound like a real gamer to me, maybe you should just pursue other interests. If none of these games interest you then forget about it: Huxley UT 2007 Spore Halo 3 Fable 2 Kotor 3 Mass Effect Elveon The Darkness Gears of War Super Smash Bros, 3 Lair Mercanaries 2 Alone in the Dark BattleFiels 2142 Quake Wars Zelda: Twilight Princess FF 13 Virtual Fighter 5 MGS4 Assasin' s Creed Rainbow Six: Vegas Heavenly Sword Dynasty Warriors 6 War Devil Lost Planet GTA 4 Call of Duty 3 Chrome Hounds Bioshock Turok Brother in Arms: Hells Highway Well these are the ones that come to mind...
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 15:13
I know where you' re coming from Rock. I kind of agree for the most part. Games that are getting the most attention really don' t seem that special to me either. Out of Junkie' s list, there' s maybe 3 that I' m interested in, but not necessarily Wii-ing myself over. I' m still a gamer (and am real as far as I know!), just with different interests, and next-gen definitely seems to be swinging away from what I like, and towards what most people like - mainly badassness and explosions. That' s not a bad thing though, each to their own, just I wish someone would think of the little people, heh.  Still there are a few incredible games though, you just have to look harder these days! So no, it' s not just you.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 17 May 06 8:36:28 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 17:28
I think next gen is going to be excellent. And i think next gen will be the same as " old" gen, as far as game types go, they will just expand and add, and making it look better! Saying things will be changing to more mainstream is excuse my expression " a load of crap" , and it shows how much some people just dont want things to change! The only big change there were in gaming was the transition from 2D to 3d!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 18:23
*cough* Gears of War *cough* I was seduced by Kameo, and have formed strong relationships with Fight Night, DoA4, Oblivion and Advanced Warfighter. Old-gen is old news now (with minor exceptions) Twilight Princess, Mass Effect, Virtua Fighter 5, Gradius and Gears of War are right at the top of my list and there are about a hundred more underneath them. I want my Oddworld!
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 18:55
Don' t worry Rock - the game you seem to care about should land on Wii - since SNK says it' ll be their primary system ...you know what game I' m talking about :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 May 06 10:56:38 >
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 19:54
I can *almost* see where your comming from, except not about the new generation. What I mean is that from time to time in life most gamers get a little disconnected - certainly mid PS2 / XBOX I actually focused more on my career etc..etc, but this was more because as an " enthusiast" you can only be excited for a couple of years at a time about gaming without takin a break. - Or suffering a hyperactivity related breakdown! From my stance this generation made me the most excited since getting my megadrive on import as a kid, and by the dreamcast launch. So im loving it. Remember the true path of games is a continuous path of improvements, not massive leaps like the old days. COnsider 8 bit > 16 bit in it' s day. Massive. Now, not really! I also think you shuldnt expect apps to leap out at you and steal you away. The real experience as a gamer comes from our natual inquisitiveness and interest in new things, which upon a list such as Majik and Game Junkie provided, plus three new consoles, adn the closest hardware race in years.. its going to keep ramping up week after week now, even post launches of the other two new consoles.. If you hvent been hooked yet, book the next 4 years off!
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 17 May 06 11:55:17 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 20:25
How would Gears of war look if it only used real time cut-scenes and was gonna come out 2008. :) MGS4 look amazing but i mean 2008 date and real time cut scenes,heck even Mass effect looks better for me at this moment. However im sure MGS4 will look better in the end,but then we will have mass effect 2 :)
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RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 21:02
To be honest (and yeah, you' ve all probably heard this a million times) there' s a hole in my period of gaming called the ShenHole There' s also the SegaHole aswell, I love my REZ, Jet Set Radio and Future, Space Channel 5, ChuChu rocket etc.. Still, next-gen is still impressive, unless you were expecting FMV like graphics, some people just hate the next-gen because they had their hopes sky-high (Sony).. but the reality is graphics and physics will still continue to get better and aren' t perfect, obviously they could probably make graphics perfect but that' s kinda drawing the curtains close on a growing market.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 21:08
I do think we wil have CGI like graphics this gen. And hopefully the animations will follow suit soon after!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 21:42
I do think we wil have CGI like graphics this gen. And hopefully the animations will follow suit soon after! i agree with you my friend , i do think that CGI graphics will be reality this gen, it' s soemthing that should be, just look at resident evil 4 on gamecube, you do think in some parts of the game that' s it' s CG (average quality CG) but it' s there and it was a gamecube. now i only expect from this graphics like Final Fantasy demo (13), Mass effect (which does look like CG) and Metal gear solid 4... guys that should we expect from big developers. for exemple if Residen evil 5 doesn' t look like CG , i' ll be disapointed. and i really hope that the animation will follow the same quality , because so far graphics are improving much faster than the animation... but if you see Heavenly sword (special mention to the emotions) for me that was OMG.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 21:47
the problem with animation is making it look natural, but thats almost impossible without scripting the entire scene. Im looking forward to seeing what Lucas Arts are pulling off on the new Indy adventure, i havent seen the trailers yet, but it sounded amazing!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 17, 2006 23:33
I’m having a similar problem, and I too don’t get that “OMG, I need that holy form of entertainment NOW!!!†feeling anymore. Last time I got that feeling was with Metal Gear Solid 2. But for me I guess it’s because I’m not as young and easily entertained by games anymore and I lack the time to play them. Certainly it’s not by the lack of “good†games. I do college, I work and I have friends that need constant attention, and to top things of I’m a lazy boy. Therefore I carefully select which games I want to play and try to finish them fast and painlessly, while enjoying them the best I can (3 games per year is more than enough for me). Sometimes when I have many unfinished games at my disposal I might do a check list in selected order, and finish the games off one by one. That is why, even though Oblivion is a great game, I probably won’t continue playing it, as I feel I won’t finish it and only waste precious time on it. Unlike before when I spend time to beat games completely, now I only play them for a brief moment of simple fun. So relax. I think everyone gets like that every now and then, sooner or later. And in worst case, even if you don’t get the “OMG†feeling anymore, you can still enjoy the games in a lighter way or find other interests.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: only 1 not impressed
May 18, 2006 00:03
I think we will have something close to CGI, but not with free-flowing animation (or fluid animation), not running as at many FPS, nowhere near the amount of enemies on screen without an inch of slowdown(look at the intro movie for Onimusha 3 and tell me if the quality of games now look anything near to that, even games 2 or 3 years down the line will be nowhere near). It' s fair enough to " represent" CGI in an enclosed space, but developers know that is not hard, stick in the draw distance (CGI' s have never ending draw distance), and the amount of NPC' s on-screen a la Onimusha 3, and this will tell you that we are probably about 2 generations away from achieving real CG as in-game graphics.
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