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Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
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Evil Man
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 14:16
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Who gives a shit if it' s illegal? That' s not a good argument in itself. The law. Don' t try to act tough, if I went to your home with a machine gun threatening to murder all your family you' d be the first to pick a phone up an call the police the first chance you get, you are a pussy, you want " law" to serve you, but yet you aren' t willing to follow it.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 6 Apr 07 6:18:35 >
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 14:23
If you weren' t a fanboy, your reaction would be more along the lines of " This article seems biased. I' ll let Kikizo know about it and give them examples" . You wouldn' t be emotionally affected as if someone just attacked you personally. You wouldn' t go out of your way to poke at the author on multiple occasions. Only elementary school aged children resort to such insults. It will accomplish nothing. In my experience it is impossible to come to action without without some provocation. It' s not the world we live in. First of all I rarely ever read news articles on any game site. If the news is worth reading, someone will start a thread about it in one of the forums I visit. I don' t know the author, but I' ve seen his name here and there on a few articles. I have no idea which articles of his I have read in the past, and I didn' t read this one until you pointed it out, and even then I only read your examples. I can understand why you might point these things out, but to do so in such a childish manner doesn' t really make anyone important want to listen to you. A well concocted defense, but that still doesn' t lead in to why you are the important people I need to be extending my hand to. If you found my way of going about business as offensive, maybe you should reevaluate your position on the matter of maturity, since your way of doing things hasn' t produced anything in the way of progress. You would. Maybe I would. I have won many awards as " Biggest Waste of Space" on many forums and in real life at my job, by my girlfriends, regular friends, the trash company, you name it. So therefore you MUST be a fanboy. At least you didn' t mention your mother in this statement.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 15:33
that still doesn' t lead in to why you are the important people I need to be extending my hand to. Where did I say I myself was important? If I were important, I wouldn' t be posting in this thread. Instead, I' d be Googling myself. If you found my way of going about business as offensive, maybe you should reevaluate your position on the matter of maturity, since your way of doing things hasn' t produced anything in the way of progress. " Offensive" . Nah. If it were, then I' d take it personally. I' m not trying to get results, and if you see something wrong, it' s a good thing to bring it up. I am certainly not defending the article, though I don' t think I read as far into it as you did. Evil Man, sometimes I want to play 8 and 16-bit games that are not on the Virtual Console/Xbox Live/etc. Should I play it on the real 16-bit machine or download the ROM and play it on an emulator/modded Xbox/PSP/etc? WELL??!! Aw, I' m just fuckin' with ya. I have so many real games and not enough storage. I am NOT a fan of emulation, even when it' s legal. You can thank Digital Eclipse and their shoddy emulation programming for that.
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 16:18
March saw the end of a troubled second year for the PSP. Wokukakaburger has listed definitive proof of PSP' s failings where? Oh, it' s behind the DS. It wouldn' t be possible for the PSP to be okay despite what the DS sells. There is also proof that the PSP lost Sony money in that quote. Troubled times for the PSP indeed, as people like Wollenschraber continue to distort reality to sort their intrinsic fanboy needs. Nobody has convinced me that PSP being outsold by the DS is proof positive of troubled times, or that 177,000 units sold is bad. Ace reporting, Wushupan. Well the N64 and GC still made money for Nintendo. However people still assume they ' failed' in there respective console generation because they were comprehensively out sold by the ps1 & ps2 (respectively). Thats the nature of console gaming. There are winners (ps1 & ps2) and losers (N64 & GC/xbox1). The same concept has been applied to the DS & psp scenario. I admit the psp isn' t doing that poorly at all. Around 20 million psp sold/shipped WW is pretty respectable all things considered. However considering the DS has almost double its number within similar time frame does suggest some measure of failure on psp' s account. Even weekly/monthly WorldWide sales have DS consistently outselling the psp, in some cases by as much as 8-1 (like Japan) with no sign of this trend changing in the forseeable future. Also i do find it strange you have resorted to petty name calling in your arguement. Was his comments so offensive to you personally as to warrant such treatment? Look around the internet Billy, you will find that Websites will hold the same view as Alex does. You might be surprised just how many do actually share his views. Look you obviously don' t agree with him, and that your choice but personal insults? You' d have to agree that is childish.
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 17:11
Hah this thread is amusing, I couldn' t resist posting too. Success is relative, Sony have done well with the PSP, made good progress in the face of a competitor has has simply smashed anything that has come before it. Though i' m sure the Game Gear did pretty well, but not well enough, not like sony have done i' m sure and I doubt Sony will give up. However compared to its only competitor it is losing, and by that token you could say the PSP is failing. So it just depends on how you look at the glass, half full or half empty. I don' t think calling out the editor based on which way he (and many many others) looks at the glass. Hate to say it but you sound like Sony' s PR statements when they are asked the very same questions - We aren' t a failure but the fastest selling Platstation product etc... This review falls in line with general opinion, and we are happy to hear your opinion on it, but it' s hardly going to change anything. We have all heard Sony' s statements and take that on board when we form our opinions. Either way, I don' t give much attention to it. I own a DS which I barely play, it' s very over rated to me. Handheld gaming has never been much of an interest to me and their sales, even less. In anycase, good luck with whatever it is you are trying to achieve, but Kikizo is a good site, and if your going around all sites doing this. You Sir are going to be very busy.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 20:04
The PSP is failing, Sony are screwing Europe over time and time again, and yes homebrew is illegal. If the PSP wasn' t failing why would Sony go along the same lines as Nintendo have done with the DS revamp it and make it something the consumer wants. UMD was a good idea, but it is cumbersome, make games available as download and give a decent size stick with the thing. Billy you stating that this arguement affected you personally, How? Are you KK or Phil Harrison? No, do you own Sony? No, so how does it affect you personally, it is just an article that has been written and if you don' t like it fine, state you don' t like the points made in a mature manner, but the way you have gone about it is the same way my 13 year old daughter goes about argueing, shouting and getting emotional.
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 23:25
I' m going to use this thread as an acid test to see whether or not Kikizo likes getting called out on its stupidisms.
Congratulations! You' re trying to belittle somebodies intelligence by using a made-up word! Aren' t you just the bees knees? But I digress. I' ve noticed some very interesting immature fanboy comments. Woslkchobodoburger Wokukakaburger Wollenschraber Wushupan Wexle Wooper Wollanbun Wollengancerbioux Whodunit WoolaWoola Funny that, me too. Wollenschlager, my 7 year old niece can pronounce that.
Europeans forced to overpay for a while longer. Now, is this angry fanboy getting pants into a twist because he thinks that $200 is too much for a portable system? Or is he of the opinion that the euro market is overpaying because the American market has it cheaper. The Euro market is going to be overpaying because Sony has just proven that they can make the console cheaper & still turn a profit. There' s no secret superchip in the European PSP making it $30-40 more expensive to manufacture, I promise you. Nobody has convinced me that PSP being outsold by the DS is proof positive of troubled times, or that 177,000 units sold is bad. Ace reporting, Wushupan.
Ace thinking Billy. (Notice there, I can make a point without coming up with some schoolboy name for you... it' s because I have dignity. You can borrow some of mine if you' d like, I' ve got enough to go around.) Unless you' ve been living under a rock or have been in a coma for the past six months then you know that Sony is going through troubled times. Lost exclusives, a year in console delays, and Lackluster PS3 sales coupled with terrible PR and a very small market-share in the handheld market usually does add up to troubled times, but maybe you' ve been following the news better than I have. March saw the end of a troubled second year for the PSP. Wokukakaburger has listed definitive proof of PSP' s failings where? Oh, it' s behind the DS. It wouldn' t be possible for the PSP to be okay despite what the DS sells. There is also proof that the PSP lost Sony money in that quote. Yeah, it' s because it' s behind the DS. Every time somebody buys a DS over a PSP, Sony loses potential revenue. Life isn' t as black and white as you' re making it. Nobody has convinced me that PSP being outsold by the DS is proof positive of troubled times, or that 177,000 units sold is bad. 177,000 units isn' t bad if your company is in the black, and turning enough profit to make up for expensive development costs. He does NOT know that the PSP is doing poorly. He does NOT have any logical argument as to the DS' s successes. He does NOT have the ability to determine opinions on games as the reason as to why they might sell. He must know better than you, because he gets paid for those sorts of things. You seem to know a lot about journalism, so I' ll throw this one at you. You stay on topic, you deliver the information you began with and you don' t bring your article down with demeaning and immature jibes at folks in the industry. It' s not professional, it' s not mature, knock it off. From the article in question: catering to hardcore gamers with titles such as New Super Mario Bros and expanding into the mainstream with Dr Kawashima' s Brain Training and others, From You: the journalist assumes certain things about games (in the case of Super Mario Bros., completely fucking wrong, a childish game if there ever was one) A childish game that sold over a million copies in 2 weeks. That figure only accounts for ONE territory by the way. if you were to never appear on these forums again absolutely nobody would miss you.
If that' s what you think about Joe, then that' s your business, but you' re already on the " cool" list along with Kickass331, Emotep, Boss Hogg, Cetra & the rest of the gang, so consider yourself in the " in crowd" now. (You' re not supposed to understand that by the way, just figured I' d save you the half-firing synapses) regards, Eddie Also, to whom it may concern. I wouldn' t lock this thread immediately, I say let the boy moan, he' ll wear himself down eventually.
Mass X
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 06, 2007 23:59
Eddie gets a HUUUUUUUUG!
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 00:01
There is nothing in the article that is a lie at all. We all know that the DS outsells PSP month after month. So there, he is not lying. One thing I don' t agree with the author putting in the article is him trying to make a point about the difference in the price of the 2 units. You just can' t do that!! The PSP is at the price it is, because you are getting more than just a gaming machine. Sony put the ability to play movies, music and pictures on the PSP, so this does force Sony to charge a little more for their product. It is then up to the consumer to decide whether they want to purchase just a handheld gaming machine, or if they want a handheld gaming machine with some media functionality. The sales numbers for these handhelds speak for themselves on this topic. Majority of people have chosen the DS, because they may only want a really good handheld gaming machine, and not care if they can watch movies or play music on it. This is all the author is saying!!!!! And furthermore, anytime you have products in the marketplace competing head to head against one another, the only number that matters is sales!!! Nothing else in the end matters!!!!!
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 03:43
Congratulations! You' re trying to belittle somebodies intelligence by using a made-up word! Aren' t you just the bees knees? Yeah, that was the funny part. Funny that, me too. Wollenschlager, my 7 year old niece can pronounce that. My penis can rope a dope. The Euro market is going to be overpaying because Sony has just proven that they can make the console cheaper & still turn a profit. There' s no secret superchip in the European PSP making it $30-40 more expensive to manufacture, I promise you. I doubt it' s as simple as that. Shipping costs/labor wages/taxes all figure into a separate region. It could just be that Sony is charging more, but it' s impossible to state that with such clarity. The complexity of the situation trumps fanboyism. (Notice there, I can make a point without coming up with some schoolboy name for you... it' s because I have dignity. You can borrow some of mine if you' d like, I' ve got enough to go around.) Commendable effort! Unless you' ve been living under a rock or have been in a coma for the past six months then you know that Sony is going through troubled times. I know people who don' t know what the fuck they are talking about state opinions on the current climate of video games all the goddamn time, but they are typically too stupid to locate their own asshole with tp. Lost exclusives a year in console delays, and Lackluster PS3 sales coupled with terrible PR and a very small market-share in the handheld market usually does add up to troubled times, but maybe you' ve been following the news better than I have. A. Anything that has to do with the PS3 is irrelevant when discussing the PSP. B. Very small market share in the handheld market is stupidity. If you weren' t stupid, you' d understand that Sony has the largest market share that a handheld competitor to Nintendo has ever had, and it' s significant (20%+). So, your statements of irrelevance coupled with stupidity concerning market share is your problem. Yeah, it' s because it' s behind the DS. Every time somebody buys a DS over a PSP, Sony loses potential revenue. Life isn' t as black and white as you' re making it. Idiot, you' re making it black and white. A person who buys A does not abstain from buying B in every instance. Furthermore, you do NOT have any numbers indicating sore financial straits for Sony on the PSP. Therefore, if you say Sony is doing poorly you are speaking out of your asshole. NDS' s success does NOT mean PSP' s lack of success. That' s not how it works, that' s only how fanboy minds work. 177,000 units isn' t bad if your company is in the black, and turning enough profit to make up for expensive development costs. You said nothing to indicate you had any factual knowledge about anything. No numbers mean you are speaking out of turn. He must know better than you, because he gets paid for those sorts of things. You seem to know a lot about journalism, so I' ll throw this one at you. You stay on topic, you deliver the information you began with and you don' t bring your article down with demeaning and immature jibes at folks in the industry. It' s not professional, it' s not mature, knock it off. I' m not the guy who claims to be a journalist writing an opinionated piece of bullshit. You' re either objective in reporting or you' re not, and he' s not objective. Furthermore, his fanboyism is even more disgusting than any immaturity I may have. I don' t have a responsibility to anybody, but he has a responsibility to be a good journalist. He failed, and he deserves every bit of mud dumped on his sorry carcass. A childish game that sold over a million copies in 2 weeks. That figure only accounts for ONE territory by the way. How does that translate to a " hardcore" game? He is speaking HIS OPINION ON A NEWS PIECE. He has NOTHING to support his claims, and his claims ARE OPINIONS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Get that through your head. It' s Nintendo fanboyism, period. if you were to never appear on these forums again absolutely nobody would miss you. If that' s what you think about Joe, then that' s your business, but you' re already on the " cool" list along with Kickass331, Emotep, Boss Hogg, Cetra & the rest of the gang, so consider yourself in the " in crowd" now. (You' re not supposed to understand that by the way, just figured I' d save you the half-firing synapses) It' s almost like you' re appealing to the fanboy collective on the forums by associating me with past posters that were disliked and then acting like you said something intelligent. Also, to whom it may concern. I wouldn' t lock this thread immediately, I say let the boy moan, he' ll wear himself down eventually. Well, that' s good. Kikizo has some of the shittiest reporting I' ve ever seen.
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 04:26
Billy, with respect if the site is so poor in your eyes, why do you come here to this site and the forum community based on it? You have done your part for society and raised the issues you believed need to and seen that it has gotten you nowhere. So in that light, why do you continue coming back? Surely by now you are just coming back for the sake of arguing/dibating something which is ultimately not at all important. So either welcome to the forums, or stop wasting your time
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 05:37
The article contains some questionable details as pointed out by Billy. But doesn' t Alex love the PSP? It wouldn' t make sense if he was suddenly trying to say bad things about it. As usuall Billy is making a big deal about a small issue that really doesn' t matter. I' m surprised how someone can waste so much time and words on something like this. Get a life. Btw, I' ve never really liked the articles on Kikizo since they' re late. If I want news I go to IGN or gamespot and similar. Kikizo has the videos I want, the interviews I want and the exclusive Sega articles I want.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Apr 07 21:39:41 >
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 05:52
I know people who don' t know what the fuck they are talking about state opinions on the current climate of video games all the goddamn time, but they are typically too stupid to locate their own asshole with tp. Wow. Is it that hard to realize sony is slowly, but surely losing profit? He takes it so personal... and thats what makes it even better
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 05:55
The profit they' re losing is because of the PS3. Just because Sony is losing money on their videogames overall, doesn' t mean that the PSP isn' t doing good. I think the PSP is doing great, making such a huge progress on a market previously dominated by Nintendo. And despite a much higher price than the DS. Also, I personally prefer the games on the PSP right now. Despite Sony' s mistakes and their bad PR team I will not deny the fact that the PSP is one hell of a portable!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Apr 07 21:56:29 >
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 06:17
Ginj, no one is denying the PSP has good games. I think the opposite: GTA' s, Rachet and Clank, etc. Its just that this new moron is saying things like " where are your numbers and proof" when he himself is providing none. The fact that he promotes piracy just shows he doesn' t know or give 2 shits about gaming, he shouldn' t be writing for any website. Yes evilman, its hurting the industry to emulate a game that you may have paid for 10 or more years ago and hasnt been commercially sold in 7 years. Youre an idiot. In a thread not too long ago you were advocating pirating 360 games, but as soon as Sony games are pirated its time to throw a bitch-fit.
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 06:27
Ginj, no one is denying the PSP has good games. I think the opposite: GTA' s, Rachet and Clank, etc. Its just that this new moron is saying things like " where are your numbers and proof" when he himself is providing none. I' m not complaining about the article when it comes to numbers, I was just saying that Sony' s overall economics in their videogame division doesn' t affect how well the PSP is doing. Yes evilman, its hurting the industry to emulate a game that you may have paid for 10 or more years ago and hasnt been commercially sold in 7 years. Youre an idiot. In a thread not too long ago you were advocating pirating 360 games, but as soon as Sony games are pirated its time to throw a bitch-fit. Doesn' t matter if it' s hurting the industry or not. The games are property of their respective creators and if they don' t want to give the games for free, and you' re not willing to pay for them, then you don' t have the right to own them. Evil Man can' t be taken seriously when it comes to certain issues so ignore his past statements.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Apr 07 22:30:34 >
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 07:09
< Message edited by Die_Hounderdoggen -- 6 Apr 07 23:09:51 >
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 07:12
Yeah, that was the funny part. Changing around somebodies last name is now freaking hilarious? I guess I' m missing your sophisticated humor. My penis can rope a dope. That does wonders for your serious image. It could just be that Sony is charging more, but it' s impossible to state that with such clarity. The complexity of the situation trumps fanboyism. Fanboyism? --->I' m a PSP hater am I?<---
Unless you' ve been living under a rock or have been in a coma for the past six months then you know that Sony is going through troubled times. I know people who don' t know what the fuck they are talking about state opinions on the current climate of video games all the goddamn time, but they are typically too stupid to locate their own asshole with tp. You' re avoiding the bulk of that paragraph. Tell me with any sort of conviction that Sony isn' t going through a pretty rough spot right now. I' m not speaking about the industry as a whole, generalisations are useless in this regard, but Sony is in trouble if they don' t get their act together. A. Anything that has to do with the PS3 is irrelevant when discussing the PSP.
Wrong, if Sony tanks in one department, they' ll go downhill in another. Sega anybody? B. Very small market share in the handheld market is stupidity. What??? If you weren' t stupid, you' d understand that Sony has the largest market share that a handheld competitor to Nintendo has ever had, and it' s significant (20%+).
So I' m stupid? You' re the guy that just insisted that a small market share is stupidity.  . But you' re correct, PSP does have the largest Nintendo-competitor market share. What the hell has Nintendo had in the way of competition in the past 10 years? Buckets of companies who didn' t already have their foot in the door, that' s what. N-Gage? Gizmondo? Neo-Geo? All on the same playing field as Nintendo I' m sure. Sony ripped Nintendo a new one in the household industry for 2 generations before the PSP. By the release of the PSP Sony had a serious upper hand in market share for over 10 years. They had very few of the problems common amongst other handheld contenders. As a side note, I' d appreciate it if you kept the personal insults to a minimum, I have done so, so it' d only be natural to expect the same from you. A person who buys A does not abstain from buying B in every instance. Furthermore, you do NOT have any numbers indicating sore financial straits for Sony on the PSP. Therefore, if you say Sony is doing poorly you are speaking out of your asshole. NDS' s success does NOT mean PSP' s lack of success. That' s not how it works, that' s only how fanboy minds work.
The minute somebody doesn' t agree with you they' re branded a fanboy? Is that how that works now? Got news for ya' buddy, I' m not speaking out of my asshole today. Acording to Chart-Track (independent), Nintendo DS has 68% of the market in their pocket. Using common deduction, one can clearly see that not a small handful, but many people chose " product A" over " product B" . Smooth talk your way around hard-numbers why don' t you? You said nothing to indicate you had any factual knowledge about anything. No numbers mean you are speaking out of turn. No numbers means I assume you have the same base knowlege that I do. While not technically in the red (to the best of my knowlege at any rate), it shows that Sony is having some sort of financial issues. Don' t even ask me to link the " ridiculous PS3 development cost" articles to you. That much I' m assuming you can figure out without another citation. On that note though, I don' t see any numbers OR references supporting your side of the debate. Talk to me once you' ve got facts to back up your poor excuse for witty dialogue. Furthermore, his fanboyism is even more disgusting than any immaturity I may have.
Show me one article written by him that verbally insults anybody, or for that matter shows as much supposed " blatant bias" as this one. Immaturity isn' t disgusting, it' s a poor reflection on your ability to carry on an intelligent debate. It proves to me that the only way you can adequately support your position is by threading belittling insults & jibes into your opinions. How does that translate to a " hardcore" game? Quite simply in fact. Lets take for example another equally high-rated Mario game. Mario 64 could be regarded as a very childish game. There' s no curbstomping or headshots or swearing or fornicating with prostitutes in the back of sedans, but hardcore gamers embrace it as one of the best examples of modern gaming ever. The casual gamer will fall in love with a 7.0 game, but the hardcore want something amazing. And if over 2 million copies of a game are sold, one can logically conclude that quite a few hardcore gamers thought it was " amazing" . It' s almost like you' re appealing to the fanboy collective on the forums by associating me with past posters that were disliked and then acting like you said something intelligent.
But screwing up Alex' s name is hilarious? If you' d like, I' ll gladly edit that particular portion out of my post. Also, who is the fanboy collective? This forum gets more Microsoft Fanboy hateposts than Nintendo for sure. Ask anybody not currently involved in this cult you call " the fanboy collective" , they' ll set the record straight. Well, that' s good. Kikizo has some of the shittiest reporting I' ve ever seen.
Nobody asked you what you thought of the article. Why take it so personally? You' re calling me a Nintendo fanboy here, but everybody on the forums can attest to the fact that I' ve been quite critical of Nintendo as of late, more so than Sony.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 07:24
I' m sure the Kikizo staff are concerned about their journalistic integrity. They' re probably so concerned that they' ll stop playing games for a living, shut up shop and go to ' How to satisfy new fuckwit forum users' school. If i remember correctly Alex has 2 PSP' s, one for installing the latest firmware and playing the newest games, and the other for running emulators on. I mean, i know he has a DS too but i doubt he' s any kind of fanboy, ...well, unless you can count Gradius adoration...
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RE: Cool to call Kikizo out on its bullshit?
Apr 07, 2007 07:26
and go to ' How to satisfy new fuckwit forum users' school.
Now with credit transferable to QJ & NeoGaf!!!
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