720p converted to 1080i using a 1080i deflection yolke (no artificial, digital processing) looks nicer on a good CRT than 720p on a LCD or Plasma, and 1080i being fed to a the same CRT.
The deflection yolke produces a more stable image, one which looks more like 720p progressive than 1080i.
Of course not every HD CRT uses this method, but on the ones that do it blows away every flat panel I' ve seen. More natural colours/image quality, no ghosting etc. You could argue that the sharpness and detail isn' t as striking, but then again it looks more natural overall.
480p in a Great CRT also holds it' s own against current flat pannels. SED is the only pannel tech that will be able to produce CRT quality (without and geom issues that poor sets have) at 1080p, as it works on much the same way just without being multi-sync.
Personally I say go for a good HD CRT which has a 1080i deflection yolke for 720p, and which also does great 480p naitively (CRT HD can do 480p/1080i native). I would avoid pannels due to them digitally processing everything, whereas with CRT' s any processing can be switched off via the service menu.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 9 Sep 06 13:20:45 >