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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:18
Tiz.. you' re stupid... FF7 kicks ass. FTW... that' s even more stupid...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:18
WTF=?!!!!! Tiz if you really have a soul,like gangsta for ex doesnt have. Then dont trahs FF7 anymore. A moogle dies for everytime you complain FF7-
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:27
Hey, I have my reasons for finding him stupid... Do I have to like FF7 because everyone else does? Tiz.. you' re stupid... FF7 kicks ass. It does very well in handing itself its own ass... A moogle dies for everytime you complain FF7- Really? I hate those things!!!! FF7 sucks - 1 moogle Aeries is an idiot - 2 moogles Sephiroth is topless (come on..) - 3 moogles As much as I like black characters, Barrett was not representing - 4 moogles!! Down with Moogles!!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:28
My god Joe and Terry. I repected you two, I thought " now theres two gamers who perfer gameplay over graphics" but then, as soon as a master peice like Shadow comes along you leave it on your desk and dont play it? tsk,tsk,tsk
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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:31
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber My god Joe and Terry. I repected you two, I thought " now theres two gamers who perfer gameplay over graphics" but then, as soon as a master peice like Shadow comes along you leave it on your desk and dont play it? tsk,tsk,tsk I don' t think Joe had a CRT at the time, so he forgot about it, and Terry.. well I think he' s waiting for a PSP downgraded version, or a patch on Wrestle Kingdom
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:32
silent , terry' s most favorite game is gradius !! hands down oh and he doesn' t give a fuck about zelda... terry you killer !!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 03, 2006 23:34
Zelda is over rated.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 00:50
You guys are strange - Terry why do you get games if you don' t play them? It' s been like that with castlevania also if I remember correctly. Yeah it' s STILL like that with the first PS2 Castlevania game. Bought the limited edition import version, messed around with the extra goodies but never got around to playing the game.. I honestly don' t know what' s been going on, lol.. I used to play EVERY game I got no more than half an hour after receiving them (while at home) but things sort of changed the past few years starting with the above mentioned Castlevania game... The only way to get Terry to play games is to put them on a UMD format.. LOLOL! How close to right you are ;)... But sadly there are even PSP games that I' ve had for a while now that I still haven' t played. Like Minna No Golf, which was bought during the Japanese PSP' s launch window, and also Burnout Legends.. Actually come to think of it, I think I would have played Shadow looooooooong ago had it been in 2D My god Joe and Terry. I repected you two, I thought " now theres two gamers who perfer gameplay over graphics" but then, as soon as a master peice like Shadow comes along you leave it on your desk and dont play it? tsk,tsk,tsk lol, I admit I am guilty as charged... One of my all-time favorite gaming features has always been battling ENORMOUS, larger than life sized bosses, and yet Shadow has a bunch of them and I still haven' t loaded that sucker up yet! My original lame excuse was going to be that Kikizo already reviewed it so there was no need for me to rush and play through it, but really I have no excuse, especially with the amount of playtime I' ve put into Wrestle Kingdom on the Xbox 360 and PS2!!! I don' t think Joe had a CRT at the time, so he forgot about it, and Terry.. well I think he' s waiting for a PSP downgraded version, or a patch on Wrestle Kingdom Lol, the game has always been on my mind, but I was simply just too lazy to load it up ;).. As for a downgraded PSP version, BRING IT ON I say!!!!! :D oh and he doesn' t give a fuck about zelda... You' re quite right about that sir! :D OK! I PROMISE, I' ll play Shadow by tomorrow!!!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Sep 06 16:56:59 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 00:57
Well if you want to be exact the clock speed of ps2: cpu=294.912Mhz with 32mb of RDRAM graphic " sythesizer" =147.456Mhz with 4mb of RAM 66Mhz more or less, its a piece of crap anyway except for that game, and the console does little to help it! It would have been better off on Gamecube or Xbox, too bad hostile takeovers, with guns, of good game companies isnt allowed, MS have enough money to have their own little army! VX , ps2 cpu is a 300 mhz typical of VX Chemical to get that wrong. i wonder why he did..................MAYBE itz because he is................ Well im wrong sometimes, but your wrong about everything you say! You hold no respect except for 12 year old Sony fanboys! Just like yourself!
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- Joined: Sep 02, 2006
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 01:03
wat system u got it for???
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 02:18
Aeries is an idiot - 2 moogles It' s AERIS you worhtless piece of shit , show some respect! FF7 is fuckin perfect and cloud is cool (everyone after him is either gay or totally gay - squall was only a bit gay though) You can ofcourse have your opinion ...unless it' s different than mine you fuckin HALO fanboy!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 02:20
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Aeries is an idiot - 2 moogles It' s AERIS you worhtless piece of shit , show some respect! FF7 is fuckin perfect and cloud is cool (everyone after him is either gay or totally gay - squall was only a bit gay though) You can ofcourse have your opinion ...unless it' s different than mine you fuckin HALO fanboy!  I' m speechless.. I' ve been spelling Aeris wrong this entire time...
Evil Man
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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 02:36
If they let you teleport straight to the colossus it wouldve been better but the game would only last like 4 hours since 70% of the game is riding your horse around like a moron trying to get to the next colossus.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 02:40
Sailing in Windwaker, pretty much the same thing.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 02:43
If they let you teleport straight to the colossus it wouldve been better but the game would only last like 4 hours since 70% of the game is riding your horse around like a moron trying to get to the next colossus.
U are so fucking dumb, the hole feeling of the game its walk the place in search for the colossus, besides, its not like there were loading times everywere, the game its judt great the way it is
< Message edited by fernandino -- 3 Sep 06 18:44:45 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 02:54
ORIGINAL: fernandino If they let you teleport straight to the colossus it wouldve been better but the game would only last like 4 hours since 70% of the game is riding your horse around like a moron trying to get to the next colossus. U are so fucking dumb, the hole feeling of the game its walk the place in search for the colossus, besides, its not like there were loading times everywere, the game its judt great the way it is Yeah but some people (myself excluded) rather get to the action first and don' t really get immersed in the bit that leads up to it. Thats why you' ll find a lot of people hated shenmue because ' ' you walked about too much searching for stuff' ' .
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 03:18
An awesome game, as was ICO. I only hope their next game will be as good.
Evil Man
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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 03:22
ORIGINAL: fernandino If they let you teleport straight to the colossus it wouldve been better but the game would only last like 4 hours since 70% of the game is riding your horse around like a moron trying to get to the next colossus. U are so fucking dumb, the hole feeling of the game its walk the place in search for the colossus, besides, its not like there were loading times everywere, the game its judt great the way it is Walking around shitty fields isnt immersive to me, what makes the game great is fighting colossi not about walking around for 2 hours trying to find one - you' re a fucking imbecile.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 3 Sep 06 19:22:58 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 03:41
the question you should ask yourself evil man is " am i an imbecile?" look at it that way, most critics gave it a " very" good score, there are many fans of that games , and the game itself won many awards ... now, it' s not possible that evrybody is an idiot right, all those hardcores, profesionals , developers , critics , they all agree about the same thing .. so again ask yourself " am i an imbecile? " , that' s the truth you should seek my friend ...
Evil Man
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RE: Shadow of The Colossus
Sep 04, 2006 03:51
Every review I' ve read of the game complains about the excessive travelling to get to the next collosus. Maybe you should STFU.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 3 Sep 06 19:51:22 >
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