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Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:10
I' m still wondering why they kept quiet ....unless they turned down and a time exclusive deal, after seeing capcoms figures. Or maybe they just wanted to keep the hype generating.
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:12
Or mayby they wanted to see if ps3 owners would hype it high enough to make sony pay them for exclsuive rights.
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:38
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK to be honest with you i really dont care whether it comes out on one or 3 consoles im still gonna play it and in enjoy. Yes you do. u expect me to be sad? No-one did expect you to be sad, so by saying this, confirms your paranoia towards this announcement. no way at the end of the day im still gonna be playing the game on the ps3 right? Of course, but knowing 360 gamers will enjoy it also, don' t break that pad. end of story end of thread end of the stupid console WAR. You do realise only you and Mikay consider this to be a console war... The rest of us were just waiting for the game. If you deny that you' re unhappy this has come to 360, I will make a thread of Gaiden quotes, or actually rather, a post. PS3 still has other exclusives that 360 can' t get, so it' s all good. Wow, I can get a £50 assassins creed rather than a £60 one.. Great! GO PS3!!!1   We' re rootin' fo' ya' !!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 1 Sep 06 11:39:29 >
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:47
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Or mayby they wanted to see if ps3 owners would hype it high enough to make sony pay them for exclsuive rights. Probably ...or they saw what the price for games would be.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:50
YOU CANT EVEN SPELL GAIDEN right. Shut up fool! dont bitch my spelling. Your denial just makes you look so stupid. if you arent nice, ill take my copy of ninja gaiden, and shove it up your ass!
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:51
It' s suspected that Sony paid for the announcement rights in a deal that would keep Ubisoft from announcing the other versions until now. Isn' t it odd that the 360 version was initially announced, then the PS3 version with Sony sying it was exclusive and now in within 2 days the PC and 360 versions are confirmed?! Sony needed weapons at E3. It' s that simple.
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 19:54
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on It' s suspected that Sony paid for the announcement rights in a deal that would keep Ubisoft from announcing the other versions until now. Isn' t it odd that the 360 version was initially announced, then the PS3 version with Sony sying it was exclusive and now in within 2 days the PC and 360 versions are confirmed?! Sony needed weapons at E3. It' s that simple. Wasn' t MGS4 enough? Wasn' t FFXIII enough? Wasn' t Heavenly Sword enough? Wasn' t umm... The pad enough?!
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 20:00
ORIGINAL: Tiz ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on It' s suspected that Sony paid for the announcement rights in a deal that would keep Ubisoft from announcing the other versions until now. Isn' t it odd that the 360 version was initially announced, then the PS3 version with Sony sying it was exclusive and now in within 2 days the PC and 360 versions are confirmed?! Sony needed weapons at E3. It' s that simple. Wasn' t MGS4 enough? Wasn' t FFXIII enough? Wasn' t Heavenly Sword enough? Wasn' t umm... The pad enough?! Evidently not seeing as they were completely trashed for a crap showing even with Assassins Creed.
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 20:06
It was a crap showing??? Sorry, I had a Gaiden/MikayD moment...
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 21:11
taz wat time are u finishing work bring all copies of halo 2
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 21:17
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Mikay wat time are u finishing work bring all copies of Killzone..
Vx Chemical
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 21:20
Lol Tiz
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 22:20
Well this was one of the worest kept secerts this year. Look through my post history, I have been saving it will come to 360 all along, and a timed exculisve with ps3, which still could happen...
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 01, 2006 22:31
They are both coming out at the same time.. The only timed exclusive was the announcement..
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 02, 2006 04:28
This means with $480 (maybe $490 with tax) you can get a 360 premium and assassin' s creed. With core 360 you get it for like $380 $390.... PS3 (if blu ray games cost most more) You' ll pay like $580 maybe $590 with the core ps3 and like $680-690 with the premium ps3. 360 has an amazing value man :)
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 02, 2006 04:32
ORIGINAL: Dyack This means with $480 (maybe $490 with tax) you can get a 360 premium and assassin' s creed. With core 360 you get it for like $380 $390.... PS3 (if blu ray games cost most more) You' ll pay like $580 maybe $590 with the core ps3 and like $680-690 with the premium ps3. 360 has an amazing value man :) You are L.A.M.E.
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 02, 2006 04:38
It was a crap showing??? I was reading a page that quoted the only reason for the games portion of the showing at E3 is because Ken Kutaragi hand picked the games presented hands on at E3, (coughcough-benefactors-coughcough) and left some really good ones out in the cold. Honestly, this announcement would suprise me alot more if it hadn' t been circulating the forums for almost 3 months now, I know I' ve read threads like this at least twice before, or threads that drifted to this topic. I say, It' s on the 360, enjoy. and drop it, no more discussion, no more listening to PR (from any team). This means with $480 (maybe $490 with tax) you can get a 360 premium and assassin' s creed. With core 360 you get it for like $380 $390.... PS3 (if blu ray games cost most more) You' ll pay like $580 maybe $590 with the core ps3 and like $680-690 with the premium ps3. 360 has an amazing value man :) Yeah well... Y' know what, you' re stupid! No it doesn' t, Sony' s got " real time weapon change" ! Oh dang, what now?!  (sorry, my PS3 defenses are dwindling)
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 1 Sep 06 20:42:40 >
Evil Man
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 02, 2006 10:32
ORIGINAL: Mass X Is this game about assasins... after finishing the Dark Brotherhood sotryline in oblivion I wish there was a game all about assasins like that part of oblivion. Mmm my favorite guild in Oblivion and the one that made me wish you could replay select missions after completing them. Its hard to tell what this game is going for at the moment, but the trailer and bits of video out there made it look like a mix of splinter cell and prince of persia set in medevil times (sort of). Hopefuly this new announcment will bring forth some details finally. Here' s the feature list from ubi.com: Assassin’s Creed is the next-gen game developed by Ubisoft Montreal that will redefine the action genre. While other games claim to be next-gen with impressive graphics and physics, Assassin’s Creed merges technology, game design, theme, and emotions into a world where you instigate chaos and become a vulnerable, yet powerful, agent of change. The setting is 1191 AD. The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. You, Altair, intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict. You are an Assassin, a warrior shrouded in secrecy and feared for your ruthlessness. Your actions can throw your immediate environment into chaos, and your existence will shape events during this pivotal moment in history. Key Features * Be an Assassin Master the skills, tactics, and weapons of history’s deadliest and most secretive clan of warriors. Plan your attacks, strike without mercy, and fight your way to escape. * Realistic and responsive environments Crowds react to your moves and will either help or hinder you on your quests. * Action with a new dimension – total freedom Eliminate your targets wherever, whenever, and however. Stalk your prey through richly detailed, historically accurate, open-ended environments. Scale buildings, mount horses, blend in with crowds. Do whatever it takes to achieve your objectives. * Relive the epic times of the Crusades Assassin’s Creed immerses you in the realistic and historical Holy Land of the 12th century, featuring life-like graphics, ambience, and the subtle, yet detailed nuances of a living world. * Intense action rooted in reality Experience heavy action blended with fluid and precise animations. Use a wide range of medieval weapons, and face your enemies in realistic swordfight duels. * Next-gen gameplay The proprietary engine developed from the ground up for the next-gen console allows organic game design featuring open gameplay, intuitive control scheme, realistic interaction with environment, and a fluid, yet sharp, combat mechanic.
It sounds kind of meh, I just want to be evil like in the dark brotherhood... the quest where you kill 5 people locked in the house is fucking awesome. Speaking of oblivion, you know how to get into the thieves guild? I tried talking to the beggars and going to jail but they wouldnt contact me, maybe because I' m a vampire...
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 2 Sep 06 2:34:11 >
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 02, 2006 11:05
Hang around the Imperial City docks/waterfront, at midnight. You' ll come across who you need to talk with in order to join.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 2 Sep 06 3:06:26 >
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RE: Assassins Creed Confirmed for 360
Sep 03, 2006 21:15
Just been pondering around and bravely visiting Gamespot forums to see how some people took this news... Then the thought hit me... What version of AC have we been seeing all along?
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