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And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rises!
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Good Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 10:40
Really? How big are the outside areas? Er I' m sorry no more questions for now how bout a link to these videos? I' m not using wireless so maybe my connection will work. Good Luck with that wireless, I shall report back after viewing the videos myself once you give me the link.
Mass X
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 10:42
Here: IGN After viewing some of them try telling me youwqont be getting this game asap!
Evil Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 10:43
Good Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 10:54
After reviewing a few of the videos I would have to conclude I am a bit more interestd. However, I am still not entirly sold on the product. I will go and read some of the various reviews out at the moment and see what they have to say about it. Still I would love to have any game signed by its creator.
Evil Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 11:04
No I don' t think so. Now go hang yourself.
Good Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 11:12
Evil Man could you please go look in the other thread " Who Are You GOOD MAN?" and answer my proposal so we can clear up some of the mix-up here? Thank You and Happy Wishes.
MÃ ss X
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 11:16
No dont go Evil Man I want your fat cock all to myself, stay here!!! mmhmm
Evil Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 11:20
Get a life.
MÃ ss X
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 11:29
mmmm I know I' d like to do some anal with those zombies, with me receiving of course lolz!
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 12:37
I think anyone who relies directly on reviews to decide to buy/play a game needs to play more games. Sadly, I am biased on Dead Rising, when they first released the teaser trailer back in E3 of last year, I was hooked. The only goal I had was to purchase a 360 and get this game, finally a game I have dreamed about. Honestly though, after playing the Demo this game is awesome. I only encountered one glitch in the demo. The Zombies are exactly how they should be, it mimics the movies so perfectly. Easy to kill, but if you don' t pay attention you die quick. The controls are smooth, even smoother if you have played RE4 on the Gamecube (never played it on the PS2 so can' t attest to the controls for that). The Graphics are above current gen, the amount of polygons and the diversity in the models is amazing (better than when shown at E3 2005). Simply to put it simple (woah) Dead Rising is an amazing game, far above many other games on the 360 at the moment.
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 18:44
By the way, those kind of answeres you give like " you´re Low IQ" or " you labelled yourself that" only make you sound like Evil Man. If you don´t agree with someone´s post then at least show them why they are wrong. I thought I just said why I called you that... FF crystal Chronicles - same deal , yet Nintendo is japanese. Oh and if they want to show that 360 sux by releasing a crappy game for it, should they release it for the PS2 as well? I' m starting to like what Evil Man says after seeing him as a goodman
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Aug 06 10:45:35 >
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 08, 2006 20:08
FF crystal Chronicles - same deal , yet Nintendo is japanese. Yes...but some japanese developers also did it to Sega back in the dreamcast area...why? because Sony is bigger, employees a lot more people than either Sega or Nintendo and Playstation has a much bigger user base than gamecube. Nintendo lost much credibility with failures like N64 and Gamecube (i loved the two consoles but they didn´t succeed in user base numbers). Note that Wii has gained more great support from western 3rd parties instead of japanese 3rd paties. Why is that? Wii success will depend on western 3rd parties and Nintendo 1st party titles. If Wii succeed like i think it will then japanese developers will support it but if the difference isn´t that big then they will mostly support PS3. Oh and if they want to show that 360 sux by releasing a crappy game for it, should they release it for the PS2 as well? And what does that prove? They already do the best games for PS only. It may suck but like Tiz said in another thread no matter how crappy a game is, if it comes out on PS then it will make great money. PS users get both great and crappy games from some developers while 360 only gets the crappy games from those developers.
Mass X
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 09, 2006 00:41
Ahg dammit! The game ships today but wont be in til tomarrow! I had my hopes built up beyond belief...owell just 1 more day.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 9 Aug 06 0:24:09 >
Mass X
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 10, 2006 03:29
I' ve got Dead Rising in my hands! Yay...but I cant play til works over in about another 5-6 hours... Unless...I sneak in the 360 and have at it during my extended break time...hmmmm
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 10, 2006 03:40
Do not tell us Europeans ANYTHING about it!!! Lalalalalalaalalala!
Mass X
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 10, 2006 11:46
Damn I just got the damn thing and already I can D/L stuff...AND ITS FREE! TeamXbox The save system is frustrating beyond belief, luckily the rest of the game is grade A ass kickory! And heres soem webcomics from Control Alt Delete:
< Message edited by Mass X -- 10 Aug 06 5:07:51 >
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 11, 2006 01:05
Ok...want an example? FF11...microsoft wants a good square-enix title like FF7, FF8 or FF12 and they gave them FF11 that is without any doubt the worst FF game. With that they make some money and don´t " betray" sony. That post doesn´t apply to all Japanese developers but it is true that japanese mostly buy japanese brands, so some developers won´t give great titles to 360 or it will hurt one of their biggest brands...sony. ....i find you' re comments pretty funny considering they' re being posted in a topic about the Japanese-made, 360 only Dead Rising.... ....i would also like to say: Otogi, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, DOA: Extreme, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Lost Planet ...  ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 10 Aug 06 17:06:21 >
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 11, 2006 19:06
That post doesn´t apply to all Japanese developers Read well before criticizing...if you knew my posts you would know that most of my favorite games are made by japanese. ....i would also like to say: Otogi, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, DOA: Extreme, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Lost Planet ... Of course Lost oddisey, blue dragon and lost planet aren´t out yet but how much did those games you mentioned sell in japan? Those great titles (which i have) didn´t made japanese buy 360s did they? Maybe a FF7 would.
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 11 Aug 06 11:10:18 >
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 11, 2006 19:09
Hey Hidemoto, have you checked out some of our creative threads? Thought you might be interested in posting in them.
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 11, 2006 19:12
Yes i am Tiz...but i just got a proposal to work in a 3d animation yesterday and i have to move to another city for about a month to work on it. So i won´t have much time to finish my comic but i´ll try to post it before sunday
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