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And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rises!
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 00:21
Yes,Gangsta and majik wrote a lot of shit to me and abo,Abo wanted to ignore it,but i answered with the same kind of words. I still have problem with gangsta even to this day,but then again,who hasn' t a problem with a male nurse Also,i was never a sony fanboy,yes i loved ps1 and ps2 and didn' t know on what to do with my 800 $ But i ended up getting a 360 anyway. Also,about- " havin a life" majik wrote that to me and i answered him in another thread- It should bve noted that i stay as long up and write as much as him. But i was the one who didn' t have a life then.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 6 Aug 06 16:22:55 >
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 00:26
Sorry, Mass tempted me to cycle through history.. Either way, I am surprised you never got banned Quez, must be something special about you. 47-0 in BattleField maybe?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 00:33
WHy would i get banned? Abo himself sended me PM that he wanted to leave the site forever since their comments,so i decied to answere back,to help a old member who wants to leave since majik/gangsta wrote bad things to him. Ever since those comments abo writes 1 post per month now. He still thinks gangsta/majik hate him probably.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 6 Aug 06 16:33:44 >
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 00:40
Abo is cool! I like him. Didn' t he say he only posts irregularly cos of tests and stuff... I don' t know. He should post more regular though..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 00:42
He might have said that,but he wrote PM to me that he didnt want to stay at kikizo anymore,after these attacks against him. And he rarely shows up now :S It was also very bizzare,that majik become the monthly user,since he wrote those kind of things,Majik ofc desvere his win,but not that month. Was very bizzare. And both me and Abo was thinkjing about leaving then,but we decied to stay.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 6 Aug 06 16:43:13 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:14
What do you get for being the ' ' monthly user' ' ...and what does it mean.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:28
Talking about forum history eh? I think no one has put as much effort as I have to defend Sony, especially the PS3 and the PSP. Nothing I' m proud of but this forum was so full of Sony hate that I didn' t know weither to cry or to laugh. And everyone was ganging up on the Sony fans which kind of made me mad. I was taken as a Sony fanboy at first because of that, which is kind of funny being a big Sega fan and having Nintendo as my favourite company the last gen. But I was one of the few along with Gangsta who defended the Wiimote too. Anyway, this forum is weird and lots of people change opinions and stuff but I guess that' s what makes it all so fun. At least we get to know each other better and we do learn lots of stuff.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Aug 06 17:30:25 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:38
ORIGINAL: ginjirou But I was one of the few along with Gangsta who defended the Wiimote too. Anyway, this forum is weird and lots of people change opinions and stuff but I guess that' s what makes it all so fun. At least we get to know each other better and we do learn lots of stuff. This forum is also weird in the sense that it seems at times you have some people that sometimes make a lot of sense then other times you can' t stand the same person for whatever reason. Not naming names or anything but there is this one guy that I thought made a lot of sense and actually had a brain, he went on holiday or was away for a while and came back a total prat in my opinion....
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:42
Omg,please,i never became a xbox fanboy just because i bought a 360. I know you havn' t said that but wouldnt suprise if you think im one of those,since i was called sony fanboy and attacked by majik/gangsta for it. The thing is,ps3 was the safest best to go on,for some months ago,that was how i was feeling about it. However,for me it just went xbox360 way all the time,and negative stuff for ps3,so i bought a 360. Also i loved my xbox,so it never could have come as a shock to anyone that i would get a 360 sooner or later,as with ps3. hopwever,ps3 hasn' t any game that makes me wanna pay for its service,i mean Mgs4 look very very good,but,i only liked MGS1... So...nvm.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:44
You can' t say someything like that without mentioning a name. It drives me crazy! WHO IS IT!?!?! Could' ve been me but I' ve never gone on vacation  .
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:47
ORIGINAL: ginjirou You can' t say someything like that without mentioning a name. It drives me crazy! WHO IS IT!?!?! Could' ve been me but I' ve never gone on vacation . Well don' t worry it' s not you or quez....even tho you crazy swedes are ....crazy you do make sense.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:50
I consider myself perfect!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 01:53
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL I consider myself perfect! Yea.....you are quez...*backs away slowly*.
Evil Man
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 05:59
ORIGINAL: Mass X Why the fuck am I still awake....alas at least I have Dead Rising Demo but im prolonging the full retail game mentally without sleep. Easy, because you have no life and you will die a virgin.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 07:05
how can he die if he ain' t got no life though? hmmm.... You can' t say someything like that without mentioning a name. It drives me crazy! WHO IS IT!?!?! Could' ve been me but I' ve never gone on vacation . Come on man who is it :) (I think it can' t be me - I for once, never made any sense...)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 6 Aug 06 23:12:00 >
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 09:07
This forum is also weird in the sense that it seems at times you have some people that sometimes make a lot of sense then other times you can' t stand the same person for whatever reason. Not naming names or anything but there is this one guy that I thought made a lot of sense and actually had a brain, he went on holiday or was away for a while and came back a total prat in my opinion.... Is it me Dasher? I think it´s best to tell who you´re talking about or else everyone will always wonder " Is it me?" . To be honest i was quite relieved when i read that discussion between Majik and Quez since i have found it hard to get in these forum discussions lately...it´s like a talk only between 8 or 10 people, the rest are a bit aside. What i am trying to say is that if have something you don´t agree with someone then tell that person about your opinion. I remember that in a recent thread Gangsta just labeled me as " Low IQ" without even bothering to list the reasons why he didn´t agreed with me...is that a smart attitude? It seems sometimes that if don´t have a confrontational atitude like Evil Man then you won´t get in the conversations. I have known this forum for a really long time but i was only watching as a guest and i remember Abo back from when he used that FFX avatar. Hope he comes back more often.
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 7 Aug 06 1:09:42 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 09:13
It wasn' t you either hideo if you guys must know I was talking about gangsta. And like you hideo i' ve also been watching the forums for a while until I joined and there is a pattern of ' ' the rudest and crudest wins' ' sometimes.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 09:20
It wasn' t you either hideo if you guys must know I was talking about gangsta. And like you hideo i' ve also been watching the forums for a while until I joined and there is a pattern of ' ' the rudest and crudest wins' ' sometimes. feel kinda releaved dasher, because you were the one that replied more often to my posts.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 09:31
Nah i' s ok I don' t really have anything against you infact I actually agree with you and a couple of other most times. Although there was a time we were talking about race and you said something like ' ' what majical country is that' ' and I thought you were mocking lol.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: And 48 hours after the Saints Rowed... The Dead Rose!
Aug 07, 2006 15:19
ORIGINAL: Hidemoto It wasn' t you either hideo if you guys must know I was talking about gangsta. And like you hideo i' ve also been watching the forums for a while until I joined and there is a pattern of ' ' the rudest and crudest wins' ' sometimes. feel kinda releaved dasher, because you were the one that replied more often to my posts. Well I tried to make that Gaming Industry thread... dunno what happened to it. Maybe I should find it and resurrect it, because I know Hidemoto that like me you have a passion for joining the gaming industry and make no secret about it.. Where as more people are like " I would join but... nah" ..  I' ll find that thread..
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