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games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 19:00
i swear! i was expecting much more from the xbox, but after awhile (owning xbox) well it' s nice-- IT' s NICE... halo 2 was WTF in grapohics, the damn thing was for me the game that will push graphics to the limit and it didn' t !! Reddick impressed way mooore! You name a lot of ps2 games that look fine,but you cant add in HALO? The best looking game at its time? It used the best graphic card on the market for PC also. As i said,worse sony fanboy bias list i ever seen.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 19:19
Gui Zhang was cool in a Bruce Lee kind of way. Completely stone faced while someone verbally bitch slapped him, then he' d come out and kick their head in. It' s the best way to do it. Ren needs no explanation. He pwns. This brought in the FP battles, the normal battles, the new QTE' s, the old QTE' s, the plank QTE' s, crazy woman with a Guile haircut Most infuriating idea EVER. Back on to the subject; Chaos Theory gets my vote every time. Of course I agree with Shenmue, Halo, etc. but Chaos Theory really sucked me in purely because of what an awesome atmosphere it created. The small details in every single level impress me each and every time I play it.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 02:29
You name a lot of ps2 games that look fine,but you cant add in HALO? To tell the truth (and don’t hate me for it) but I wasn’t so impressed by the first Halo game graphics either. I really enjoyed the water effects as well as the wide and open areas, but I thought all the characters looked rather stiff and low in detail. Back then it was probably due to the big expectations I had for the game, but I can honestly say today that I still don’t find Halo all that impressive (especially graphics wise... and not comparing it to today). I do however think Halo 2 deserves credit for its fancy graphics!
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 02:35
I think Halo looked nice but I was disappointed. It didn' t look as good as some people said it did. I honestly felt it looked boring. Boring! BORING!
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 02:58
here quez i' m not a lunatic !! halo lacked details , the art ddesign wasn' t great except in some levels, textures were so so .... as i said people hyped a lot halo, and when buy a new console that is supposed to be 2 times ps2 in power, i should get something like Reddick and half life 2, not Halo 1... so when i was disapointed because i thought the xbox should do much better i was damn right... another thing that i really disliked about halo is the empty enviromenet. there are two consoles that really droped my jaw off to the undergrouuuuund ... Dreamcast (the huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge jump over psone and n64) and gamecube (rogue squadron and first resident evil when i just bought the console) but why i chosed ps2, may be most of these games didn' t really really impressed me, but the quantity of those games were greater than any other console that' s why i chosed ps2 as the most impressive... i mean if i have to compare the impression that i had when i first played titles in dreamcast (like shenmue) and gamecube... ps2 would have: gran turismo 3 final fantasy 10 devil may cry 1
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 03:03
Holy crap how could I forget the original Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast?? When I first played it I was in complete AWE of the textures in that game!!!
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- Location: Sweden
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 03:05
MGS2 didn' t blow my mind. What did though was the demo disc I played some time before the game was released. All you could play was the tanker (I guess they wanted to keep Raiden a secret). That demo was really impressive. The demo had that jaw dropping effect on me. I thought that all PS2 games would look as good but I was wrong. Very wrong. Sonic Adventure impressed me too but I hated the damn camera issues at first. I remember cursing 3D games and saying that 2D games would always be better than 3D. Have I change my mind now? Not really. Now give me Shenmue 2D
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jun 06 19:07:15 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 03:09
i really understand your point about MGS 2, it did drop my jaw in that tanker level, and that cutscene in the very beggining when snake would jump over the bridge ... but in the shell levels , it wasn' t mind blowing i remember my impression very well but still that tanker was part of MGS2, and it did droped my jaw so i should give it credit and add it.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 03:45
hat did though was the demo disc I played some time before the game was released. All you could play was the tanker (I guess they wanted to keep Raiden a secret). That demo was really impressive. The demo had that jaw dropping effect on me. Came with Zone of the Enders, right? That was the one that had me at hello! I actually bought Zoe of the Enders (luckily it was a good game) for the MGS2 demo and I popped the demo in, before Z.O.E.  I was such an irresponsible brat, when it came to money and I would slap myself, could I travel back in time!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 04:55
Oh yeah, I remember when the MGS 2 demo went on sale it came with a free copy of Z.O.E.! That game rawked!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 10:51
you mean the demo wasnt on the zoe disc itself!? I remeber getting that second hand and looking all over the shop for that damn demo. Well, the truth hurts.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 12:31
Nope.. Both were separate discs. If I remember correctly I think the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo cost $40-$50 and Z.O.E. was included as a free bonus 
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 15:33
Oh yeah, I remember when the MGS 2 demo went on sale it came with a free copy of Z.O.E.! That game rawked! Hehe… Good one. Sayonra!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 11 Jun 06 8:21:17 >
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 11, 2006 22:09
SEGA Arcade Games.. wothout doubt graphically dumped on everything from a huge height.. From ' dreamy' Super sprite scalling: Outrun Galaxy force Afterburner Super Hang-on Super Manico WOW!! Virtua fighter 1.. Geezz Virtua fighter 2.. OMFG!!! up until model 3 board games.. Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2.. Halflife 2 Streets of Rage 2.. I couldnt understand how my Megadrive was pushing these these big vibrant detailed sprites and backgrounds.. Sonic 1 (totally Dreamy, fast super-smooth animation and Parrallax scrolling) Recently: nothing aprt from VF5.. with out doubt the best looking game ive ever wittnessed.. Theres one stage that has replicated ' Water' almost to prefection , looks so realistic..
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 12, 2006 04:56
man we did only list games released after 2000, otherwise we would defintly not skip donkey kong, golden eye, tekken or daytonaaaaa (saturn)
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 12, 2006 17:39
Ninja Gaiden: Lets get 1 thing straight.... This is LEAGUES better than Tenchu, whilst Tenchu allowed you to move more like a real ninja, NG had the movements down to a T with superb animation. The graphics were mindblowing and to this day, I can never get over how fast he moves. One thing I love about the game is that if Ninjas were souped up, they would move like Ryu. I love that it is in 60fps. Also when the game was first announced, I was so hyped over it like a little schoolgirl, they said it was hard and I just thought " Meh" , can' t be that hard, rest assured, the first time I played it, I got my arse kicked! But that made me want to play it more, IMO Gaiden is hard but in a fair way. You' ll be punished for being an idiot, and trying to come at it like any other conventional action/adventure or hack n' slash. The reason I say this game is hard but in a fair way is because when the enemies get harder, they learn your attacks and find different ways to hit you. Where as with other games, the bosses life is made longer.... That' s not hard, just long, plus, they always have a one hit killer move a' la Dante must Die mode; THAT is infuriating. Ninja Gaiden made my jaw drop overall, its one of the only games that has lived up to the mountain of hype I created around it.. Are we supposed to do mini-reviews?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 12, 2006 19:16
Resident Evil 4 best game last generation
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 12, 2006 19:17
Im gonna shoot you in the head bitch! Last best gen game was Shenmue 2.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 12, 2006 19:22
Im gonna shoot you in the head bitch! Last best gen game was Shenmue 2. Never played Shenmue! And i only play the best games, there for it isnt one of them :P
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 12, 2006 19:29
Never played Shenmue! And i only play the best games, there for it isnt one of them :P Nay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
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