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games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
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games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 01:49
and i don' t mean by tthat like yeah it looks good , NO, i mean by that houwaaaaaw iiii aaaa oooo my god it' s amazing, i can' t belive my console or pc run this shit. because this list would be so long to include all games of all time, so let' s list only games released after 2000... and please indicate if it was the design or technicaly or both. for me the design can make something look very beautiful wuth well created characters (bosses) and enviromenet without using cutting edge 3d engine with super pixel shader whaterver! so talk about your personal experience, just to be clear, doom 3 was amzing at the time but when i played quake 4 after a year, it didn' t have the same impact at all, no somebody who played quake 4 before and find it impressive and them play doom 3 will certainly not list doom... euh i guess... enough of that Dreamcast: shenmue (tech and design) crazy taxy (tech) ecco the dolphine (tech and design) Dead or alive 2 (tech and design) Resident evil code veronica (tech and design) soul calibur (tech) virtua tennis (tech) sonic adventure 1 (tech and design) (a game where the hero had a huuuuuge sword and his a scare on the eye if somebody can remember its name please) (tech and design) PS2: jax and daxter (tech and design) ico (tech and design) shadow of the colossus (tech and design) devil may cry (tech and design) devil may cry 3 (design) Gran turismo 3 (tech and design) God of war (tech and design) onimusha 2 (design) Final fantasy 10 (tech and design) burnout 3 (tech and design) resident evil 4 (tech and design) Metal gear solid 2 (tech and design ) zone of the enders 2 (design) pro evolution soccer (tech) gran theft auto 3 (tech) prince of persia sand of time (tech and design) beyond good and evil (design) game cube: resident evil 0&1 (tech& design) (i didn' t play res4 on game cube) star wars rogue squadron (tech& design) starfox adventure (tech&design) zelda the wind waker (tech and design) mario sunshine (design) xbox: splinter cell 1 (tech) splinter cell 2&3 (tech and design) Reddick (tech and design) dead or alive 3 (tech and design) top spin (tech) Pc: half life 2 (tech and design) doom 3 (tech) far cry (tech and design) max payne (tech and ddesign) max payne 2 (design) dreamfall (design) Fear (tech) call of duty 2 ( tech) prince of persia two thrones (design) for me , the xbox was the console that the least impressed me, specialy when you own a decent pc, i' m sure that if i didn' t play half life 2 on pc and play it first on xbox i would be damn impressed... ps2 is the console that satisfied me the most.
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 02:04
Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 for the Gamecube impressed me the most thanks to the perfect mix of incredible graphics and amazing art direction. Andrew Jones rules.
Terry Bogard
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 05:33
1- Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega Dreamcast, nuff said.. You could easily mistaken it for one of those Sea life specials on TV :p. 2- Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly for the PS2.. (In my opinion it had the best storyline in a survivor horror game, great atmosphere and one of THE best E3 trailers ever! I liked it way more than the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer) 3- Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube.. Great enemy A.I. -- The enemies in the game were friggin RELENTLESS.. Wherever you hid they smashed the doors open and found you. And ontop of that, they actually worked together to bring you down.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 Jun 06 21:39:04 >
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 05:46
it says graphics terry graphics... but i guess your choice is still damn right , so are that all the games which impressed you !! ginjirou only metroid ? my point was not to make a stupid list, 1) getting to know the members better, their experiences is impiortant so if somebody tell you that game look really good, you know what he' s talking about 2) see what console had a good impression on us GAMERS !
Terry Bogard
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 05:55
Sorry dude, LOL, I now see why I scored low on READING tests back in junior high and high school, lol.. Ok, another game that impressed me graphically was the Bar fight scene in the original Shenmue. That part alone was absolutely STUNNING! As far as handheld games go, Monster Hunter Portable (Freedom) for the PSP also impressed me. The lush, detailed environments, the monsters roaming around, and the animations.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 Jun 06 21:58:09 >
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 06:09
Yeah the bar scene was really cool. I only mentioned Metroid Prime because that' s what' s impressed me the most. Apart from those two titles there are tons of games that' ve impressed me whe it comes to graphics. Your list was pretty good abasoufiane. Panzer Dragoon for the Saturn impressed me alot too.
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 06:20
Worse fanboy bias top list i ever seen. Where is Panzer dragon? Where is HALo ?was running on the best pc ghraphic card when it came out. Where is Pgr2?
Terry Bogard
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 06:43
ASTAL was a gorgeous looking 2D platformer for the Saturn.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 07:05
Final Fantasy X had my jaw hanging for quite some time… Actually it still is. Both Dead or Alive 2 & 3 really impressed me graphics wise, but I guess the first mentioned had greater impact on me. Ico, Shadow of the Colussus and Panzer Dragon Orta were all beautiful on a great many levels. Resident Evil remake for the Gamecube was grotesquely pretty to watch. Animations and textures wear great and all, but I was also impressed by the pre-rendered background, which I hadn’t been for quite some while and haven’t since. Metal Gear Solid 2 was another mindblower and I don’t know how many times I meaninglessly vandalised the bar on the first stage tanker. Star Fox adventures had me going “Look at that fur!†which might have sounded odd to people around me, who had no idea I what I was pointing at. Also, Shenmue was …………………………………………………, or so I think. (I’ll leave the blank up to your imagination  ) I choosed not to bring up games to consoles earlier than the Dreamcast, as there would’ve been to much for me to mention (it’s already to much!  ), and I think I’m already forgetting some games. Also, to me graphics isn’t really about how many polygons there is on the screen, rather it is about great art direction and talented….. that a how they can fool the eye, making relatively simple modelled areas look immensely beautiful. I do however really appreciate great textures, which I think neither Sony nor Microsoft has been the best of, rather Nintendo is the one that tends to amaze me.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 07:06
Where is Panzer dragon? Where is HALo ?was running on the best pc ghraphic card when it came out. Where is Pgr2? Personaly those games are great, but not Jaw dropping. I hate making lists! [:' (]
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 07:13
I hate making lists! Actually (and as I started a " List thread" you might not believe it) I do to. But once I begin I can' t stop, I get all like " And then there was that one, and that, and I cannot forget that super great one!" Edit: Ah, F*ck! Forgot to mention Silent Hill 3... See? I have issues.
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 9 Jun 06 23:30:20 >
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 07:16
When it comes to game direction, my personal favorite is Metal Gear Solid 2. If every camera angle in the FMV' s had been a simple upper body shot, with little or no camera movement, (like alot of budget titles now) it would have been okay, but the dynamic movement of the camera is what really brough that game to life for me. I agree with Ginjirou, Metroid Prime had some excellent art direction, but what impressed me most about that game, is it' s ability to make you not mind backtracking through endless caverns.
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 07:37
List thread, yay! Yea, Metal Gear 2 and Silent Hill 2 were two of the first games I got for PS2, along with Gran Turismo 3 A-spec. Those games were very pretty for their time. On PS1, the Final Fantasy cgi sequences were amazing. FF7 was the first time I' d seen such great cgi, and FF8' s ending was probably my favourite. I seem to remember thinking " Wow that looks real" when I played Mortal Kombat for the first time, hehehe. It was the pixelated photos that did it. And on PC..hmm, Morrowind I think was the first game that stunned me, especially with the water reflections. The Unreal games were always good looking since the beginning. Of course there' s Doom3, Half-life 2 and FEAR too. And actually I really liked the look of Quake 4 on PC, the textures were a lot sharper and the whole thing ran blindingly fast. Hitman: Blood Money on PC was the last graphically inspiring game I played. And I think there have been a few screenshots of MotoGP 06 on 360 that I' ve had to take a second glance at to check it was a screenshot!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 9 Jun 06 23:40:55 >
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 09:38
thank you silentbomber for the answer to quez, hey quez don' t you a bit very much exagerate about the bias comment!! those were not mindblowing, halo 1 ? nooo i was disapointed , panzer dragon orta, the game look good, yeah might add it , but PGR2, waay before i played gran turismo 3, i won' t defintly be impressed by PGR2. and yeah i definitly should not forget metroid prime 1, it DID impress me. and silent hill 3 as well, the faces were houuuhaaaaaaa !
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 09:40
You was dissapointed on the graphic of HALO when it came out? You kidding me?
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 09:43
i swear! i was expecting much more from the xbox, but after awhile (owning xbox) well it' s nice-- IT' s NICE... halo 2 was WTF in grapohics, the damn thing was for me the game that will push graphics to the limit and it didn' t !! Reddick impressed way mooore!
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 17:24
From the top of my head (because if I think for too long it will go on and on....) Halo & Halo 2 PGR2 - I live in Scotland and Edinburgh really sold it for me - perfect. Devil May Cry Tekken Tag Ninja Gaiden Fight Night Round 3 King Kong (made me buy the 360) Ghost Recon Advanced Warfare Oblivion Zelda Windwalker Probably says more about the games i like i.e. fighting!
Joe Redifer
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 17:40
21th? Or 21st? Reminds me of SNK Engrish. Neo Turf Masters tells me I " finished in 32th place" . Games like Astal were 20th century games because they were released last century.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 10 Jun 06 9:41:34 >
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 18:30
(a game where the hero had a huuuuuge sword and his a scare on the eye if somebody can remember its name please) (tech and design) Sorry Abosufiane, just to answer your question, the game was Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage. It' s like a violent Ocarina of time, the guys name was Gutsu and he had a man fairy.. Ok, lets get the fairly obvious out of the way: Shenmue: The thing that made my jaw drop was when I saw a screenshot of Ryu holding a can of Sprite, I was like, " graphics like that aren' t possible yet!" Then the bar scene amazed me when all the bottles flew off.. The interaction was amazing, the fact you could call people.. Nozomi' s number is 22-5508, no need for the dialling code...lol The game in a game (Hang-on, Harrier, Darts) insured the game did not get boring this game amazed on every level and I couldn' t pick my jaw up for a week.. The Weather system was cool, the snow effects were astounding, this game was brilliant on every graphical level, and the physics and tech in it were great. Shenmue II: Made my jaw drop for different reasons; it was in Japanese! The QTE' s in this game were brilliant and the fight scenes were great. The QTE down the alleyway just before the end of Disc 2 was impressive (c' mon, he back handed a watermelon). Also the " next-gen" handcuffs.lol, i call them that because they were a bit too shiny and free flowing, it' s like they brought in a separate engine just for those handcuffs.. Lastly, need I say it???? The YELLOW HEAD BUILDING 12 floors of pure unadulterated action! This brought in the FP battles, the normal battles, the new QTE' s, the old QTE' s, the plank QTE' s, crazy woman with a Guile haircut, huge man called falling mountain (Dou Niu) chasing you, and it also had another thing that games don' t really have nowadays and that is humour (Ren is probably the best " sidekick" ever). To top it off, the fight with Baihu and then straight for Dou Niu.. Now the others: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: Next gen graphics on an X-box, he also had a knife for CQC. The rain effects really made this game stand out to me, and my jaw drop of course. Otogi 1 and 2: I consider these games to be the 2 of the most beautiful games ever played, the art direction and level design is one not seen in many other games. The first thing that caught my eye was being able to cut through a building and make pieces of it fly everywhere and the fact that it was possible to leave a beautiful level in smouldering ruins left a deep satisfaction in me. AND I have always wanted to hit an enemy into a building in real-time and watch the building collapse, that was one thing that kept me coming back to Otogi. I think we will have a brief interval before I continue my other titles..
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RE: games of the 21th century that droped your jaw (graphics)
Jun 10, 2006 18:36
ORIGINAL: Tiz (Ren is probably the best " sidekick" ever Yeah! Ren kicks ass! Guizhang in Shenmue was also cool but he lacked the humour.
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