Shenmue 3: Anything new?

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Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 09, 2006 14:08
It' s been some time, and i' m smack in the middle of re-playing shenmue 2.

So, have i missed anything new about if and when shenmue 3 is coming?

Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 09, 2006 14:34
Wail till E3!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 09, 2006 16:33
Yeah,i just hope they still thinkin of dev it.
No question in my mind that SEGA employs has discussed about it.
But look at SEGA they invest in being publisher for great companies and dev a NEW Gen SEGA that looks serious,and other titles i forgot.

If they do well,we might see shenmue3.
If not,i doubt it.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 09, 2006 17:52
I wonder if i threaten to do something crazy, like.... I dunno go on a hunger strike, will this speed up shenmue 3?

Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 09, 2006 18:03
Industry insiders told me that Yu Suzuki forgot to flush the toilet a few days ago and they are working on getting pictures of the results to be posted soon!!!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9 Jun 06 10:04:07 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 02:38
Why Does sonic get guns but Ryo dosent?. Hell imagine " Shadow the Shenmue" which involves ryo running around shooting things and petting cats. I' d play that.

edit: ohhhhhhh Joe you won Jun 2004 and I won 2005 Jun, Maybe I am your successor?
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 9 Jun 06 18:39:15 >
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 03:53
Even though it could add a few months onto the development time, you do get the feeling that should Shenmue 3 not be released (or at least start development) any time in the forseeable future, Sega should re-produce the first two games for resale, as well as the third, once it hits shelves.

For the diehard Shenmue fans this might not seem that hot an idea - after all we' d be waiting a few months extra for a product we' ve already played to death - but from a business and consumer point of view, it' s the only real option.

I doubt many DVDs would sell if its entire content was the last half of the movie advertised. Sure you may be able to pick up the storyline, but you' re not nearly as interested as you could/should be, and you' ll probably feel a bit pissed off that you' ve paid good money for something that leaves you feeling indifferent once you' ve finished it.

Very tough situation to contemplate; Spend vast amounts of time and effort on a game that only a small percentage of the gaming community will appreciate and buy, or spend even more time and effort bringing it to the more mainstream audiences but still risk failure as most people are idiots.

It' s all pretty frustrating, and not getting us any closer to killing that son' va bitch Lan Di... or wasting hours playing Afterburner.

At least we have Shenmue Online, though...

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 04:24
wasnt that canceled? and China only which is just as good as being canceled?

Shenmue needs to be remade, I would gladly play the New Generation versions.
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 04:29
They should have just ported them to PSP.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 05:02
I just had a brilliant idea! I’ll be going to Japan in the day after tomorrow (man, I felt good while typing that), and as a gamer I cannot forgive myself for not buying me some rare (or not so rare) gaming merchandise. And as I had this idea I thought to myself; hmm… What is the one thing I feel I need to have in my game collection? And the answer I found was the ORIGINAL, JAP version of SHENMUE for the Dreamcast! I cannot believe I hadn’t thought of this before now.

I honestly think that Shenmue is a game that stands out even amongst the greatest of games. And even though I would NEVER award a game a full 10, Shenmue comes the closest to perfect, with a score of 9.9 points (rated by myself).
Incidentally, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time holds second, and if I would rate it I would give it a 9.8, which might seem close to Shenmue, but this high on the list, 0.1 points is a BIG difference!

And just so you know, when I’m a wealthy globally acknowledged game designer, I shall remake Shenmue for all consoles available… But it will stay the same as it is now… Maybe update the graphics, but the rest remains, ‘cause it doesn’t get any better than it is…

…Oh, and the dub is unfortunately lost in a totally unpredictable, horrid fire!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 9 Jun 06 21:10:30 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 05:13

wasnt that canceled? and China only which is just as good as being canceled?

Last that' s been heard of it (as far as I know);

Shenmue Online is still alive and kicking strongly, despite the temporary halt of development after JCE discontinued their involvement, for reasons which are still unknown. An anonymous Taiwanese company now occupy JCE' s former role, said to be working hard on the project, planned for release in 2006. Taiwanese videogaming site GNN recently talked with Yu-san about Shenmue Online, also asking him about the sequel. On top of this, five new Shenmue Online screenshots were released.

From Shenmue Dojo, November 8th last year.
Apparently there was a bit of a spat with the Kikizo staff about this. Something to do with conflicting interviews. It' s anyones guess, really.

Even if it was China only I' d still get my hands on it somehow. Of course getting it to play would be another matter entirely.
< Message edited by Kaze -- 9 Jun 06 21:14:10 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 06:35
yeah but its not true Shenmue. Thankfully I still have to play Shenmue 2, so its like a whole new experiance just waiting for me!
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 06:54

They should have just ported them to PSP.

There is allot wrong with what you just said:

1) The psp is not powerful enough for anything like shenmue.

2) If it " has" to be ported to a (shiver) $ony system, it should be powerful enough to at least be playable to dreamcast standards, so it would be ps3, or at least ps2...Though it wouldn' t look nearly as good.

It needs to be ported to both next gen systems, the powerful ones.

Or better yet, the pc.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 06:58
psp is a powerfull peice of kit, dont underestimate it, and I think they could easily port it over, not as graphical nice however, but not too much lost. It wouldnt really work for portable anyway, you can pet cats outside the house in real time anyway.
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 07:21

The psp is not powerful enough for anything like shenmue.

Incorrect. The PSP' s specs actually outdo Dreamcasts in almost every area.

Dreamcast' s CPU runs at 200MHz and it had 16MB of main RAM and 8MB of VRAM.

In comparison, the PSP' s CPU clocks in at 333MHz, but is currently capped at 222MHz because of overheating issues with the hardware. It has 32 MiB of main RAM and 4MiB of DRAM, and an additional 2MiB attatched directly to the GPU.

What PSP would do worse is loading and anti-aliasing, but due to the nature of PSP' s small screen, the aliasing issue wouldn' t be so bad.

If PSP can run GTA: LCS more than ok, and GTA: LCS is a more technically demanding game than GTA3 was, and GTA3 was more technically demanding than Shenmue, then i can' t see why you would think PSP couldn' t run Shenmue as well as Dreamcast.

It wouldnt really work for portable anyway, you can pet cats outside the house in real time anyway.

I don' t know, i think it could be restructured for handheld play relatively easily without losing the feel of the original game.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 08:13
the dreamcast might " only" run at 200 mhz, but the gpu for the dreamcast is quite something to behold.

while the pos might have a theoretical limit to how much geoetry the unit can display, the dreamcast uses something called " tile rendering" where overdraw and obscured/hidden verticles are not drawn, giving the dreamcast the ability to render scenes with insane geometry,like a full wan chai with little showdown and full debry.

The psp can' t do that kind of geometry trick, nor can the ps2.
It' s unfortunate the dreamcast didn' t go on, you might expect to see games looking better then this generation' s ps2 or gamecube had it.

I think it' s possible, but not with the same kind of interface. and with the psp' s severely limited pipeline power, you might expect to get only a few shenmue quality npcs in a part of town, and even then, would you get the same quality of town?

I would like to see shenmue go on to something with a lot less " flash in the pan" power.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 08:28
Here is a great place to read about tile rendering

If there are parts you do not understand, feel free to list them, and i will help you to understand how they effect performance.

Thanks for listening,

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 09:06
Cool, but do you have a better link than Wikipedia?!

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 11:03

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 17:35

ORIGINAL: whiteguysamurai

It' s unfortunate the dreamcast didn' t go on, you might expect to see games looking better then this generation' s ps2 or gamecube had it.

Wow! You really think so?
Or is it just the Sega love in you that makes you believe?

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 22:47
I heard Shenmue 2 was going to PS2 as well but it would not look as good,
i heard only Xbox could do it properly.
It should only go to Next Gen that is PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, this game was allways about the graphics and it matters.
I see the PS3 version as the best for it,
here are just some of the reasons it should go to PS3.
It can load much quicker, as they said Granturismo HD can load quickly using the HDD, so so can Shenmue 3.
PS3 also reads quicker equaling faster times.
They say PS3 is twice as powerful as 360.
It can do 1080p, they also say it can upscale 720p to 1080p even if Shenmue 3 gets done in 720p.
It uses HDMI which is a interface made for HD, it has quicker response times through a digital connection that beats Component.
HDMI also has better sound.
PS3 uses Blu-Ray which holds more than 5 times than what Xbox 360 holds.
These disks can also hold HD video on them, this is perfect for a behind the scenes look into all of Shenmue, all on 1 disk.
Shenmue 1 and 2 had chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
It seems like some of the chapters were shortened due to the Dreamcast
Shenmue 2 was released 6 months after the last Dreamcast was made causing Sega to release Shenmue 2 in a shortened version as the DC was over.
It was also supposed to have a chapter 2 and lots of cut fight scenes.
So Shenmue 3 is supposed to be 3 times bigger than 1 and 2 put together, this is what having all 16 chapters could mean.
Chapter 1 took 12 hours to finish, 2 took 13 hours, so allready we have 25 hours of gameplay, also you could do them over 4 times with different outcomes.
That' s a total of 100 hours, also add in the other stuff to do, even more gameplay time.
So Shenmue 3 is supposed to be 3 times 1 and 2 put together being atleast tougher to finish, larger longer levels, going over the same places just probably doing different things.
Shenmue was originally made to have a inventory which crosses over all of your stuff even through to Shenmue 3 as it' s pretty obvious if you' ve ever played the game.
As Shenmue 3 was supposed to be on DC, but Dreamcast got stopped.
So Shenmue 3 now goes to Next GEN.
So in total Shenmue 3 is supposed to cover 40 GB plus space,
and this is without extras.
I wouldn' t be surprised if it goes over 50 gb with the making of, pictures, Premiere video, extended, deleted scenes and much more like the Beta of Shenmue 2, which looks much different.
Oh and lets not forget the Saturn version of the game, they' ll hopefully give us as much as was done of the Saturn version.
Who really knows how much was done on the saturn version as even the Saturn version went further than Shenmue 1 and 2 on DC did.
Both in English and Japanese.
Better graphics re doing all of the chapters, better sound,
this game can easily pass 50 gb of data space.
They even had a Daytona USA song in Shenmue, this was found by people at Shenmue Dojo.
So in total Shenmue 3 should have 300 plus all new hours of gameplay and the 100 plus shenmue 1 and 2 hours put together all re done.
Pretty cool indeed.
Incase you have indeed eaten a fur ball induce vomiting immediately.
Don' t be restrictive when it comes to pulling yourself

out of a Coma,
revive ftw.
Shenmue 3 ftw

< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 15:01:42 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 23:46
I think your Dreamin, But it never hurts to dream.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 10, 2006 23:49

I see the PS3 version as the best for it,
here are just some of the reasons it should go to PS3.
It can load much quicker, as they said Granturismo HD can load quickly using the HDD, so so can Shenmue 3.
PS3 also reads quicker equaling faster times.
They say PS3 is twice as powerful as 360.
It can do 1080p, they also say it can upscale 720p to 1080p even if Shenmue 3 gets done in 720p.
It uses HDMI which is a interface made for HD, it has quicker response times through a digital connection that beats Component.
HDMI also has better sound.
PS3 uses Blu-Ray which holds more than 5 times than what Xbox 360 holds.
These disks can also hold HD video on them, this is perfect for a behind the scenes look into all of Shenmue, all on 1 disk.

I wouldn' t be surprised if it goes over 50 gb with the making of, pictures, Premiere video, extended, deleted scenes and much more like the Beta of Shenmue 2, which looks much different.
Oh and lets not forget the Saturn version of the game, they' ll hopefully give us as much as was done of the Saturn version.

*laughs at the idiot*

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 10 Jun 06 15:54:13 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 00:10
Ps3 is not Twice as Powerfull as 360. Thats your biggest mistake in your above post.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 00:19

PS3 also reads quicker equaling faster times


They say PS3 is twice as powerful as 360.


HDMI also has better sound.


PS3 uses Blu-Ray which holds more than 5 times than what Xbox 360 holds.


I wouldn' t be surprised if it goes over 50 gb


Oh and lets not forget the Saturn version of the game, they' ll hopefully give us as much as was done of the Saturn version.

Seriously laughable

Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 00:23
The Xbox wasn' t the only one capable of running Shenmue, let' s not forget that the GameCube is a powerful piece of hardware as well.. Look at Resident Evil 4 with the amount of detailed characters it has running around onscreen, the detailed, well-lit and well-textured environments.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 10 Jun 06 16:24:49 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 00:32
None of that is wrong HDMI is digital with quicker response times with Audio and Video, i did say they say PS3 is twice as powerful.
Blu-Ray reads more data at once it can load what 360 would take 10 seconds to do in 3 seconds see the Sony Press Conference as they proved this.
They were using the HDD to make it load faster, even though the 360 can do the same technique with the HDD, it still can' t read as much data as PS3 can.
I do think it is twice as powerful, i bet we' ll see this down the line.
Btw i get all machines on launch day, i like them all,
i just prefer PS3 to them all.
Sony should be rewarded for making a console better than the others.
Blu-Ray holds 54 gb.
DVD-9 holds 9 gb,
Here' s a link to HDMI
it does it all better even with uncompressed Audio.
DVD-9 holds 9 gb.
Ever hear about that 4 disk 360 game coming that was speculated to be Oblivion or Halo 3, clearly it isn' t Halo 3 or Oblivion.
It just has to be Shenmue 3.
What else would it be?
Playboy Mansion cum until your num?
The reason they make a 54 gb disk is so it gets filled up.
What better game than Shenmue 3?
Say they announce Shenmue 3 at the end of 2006, i doubt they will just release it.
My guess is they will continue to make it with more music, levels, then release it a year after.

< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 17:00:12 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 00:53

Blu-Ray holds 54 gb.

Firstly dude, while Sony WILL be pushing 2 disc sizes for Blu-Ray, it' s already been confirmed that they' ll only initially produce single layer (25GB) discs due to production costs. Oh, and they don' t hold 54GB you moron, whwre the f**k did you read that?! Blu-Ray can hold 25GB per layer and HD-DVD can hold 15GB. The kicker is that while HD-DVD won' t be used for games, there will be dial layer (30GB) HD-DVD' s on the market before dual layer (50GB) Blu-Ray discs.

None of that is wrong HDMI is digital with quicker response times, i did also say they say PS3 is twice as powerful.

I didn' t dispute that HDMI is digital or that it has quicker response times (?) you f**king idiot.

Also, i don' t know who " they" are, so perhaps you' ll be good enough to provide a link to something official that says PS3 is twice as powerful than 360. Unless ofcourse you' re talking about Sony. In that case, it would have been better not to type it at all because it will only invite abuse. Sony simply made their outrageously annoying claims in an effort to keep people form buying 360.

Ever hear about that 4 disk 360 game coming that was speculated to be Oblivion or Halo 3, clearly it isn' t Halo 3 or Oblivion.

Yeah, was Enchant Arm. Then when they compressed everything it fit on one disc.

Since Oblivion fit on 1 disc with nearly 4GB left over, i' d like to know what you think the extra sp[ace will be used for.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 00:56

Original: SilentBomber

Ps3 is not Twice as Powerfull as 360. Thats your biggest mistake in your above post.

Oh yes it is.

360 can only bake discs in about... hhmmm 10 minutes, and PS3 does it in
5 minutes...

C' mon, PS3 twice as powerful as 360?

That' s like saying Sony had one of the best showings at E3...

< Message edited by Tiz -- 10 Jun 06 16:58:27 >
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:07

The Xbox wasn' t the only one capable of running Shenmue, let' s not forget that the GameCube is a powerful piece of hardware as well..

Didn' t Microsoft beg for it to be an exclusive, because they thought it would help
them in Japan? Clearly, they didn' t research that the Japanese ARE capable
of stabbing each other in the back.

I think Shenmue 2 being on X-box was also part in parcel of Peter Moore moving
from Sega to Microsoft, you know how he always refers to them as:

" My old friends at Sega.."

Curiously looks like:

Or maybe thats just me... It is?

There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:08

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:10


Er.... yeah?!

*Runs away as fast as he can..*
< Message edited by Tiz -- 10 Jun 06 17:11:06 >
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:20
No it wasn' t Enchant Arms it' s still a mystery.
No it hasn' t, once again go to son' y press Conference where they say The Getaway needs all of Blu-Ray to achieve this level of realism.
Infact the 54 gb ones are cheaper to make as it' s dual layer.
They have never said such a thing, whichever game supports 54 gb they will release it on it.
It' s not so far fetched anymore there will be 200 gb ones too.
This will become all common ground soon.
Wtf you %#@$% j/k, are you living under a rock? HD-DVD on 360 is only for movies, Blu Ray can do both all in true HD which really is only possible hence HDMI which = High Definition Multi Media Interface.
Here' s another link you non believing

oh and the on topic one
Infact 360 uses even less than 9gb i was stating an example.
Your obviously a 360 fan boy.
I' m just stating opinions which do have strong backing.
You should of made it clearer as to if you were talking about HDMI or the disk read speeds.
Wtf is ming?
Is it like a pong game or something?
I do enjoy twister i hope they make a Wii version where we all get to Wii.
Twister Wii only for a Wii.

< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 17:45:35 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:32
I can' t wait until we have all three consoles out on the market so we can see the truth about them. Do anyone here even play videogames any more or do you just speculate about the hardware?

Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:37

Do anyone here even play videogames any more or do you just speculate about the hardware?


Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:42

Wtf is ming?
Is it like a pong game or something?

You' re serious?

You never watched Flash Gordon?!

Do anyone here even play videogames any more or do you just speculate about the hardware?

What are forums for again?

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:44

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

What are forums for again?

Messing with other peoples minds, what else?
Listening to worthless hype, fanboyism, false rumours, stupid speculation, telling bad sex jokes.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jun 06 17:45:16 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:45

*passes Tiz more fobidden fruit...*

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:47
Free fruit salad for all i get to pick the syrup though.
Last time i had to have chocolate and tomato that did not go so well, luckily i induced vomiting, it just tasted sucky.
Just checked Flash ended up in prn so i looked at prn a bit, then i typed in Flash Gordon.
Is that a 1980 movie?
I' ve never seen it.
Is it good?
Did i make everyone fall asleep?
Oh man not again, OMG i just bored myself to sleep.
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 18:00:26 >

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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new? - Jun 11, 2006 01:58
Tired of people complaining DVD9 isn' t enough and you need bluray.

I want to know which game is bigger then oblivion,and then i want to know why you can' t use 2 dvd' s if it req more then 9gb.

btw just saw this, " No it wasn' t Enchant Arms it' s still a mystery. "

They said,we probably gonna need 2 dvd' s to fit our epic RPG to the next genreation xbopx360 console,this i read in IGN.
However when they dev and didn' t use CGI they realised it wasn' t a problemn to fit a 50 hour main quest epic rpg into 9gb of space,and didn' t need a 2nd DVD.

Remember that almost every big ps2 game had to duplicate its files,with 360 you can compress them.and ofc doesnt need to duplicate,and if you skip HD CGI,basically movies,and have real time cutscenes as HALO had,you never need anythingm ore then 9gb.

Now before someone says,yeah but FF has so beautiful movies and realtime cutscenes sux...

LOOK AT METAL GEAR SOLID 4,all you seen has been real time cutscenes.

< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Jun 06 18:03:55 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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