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RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 08, 2006 21:50
How much in £' s did ya pay? Or how much did ur Uni fund you? If I can' t go E3. I' ll def wanna go TGS...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 08, 2006 21:59
Ha, i haven' t paid anything yet. I' m funding it myself and there are 9 of us going from my course and a further 2 who are doing digital imaging degrees. jtype is a lecturer at a different university and a great guy to boot and he wanted to go to E3 but the uni wouldn' t pay for it.
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- Joined: Jun 02, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 08, 2006 22:14
Ok first off, I' m no fanboy or a hater torward Microsoft, but it' s true that their console has it' s flaws The original xbox was very big and heavey, the console design was way off, but it turn out better then the concept design the X model with the green circle in the middle, which was ugly, the controller design was bad, but thanks to Japanese support the controller there was redesign and called the S-type, then Microsoft brought it here in America and it took over the first pad. The 360 has a bad problem with over-heating it even cause the system to crash and freeze and the other major problem is CD scratches wich has cause some rental store like gamefly I heard back a while ago stated that they will not be ordering any more 360 game disc becasue of this issue. The lack of Japanese support, this by far the most important task for Microsoft, I remember Microsoft went to Japan and they tried to buy off as many developer as they can as in to make contract, they even offer millions and millions of doller to top developer to make exclusive titles, and it seem that their so called money talk, did' nt really go well, so instead they use this tatic on American developer, such as Bungie and Rare, and these two company rarely release much game only one exclusive title every 3-5 years, but Team Ninja wasen' t just a company that sold themself to M$ they lend their hand to help out M$ and they are trying their best. As for Team Ninja Tomonoubu Itagaki dislike his Japanese developer around Japan especially Namco he really hate the develpoment team, because no one is really takeing advantage of the American hardware and thats the XBOX, saying that ' ' If we don' t help the American we will lose' ' I think he ment in the relationship between Japanese and American game development, and thats the reason of lack of development from Japanese 3rd party, You see if Square-Enix and other top Japanese developer lend their support to M$ they would have a chance on makeing a goal, then you would see other Japanese 3rd party going along as well. Sure the 360 has some support right now, but do you think it' ll last, because once the PS3 comes out these supporter will move to Sony next-gen console, here' s a good example two 360 title is makeing a leap to the PS3 Namco Rige Racer 6 for 360 and now Namco is ready for Rige Racer 7 for the PS3, the other one is Sega Full-Auto now there is a sequal and it' s for the PS3 Alot of people and M$ fanboys out there are saying ' ' Who cares about the Japanese we don' t need them we got Halo' ' well if you agree then you' re dead wrong, you think Halo is gonna help Microsoft alone, even when Halo 3 comes out, by the time Sony release the PS3 it well even have more titles even exclusive titles, give it about 2 years Sony is gonna unleach it' s hell to Microsoft, and by that time the 360 is gonna be like its counterpart the original xbox, while the PS3 is gonna be like the PS2 even growing stronger. I apologize for the long and to some of you boreing sentince, this is just the major boo boo of Microsoft the lack of Japanese support.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 08, 2006 22:34
Ha, i haven' t paid anything yet. I' m funding it myself and there are 9 of us going from my course and a further 2 who are doing digital imaging degrees. How much is it looking like it will cost? And what are the requirements to go to E3 anyway?
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 00:06
I think the title with Kasumi and Ayane is called Project Progressive.... Tsk, tsk... The game starring Ayane and Kasumi IS Code Cronus. Very disappointed at you guys… VERY! And those fearing the game will land on PS3 can relax, since Tomonobu Itagaki… Source: Gamespot …Dead or Alive Code: Cronus' development has been shifted to the Xbox 360. …said that! It is also rumoured to be a RPG’ish game. Also, this might fire you up! Source: GameDaily interview with Tomonobu Itagaki While Itagaki did confirm that the next title in the series will be called DOA5, in our opinion, this indicates that the story and possibly many of the characters will be changing. The story for DOA4 took 10 years to develop, so Itagaki wants to spend a bit of time deciding how things will take shape for DOA5 with a new chapter in the story. Already?  Wait, I’m not ready… and… YAHOO!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 8 Jun 06 16:43:56 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 00:45
And what are the requirements to go to E3 anyway? Some sort of tie to the gaming industry.. i.e. own or work for a gaming website that has its own domain, meaning no Ezboard sites count (last I heard)... I' ve heard of people that work for EBGames and Best Buy being able to attend, so I suppose if you own a pawn shop that sells games you' ll qualify!!! You also have to be 18 or older. So they say. But the security sucks anyway and I' ve seen many youngins get into the show even though they were younger than that.. Also, I remember reading that one of the former writers at Gaming Age attended E3 back when he was just 14.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 01:05
Tsk, tsk... The game starring Ayane and Kasumi IS Code Cronus. Very disappointed at you guys… VERY! And those fearing the game will land on PS3 can relax, since Tomonobu Itagaki… It was Majik, he made me eat the forbidden fruit.. So what' s Project Progressive about then? Hayate and Hayabusa? Well I have always wanted to go E3, I am a good writer, so Im gonna get a job at Edge or something.lol... I think Kikizo should bring all the forum members along... The ones that live in London that is... (I think thats me, Majik and Dasher232...) Sorted.. We will pay for our own meals...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 01:40
*passes Tiz a whole bowl of forbidden fruit*
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 02:23
*passes Tiz a whole bowl of forbidden fruit* U see, now that I have all this fruit in front of me, I am gonna release some important gaming mistakes... DOA 4 was made by Namco... and.. Heavenly Sword is made by Team Ninja..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 02:36
Heavenly Sword is made by Team Ninja..
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 03:03
Hi here' s my first post and I' ll start by getting this back on topic. Although I maybe should have put this in the " Fanboy" thread ;) Downer - The Xbox360 powewr supply issues. I' m on my second one. + - MS support is awesome, when they changed my first xbox for me I got a new one delivered the next day. My new 360 arrived within a week. I' ll forgive them as it was a launch issue and PS2 had similar stories when it launched. Downer - No HD DVD fitted. I bought a HDTV to play my 360 on. I know there' s an external one coming out, but that' s just more money. Gonna have to wait and see what Hollywood adopts - I wonder if Sony and MS are pouring money into the scene??? Someone complained about paying for online gaming? £40 a year I thought was reasonable, I play on live every night!!! Having to pay extra for the remote on the original xbox DVD *REALLY* sucked. Downer - Wheres my Street Fighter on Live? In fact, where is the 1 arcade game a week we were promised???? Downer - Core system - I was bumped buying this. I think they should discontinue it. You need a Hard Drive, really. Now having said that, I ditched my PS2 when I got the xbox and havn' t looked back. Save for GTA, I never missed the PS2, and GTA is out now. I' d like to play God of War, but not enough to buy back into Sony. I' m old school Nintendo as well, and didn' t think I would get the Gamecube after the N64, which sucked, however I was rong and I dig the cube although I gave it to my little sis. I will be buying a Wii but just can' t get over that stupid name. Lastly, I think the 360 kicks ass. PGR3, Call of Duty, GoW and Oblivion all rule, but I do think it needs a better variety of games. Can' t wait for Viva Pinata though!! Hope you all had the patience to read that!!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 03:11
Welcome! Sit, relax, enjoy yourself. Just don' t feed the fish today as they' ve already eaten...
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 03:36
Original by: industrocyberbot23 I' m old school Nintendo as well, and didn' t think I would get the Gamecube after the N64, which sucked, however I was rong and I dig the cube although I gave it to my little sis.  I’m chocked!!! You’re on my list, pal… you’re on my list! Edit: And hi!
< Message edited by Dionysius -- 8 Jun 06 19:42:43 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:04
Good God. That' s blasphemy in its most vile form. Some of my happiest times in gaming were centred around that fine console. How can anyone not enjoy four player GoldenEye, Mario Kart or Mario Tennis? My walls are covered with the battle scars of flung N64 controllers from the stupidly tense hours upon hours of playing. And Ocarina of Time is teh r0><0r.
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- Joined: Jun 09, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:29
Haha. 007, yes. Orcania of time, absolutely. You all forgot (oh my God how could you!) the awesome and still the best wrestling titles. No Mercy spawned Can Mania, where we all got loads of cans of beer in a bath and played No Mercy all day. However, it was done in by the PS1 and apart from the games above was a bit of a let down. I forgot SpaceStationSilicon Valley, that was good as well. But a distinct lack of adult titles underwhelmed me, something Nintendo should have addressed instead of just concentrating on the kids market. I love Nintendo for their own brand of crazy japanese mayhem, but there has to be room for gore in there too! Lastly, Mario really disappointed. I havn' t enjoyed a Mario game since 3. And I thought Sunshine on the Cube *really* sucked. He was practically uncontrollable!!
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:32
You all forgot (oh my God how could you!) the awesome and still the best wrestling titles. No Mercy spawned Can Mania, where we all got loads of cans of beer in a bath and played No Mercy all day. I originally typed WWF No Mercy but then deleted it for Mario Tennis Awesome game.
< Message edited by Kaze -- 8 Jun 06 20:33:08 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:35
Wrestling games?! Errrrr, ...guys, ...wrestling games are BAD (although i know Terry will disagree) I guess spandex doesn' t do it for me...
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:43
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:53
But the controls are always rubbish. The only near-wrestling titles i would consider playing are the Def Jam games. But each to their own!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 8 Jun 06 20:53:53 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Microsoft boo boos!
Jun 09, 2006 04:58
Errrrr, ...guys, ...wrestling games are BAD (although i know Terry will disagree) lol.. Well had you limited it to just American wrestling games I would have agreed about MOST being bad ;). But I LOVE Sega' s Giant Gram series.. I DEMAND that they develop an update for next-gen consoles!!
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