Well then as this thread hasn’t had a post in a while, I thought I might try to revive it with a new list. But to sum the current list up (even though there isn’t much to sum up) it seems that FF males are both unpopular and popular, the ones in top are Cloud, Squall and Ryo (of Street Fighter), and all with 3 votes each.
And the female that has gotten most votes is Yuna (also with 3 votes

), followed Jade (of BG&E) and Rinoa and Ayane.
Now I might have missed some votes, but what the heck. It was a sort of mixed bag, so there were many personal favourites that got only one votes.
Now for this next stage I’m wondering what your current Wish list looks like, so what are the games you are looking most forward to (any generation and console).
For myself…
Alan Wake (is the game for 360 (that I know something about) I look forward to the most)
Lost Planet (not to long ago I didn’t really care about it, but after looking more into it, it has caught my attention)
FFXIII and Versus version (…I know

Heavy Rain (don’t know what it is, but I like it)
Assasin’s Creed
N Wii (pronounced ENVY

Zelda: Twilight Princess (tops all)
Final Fantasy III
Alone in the Dark IV
Unkown status games
DOA: Code Cronus (I know practically nothing ‘bout it, but this is what keeps 360 exciting for me at the moment (btw: anyone have any news of it))
Eyedentify (Now I wonder what happened to this?)
Dark Sector (another no show at this year’s E3)
And some games I pray to actually be made
Beyond Good & Evil 2 (he said he wanted to![:' (])
Shenmue III (…I just hope)
< Message edited by dionysius -- 2 Jun 06 17:29:29 >