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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:10
The Final Fantasy series suck! Only teenage boys with no experience from other genres or RPG series loves those games! Even though im a die hard fan and should flame this,its kind of funny still :P
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:16
Original by: Tiz Sora gone bad! Huh? Wasn’t Bouncer released way before Kingdom Hearts?! Also, even if wasn’t the best game ever made, I actually found good as light entertainment. It’s one of those games I actually like because it wasn’t amazing. Weird, huh? Original by: ginjirou The Final Fantasy series suck! Only teenage boys with no experience from other genres or RPG series loves those games! Aww, come on. That was totally uncalled for. Sure enough, Final Fantasy VII was the first RPG I ever played, and so my love for the series might be somewhat affected because of this. However I have played many other RPG’s, both western and Japanese, but that hasn’t turned my liking for the games to dust. Original by: Cetra Exactly, good you agree - with the truth. If you’re serious, then I can’t help but bringing up the fact that aren’t you usually the one saying what others say aren’t the ultimate truth (it’s something I agree with you on). But if you’re sarcastic then… Hehe. Also as I said, I couldn’t really agree with the “constantly breaking ground†part. Edit: BTW: Would people mind posting their top RPG games, so we can learn about eachothers preferences. Might help us understand and accept why others like/dislike games oneself love/hate.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 27 May 06 20:23:21 >
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:30
1.FF7(ps1) 2.FF9(ps1) 3.Sw,Kotor (PC,XBOX) 4.Chrono Trigger (SNES) 5.Baldurs gate 2 (PC) 6.Oblivion (Pc,xbox360) 7.Xenogears (PS1) 8.FF6 (SNES) 9.Tales of symphonia(GC) 10.FF8(ps1) 11.Chrono Cross (Ps1) 12.Baten kaitos (GC) 13.Baldurs gate (PC) 14.Vagrant story (ps1) 15.Tales of destiny 2 (ps1) Seeing how the people behind Mass effect is the people behind KOTOR,you can understand why i want that so fucking much,and you all saw the visuals...amazing O_O. FF9 and chrono trigger = sakaguchi games that kick ass. ANd then Lost odyssey and Blue dragon is self explained why iwant them so much. My most wanted rpgs at the moment is these ... 1.Lost odyssey 2.Mass effect 3.Blue Dragon 4.Dragon age 5.Tri-ace new rpg(people behind valkyrie profile and star ocean) 6.Enchanted arms 7.Final Fantasy 12 8.Final Fantasy 13 9.Baten kaitos 2 10.Final Fantasy crystall 2
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 27 May 06 20:43:01 >
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:42
awesome parody :) Final Fantasy Series had it good and bad moments and FFXII seems to be a fresh and original approach to the series (and it doesn' t have much in common with PSO IMO) Quez FF9 was way worse than FF8 and Chrono Cross :) Also Grandia 1 was one of the best RPG' s of FF7 Era (it even won the award for RPG of the year and it came out the same year FF7 did) - Grandia is the best example of cool , smart and tactical battle system in JRPGs.
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:45
Chrono Cross,lacked Sakaguchi and akira, and what you got was some very bizzare game with like 50+ characters,not good... Never feeled for the story or the character,basically kid was sarge future wife right? Cant remember so much,however i have the game next to me,so perhaps i should replay it and try and remember := ABout FF8,had the worse battle system ever,hated GF and junction system,also the characters feel very bizzare,i liked squall and rinoa,the others was just retarded :P Also the story flips out at the end in FF8,basically it kick ass until cd3,also sure its cool that you find out laguna is squalls dad,but i hated the dreamworld. Oh about GRANDIA,Suikoden2 and FF10 well those was good rpgs but never clicked completly for me. Also,why i love FF9? Medival time mixed with cool enviorment/towns and dragons and magic was back,and ofc crystalls,was like a festival for me :) Vivi is also one the most intresting characters ever made,i feelt so sorry for him when he died at the end,and his letter was one of the sadest in gaming history. I loved the battle system,with 4 characters and diffrent jobs, and the story kick ass also.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 27 May 06 20:49:13 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:56
I forgot that it is rude to ask for someone else’s name, before naming your own. So I’ll try to keep it clean, but it isn’t always possible (and I don’t count Ocarina of Time as an RPG), my list. 1. FF7/FF8 (rest of the FF games are ranked as: FF6, FFX, FF9, etc) 2. Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross 3. Digital Devil Saga 4. Xenogears/Xenosaga (I find Xenosaga to be a nice, interactive movie  ) 5. Oblivion (not really my cup of tea, but there’s no denying it’s a truly great game) Please do note that the lack of western RPG’s aren’t because my dislike towards them, rather it’s because I haven’t played big name games like Morrowind, Kotor or Baldurs Gate. Silver and Fallout were nice though. Also to be mentioned is that I decided to end the list at five, as I was worried that if I didn’t, I would have to bring up games I found to be mediocre. But had it continued, do know that Vagrent Story would have won 6th place.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 04:58
1. Final Fantasy VII 2. Final Fantasy VIII 3. Kingdom Hearts 4. Final Fantasy X 5. Final Fantasy VI 6. Jade cocoon 7. Dragon Quest VIII 8. Vagrant Story 9. Ever Grace 10. Alundra
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 05:12
Original by: QuezcatoL the others was just retarded That one went straight for my heart...  Selphie is one of my most favourite female characters EVER.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 27 May 06 21:14:26 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 05:25
Its funny how you mention selphie cause thats one of my most hated characters in FF serie. Now i do get why people like her,cause she is so happy i guess... But... oh nvm :) My top FF characters are... 1.Cid highwind 2.Cloud strife. 3.Freya 4.Vivi 5.Squall 6.Rinoa 7.redxiii 8.locke cole 9.Zell dincht 10.Sephiroth(I know...but i have to have him,to not have him on the list is ...well) My most hated FF characters. 1.Quina 2.Gau 3.Selphie 4.Tidus 5.Wakka 6.Lulu 7.Rikku --- hmmm one character that i is a love or hate,but she is okay... 8.That blue warrior guy in ff10 9.Seymor he looked like a freak,and is a joke himself... 10.Eiko,BRAT!!!!!! :P
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 27 May 06 21:29:23 >
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- Joined: May 25, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 05:37
What was Vagrant Story about? I always wanted to play it, but I cant find the game anywhere anymore.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 06:36
cause thats one of my most hated characters in FF serie. where do you get this shit from? its just bullshit really. its only what you want it to be, there are plenty of lovers for all the ff characters, and none is the most hated one.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 06:46
Its funny how you mention selphie cause thats one of my most hated characters in FF serie. You break my heart.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 08:05
Vagrant story was an amazing game based more in the action adventure platform than rpgs its about this woman who looses her child, and as the story progresses, she gets longer and longer visions of where her child is the game is set in a french type dark age time, and your only one main character all the way through, wielding all sorts of weapons in a really good battle system
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 10:58
Byakko, your kind of rude, and way out. Hm, let' s see... Original: Cetra ffxi sucked, this is more of the production team from the old classics like 10, 8 and 7, it will be more like those games than ffxi, 9 and 12 Original: Cetra I HATE when people say that, its not true. Sakaguchi was the executive producer/producer. You people even know what that is? Original: Cetra And QuexcatoL, maybe you need to know what a Director is then. I know he wrote the story for FF9, and how un-new it was huh. Save the princess, kingdoms at war, bad queen, oO big deal. haha Original: Cetra What I have written in articles before, that defines the typical final fantasy kitase games and what its known for now is this: Just to point out none of us here are writing ' articles' , they' re just posts. =/ Yours included. I don' t deign to be the best, but honestly, neither are you. Either you admit to yourself your own faults. And if you don' t think those are rude, think again. They were meant as sarcarstic remarks, like mine, though less dramatic; and following your own standards, they are hence ' rude' . Now, this will either develop into a ' trolling' issue, or you let other people say what they want; because honestly a person who calls himself ' Cetra' is prolly a little too self-important ( oldests race on Earth yada yada yada...)
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 20:24
I' m sorry cetra, but all that nonsense downplaying sakaguchi' s impact on final fantasy VII is rubbish. You have any idea how important a producer is to a game? He handles the games creative vision he doesn' t do it all himself, but he overseas EVERY aspect of the game' s development he has the authority to change, approve or deny any aspect of the game as he sees fit. You talk about nomura' s designs before they can be put in the game he has to approve what he' s looking at, when someone is writing out the story he has to read and approve of that story. If he doesn' t like the level design of an area or doesn' t like how a particular story aspect is brought into play he can demand it be changed. You think they give sakaguchi so much credit on final fantasy VII and many other final games for no reason at all? Why does David Jaffe get credit for God of War he was the game' s producer its a very big role to have in a game' s development. They are in charge of making sure that when everything comes together be it graphics, character design, character behavior, story, gameplay level design, etc is at a level that the producer accepts and think is a success. Don' t think for a second that none of final fantasy VII' s story didn' t have to get approval from sakaguchi. He may not be hands on drawing the characters himself, or developing every aspect of the game himself (which is impossible) , but rest assured if he felt a character should be taken out of the game or the plot shouldn' t work this way they would do as he wished. As someone else said doesn' t Miyamoto get any credit for mario being its producer? I guess not. The producer is like the coach of the team he gets the credit when they win and the criticism when they lose, except a game producer has more control than a basketball coach. A player wont or can' t always do what you' d like him to in basketball, but game development you can make sure he gets it right before the public sees it in action.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 20:35
Better yet why was Sakaguchi even inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts & Science Hall of Fame with names such as Miyamoto and John Carmack. Sakaguchi to my knowledge was the third person to ever make it onto the list. 2006 — Richard Garriott, founder of Origin Systems, currently at NCSoft 2005 — Trip Hawkins, founder of Electronic Arts, 3DO, and currently at Digital Chocolate 2004 — Peter Molyneux of Lionhead Studios and Bullfrog Productions 2003 — Yu Suzuki of SEGA 2002 — Will Wright of Maxis 2001 — John Carmack of id Software 2000 — Hironobu Sakaguchi of Square (Square Enix as of 2003), and currently at Mist Walker 1999 — Sid Meier of Firaxis Games and MicroProse 1998 — Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo That' s the entire list Peter Molyneux, Yu Suzuki (Shen Mue), Will Wright (spore), John Carmack, Miyamoto. is a pretty elite list of guys to be mentioned next to. After this people still think all sakaguchi did for the final fantasy series were mere SUGGESTIONS? Unbelievable. If that was the case kitase and nomura would be on the list not Sakaguchi. Did Square let someone who had nothing to do with the greatness of the games take credit for them? Of course not.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 20:50
I' m hired to write for a FF website so thats pretty much an article yes. And im sorry Dyack but Kitase and Nojima are the ones who made FF7 what it is, and what you got at home. A producer is a supervisor, and just helps to polish and give tips along the way. Compare it with an artist and the producer. The artist writes the song, and the producer helps the artist make the song. And the artist say in what direction he wants the song to be written and made in, and the producer helps the artist do that. When the song is done, the producer and artist will discuss the song, and the producer which owns the company and generally have better knowledge of music making than the artist, will probably demand the song to be changed at a few points somewhere in the song. The other alternative, which you can compare to this, is when the producer asks the artist to write a specific song. Then the artists on the producers initiative, writes the entire song, and when the song is written and made, the producer will contribute to polishing and evaluation afterwards. As I' ve said, Sakaguchi is not the one who is given credit for FFVII. Look it up www.imdb.com Nomura has to make characters fit into a world, and behave after it. As a designer, he also designs the characters mentality. Hence he made Sephiroth evil looking, he also decided he was evil - explained in short summed up terms.
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 20:54
Can' t we just say that they were all important in the process and that they created the Final Fantasy games as a team? I think the FF games wouldn' t have been the same thing without any of them.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 May 06 12:55:23 >
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 20:58
Dyack,thats because CETRA doesnt realise that Sakaguchi himself putted him on the PRODUCER role,after the success of FF1-FF5 cause he saw that the production increased each yearl. And someone needed to be there. He also realised that he wasnt the best guy for writing the story,event and program the serie,instead he started to hire people and direct them. Also why was he the one who did the FF movie? FF6-Chrono trigger,who ruled the SNES era? Sakaguchi! And,yes i wrote that SHIGER MYIAMOTO,always been the producer,of each of his titles,so to anyone who says Shigeru made Mario64,Z64 or The mario/zelda/Doney kong games to NES/Snes or GC,dont be fooled.Cetra knows he didn' t. Was some other guy who never get the credit for it. Ginjirou,thats not really true...Cause why did sakaguchi do,FF1-FF2-FF3-FF4-FF5 where he wrote,directed,programmed those games? Cause they all became hits,i only played FF5 and lovedf it,so cant judge his older games. Why did Dragon quest creator wanted to work with sakaguchi and make Chrono Trigger together? That resulted to one of the best rpg' s ever made. Cause he kick ass >-<
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 28 May 06 13:16:29 >
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 21:03
Actually,Matt stone is called PRODUCER,in south park,doesnt say he write the story,but he actually does,but not as much as TREY PARKER does,therefor he doesnt need to have it written at the credits. Yes,Matt stone is a writer of southpark. But nevermind,Blue dragon is coming to Japan this year(EU/USA)early 2007,And Lost odyssey next year. Let us judge these games and see how well they will do. If blue dragon is a hit,im sure AKIRA gonna get all credit by CETRA :P And if it would fail,its sakaguchis fault.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 28 May 06 13:09:09 >
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