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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 00:47
But CETRA,the main story never clicked with me on FF10,and then your basically the slave to a boring story. I know linear games will have awesome scripted sequence that can make a game cooler,however with open-ended game and guild quest' s you can choose yourself which path suits you while you also have the main quest.
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 01:22
But CETRA,the main story never clicked with me on FF10,and then your basically the slave to a boring story. Agree. There' s no need to force yourself to play something you do not like. And as story is a great big part of Final Fantasy, if it doesn' t click you might as well leave it be.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 06:17
I loved it, i actually cried at the end where all the summons died. The story was kinda about earning the meaning of the world, and the honour of saving it, and then loosing it all, what you loved and returning to be a normal person in a new world which wont even include what you once loved, cause its not needed anymore.
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 17:46
I loved it, i actually cried at the end where all the summons died. I loved it to. But I did no crying... Because my father had been telling me, since the day I was born, that only little girls cry.
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 21:04
I hate medieval setting, its really depressing. Im a technology freak so I like feeling it too. I hate sidequests, but love them when they are a few good ones and possible to get all done. I also hate " forming my own character" . I want to have a great story layed infront of me to follow. The things I do when Im my own character is just go raping women or breaking peoples wine bottles, beating up kids or something Typical of the gadget-generation; when asked to put in a little effort, WHOOMF! OMG! What a f**king game! I hate to think! DON' T MAKE ME THINK! GOOD GAWD! AND IF IT AIN' T MARKED WITH A F**KING ROAD-SIGN, IT AIN' T MY PROBLEM! SIDE-QUESTS DON' T ADD ANYTHING AT ALL BUT BOREDOM! LET ME HIT THE FINAL BOSS SO I CAN BLOODY PWN MY FRIENDS! Honestly, if you don' t like that sort of games, you shouldn' t even be playing RPGs  Basically, you just d/l the CG movies to get the gist of the story, and grab a friend' s memory card just before the final boss and beat ' em. Go to the loo during the ending credits and movie, and basically only come back to take a quick snapshot of the ending ' The End' and/or Secret Movie so you can ' proudly' boast how you ' finished' the game. There you go, no story, no plot development, no character development, no effort. Everything that requires brain-cells has been taken away and this is the result. Congratulations, the advent of the new ' gaming' generation. And people wonder why FPS games started going on the rise! Nothing like the primal instinct of killing other people (that all look the same except color-coded to aid the cranial processes) with one-push guns; one button to shot, one button to reload. FFXII is what I want from Final Fantasy now. Some realism. Not everything is going to revolve around ONE savior who must make ONE sacrifice to save the WHOLE world through sheer goodness of will and a bladed object. Politics is a more dangerous world than any fanthomable in medieval and ' hi-tech' times. It permeates them all and moves nations. If you think political intrigue is too much than think about this: FFVII was genre-defining because it forced players to actually think bigger than themselves, actually feel for the characters, to have some concern and understand that in that gameworld, they had a bigger mission. Some couldn' t take it; some returned the game saying " They didn' t think there would be reading invovled' because of the cool CG trailers. Some of the FF/gaming herd were culled that day. No longer a linear path of a storyline, littered with typical fare from the stone age, but at last, a game that COULD put movies to shame. And now we have FFXII. In no way a genre-defining game like FFVII. Not by a long short; and yet it' s begun culling off some more players. Are these players inferior, weaker, just plain lousier? You decide.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 21:15
Are these players inferior, weaker, just plain lousier? You decide. No, I just let themselves decide. I have no right to tell people what to enjoy when playing games.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 22:24
Byakko, your kind of rude, and way out. What you mean RPGs are isnt the only truth. The Final Fantasy series is actually the alternative that eventually set the standard for RPGS. I' m tired of rpgs where your overloaded by sidequests, and it reaches the level where sidequests is all there is. The sidequests itself are boring mostly, but then because you can advance in the main plot later by doing them, players fool themselves to feel rewarded. The final fantasy series has perfectly written stories, great development, and completely alternative methods to actually play the game. You say I dont need to play it since im lazy etc. But the fun for me lies in training my characters to the fullest, level 99/100, getting max stats, the best weapons, and get every item and option in the game. This is actually possible to overcome in the Final Fantasy games. I use around 150 hours to completely master every FF game, and dont tell me that I dont care about playing when thats the case.
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 22:44
Fanal fantasy is old, I' m bored with the concept. Something new would be nice.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 23:01
To be honest i' m more looking forward to enix' s new project it would be nice to see what else they can offer apart from FF sequels.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 27 May 06 15:02:23 >
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 23:21
If you have been paying attention, the Final Fantasy is constantly renewing itself. FF12 is something completely different, so is FF11. And spinoffs like tactics, or chrystal chronicles are also different. This is what the Final Fantasy series is known for, for constantly breaking ground and renewing itself to set new standards for the RPG.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 23:35
If you have been paying attention, the Final Fantasy is constantly renewing itself. FF12 is something completely different, so is FF11. And spinoffs like tactics, or chrystal chronicles are also different. This is what the Final Fantasy series is known for, for constantly breaking ground and renewing itself to set new standards for the RPG. Hold yer horses now people! WTF is this?! I totally agree with you Cetrta! I tend to see every Final Fantasy (' cept the honest to god, direct sequels) as stand alone games. Each vary in story and gameplay (though they certainly have similarities, they tend not to be bigger than with any other Japanese RPG) and I only see the name Final Fantasy as a sort of stamp of guarantee that I will get at least some level of quality. Edit: But not perhaps the " constantly breaking new ground" part.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 27 May 06 15:38:53 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 23:36
Sorry, accidentily double posted. Can' t find the delete button. Anybody know where it has run off to?
< Message edited by dionysius -- 27 May 06 15:38:23 >
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 23:46
Exactly, good you agree - with the truth. You can actually compare it to play cards. Say you have a stack of cards, and with that very stack you can play numerous different games that have completely differentt ways of playing, goals and are COMPLETELY different. The only thing they have in common is that they use the same cards. The Final Fantasy series has a basis. The way of moving around in a world, the way of fighting, the way of experiencing things. But all these factors are in a time where they too start to vary much more than they did before.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 27, 2006 23:51
Fanal fantasy is old, I' m bored with the concept. Something new would be nice. Very true but.... To be honest i' m more looking forward to enix' s new project it would be nice to see what else they can offer apart from FF sequels. That would be true too.. In actual fact I agree and don' t agree with those statements. When Square branch out, we get: Sora gone bad! And.. Cloud and Sephiroth doing drag races.. And for those of you that wanted more.. Gotta love a souped up Seifer and Zell don' t you? So please Square no branching out, and if you do, try and make a successful game without putting in Final Fantasy characters, let them be successful on their own merits.
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- Location: United Kingdom
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 00:08
If you have been paying attention, the Final Fantasy is constantly renewing itself. FF12 is something completely different, so is FF11. And spinoffs like tactics, or chrystal chronicles are also different. This is what the Final Fantasy series is known for, for constantly breaking ground and renewing itself to set new standards for the RPG. I like Cetra' s posts, more often than not they have a FAMILIAR air about them. " Ground-breaking" ? These are the ground-breaking Final Fantasies: FFVII and FFX VII: First to 3D. X: First one with voices. Groundbreaking for Square fans, nice movies for the rest of us. FFXII borrows some elements from Phantasy Star online, so for those of you that have never played PSO, you would probably find it groundbreaking when we have been playing like that since Dreamcast.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 00:13
I think the FF serie is looking fine,i mean FF12 looks very new and diffrent,looks like it ends some MMORPG thing ;)
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 00:31
Ah Tiz, do I got a word for you. Not only me infact either. I' m not gonna say it though, I think you can already guess it based on your post. You obviously dont know Squaresoft either. Heard about Vagrant Story, or Front Mission? Besides, FFXII borrows elements from Final Fantasy XI.
< Message edited by Cetra -- 27 May 06 16:32:24 >
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 00:34
The Final Fantasy series suck! Only teenage boys with no experience from other genres or RPG series loves those games!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 01:02
You obviously dont know Squaresoft either. Heard about Vagrant Story, or Front Mission? Of course I know those, Quez educated me about them the other day... I didn' t mention them because I thought those go without saying, we know those were good, because they were more or less in slight grasp of Final fantasy story telling which wasn' t hard for them. Vagrant Story??? As I have said before, if Square branch out to other different genres they tend to suck quite a lot.. The Final Fantasy series suck! Only teenage boys with no experience from other genres or RPG series loves those games!
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- Joined: May 25, 2006
RE: New FF on 360 rumours
May 28, 2006 03:56
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