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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
Apr 27, 2006 05:41
bomber, when i said euro' s i meant i wished they' d give the uk price not europe' s sorry for the misunderstanding - i was being selfish. Dasher - I think the PS3 would launch for one of those numbers but with a £ symbol attached, not a direct currency conversion - but i' ll keep dreaming Gangsta - hold on i' ll try to get them... I think they look too HD to be from rev though tbh, hope i' d be wrong, and they would be official as i' d be very impressed with rev, but im not so sure...  480i  480p has posted two images — snagged from — of an unidentified Mario title. Of course, since these images are unidentified, they are likely fake, concocted by an overactive Photoshop buff. It' s worth noting that copyright tags have been pasted on the images, accompanied by resolution values. The tag on the image to the left reads: 2006 Nintendo 480i; to the right: 2006 Nintendo 480p.
From Joystiq
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 27, 2006 05:56
They' re fake, and bad fakes at that. I think they look stupid! As for PS3' s price, ...i guess we' ll see at E3 but the prices posted seem too low to be genuine, even though they need to move Blu-Ray i doubt that they' d take such a huge loss. The price isn' t going to be determined by KK, but rather Sony' s shareholders. They will be taking a loss and a gamble no matter what since the thing will cost an awful lot to manufacture initially and with Sony betting the farm and putting much of their money into the development of CELL and Blu-Ray it' s highly unlikely they' ll want to take a big hit just to get the unit into peoples homes. It' ll sell if it costs $500 anyway, Sony know that. So why release any lower and make back less money?!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
Apr 27, 2006 06:15
Exactly and I doubt the main share holders will be prepared to take such a big risk considering sony' s unstablity lately...but who knows I just think that if they took that price leaning towards the idea that people will buy it purely based on the fact it would be a cheap blu-ray player (bouncing off ps2' s dvd drvie years ago) I think this time round it will be a bit trickier and those numbers in the profit marjins are going to be lower but I might be wrong.... Also if they are genuine we will be in for a lot of shortages to make up the numbers they' re loosing even more so than microsoft I think...again I could be wrong..
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 26 Apr 06 22:17:57 >