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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 07, 2006 23:06
Sony' s Playststion 3 is not MY main priority right now, although i AM keeping my eye on it like pretty much everybody else. I do think everything we know and have on the machine is worth compiling though. So, anything worth knowing or seeing can just be posted in here. Since the video' s we' ve all seen of the PS3 demo' s shown at GDC were very bad quality, i' m posting stills (actual photo' s, not stills from the videos) of the demo' s running during the presentation. The stills are generally much clearer although one or two DO still leave a lot to be desired. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT EVEN SITES LIKE IGN DON' T HAVE THESE IMAGES... Firstly, the games... Ratchet & Clank Resistance MotorStorm Warhawk Heavenly Sword Ok, i' m not posting The Getaway and the F1 interface shots because a) The Getaway didn' t show anything new and there are proper screens available already that show off it' s quality, ...and b) the F1 interface wasn' t all that impressive and it just what they would like to do and not a representation of what the game will be like. Now for the non-games (tech-demos) Vehicle Dynamics Heavenly Sword/Ragdolls Ok, now i do have more but i need to sift through what i' ve got and decide what is worth putting up. What i will draw your attention to is one of the F1 interface slides. Now, in the bottom right-hand corner one of the players is holding a pad. See for yourself... If that' s just a Dual Shock 2 stock image then the interface is pretty much bullshit and Sony are just trying to impress AGAIN. Yes the pad is wired but there are also wired 360 pads and there will probably be wired PS3 pads too. It' s probably nothing.   Anyway, ...for comparison, i' m ALSO posting screens taken from the E3 CG video' s which should give you an idea of how close PS3 will get to them. MotorStorm Warhawk Heavenly Sword Resistance While they might not be perfect for comparing the visual quality, it' s all we have to go off right now. I' ll update shortly once i' ve sorted the rest of my stuff out.  
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Apr 06 15:10:02 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
Apr 08, 2006 00:36
I wanna know exactly what you do.... I envy the time you have. (Lucky sod) Can we comment on what you have put up? Or is this a provide info only forum?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 08, 2006 00:49
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
Apr 08, 2006 01:24
What are the chances of Lair being actual gameplay Majik? In my opinion, someone' s been sniffing and getting high on the fumes of Panzer Dragoon a bit too much. It is a stunning demo, amidst a load of clouds and rain. And with all this talk about companies using the console' s in-game engine to render graphics as opposed to going to expensive developers really makes me wonder. Oh, and explain " anti-aliasing" please Majik...  There is technological jargon that I have yet to come to grips with..
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
Apr 08, 2006 03:40
Well majik, nice thread, I' m sure despite your efforts that hundreds more ps3 threads will still come about. Also thanks for the car damage vid, it' s the only one I hadn' t seen yet and wanted to - Although I' m getting server busy atm. As for the PS3 GDC stuff... well i was reasonably please with what was shown at GDC, and originally impressed with the water effect on warhawk (like farcry 360), however that feeling left me shortly after watching the craft fly RIGHT above the water, and there being absolutely no .... what' s the word.... reaction to the water. I like the mud demo (motorstorm) because even if people think it' s nothing new, IF the team use it as they say... It' ll be nice to see new things done. I mean that the cars creating obsticles in the effect of bumpy roads. (I don' t think i' ve really seen this in a game before (last gen) - and can' t wait for a snow boarding game to use the idea. (ssx5?) I can' t wait for E3 to see what has really been happening in the world of PS3 development, and this new pad (Nintendo rip off anyone? - I mean building suspense on a pad... Come on Sony..) Well for now, this is all.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Apr 08, 2006 04:56
y' know it' s a sad thing when the thing that excites me most is that there' s a possible ps3 controller that vary' s from that ridiculous bananna-handle design. sigh... there needs to be more news on this son of a biscuit! I can already tell that it' s gonna be a long month untill e3. Now granted all the video' s look really pretty, all probably using some revolutionary new physics engine that hasn' t even been revealed yet, like all supposed real-coughprerendered-time videos right?. but untill i can see someone with a controller in their hand, and the little person/aircraft/dragon/soldier/rubber duck? moving around on the screen, i' ve got to be impartial with sony on this one. This is a good idea though, maybe this one will stem the flow of OMGOMGOMG! it' s so pretty! kind of posts, in about a month when e3 hits.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 08, 2006 05:04
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 08, 2006 05:34
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
Apr 08, 2006 06:21
Well I for one wanted to give that bat-erang controller a go, It was something new and I didn' t find it as bad as everyone was saying. Still I hope they do well with the controller. As for the screen comparrison on motorstorm... Well I don' t find it disappointing, the demo shown does look similar (look it has mud and a yellow buggy thing). Sony said the videos were representations of how they expect the games to be like (or something to that extent i guess). Already they are trying with the mud bumping and spraying (technical terms here as you can see  ) clinging to cars etc. I believe they showed stuff like this in the CGI right? If they can do all the things they did in the demo, it might be a pretty fun game. - I' m still not gonna buy it though (Even if it did look like the CGI) It will indeed be a long time to E3, Sony have their speech on like the 8th of may if i remember correctly, a couple days before E3. So that' ll be nice. PS. Still don' t find that Ratchet and Clank demo impressive - I think i' ve set my expectations way too high. Crysis, and that cell-something game you showed a vid of majik, they look cool... - the latter for it' s fun and coolness factor. PPS. THe thing about the motorstorm vids is, the mud on the CG looks wet so the mud splash looks right, but the demo looks like desert, doesn' t seem right...
< Message edited by uumai -- 7 Apr 06 22:26:05 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 08, 2006 06:32
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
Apr 08, 2006 06:47
I used to agree with you about the analog, but it' s grown on me.. and I actually prefer it now, my thumb slips off with i use it the other way now.. Besides the D-Pad is in the perfect place for when they bring 2D back in ultra high res!! Yep thats right folk capcom, exclusively for PS2 (for the d-pad placement) will release a new installment in the street fighter series... The hinted and rumoured Street Fighter 4 from a while back? No... Street Fighter........II.........but now in all new High Res. - Could you imagine giving Capcom the chance to further milk street fighter games by re-releasing all the games upscaled to HD - without new sprites or anything.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Apr 08, 2006 08:00
Im sure sony delivers a great hand control they have to many people who can make a great controller and to much experience to now what sucks and not,that controller they showed at e3 sucked by the look,but mayby it was nice to hold O_o . XBox360 control is superb,and now i hope ps3' s gonna be too.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Apr 08, 2006 08:17
what bothers websites about ps3 controler is not the look but how it' ll hold in the hand, it just feel awkward, i had the same feeling but i think sony is not stupid to release something awkward specialy after dual shock 2, they could just keep it if they didn' t know hwo to make something better ... well may be they forced because of that lawsuit... but anyway, i think if they keep that " boomrang" it' ll be nice too ..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
Apr 08, 2006 19:22
I think the PS3 concept controller is coolest looking controller ever created. It looks like a piece of art and the choice of colour is great. I think the symmetrical design is great but the old analog sticks needs to be improved. There have never been enough resistance in those. But the concept controller still looks very uncomfortable. I hope Sony does what they always do and steal a new d-pad from someone else. Preferably Segas Saturn d-pad. If they steal that I' ll buy PS3 at launch!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 09, 2006 00:54
That looks much nicer than Sony' s concept, but bthe thing that mos people don' t realise about the concept they showed is that it' s very small and all the buttons can be accessed very easily. For some reason, many people think it looks big and you' d have to stretch your fingers...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Apr 09, 2006 00:58
If thats what they think,then how tiresome doesnt NR controller looks to be,i mean holding your arms in the air,both of them with a distance :S And i been in the army wearing 5kilo ak5 for hours. Before someone write 5kilo? :P Well we also had 25 kilo backpack on the back,and when you have to pretend like you aim at the forest like in real combat with 5 kilo gun all the freaking time for hours,your arms fall aparat. Well for a general gamer,this will be tiresome,...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
Apr 09, 2006 08:27
I actually prefer Sonys concept controller. The one you' re showing looks like a normal controller. It' s got the nice colours but it needs that boomerang shape to really get attention. Quez, the army sounds like great preparation for the Nintendo controller. I wouldn' t want to fight you in Metroid Prime 3 Online.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Apr 09, 2006 08:30
Or in Advanced Warfighter!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Apr 09, 2006 09:34
Im level 5 now,without any cheat,i have lost 3 games of around 200+ in team deatmatch. No joke,dont belive me,challenge me,i be on tomorrow,and after that day and so on,challenge me any time. Me and funner is angry people,we gonna play graw tomorrow again.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Apr 10, 2006 04:29
sorry Majik, i should have clarified, when i said the thing about the controller, i meant when i can play it myself, or see some member of the public play it, then i' ll be satisfied. Yes, the controller is smaller than i expected, my friend has a mock-up, and the buttons are placed a little bit better than the dualshock. My big problem though is the tiny thumbsticks, they already look small in the picture, and they feel even smaller in my hand, It' d be great if they' d switch over to a concave design, something akin to the 360. but i suppose that' s unrealistic. sony' s too stuck up to use a good idea.
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