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For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 03:25
Man, that trailer was cool! All I can say after seeing that is: F*ck Killzone PS3! Cellfactor looked way cooler.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 04:11
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ When you talk about mud effect in Motorsport you shouldn' t be talking about how old the technology is - IGN wrote that it looked great and totally nextgen (even though they were dissapointed in overall presentation). It' s how you use technology that matters.I don' t care if it can be achieved on PC , cause it wasn' t. It has been achieved before... many times. Any snowboarding game youve played uses the same tech with just a different color. All motorsport is doing is taking the snow texture and replacing it with a mud texture and adding a butt load more spray since it' s a car tire kicking up the mud.It' s old tech, it' s been done, and from people I personally know that saw it they said it looked rather crappy.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 04:33
hey, if the developers can convince me that i' m looking at some revolutionary new physics engine they' re building because it looks so good, then i' m just fine with it. Again, isn' t that where really excellent development comes into play. If you look at say, Rogue Squadron 3, for gamecube, and you look at some of the textures on the ships & rocks, it looks thoroughly impressive, but not because gamecube has amazing processors, or the developers are using a new and revolutionary technology. It' s because they can trick your eye to make you think you' re looking at something thoroughly amazing. that' s the sort of thing that impresses me. many people can use good technology, but it takes skill to work around it to make it do what you really want.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 04:34
Hell, even VF4 had snow and sand shifting around in real time (actual polygons, not textures), and that was back in 2001 in the arcade and on PS2. Todays advances in processing would allow for these things to affect gameplay via an advanced physics engine, but in terms of the visual effect it' s been around for ages.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 7 Apr 06 20:35:33 >
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 05:01
Todays advances in processing would allow for these things to affect gameplay via an advanced physics engine, but in terms of the visual effect it' s been around for ages Yeah, we know, ...infact Rampage said... It has been achieved before... many times. Any snowboarding game youve played uses the same tech with just a different color. All motorsport is doing is taking the snow texture and replacing it with a mud texture and adding a butt load more spray since it' s a car tire kicking up the mud.It' s old tech, it' s been done, and from people I personally know that saw it they said it looked rather crappy. ...and the point is that Sony say PS3 is a " super-computer" , and yet the GDC demo' s didn' t really show that. Yes the MotorStorm demo looked like it would make a half-decent game (it looks too much like Smugglers Run to me, and the Smugglers Run games sucked!), but the technology they are using ISN' T very impressive and i can' t quite understand why they didn' t show something more groundbreaking. I mean c' mon, they say PS3 is twice as powerful as 360 and yet they haven' t shown any kind of proof. What are they waiting for, ... E3?!
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 05:20
using ISN' T very impressive and i can' t quite understand why they didn' t show something more groundbreaking Because they' re just trying to fool the ignorant mainstream using pre-rendered CG, which is much easier to do than having a poor western studio show how good hardware that isn' t even finished is. they say PS3 is twice as powerful as 360 They do indeed, but we all know it' s not true. I guess that Sony only feel now after people have wised up to last years E3 PS3 farce that they need to show something in real time. Yet Sega' s next gen Sonic demo did a far better job doing that than their own work. I reckon we will see just how powerful (or not  ) PS3 is when Capcom bring out Resi 5 and DMC 4 for the console, or just Namco' s Tekken 6.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 07:01
It has been achieved before... many times. Any snowboarding game youve played uses the same tech with just a different color. All motorsport is doing is taking the snow texture and replacing it with a mud texture and adding a butt load more spray since it' s a car tire kicking up the mud.It' s old tech, it' s been done, and from people I personally know that saw it they said it looked rather crappy. Well I' m not hiding that I didn' t actually see it , but I' ve read about it on IGN and that' s a good site - I trust their judgement mostly (and they say they haven' t seen it looking that good before). No matter how good that mud effect was (or wasn' t) , Motorsport demo was dissapointing. If PS3 is as overhyped as PS2 was - it' s fuckin dead.I don' t believe they can survive with nothing but a big name again. It really is interesting how both 360 and PS3 compare next to each other.Both have their strenghts and weakneses. Thank God (yes you Mister Miyamoto) for E3 - it' s now closer and closer ...the answers are coming ...at last :)
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 07:12
If PS3 is as overhyped as PS2 was - it' s fuckin dead.I don' t believe they can survive with nothing but a big name again I agree 100%, and i' ll even go one more and say that if Red Steel for Revolution, as shown in Mays issue of Game Informer, ...then PS3 is dead already!
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 08, 2006 23:03
Ha ha, and you guys claim [some of you] your not biased?
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 09, 2006 00:02
What do you mean by biased? If me calling a crap game a crap game (motorstorm ) biased based on people I actually know seeing first hand I don' t know...
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 09, 2006 00:24
if that game Ubisoft showed is the real thing, and if it' s a true FPs not a " rail shooter" , then i' m sure that sony will be in " big" trouble. my basket would contain, xbox360 + Rev , than just ps3 costing 600$. i think it' s a wise deal. as for ps3, i' m sur sony will show something big at e3, and i' m sony that one day or another that killzone 2 CG will be almost if not completly achievable on PS3.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 09, 2006 00:32
if that game Ubisoft showed is the real thing, and if it' s a true FPs not a " rail shooter" , then i' m sure that sony will be in " big" trouble. It has split screen and online play, so it can' t be an on the rails shooter. I' m glad you agree though. If it' s 100% genuine and there are more titles like that (and the console & games are cheaper than PS3' s/360' s, ...i think both Sony AND Microsoft are in trouble).
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 09, 2006 01:10
I don' t think Sony or MS are in trouble at all. The Rev has yet to do anything that makes it stand out against the PS3 and 360 other than the controller (which I still think is gay).
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 09, 2006 03:39
There' ll always be a market for what each company has to offer. Sony, MS and Nintendo are going to be offering slightly different things, Nintendo in particular. I' m behind Nintendo all the way with the Rev, but it won' t appeal to everyone, especially those that are put off by the controller! I' m also looking forward to some of the Japanese games that get released as PS3 exclusives since 360 is never going to be as popular over there. Personally, if Gears of War/Too Human doesn' t impress, I' m trading my 360 in for a PS3. And I' ll be getting a Rev for sure.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 09, 2006 06:28
but it won' t appeal to everyone, especially those that are put off by the controller! Just wait a while and everyone will scream be screaming " I love Revolution" . It' s just like with the DS - most people hated it and the very same people after spending some time with it love it. if Rev is as groundbraking as it seems that is ...
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 10, 2006 19:31
Don' t forget that the controller isn' t everything so far and that Nintendo has more to show. And even though the controller might be a little so-so to some people we will still see the same great Nintendo games on the Revolution. And then we have the controller shell and... what the hell I explained why the Revolution will be a success in another thread: https://forum.kikizo.com/tm.asp?m=44603&p=3&mpage=6&tmode=1&smode=1 Just read it and shut up!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Apr 06 11:35:24 >
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 10, 2006 21:56
Has anybody else read the Red Steel article in Game Informer?! They say that the best way for people to play the game will be standing up. Standing up?! That wouldn' t be so odd if pretty much everybody' s TV' s are waist height. I mean, eve n if you' re standing a couple of feet away, the angle would still be all wrong. They' re talking like you' ll be playing with the display at head height, like in an arcade...
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 10, 2006 22:07
I think it will work just fine. You don' t aim at the TV as with a light-gun right?
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 12, 2006 05:39
yeah it' s more like mouse movement - subtle and not connected to your TV but to sensor bar. You don' t point like with light gun - instead you move controler and it' s movements are detected in 3d space and then translated into actions.It will take some time to get used to it but I think it' ll definitely be worth it. another thing many people don' t realise is how those moves you make are subtle and your hand rests on your lap slightly moving while giving precise and quick response. At least that' s what I' ve figured from reports on special presentations and Red Steel info. The Rev has yet to do anything that makes it stand out against the PS3 and 360 other than the controller (which I still think is gay). I think DS gave nintendo a huge trust from gamers- at least those who understand it' s appeal plus some who didn' t get it at the begining and realised it later. Gay? I think that there isn' t anything more Gay than 360 - it' s big and powerfull - all about performance and promoted as a 100% Alpha-Male gameplay.It' s what people who don' t feel sexually secure buy first.
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RE: For anyone that thought the 360' s physics wouldn' t match the PS3...
Apr 23, 2006 21:49
Sorry for bringing up this old thread again but I found this Alienware PC on the web: http://www.alienware.co.uk/product_detail_pages/Aurora_7500/aurora_features.aspx?SysCode=PC-EU-AURORA-7500&SubCode=SKU-DEFAULT The Aurora 7500. It' s interesting because it has a PPU, Physics Processing Unit, to handle the Ageia PhysX Engine. It' s also available with Nvidia GeForce 7900 Series, which I didn' t know was available at all, or you can get the Radeon X1900. It sounds kind of powerful if you can equip it with: -Alienware® Liquid Cooling with AlienIce™ 2.0 Video Cooling -AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-60 Processor with HyperTransport and Dual Core Technology -4GB Dual Channel Low Latency DDR PC-3200 at 400MHz - 4 x 1024MB -Dual 512MB PCI-Express x16 NVIDIA® GeForce™ 7900 GTX - SLI Enabled -AGEIA PhysX™ Physics Processing Unit -500GB Serial ATA-II 3Gb 7,200 RPM w/16MB Cache -Premium 16x Dual Layer DVD±R/W Recorder -Alienware® Edition Sound Blaster® X-Fi® High Definition 7.1 Audio with XRAM Technology I don' t know much about PCs... is that a good one?
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