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RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 02:39
Well, I wasn' t as blown away as people seem to be with NG. The graphics weren' t as good as I hoped (i remember being disappointed when i started playing it [fanboys, please, don' t read as crap] ) - A ninja in a shiny PVC outfit? super stealthy. I much prefer the Onimusha Games to Ninja Gaiden. I preferred the earlier parts of NG where you are killing humans not demons. (A reason i didn' t mind much enjoyment in the hurricane pack) I don' t really remember the sound track. As for God of War, well... On first play through it' s great, technically i was so impressed (remember different hardware/different opinion however at least it manages reflections ((inc character)) on a lot of surfaces) Combat system was nice, and the anytime block was good, but the animation for it made it rough. The double jump looked crap. The gameplay was pretty good, though some of the platforming bits (eg, hades) sucked balls. Both games were pretty great in all... Still prefer the Onimusha series though...
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RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 07:05
...Ninja Gaiden Black is the reason why i don' t own God of War, and haven' t given Onimusha:DOD the time of day..... ....why bother with seung mena when you can have Ivy?....
< Message edited by bishonen -- 14 Mar 06 23:06:12 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 07:17
I never played NG but both gof war and it are both very good games. I just cannot say without playing NG. But the real ' Tough Game' of this generation was DMC3! come on! how can you guys not even mention that? its like real old school hard as nails. The new version is easyier tough. But i finshed it, on hard. Anyway, back on topic..
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 08:24
DMC3 wasn' t THAT hard, ...It WAS tricky but Ninja Gaiden is on a completely different level. I love hard games because i always feel like i' ve achieved something when i complete a level, but DMC3 didn' t give me that satisfaction. It' s much better than DMC2 which was dreadful but i still prefer the original. Ninja Gaiden is harder than DMC3.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 08:25
I bet thats just the fanboy in you talking
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 08:48
Ugh, i detest that term! It' s so fucking juvenile, ...it makes people sound like children. I couldn' t care less about the consoles or the companies, ...i just love games! I' m serious though, ...you need to ACTUALLY become a Ninja to complete the game on it' s hardest difficulty. I know people who can' t even get past the first boss. Ther are NO weak enemies in Ninja Gaiden whatsoever! This game is badass!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 09:07
heh i really liked the way they made you wear a pink band around your arm for the rest of the game if you picked easy, well i heard. I love that.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 23:09
....why bother with seung mena when you can have Ivy?.. ...cause she' s younger and much more sexy? God of War Vs Ninja Gaiden Story That' s where NG sucks actually - it starts in amazing moody ninja and samurai enviroments with amazing sound effects and quickly becomes some high-tech-future crap. GoW starts great and it gets better all the time - locations you visit are simply amazing and it has a very satisfying ending.Quality Product when it comes to Story. GoW wins Graphics Ninja Gaiden looks amazing , but it' s not the prettiest Xbox game ever made. The Camera system is terribly flawed (yes even in Black) and takes some time getting used to.Characters animation is top notch.However most places you visit are just boring and kind of standard gaming enviroments.Levels seem kind of disconnected.Some even look bad. God of War is definitely the best looking PS2 game.It has amazing levels nicely connected with smooth transitions between them.The art direction is the key here since it' s PS2 and it can' t be as sharp and clean as NG.The very ideas for different places make this game amazing.Characters animation is crap/silly at times and most of the time just mediocre.Enemies are very low-poly. GoW=NG Gameplay God of War is a great game with 9,5/10 gameplay that sometimes drops to 9.0 - it' s just fantastic. Ninja Gaiden - Gameplay in this game is 10/10 - it' s fuckin perfect.When you die - you know it' s your fuckin fault. NG is the undisputed winner here with incredibly deep and polished gameplay that brings tons of fun and replay value. Audio GoW has fantastic voice acting , great sound effects and great music. NG however kicks ass (I still remember those sounds at the very beginning ...so ...so ninja :) ) much more NG wins (but it' s close) Overall Both should be played by gamers who don' t like to miss AAA titles - who cares which one is better ? don' t you like having 2 amazing games instead of one? :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: God of War 2
Mar 15, 2006 23:16
When you die - you know it' s your fuckin fault. And you die a lot on Master Ninja!
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RE: God of War 2
Mar 16, 2006 03:54
...yeah i' m sure GOW is a very good tile... ...but i' m not the kind of gamer who plays every very good title released.. ...i just don' t have the time or the cash to do so.. ..i tend to focus only on the creme de la creme (hence why i was so pi$$ed with the ex-box' s overall performance - far too few earth shattering releases)... ...i guess it just comes down to personal preference in the end... ..for me (and most people i think), Ninja Gaiden Black is one of those experiences that you just cannot miss... ...whilst i respect GOW, i don' t think it truly has the Premier quality that black has... ...you can' t be serious about taking Sueng Mena over Ivy, can you?...
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: God of War 2
Mar 16, 2006 04:03
Just curious, all you that say black is better than GoW, same goes for NG (original) lets face it GoW didn' t get an update, so isn' t it better to compare the original? If i could be bothered to dust off my xbox collection id try the music on NG as a lot fo you think NG music is badd ass, and i cannnot remember the teeniest bit of it. I guess that' s something to do once onimusha 4 is finished... I love just messing around and levelling
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: God of War 2
Mar 16, 2006 04:23
The Onimusha games suck! Dawn of Dreams is cool-ish, but it' s too little too late. The team should have taken note of what their sister team did with RE4 and really put some effort into making it better. It' s not a bad game by far but is sucks major ass when compared to Ninja Gaiden. Ha, anyone who doesn' t love Ninja Gaiden, doesn' t own it or can' t get off the first level because they suck! Ninja Gaiden was amazing but Ninja Gaiden Black is a work of art. There is so similar experience that can compare! Y' know, someone mentioned DMC3, ...well Ikatagi-san met the DMC3 director while DMC3 was still in production. It' s discussed in an interview Ikatagi-san had with 1up and it' d hillarious. I met the DMC3 director at E3 last year. While I was out drinking at some bar, this Japanese guy comes wading through the crowd up to me, and he says, " You' re Itagaki-san, aren' t you?" Pretty outgoing for a Japanese guy, wouldn' t you say? Anyway, so I say, " Yes, I am. Who the hell are you?" Yeah, there were two of them there then. I remember. I have a great memory [laughs]. So, he says, " I am the director of Devil May Cry 3; pleased to meet you!" and I said, " Pleased about what, dumbass!" I was drunk at the time, after all. He was young, so I slapped him on the back and said, " You just work hard so that one day people will say ' Team NINJA in the East [Tokyo], Capcom in the West [Osaka]' ." The product of his labor after that little pep talk was DMC3. It got decent reviews here in Japan, and I think he did pretty well for a young guy. If he' s lucky, he might make something even better next time. It' s available here... http://www.1up.com/do/feature?pager.offset=0&cId=3140456
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RE: God of War 2
Mar 16, 2006 04:36
...  yeah i read that... ...Itagaki-san is by far the coolest person in videogames... ..without doubt.. ...he proves that you don' t have to be a total dork to like or make videogames..
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: God of War 2
Mar 16, 2006 05:09
...you can' t be serious about taking Sueng Mena over Ivy, can you?... Anytime baby (but only Soul Calibur 3 version) :) (Actually I' d rather take Taki) GoW has that premium quality - it' s only a bit different. Itagaki ...I hate this fool - he makes 2 great titles (DOA and NG) - both far from perfect , yet he acts like he' s the new Miyamoto an Suzuki combined. He even said that DoA has more depth than Virtua Fighter ...he' s just a retard :)
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RE: God of War 2
Mar 19, 2006 05:17
He even said that DoA has more depth than Virtua Fighter ...really?.... do you have a link?... ...i can' t believe that unless i read it for myself....
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: God of War 2
Mar 19, 2006 05:22
...Itagaki-san is by far the coolest person in videogames... ..without doubt.. DIE!!!!
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RE: God of War 2
Mar 19, 2006 05:25
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: God of War 2
Mar 19, 2006 08:19
SAKAGUCHI > ALL!!!! Wow :P i totally agree!!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: God of War 2
Mar 19, 2006 08:38
He looks kinda like a paedophile...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: God of War 2
Mar 19, 2006 08:56
You seen him now? Longer hair ffs. Btw kikizo even had a video interview with him from like november,and they talked about blue dragon and lost odyssey. However they asked nothing about Nobuo,and i got very dissapointed,but a video interview with the legend is enough to please me and kikizo own!!!
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 19 Mar 06 0:58:12 >
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