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 Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!!
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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 09:08

benchmark peformances that show the specs to be better than PS2

In some respects yes, but the poly count is still lower than the PS2' s in game, with effects running, physics and AI all at once.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 18 Feb 06 1:15:09 >

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 09:12
My comment wasn' t directed at you dude. I agree with what you' re saying, but it has less to do with polycount than people care to realise.

PSP has a much smaller screen, therefore making massive polycounts redundant. It' s much easier to half half the poly' s displaying on the PSPs' screen with more effects to achieve the same results.

Will we ever see a game like MGS3 in terms of visual quality on PSP? Unlikely, but you' ll definately see games on PSP that visually improve on PS2 games.

Bear in mind that the PSP isn' t hasn' t exactly been around the block yet. People here are comparing Dark Ressurection to Tekken 5, when they should be comparing it to Tekken Tag Tournament instead!

Now tell me Dark Ressurection on PSP doesn' t look as good as that, if not better.


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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 09:22

PSP has a much smaller screen, therefore making massive polycounts redundant. It' s much easier to half half the poly' s displaying on the PSPs' screen with more effects to achieve the same results.


I definitely think it looks better than TTT. And the rough edges in the direct-feed screens will be erased once it' s running natively on the PSP' s screen. Admittedly I expected the PSP to be able to produce a perfect conversion of TTT in time given that the game' s not pushing many more polys than a DC.

I personally can' t wait for Dark Ressurection, though it now seems like a PS3 port is unlikely, if not a flat out no.

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 09:36
A PS3 port is still viable. Namco will be looking at Dark Ressurections success in the arcade and on PSP. It would be much easier for them to port and update DR for PS3 than to do Tekken 6 as a launch title.

Tekken Tag was afterall just a pimped up Tekken 3!

I expect the PSP version to look close to Tekken 4 in the looks depatment. Tekken 5 was a huge leap for the series in every aspect, especially the visuals. Asking that kind of quality from Namco so early in the units life is a bit cheeky. I wouldn' t dream of comparing a 1st/2nd generation PSP title to a 5th/6th generation PS2 title. People are thinking about it the wrong way ;P

Suffice to say it' s going to be a superb portable game, and that' s what matters.

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 09:58
...hey, are Dragnov and Lili the only new characters in resurrection?...

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 10:09
As Terry said...

Fear teh powah of teh Pee Ess Pee!!1!!

These are the PSP version and it looks loads better than TTT (a PS2 game no less) and as good (with superior partical effects) as Tekken 4 (another PS2 game...). Bear in mind that it' ll look even nicer in motion and once it' s been fully optimized and you can' t say PSP can' t look as nice as PS2, because it obviously can!

In 2 years and another Tekken on it' ll look even nicer, close to Tekken 5 even. No need for huge polycounts because the screen is much smaller and the unit can produce better particle effects and such.

Just be happy that your PSP CAN output comparable visuals and don' t question the technological trickery involved!

Screens were found here:

I' m going to bed. Night all! ;P
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 18 Feb 06 2:11:36 >
Game Junkie

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 10:32
fucking sweet, I knew there was a reason to buy a psp.
Terry Bogard

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 10:47

Sony says that PSP is like PS2 and they speak the truth cause they made both...Now I don' t think you realise what you' re saying :)

It' s like I told the good people at the Gamefaqs PSP board, I' ll believe Sony about their own hardware platforms before I believe any of them ANY day of the week

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 19:42
Even though the PSP is much about graphics I have to say that many of the PSP games have lots of gameplay as well. Just because Sony says it can deliver amazing graphics doesn' t mean that that' s the only thing it can do.
I think Sonys focus on graphics was a bad move since they were previously known for having great games on their consoles. But know when they' ve hyped the PSP and PS3 as super powerful everyone has forgotten what made the PS2 so good compared to the Xbox in the first place.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 18 Feb 06 11:43:45 >

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 18, 2006 21:05
Thankfully I didn' t, and the PS2 thankfully holds up very well with it' s best games (Soul Calibur 3, VF4 Evo, DMC3 etc). My Xbox gets next to no use at all these days, not that it did except for DOA3, various Sega stuff, Halo (the first one) recently OutRun 2, and no doubt I' ll waste countless hours on 2006 as well.

PS3 will end up being a case of having the best visuals and most likely the best games, unless Microsoft somehow convince more vintage Japanese developers to make exclusive games for the format. I can imagine that when multiformat games arrive on both PS3 and 360, people will perhaps buy the PS3 version for the more polished visuals.

At least they' ll probably have the bulk of great games on offer too.

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 00:51

I can imagine that when multiformat games arrive on both PS3 and 360, people will perhaps buy the PS3 version for the more polished visuals.

You mean if they have both consoles?

I hate how everybody still assumes that PS3 will have better visuals. Not only will multi-platform games be closer in quality than you think, but PS3 might not look quite as good as expect. At least not for the 1st generation or two of games.

The way the technology works, and the reports that are coming from developers that have got the final PS3 dev-kits is that 360 has a slight graphical edge because it has a more advanced GPU, but PS3 can do more calculations and will likely be able to have more things on screen at any given time because Cell is astoundingly fast.

But that doesn' t make it look nicer. Look at the Dynasty Warriors games on PS2 for an example of what i mean!

Terry Bogard

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 01:29
If developing for the PS3 is as complex -- if not alot more -- than the PS2 then I think it' ll be a long time before you see a lot of games that really take advantage of the hardware and only from some of the more top-tier development studios out there.

(Someone in the background shouts: " OH that was quite profound Mr. Obvious.. Next I suppose you' re going to tell us that games get better with time." )

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 01:57
Like you guys say it' s down to deveopment and whether or not devs can use the hardware to it' s potential. We' re not going to find out how good both machines really are untill someone like Capcom releases Resi Evil 5. Though at the same time people at Sega like Suzuki-san and at Capcom seem to believe at the moment that the PS3 has the edge.

I assume not only because of these comments but also that the CELL can also be used to graphic calculations to back up the GPU, obviously physics will take a hit, but to what extent would depend on how good you are at coding efficient routines. Maybe the reason also is that I' ve yet to be impressed by any 360 games that have been shown including the apparently amazing Gears Of War (over shiney, jerky mess at the mo). Capcoms Lost Planet is the first thing I' ve seen that vaguely shows what 360 can do, and that' s a year away.

It all comes down to the games, and from what I can tell so far 360 hasn' t really got anywhere near as much support as it should have. Again, too early to tell properly, but unless Microsoft get some serious Jap support for popular franchises then I can' t see it being as good as PS3.

The biggest mistake is that Microsoft rushed the 360 out, so devs haven' t had time to really make any outstanding games for it, which is why were going to have to wait until next year, and even then many companies in Japan are going to sit back and see how well it does before commiting fully.

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 05:04

If developing for the PS3 is as complex -- if not alot more -- than the PS2 then I think it' ll be a long time before you see a lot of games that really take advantage of the hardware and only from some of the more top-tier development studios out there.

My sentiments exactly!

It' ll be at least 2 years after release that the console will really begine to shine. At the moment (and this applies to 360 too) developers are struggling to find the best ways to approach the hardware. Microsoft has the added advantage of being abale to offer developers their own comprehensive development environment and specialized tool kits, which makes development for the 360 so much easier.

PS3 will look good, even at launch, but i don' t seriously expect PS3 launch titles to look as polished as the 360 titles that are launching at around the same time.

The more i think about it, the more excited i get about games that are coming to 360. That ofcourse could be due to the fact that i already own it though, ...but Too Human and Halo 3?! Ninja Gaiden 2?! (it' ll definately release on 360 and Code Chronus will most likely make PS3), ...whatever Rare does next?!!!

Anyhoo, ..can we please not have anymore arguing about PSP vs PS2. I think we' ve shown that the PSP is capable of producing PS2 quality visuals, even without having to render as many polys' .

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 07:35

and the reports that are coming from developers that have got the final PS3 dev-kits is that 360 has a slight graphical edge because it has a more advanced GPU, but PS3 can do more calculations and will likely be able to have more things on screen at any given time because Cell is astoundingly fast.

There are reports on PS3 being stronger too - it depends on the source really.

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 07:48
Yeah, pretty much, and the PS3 DOES have a processor advantage, but 360 has a GPU advantage.

It' s not really worth worrying about!

I have one and i' m getting the other. What i' m REALLY interested in is Revolution!

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 07:58
I' ll just buy all the consoles, just like I' ve done since the days of the Megadrive and SNES.

Revolution: Potentially the most exciting one of them all. Can' t wait to see what Ninty has in store for us, especially with Metroid Prime 3 and Mario 128.

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 19, 2006 20:18
There has been some changes on this forum - there are much more gamers excited about the revolution than haters - it wasn' t always so :)

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 20, 2006 00:35
Really? I expected this to be THE place where Revolution had support. Well assuming the same hardcore gamers that grew up reading SSM and then SegaWeb were still here.

It' s good to be open minded about new things.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 19 Feb 06 16:37:34 >

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RE: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection coming to PSP!!! - Feb 20, 2006 01:21
REVOLUTION is going to be better than sex (and i have a GREAT sex life)

I' ve always said so!
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