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What WILL PS3 be capable of?
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Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 02:25
I really wish there was a safe future in game development in denmark, that would be cool, if i wanted to ´do it, id be making Hitman games from now til never :P oh and i dont have the programming skills to do it. I could do some 3d or map making maybe ;)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 04:15
Let the ps3 titles be announced,hell we dont even have a release date for ps3 yet,also alot of dev got dev kit and might be making game without saying a thing.
Chee Saw
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RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 04:27
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I really wish there was a safe future in game development in denmark, that would be cool, if i wanted to ´do it, id be making Hitman games from now til never :P oh and i dont have the programming skills to do it. I could do some 3d or map making maybe ;) You should make it happen, man! Just go to school, and become the best at your trade. Then go out and form a team of people who compliment your skills. Eventually, you could be the programming lead, director, or advisor for EA: Denmark!! (eventually ALL developers will be part of EA! Trust me! It' s coming!)
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 05:18
Gangsta, what' s the situation in Poland like as far as games development courses goes? Nothing like that even exist in here. Games that are created in Poland never exceed the CRAP point. Games are hard to get , consoles as well. It really is bad. I' m actually thinking about going to UK for some time.It' s a great place for gamers , not as good as US but still good.Plus you guys need Medical Staff -that' s where I come in :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 05:23
Well we' ll get together for an excessive number of beers then!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 05:43
I just talked with my brother who has studied marketing and he says that lots of companies are using forums for marketing. Not that you need any education to realize that  ... And since MS has got a lot of money and videogames are one of the most popular topics on the Internet, using the forums as hidden commersial spots should be very useful for them. And the word in the forums will spread out. Out on the streets. Weither or not that guy was from MS or not, we should be careful when reading stuff on this or any forum. I' m wondering, how many years from now will we be able to buy a PC with the same graphic capabilities as the 360 to an affordable price? The 360 seems to have huge potential if you just go by graphics.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 05:55
I dunno. It' d cost over a grand if you wanted to replicate the technology as a PC. Depends where you buy your stuff from though. You won' t see PC graphics cards that can do what 360 can do until early next year. From a graphical standpoint it' s a great machine. Anyway, enough about that. Check this out... http://www.archive.org/details.php?identifier=TeamRyoukoFridayNightMadness4 Just download the Mpeg1 file on the left. You might have already seen it, but i love Team Ryouko, ...i saw them live when i was in Canada. I wanna be a Ninja too! EDIT: Download this from here too... http://tearsanddreams.tripod.com/id49.aspx
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 2 Feb 06 22:03:29 >
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 06:04
Well we' ll get together for an excessive number of beers then! Bring your DS with you (and watch those stupid faces people make when they see two grownups drunk as fuck playing videogames) heheheh I just talked with my brother who has studied marketing and he says that lots of companies are using forums for marketing. Not that you need any education to realize that ... In that case at least 50% of kikizo members works for MS hehe PC with the same graphic capabilities as the 360 to an affordable price? The 360 seems to have huge potential if you just go by graphics. It' s hard to say - MS lovers will tell you that for a very long time.I think that this time PC' s will have to wait longer than ever to catch up.Dual Core CPU' s from intel may be out already , but haven' t been created with games in mind.X has three 3.2 cores based on POWER PC G4 but optimised for gaming. I' d say it will take a year or 1,5 to catch up with the CPU performance even if they get dual core processors. The GPU however is a bad boy that will make it into PC market somewhere in late 2006 , but not with all the innovations (10 MB buffer). Having that said - for PC to beat a console in graphics department - it has to be much more powerful.If it' s performance equals this of X360 , games for 360 will look much better - console games are optimised and made for a specific hardware with no variations.Add to this that X may get some Japanese artist on it' s side and those guys make miracles with PS2. I think it will take 2 -2,5 years to catch up and then there won' t be many noticable differences for at least a year. Everyone says how oblivion looks incredbile and stuff , but look at the PC versions requirements : Recommended: * 3 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor * 1 GB System RAM * ATI X800 series, Nvidia GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card the only thing that 360 lacks is RAM Memory - they can make a streaming engine for that. Does it mean that Oblivion will work much better on 360? NO - those guys suck and they don' t optimise their games as much as they should.That' s what you get with PC developers onboard. Check Quake 4 and it' s framerate issues on 360.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 2 Feb 06 22:20:42 >
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 13:40
true gangsta. If half life 2 aftermath goes to the 360, after it comes out on the pc, i hope they make a good fucking port with no framerate issues. gangsta, dual cores are out already. my cousin just got a asus a8n premium whatever, with athlon 64bit dual core (i think it' s called athlon x2 64 bit) clocked at 3.2 Ghz. He has only one nvidia 6800 GT, 256 MB, but soon will upgrade to two video cards, his motherboard is SLI enabled. anyways, dual cores are out already and athlon kicks Intel' s ass when it comes to performance in games (yes the processor is an important part too in games). PCs won' t come near to the 360 for at least 3 years ppl. they have to do some major innovations on the pc market. they' re on the way with vista, winFX, and nvidia with their quad-SLI, yes 4 nvidia cards in one motherboard, whaaaat!!!! I think the new gaming PCs that have those will need liquid Nitrogen to keep the temp. down, lol. In my opinion ATI is the best video card maker. The recommended settings are never for the highest quality of the game. also, PCs do many other things, so obviously even if tehcnically they can surpass a console, they won' t deliver as well a console, everyone knows that. majik, those numbers u gave, I still had read them more than a month ago on the net, and things u find on the net are not bullshit all the time, cuz if u say ur numbers are correct, that means that what' s on the net is also correct since i saw the same numbers a while ago. jut pointing out. can i come to england and drink beer too? I love beer. and we can have a cup o' tea in the evening with biscuits MS guy or not, some shit he said made sense, so...I dun mind if he' s working for anyone, as long as the things he says are truthful, we' ll only know when E3 comes around...
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- Location: Sweden
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 19:19
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 19:28
Man that was horrible! I' ll stick with Team Ryouko and their real life Ninjitsu! FULL FLEX!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 19:31
Did you really watch any of the movies? Check out Lateefs, Tonys or Sams demo videos. The guys at Zerogravity are great at choreographing. The Ryoko guys just jumps around. Hehe, I wished real Ninjutsu would be more like what these two teams do anyway. Anyway, NOTHING beats the Beijing Wushu Team. If you find any videos with them performing their best, you' ll realize why they are the best.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 Feb 06 11:35:41 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 19:41
Great at choreography they may be but i' m the kinda guy who prefers amateur porn over the big lable, mass produced hardcore stuff! Know what i mean?! Ha, no Zerogravity are cool but Team Ryouko can do some funky shit. I' ll try and find the rest of their videos. On another note, i just got a number of 360 faceplates (why would anyone want a silver faceplate for a white console?) given to me. The official ones suck but the ones i recieved from Joytech (the camo, transparent grey & blue and the matte black) are cool. I' m gonna put the black one on my console but the original doesn' t seem to want to come off. Is there a special trick to removing it without damaging something?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 19:46
Hehe, yeah I know what you mean. Do you have any pictures of those faceplates you can link or something?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 20:05
Yeah, the best place to get stuff like that is play.com... http://www.play.com/play247.asp?pa=search&searchtype=X360&searchstring=faceplate&page=search Where do you live? US? We get sent stupid shit mostly but somethimes something nice will come through like a years magazine subscription or stuff like these. Someone on campus has a Revolution controller thats a tv remote. I haven' t seen it myself yet but supposedly the guy was gonna sell it on eBay (moron). Now, concept art scans are worth having!
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RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 20:24
it' s been said that it feels like harming your 360 when you take those faceplates off :) 360 is so advanced - do you think it can feel pain? :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 03, 2006 20:29
Ha ha ha...lol! I' ve gave up but i' ll have to figure out how to do it when i get back to my room (i' m in class at the moment). The default faceplate just didn' t want to come off and i didn' t want to force it. Anyone actually changed one yet?
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 04, 2006 02:14
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 04, 2006 02:17
360 is so advanced - do you think it can feel pain? Technically the only console that can feel anything is the PlayStation 2 since it has an Emotion Engine *groan*
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: What WILL PS3 be capable of?
Feb 04, 2006 05:10
I wish PS2 could feel when it' s laser is burning ... That way it could scream like a bitch " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH" and you would just turn it off :) (and yes some bitches do scream like that :) )
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 3 Feb 06 21:11:46 >
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