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your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:24
Yeah, IGN has exactly the same opinion. People who think the PS3 is superior to 360 should check out the new IGN CES podcasts for both 360 and PS3 as it' s from guys who know there stuff saying exactly what WE have been saying, and i couldn' t agree with you more! Ooooh, and we' re gonna get Super Street Fighter 2 for Xbox Live Arcade, with online components and a new mode!!!! I' m not one of them who think ps3 is gonna be superior,but i think it will be stronger,but then again,its all about developers... Square-enix is the best people at making 3d if you ask me,however ofc john carmack and epic is good to,but those have the best artist etc that make the graphic shine more.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:35
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL Yeah, IGN has exactly the same opinion. People who think the PS3 is superior to 360 should check out the new IGN CES podcasts for both 360 and PS3 as it' s from guys who know there stuff saying exactly what WE have been saying, and i couldn' t agree with you more! Ooooh, and we' re gonna get Super Street Fighter 2 for Xbox Live Arcade, with online components and a new mode!!!! I' m not one of them who think ps3 is gonna be superior,but i think it will be stronger,but then again,its all about developers... Square-enix is the best people at making 3d if you ask me,however ofc john carmack and epic is good to,but those have the best artist etc that make the graphic shine more. Yeah and Final Fantasy is headed to 360 too! Gameplay>Graphics
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:36
Your pretty confident in square enix, i have never seen an FF game, which hasnt been topped in graphic by another game of the same generation
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:54
AHum FF11. Wada said,FF13 would be coming to one format or two and he will decie to next e3 where he will announce his plans. ANd btw dont get me wrong,im no 360 hater majika,im getting my 360 when im free from my army service,and ofc a ps3...
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 13:03
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Your pretty confident in square enix, i have never seen an FF game, which hasnt been topped in graphic by another game of the same generation Too true! Capcom, Konami, id, Epic etc are all codeshops that produce more impressive visuals than most. Oh, and Team Ninja, ...roll on Ninja Gaiden 2!
Terry Bogard
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 13:13
AHum FF11. Wada said,FF13 would be coming to one format or two and he will decie to next e3 where he will announce his plans. Let me save you the long wait: Non-online, numbered Final Fantasy sequels will more than likely remain exclusive to Sony. I can already see the lousy writing on the wall. Ideally I' d like to see them release multiplatform Final Fantasy games but quite frankly, I don' t think the Squaresoft side of Square Enix has much of a backbone. They' re not just in Sony' s bed, they' re handcuffed to it.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8 Jan 06 21:14:30 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 13:17
Well...sony own 8% of square-enix,i dont know much that is...and how much they have to say about things in the company with 8%. And how much they feel about japanese market wich xbox360 sells bad in at the moment... But that will probably change when Blue dragoin arrive...and other japanese games.
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 13:57
I dont think they can afford to rule out Xbox much longer. Maybe they are in Sony' s bed, but before that they were in Nintendo' s bed. If not this Gen, next gen might give MS the lead in europe and the US
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 14:56
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard AHum FF11. Wada said,FF13 would be coming to one format or two and he will decie to next e3 where he will announce his plans. Ideally I' d like to see them release multiplatform Final Fantasy games but quite frankly, I don' t think the Squaresoft side of Square Enix has much of a backbone. They' re not just in Sony' s bed, they' re handcuffed to it. LOL!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 15:46
Just going back to what Majikdra6on said about seeing some in game stuff on the PS3 I really do think it' s about time. Sony are all mouth at the moment with no proof. MGS4 does look impressive but how good will it look when it' s actually being played? The best ' next gen' stuff I' ve seen so far is Sega' s Virtua Fighter 5, flooring DOA4 in the graphics department but surely the quality of something both the 360 and PS3 will be able to produce. I' m interested to see just how the games the PS3 has promised will look at this years E3 hopefully in some sort of playable form.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 16:31
Original: Majikdra6on Well 360 has at least 6 games in development that use the Unreal 3 engine; including Gears of War, Huxley and i think Oblivion. Let' s get one thing straight here. Oblivion doesn' t use the Unreal 3 Engine. It uses an in house engine upon which development started shortly after the release of Morrowind. Back on topic: All of this talk about 120FPS gameplay is downright idiotic. Who cares? " ZOMG teh PS3 can run pacman at 120FPS!!11oeneleventyhundred........" Knowing Sony, they were probably running a picture slideshow when they did that 120FPS test. The only thing 120FPS gameplay is good for is extending the e-Penis some people are so fond of. As long as the gameplay is fun and it' s playable - I couldn' t care any less about framerate. Don' t be dazzled by the big numbers and shiny lights that companies throw at you - they don' t mean jack shit in the end. If Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines the game ran at 120FPS, it doesn' t mean it' s automatically awesome. No, 120FPS won' t save you from shitty gameplay. No, 120FPS won' t save you from shitty graphics. No, 120FPS won' t save you from poorly coded games. No, 120FPS won' t save you from annoying music. No, 120FPS won' t save you from shameless grabs for cash. No, 120FPS won' t save you from.... (you can see where I' m going can' t you?) You' ll probably find that most of the awesome games out there only run at 30FPS because the devs actually worked hard to get the most out of their system and game engine. This usually results in well thought out gameplay, superior graphics and an overall greater enjoyment. So please can we all shut up about framerate? It' s the stupidest thing to worry about - especially when you' re talking about console games - which are ALWAYS at playable framerates.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 16:38
can we get the fuck back to the topic !!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 17:04
UnluckyOne - dumbass! That' s why i said " ..i think.." you MUPPET! Ok, so replace Oblivion in that list with Frame City Killer, my point is still valid. And for the record, framerates enable developer to utilize more effects, explosions, lightning, shadowing etc are all affected. Why do you think developers are talking about having higher framerates you ignorant dick. It' s because they DO matter. They may not be as important as he made out but you made yourself look even more stupid by posting that
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 17:05
LoL, not all console games are always at playable framerates, some of them slow down considerably, when there' s too many things going on at once, but I see your point and I agree. I' m not really anticipating any games besides GOW, chrome hounds and some other ones whose titles I can' t remember. My first priority is to save money and buy a HDTV, cuz I' m not buying a 360 without buying a HDTV first.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 17:10
Maybe I wasn' t too clear about what I said. My main point is that 120FPS gameplay is a stupid thing to promote. You can' t see any difference above 60FPS so instead of bragging about it like Sony does - why don' t they put that extra speed into detail? If you have a 120FPS game on your hands, you can probably add more things in to make it more enjoyable. edit: MagicDragon I' m not sure why you took so much offense from my post anyway? I just corrected you once?
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 9 Jan 06 1:14:57 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 17:17
ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne Maybe I wasn' t too clear about what I said. My main point is that 120FPS gameplay is a stupid thing to promote. You can' t see any difference above 60FPS so instead of bragging about it like Sony does - why don' t they put that extra speed into detail? If you have a 120FPS game on your hands, you can probably add more things in to make it more enjoyable. Ah, right, in that case i appologise. Sorry  We' re obviously on the same page... Yeah you' re right. I just wish people would stop going on about all the stuff Sony say' s it can do. IGN (in the PS3 podcast) have said they heard Sony has yet to even put together a final machine succesfully (dev kits aren' t final). I think Sony are going to be in a sticky situation once 360 has gathered more speed and Revolution is launched! Again, sorry, i take it all back. Now I' M the ignorant one!
Mass X
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 17:42
In no particular order and preferrably the version that runs the best (360,PS3, PC etc) 1. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 2. Gears of War 3. Huxley 4. The Godfather 5. Ghost Recon: Adavnced Warfighter 6. Splinter Cell 4: Double Agent 7. Saints Row (sounds like pointless fun) 8. The Outfit (again pointless fun) 9. ToCA Race Driver 3 10. MotoGP ( I cant remember what the rest of the title is)
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 10, 2006 08:02
all right guys time to come to show the result, i think most poeple that come to this forum have voted so 1) oblivion 10 votes 2) Halo 3 8 votes 3) Greaof war/ VF5 7 votes my biggest surprise was zelda it got only 4 votes!!! FF12 only 2 votes!!! okami 2votes!! the first two games are excellent series and they sell big well that' s weird :) we should not forget that a lot of people respected the thread and didn' t include resident evil 5 or MGS 4 and some game that have X released dates. thank you
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 10, 2006 08:17
I think its because they probably gonna come at the same time or before zelda and ff12...and they are next gen. Zelda had been intresting...but its now 2006,and still we got no date for europe :S I rather pay for some next gen game then for it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 10, 2006 08:44
RE 5 will most likely debut this year, since Capcom noted that they would like to debut on both ps3 and xbox360 at the same time, but they dont know if its possible since they are unsure of the launch date of the PS3, ergo, it will most likely release this year!
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