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your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 16:04
Ha, well why would that matter? Nothing' s been confirmed yet, not even for PS3. Sony don' t have exclusivity rights over the VF franchise and it' ll all depend on AM2 and Sega. Sega have already got a whole host of games lined up for 360 (Condemned is already out and Full Auto is on the way), and if it comes down to money then expect Microsoft to come out tops since they have much more cash to burn. New generation, new rules. If it does make it to 360, expect it to make full use of Xbox Live for VF tv.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 17:25
In no particular order 1) Dead Or Alive 4 2) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 3) Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 4) Sonic The Hedgehog (Next Gen) 5) Sonic Riders 6) Virtua Fighter 5 7) Halo 3 8) We Love Katamari (We’ve not had the 1st one yet and this comes out soon!) 9) Spore 10) Stalker
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 19:23
Plz show me,where it says ut 2007 will come to xbox360,cause i recently heard it was exclusive,and that it will not come on 360. Which was a shoch since GoW does,and they said ps3 suited better for unreal serie.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 07, 2006 21:13
I couldn' t care if UT2007 gets released on any consoles or not. I mean seriously, I have an Xbox with both Unreal Championship and Unreal Championship 2 and both are really pitiful compared to the PC version. Unreal Tournament is not a good game for a controller. It' s too fast paced, twitch and fire gameplay just doesn' t convert well to analog sticks. Don' t know where you heard it' d be a PS3 exclusive but most likely it' s just some PS3 fanboy spouting crap: A quick search on IGN gave me: Xbox 360 http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/746/746631.aspx PC http://pc.ign.com/objects/746/746632.aspx PS3 http://ps3.ign.com/objects/748/748505.aspx And I' m pretty sure I remember hearing at E3 Epic talking about releasing it on all platforms. edit: Just found this too: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/625/625795p9.aspx scroll to the bottom and it' s there.
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 8 Jan 06 5:32:30 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 00:49
for you " Pursuit Force " is better than zelda ?? final fantasy 12?? onimusha?? halo 3?? onimusha 4?? oblivion? virtua fighter 5?? maaan the list is big ... pursuit force ?? since when that game is even in any most anticipated games of 2006?? and where is gran turismo psp ?? Well for starters, outside of Virtua Fighter 5, which had already made my list, MANN you listed some pretty Bad choices above to a guy like me! LOL. Pursuit Force isn' t ' better' than Zelda, Final Fantasy 12, Onimusha 4, Halo 4, and Oblivion, BUT at the same time the games you listed I honestly could care less about, lol. So yes, I' m anticipating Pursuit Force WAY more than I am Zelda, Final Fantasy 12, Onimusha, Halo 3, and Oblivion... It has the kind of fast paced, twitchy type of gameplay that I look forward to in many of my game choices and at the end of the day, Gameplay will always remain the MOST important aspect in games.. I have never been a fan of Final Fantasy. The last one I played was Final Fantasy X at a previous E3. I liked the opening " To Zanarkland" theme, and some of the cutscenes looked nice but that' s really all the love I could muster for that game. And before Final Fantasy X, the last Final Fantasy games I played were Final Fantasy 2 and Mystical Quest on the SNES... That' s how uninterested I' ve always been in the series, and or most RPGs in general. Zelda has never been my cup of tea. I played Ocarina of Time for a little bit and felt Nothing towards the game. As for Halo 3. Well given how I didn' t care for the original Halo, and Halo 2, I don' t see how Halo 3 could ever make my anticipated list - unless of course, they redesigned it into a 3rd person action game :)... Speaking of which, outside of Namco' s Breakdown, First-Person Shooters in general are always automatically disqualified from ever nearing my list. Hell, nevermind Pursuit Force,,,,, Gradius Collection for the PSP is way more anticipated by me than all of the games you listed COMBINED, and it' s not even a brand new game, just a collection of previous games in the series. ;) As for Gran Turismo PSP, I have Despised the Gran Turismo series since playing part 3 A-Spec and purchasing part 4: Prologue and playing that a little bit before shutting the PS2 off in disgust. I' m an arcade racing fan, not a fan of driving sims. I DO NOT like Sega GT, I DO NOT like Gran Turismo, and I DO NOT like Namco' s Moto GP (I like THQ' s Moto GP way more!)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8 Jan 06 9:45:10 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 02:56
The comments came from a friend who gaved some link about epic being a bit dissapointed on how the game runned on a 360,but supirced how good it run on a ps3. and that it then became a ps3 launch title. And there fore probably would not have time for doing a 360 port in time cause gow will probably just be done before.
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 06:21
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL The comments came from a friend who gaved some link about epic being a bit dissapointed on how the game runned on a 360,but supirced how good it run on a ps3. and that it then became a ps3 launch title. And there fore probably would not have time for doing a 360 port in time cause gow will probably just be done before. Dude, Epic have different teams working on different games. You say Epic weren' t happy with how the game ran on 360?! Well 360 has at least 6 games in development that use the Unreal 3 engine; including Gears of War, Huxley and i think Oblivion. I' m sure i read over at IGN that the 360 was a perfect platform for the engine. Anyway, even though it' s pretty evident that UT 2007 will come to 360, why do you care?! PS3 may not even make it to North America and Europe in 2006 and 360' s already out worldwide. With 360 having Xbox Live and Sony having no dedicated online component that works, i see 360 with an advantage already. I' m pretty sure a company like Epic can get the game running just perfect on 360, especially since they have already stated that the engine' s scalable and may make an appearence in some for on Revolution. You own a 360? I' m guessing you really wanted one but didn' t pre-order in time and missed out...
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 06:34
well,its a diffrence between gears of war and unreal 2007,hell of a diffrence of a speed into the game i guess...and when ps3 claim they can run all games in 120 fps,while the ysay gow seems to be run at 30-45 fps. i understand the argument...
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 07:05
Top ten most wanted games of 2006 is: 1) Gears of War 2) Oblivion 3) Resident Evil 5 4) Lost Planet 5) Mass Effect 6) Too Human 7) Halo 3? 8) Legend of Zelda: Twillight Princess 9) Splinter Cell: Double Agent 10) Ghost Recon: Advance War Fighter 11) Rainbox 6 4, for the 360?`(is it coming for the 360?)
Chee Saw
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 07:31
Now that I have DOA4, I need no others... Well maybe not for a while. Once the spell is broken, though... Rumble Roses XX Ninja Gaiden 2 DOA: XBV 2 Oblivion Halo 3 Fable 2 I kinda feel like I' m cheating, in that only two of the games that I chose are actually confirmed for 2006 (Rumble Roses and Oblivion). Everyone else did it, though, so screw it! For games that are out, that I want but haven' t gotten yet: Resident Evil 4 Dragon Quest VIII FEAR And for something that I can' t wait for, that I KNOW will have a sequel, but might not even be in the works yet: Guitar Hero 2
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 07:43
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL well,its a diffrence between gears of war and unreal 2007,hell of a diffrence of a speed into the game i guess...and when ps3 claim they can run all games in 120 fps,while the ysay gow seems to be run at 30-45 fps. i understand the argument... Dude, you shouldn' t listen to all of Sony' s hype, you' re just making yourself look stupid. Other than MGS4, we have seen no ingame footage from any developer converning PS3. I' m sorry, but artists impressions just aren' t going to cut it for me. Sony displayed the PS3 console at CES, with ' conceptual design' printed infornt of it, so the design you saw from E3 and TGS may not even be what it looks like. Add to that the fact that the controller is missing in action, and the bad feedback they got about it at E3 and you haven' t even seen what the controller looks like yet. There' s waaaay too much that we don' t know about PS3. I don' t trust Sony at all at the moment. A company that' s having it' s ass handed to them by Nintendo in the handheld market, and has 10 times more UMD' s than games?! No thanks. All of the 360 launch games, except Call of Duty 2, only used 1 of it' s 3 cores. Supposedly only 15% of the machines power is being used at the moment. DoA4 runs at a constant 60fps in native 1080I. You REALLY think Sony can get all it' s games running at 120fps? Ha, i honestly don' t think so. Even top end pc' s don' t run games at 120fps. Sony needs to pull there fingers out and stop talking shit about their forthcoming console or they' re gonna lose a lot of fans. Gear of War probably does run at 30fps at the moment, but i wouldn' t be suprised if it ran at 60 when it launches. As far as i know, Ghost Recon 3 runs at 60fps already and they want to increase it before they ship. I suggest you wait and see what Sony does. You need to see things before you start spouting rubbish. The Unreal 3 engine has become the engine of choice for 360 games. You can definately expect 2007 to make 360, and with Live and 3 cores in use, the PS3 version needs to be a masterpiece! Y' know, saying UT 2007 won' t come to 360 is like saying Microsoft have decided to release Halo 3 (which is gonna destroy Killzone 2) as a launch title for PS3. With Microsoft already having an Unreal fanbase from the Championship games on 360, Epic wouldn' t even consider not releasing a game that would make them millions. You come accross as very naive my friend. Both console will get Oblivion, both console will get Resident Evil 5 and both console will get UT 2007. What does it matter?
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 08:06
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL The comments came from a friend who gaved some link about epic being a bit dissapointed on how the game runned on a 360,but supirced how good it run on a ps3. and that it then became a ps3 launch title. And there fore probably would not have time for doing a 360 port in time cause gow will probably just be done before. Ok, dude, hop on over to IGN and check out the roundtable discussion they had with Mark Rein (i' m guessing you know exactly who that is!) " Mark Rein, VP of Epic Games, was speaking at a roundtable discussion hosted by US website IGN. In the course of a debate about the next-gen consoles Rein launched a blistering assault on almost everything non-Xbox 360..." " The Vice President of the hotshot development company behind the Unreal series, the Unreal Engine and the eagerly-awaited Xbox 360 game Gears of War has ripped into both Nintendo and Sony, calling their next-gen controllers “gimmicky†and “stupid-looking†– before singing the praises of the Xbox 360..." " But he wasn’t done there. As discussion turned to the controller for Sony’s PS3, Rein continued his assault. " I don' t think anyone knows what the PlayStation 3 controller really looks like, but we all sure as hell pray it' s not that stupid-looking thing they showed at E3." " Our favourite moment occurred when Rein held up an Xbox 360 controller he must have smuggled into the auditorium. As Xbox fanboys in the audience hollered and whooped, Rein proclaimed: " This is the Xbox 360 controller, and there' s nothing wrong with it.†" Epic’s Unreal Engine has been chosen as Microsoft’s game engine of choice for Xbox 360 development and Gears of War looks like it’ll be one of the biggest hits on the console next year..." Epic had Gears of War running at TGS at a constant 30fps. In an interview since then with IGN they stated it was only running on 1 core and that now it' s running on 3 and double the framerates. They had also previously stated that if they reached 60fps then they would add loads more effect too. Gears of War isn' t as fast a game as Unreal Tournament 2007, it' s a story driven action game and so doesn' t need to run at more than 30fps. Halo 2 ran at 30fps and has a massive online following. Even if they give us UT 2007 running at 60fps, it' d still be awesome! My point is, until you hear from a developer that they have a game running at a constant 120fps and they have proof, then Sony' s hype machine is just still spouting rubbish!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 09:54
That guy from epic also said bad things about the Nr controller.and then apolgoies saying he sound to harsh etc and was miss quoted,so might have been the same with the ps3 controller. SO i heard alot of this 1/3 cores,but i heard when they use all 3 cores they can reach but wont go to 60 fps,instead something around 40' s. This was told by the dev cant remember where i read it,but thats what themself said. Oh wait someone of them said,if we can reach 60 with 3 cores,we gonna add more details untill we reach 40' s something. Games running in 120 fps,is not even worth caring about,if you dont even have a 120 hz tv and still it wont be much of a diffrence,i know SK in cs played with that but thats just lol,i meet them in " odenplan" and played cs with them,and watched them,seeing a game running in that is not any diffrence for me,but thats for the eye cant catch 120 pic at a sec ofc. But still,playing every game at 60 fps,is not something i will go against :O
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 11:04
Games running in 120 fps,is not even worth caring about,if you dont even have a 120 hz tv and still it wont be much of a diffrence,i know SK in cs played with that but thats just lol,i meet them in " odenplan" and played cs with them,and watched them,seeing a game running in that is not any diffrence for me,but thats for the eye cant catch 120 pic at ehhh somehow when i read this, i stopped breathing, felt like you were speed talking. But anyway, i dont mind playing games in 30 fps, as long as it doesnt drop below it. 60 fps is perfect, you wont notice it with you eye if it goes above it. Sony is just spewing propaganda with their 120hz.
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 8 Jan 06 19:29:23 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 11:04
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL That guy from epic also said bad things about the Nr controller.and then apolgoies saying he sound to harsh etc and was miss quoted,so might have been the same with the ps3 controller. SO i heard alot of this 1/3 cores,but i heard when they use all 3 cores they can reach but wont go to 60 fps,instead something around 40' s. This was told by the dev cant remember where i read it,but thats what themself said. Oh wait someone of them said,if we can reach 60 with 3 cores,we gonna add more details untill we reach 40' s something. Games running in 120 fps,is not even worth caring about,if you dont even have a 120 hz tv and still it wont be much of a diffrence,i know SK in cs played with that but thats just lol,i meet them in " odenplan" and played cs with them,and watched them,seeing a game running in that is not any diffrence for me,but thats for the eye cant catch 120 pic at a sec ofc. But still,playing every game at 60 fps,is not something i will go against :O What? I' m English, y' know, from the country that spawned the English language?! And i completely failed to comprehend what you were saying there. Are you French? 120hz is a REFRESH rate! Gear of War is reported to already be running at 60fps, not 40. And Mark rein slated both controllers then later said that he had perhaps been a little harsh about Revolution controller, he didn' t mention PS3' s again. Why? because they DON' T HAVE ONE YET!!! They won' t use the controller they showed at E3, which is why it' s missing in action at CES, and they CAN' T just remake the Dual Analog controller and make it wireless because they stole the technology in the first place and got their asses sued! The people you SHOULD be listening to are 3rd party developers, and they are saying the differences between the graphical output on both console is negligible. The BIG differences are going to be things like development costs which is where Microsoft have a clear advantage. Hell, even Kojima said the 360 was " ..more realistic.." to develop for when costs were concerned. Sony' s tactics haven' t changed. They are just trying to make people think PS3 is superior and to stop them buying 360' s. You should really wait for official information rather than speculating about things like framerates and which games are going to what console. Surely if UT 2007 makes both consoles, that' s a good thing! I' m more interested in stuff like cross-platform gaming when talking about games like this than arguing about exlcusivity. UT 2007, with PS3 players able to compete online against 360 players, now that' s a better situation surely?
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 11:32
Yes another person to help on the eternal war against japaneese war proganda  no kidding aside. People hype up the playstation without knowing what it can do, iv found that MS has been pretty truthfull about the xbox through and through. I had more to say, but i forgot what
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 11:47
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Yes another person to help on the eternal war against japaneese war proganda no kidding aside. People hype up the playstation without knowing what it can do, iv found that MS has been pretty truthfull about the xbox through and through. I had more to say, but i forgot what Exactly! Microsoft have really been the victims of their own success. They showed the games in playable for, running on 1 core with choppy famerates because it gave a true impression of where things were at. They told everybody it would improve vastly and it did. People don' t seem to remember Halo' s poor showing at the E3 before it' s launch. It looked terrible, with a really poor framerate, but was corrected for launch. All Sony did at E3 and TGS was show ' artsists impressions' of what they want people to think games will look like (with the excpetion of MGS4 which was a cutscene in realtime, ...but all MGS cutscenes look better than when you' re actually playing it!). They didn' t even admit that none of the E3 footage was actual gameplay, which was underhand to say the least. I' m sure the PS3 will be an impressive platform but they need to quit hyping it up, stop talking and just do what Microsoft did and SHOW people what the machine can do!
Vx Chemical
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:04
I fear for Sony that the PS3 isnt as far along as they are saying, if it was reallly ready for a Spring release, they would be showing videos already. They will push it back, and keep the waiting folks from buying a 360 by telling its just around the corner. ' If PS3 and Blu-ray fails, i fear for the future of sony (but not in a bad way because i couldnt careless. Well i could because competetion is good, but i new player would be fun!
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:17
Plz show me any statement where they say gears of war runs at 60 fps. All videos i seen so far has been on 30 fps. I know hz = refresh rate of the screen,but fps is pictures(frames) per seconds. And SK plays at 120 fps with 150 hz screens,how do i know that? cause i played with them and obbed them irl afterwards. I' m Swedish btw. What people fail to get when ken says 120 fps,isn' t that we demand or will think 120 fps is a cool number,but that we can expect every game to run in min 60 fps,btw this could explain why he talk about having 2 screens...in Lan for ex,mayby a ps3 can give 2 screens 60 fps while 3 players each playing on each TV. I remember J.allard responding to this saying;" Im fine with 24 fps as every movie are" but there " IS" a diffrence in 30-60 fps. Pdz runs at 30 fps and anyone can feel that. Ghost recon to xbox run at 30 fps too,and you can feel it,however 30 fps in a 3rd person view game is all right... i guess.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 8 Jan 06 20:19:20 >
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RE: your 10 most anticipated games of 2006
Jan 08, 2006 12:20
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I fear for Sony that the PS3 isnt as far along as they are saying, if it was reallly ready for a Spring release, they would be showing videos already. They will push it back, and keep the waiting folks from buying a 360 by telling its just around the corner. ' If PS3 and Blu-ray fails, i fear for the future of sony (but not in a bad way because i couldnt careless. Well i could because competetion is good, but i new player would be fun! Yeah, IGN has exactly the same opinion. People who think the PS3 is superior to 360 should check out the new IGN CES podcasts for both 360 and PS3 as it' s from guys who know there stuff saying exactly what WE have been saying, and i couldn' t agree with you more! Ooooh, and we' re gonna get Super Street Fighter 2 for Xbox Live Arcade, with online components and a new mode!!!!
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