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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Aug 28, 2005 17:06
oh god, how many Xbox 360 Debates/Agruments are you involved in Rampage? i didnt look through this thread [10 pages? are you kidding!?  ], but these are getting sicking, can we all go back to the good all *happier* days?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Aug 28, 2005 17:17
I probably get both,to much great games i miss out otherwise.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Aug 28, 2005 20:08
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber oh god, how many Xbox 360 Debates/Agruments are you involved in Rampage? i didnt look through this thread [10 pages? are you kidding!? ], but these are getting sicking, can we all go back to the good all *happier* days?
What? What are you talking about? All I was pointing out was that Jason was saying stuff that has no backing. We don' t know anything about the hardware in it yet. It wasn' t meant to compare it to the 360. I just wanted to point out that Jason was making a false claim. You don' t need to get on my back for it.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Aug 29, 2005 15:23
oh sorry Rampage i was a little tired when i posted that last night. I didnt mean it in any offensive way, but thats the way it came out. MY bad. Just the 10 Pages or so looked like a mighty long er debate. Now to the Topic at Hand.. PS3 RUllZZ11!!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Aug 29, 2005 16:45
Now to the Topic at Hand.. PS3 RUllZZ11!! ^^ Mayby we should wait to it to release first.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Aug 29, 2005 16:50
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber oh sorry Rampage i was a little tired when i posted that last night. I didnt mean it in any offensive way, but thats the way it came out. MY bad. Just the 10 Pages or so looked like a mighty long er debate. It' s cool
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- Joined: Sep 03, 2005
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Sep 03, 2005 15:00
DEfinetily The PS3 becuase iam a loyal fan to sony and there great games like Jak 3.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Sep 04, 2005 22:34
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360 (in reply to J_Dizzle) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " im gonna wait for the ps3 to come out myself, only cause it is going to have a bad ass nvidia card like twice as fast as the new 7800gtx, which is like the best video card for the computer that they make. once you put a hd on there its supposed to be just a super fast pc basically. gonna be sweet. ill prolly end up gettin xbox360 though, cause its gonna let the psp interface with it, and how freakin sweet will that be?" RSX (ps3 gpu) will not be twice as powerful as the 7800gtx they are the same with different clock speeds, the 7800gtx runs at about 430-500mhz with a memory speed of at least 1000mhz while the RSX is said to run at about 550 with a memory speed of 700mhz. In other words, RSX is actually slower then the 7800gtx . However since we are talking about a closed system (like any console) the ps3 will still kickass, just don' t expect it to be any different from the 360.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Sep 04, 2005 23:09
XBOX360 GPU actually not as fast as PS3 GPU I originally found this story on IGN or something, but apparently the bigwigs at Nvidia made a comment about the 360' s GPU being faster than the PS3 chip, but now they have retracted or corrected their statement and say that while it still kicks ass, it is not as fast as the PS3 GPU. This article is from an Xbox webpage, so I don' t think it' s all fanboy arguments.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Sep 04, 2005 23:36
" I originally found this story on IGN or something, but apparently the bigwigs at Nvidia made a comment about the 360' s GPU being faster than the PS3 chip, but now they have retracted or corrected their statement and say that while it still kicks ass, it is not as fast as the PS3 GPU. This article is from an Xbox webpage, so I don' t think it' s all fanboy arguments." The GPU in PS3 is said to run at 550Mhz and the GPU in 360 is said to run at 500Mhz, but this is only how fast they go. Mhz is not a direct correlation with performance, Mhz affect how fast it can do one clock, but with different architecture come the fact that each GPU do not do the same ammount of work per clock. For example looking at pc cpus AMD runs at much lower Mhz then Intel yet they perform better (the AMD64 chips do at least) so Mhz isn' t everything. So technically the RSX is 10% faster then the R500 however it is yet to be seen as to which one actually performs better. My bet is on the R500 though. It has a revolutionary design, 48 unified shaders that can each perform pixel shading or vertex shading, to put that in perspective the RSX has 24 pipes for pixel shading and 8 pipes for vertex shading. In addition to the 48 unified shaders the R500 also has a sister die that has 10mb of super fast embeded ram that essentially will act as a frame buffer and provide 95% of 4X antialiasing. Don' t confuse the R500 with the upcoming R520 for pc, as the R500 acording to ATI is much closer to the R600 in terms of design abd performance.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Sep 06, 2005 07:31
I' m not confusing anything. This statement is from Nvidia themselves saying that the board in the 360 wont' s perform as high as the PS3' s. Take it up with them if you want to disagree, but I' ll trust the company making the GPU for the moment.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: PS3 vs. XBOX360
Sep 06, 2005 07:49
Umm... again, nVidia never says their GPU is more powerful than the 360' s. They are comparing the RSX nVidia card to the 7800GTX nVidia card. They are just comparing nVidia cards.
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