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It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 13:05
Mehh, I' ll never get an Xbox anyways... Or maybe in the distant future. But his " Two different 360' s" is the stupidest thing I' ve ever heard. Or maybe not the stupidest one but... You know. The 299$ model - Cheaper, but you' ll probably want the hard drive, whitch costs 100$!! The 399$ model is better, but it costs alot. If I' d ever get a 360, I' d get the cheaper one and just play games. But the 360' s biggest problem is that it isn' t a PlayStation 3.
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 13:11
ORIGINAL: Skrunch But the 360' s biggest problem is that it isn' t a PlayStation 3. That' s its biggest plus.
Terry Bogard
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 13:14
It doesn' t need to be a PlayStation 3 on these shores, Microsoft has already established the Xbox brand as a force to be reckoned with in the U.S. and Europe.
Chee Saw
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 14:37
ORIGINAL: Skrunch Mehh, I' ll never get an Xbox anyways... Or maybe in the distant future. But his " Two different 360' s" is the stupidest thing I' ve ever heard. Or maybe not the stupidest one but... You know. The 299$ model - Cheaper, but you' ll probably want the hard drive, whitch costs 100$!! The 399$ model is better, but it costs alot. If I' d ever get a 360, I' d get the cheaper one and just play games. But the 360' s biggest problem is that it isn' t a PlayStation 3. That' s the point Skrunch. You say that you' d get the cheaper one if you were to get one at all, but with the PS3 you won' t have that option! They' re not going to have a " cheaper" version. Just the tricked out version which, from the way it sounds from Sony' s lips, is going to be even MORE expensive than either Xbox 360!
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 18:03
thats cool but i aint getting the 360.im gonna save for the ps3 and revolution
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 02:37
Yeah, I know that PS3 will be more expensive but 360 doesn' t have built-in Wi-Fi, and I don' t want to buy an adapter. [:' (] And I' ve always been against Microsoft. I' ve always been with Sony, and I don' t see a reason why I should change to MS now.  I hear there' s going to be something like Xbox Live in PS3, which sounds awesome. Go Sony! Go Apple! Nintendo is quite good!
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 07:48
Ah, biase at it' s finest.
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 07:54
Children at their worst.......
Jason Zeidan
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 09:05
Do you blame everything on biase, Rampage? Whatever happened to opinions? It seems like if you don' t agree with somebody' s ideas and thoughts, they' re biase. Cool it bud. Show some respect.
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 11:06
Well I guess his opinion is biased then. Everyone has opinions, and everyone has a right to one, but sometimes you have to point out the occasional foolish opinion. There' s always going to be good games spread out on all the consoles. Someone who isn' t biased with the name brands would be more worried about the games, not whether the system has wi-fi cables or not. And btw, I think we can all do without a lecture from a 16 year old.
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Aug 21, 2005 11:09
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:29>
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- Joined: Aug 19, 2005
RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 11:22
[BS deleted]
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 21 Aug 05 20:52:03 >
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- Joined: Aug 19, 2005
RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 11:24
[BS deleted]
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 21 Aug 05 20:51:44 >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 11:30
Thanks for fucking up the page moron.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2005
Aug 21, 2005 12:15
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:29>
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 12:19
I' ll contact Adam. Children need to be dealt with.
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- Joined: Aug 19, 2005
RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 12:25
death tol micro soft they said and then they vanished... the were killed for knowing the truth! Micro Soft will pay! THEY WILL PAY WITH THEYR' E LIFES! I SWEAR TO GOD!
Adam Doree
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 12:57
All fixed.
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- Joined: Aug 21, 2005
RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 15:03
I' m planning on getting the 360 Premium package, now that i am currently using xbox live. I just need to get ahold of a component compatible tv next... What i don' t understand is why microsoft would split up the system' s hard drive between the two. I mean thhe one thing i really liked about the xbox that gave it an edge between all the other systems is the fact you just saved data on your hard drive. Now with the hard drive being optional, developers won' t be able to rely on the fact that all the 360' s hard drives. So being able to use its resources maybe a downgrade despite the fact that the specs are quite advanced. Caching the memory on the hard drive is quite useful in developing games. This might a be a bad move, cause people just won' t like the memory card if they had to rely on it. [:' (]
< Message edited by KawaiiServantBoy -- 21 Aug 05 23:03:49 >
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 21, 2005 15:28
Developers are being informed to use the hard drive to cache. Thus people with hard drives will have faster loading times, and people without will experience slower loading times.
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