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It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 06:38
I think most people will go for 399 EUR with HDD. but I guess MS is aiming the " core 299 EUR" version for parents and people who don' t know or don' t want the bigger package. and nothing' s lost, because you can upgrade the xbox 360 with a HDD later. 399 EUR is a very competitive package when you consider what you get. 299 EUR is not so good because you at least need memory units to store savegames. therefor go for 399 EUR if possible. ---- I' m really tempted to buy one 399 EUR version this christmas, although I' m still a little guessing that sony' s " it' s so expensive" talk was all show to lure MS in security.... hmmmmmm?!
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 07:43
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard Microsoft is gonna have to do their best to educate consumers on the two different packages and in turn will need retailers to follow suit in a way. Maybe with posters or boards posted in the Xbox 360 area clearly detailing the two packages being offered along with the price difference,,, as well as store clerks informing customers of the two different packages available at check-out and of course explaining to the ones that are Not in the know, the differences between the two. Already basically done.- the box colors are even different so it makes it quite obvious It' s not the exact same thing
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 17:56
One thing I do want to know is if the $399 X360 will have a Standard AV cable too or if the HD AV cable is compatible with Standard def TV' s.
Joe Redifer
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 19:25
I think the cable will allow you to hook up composite as well because there are far too many wires for just component on the end of that thing. Component has 5 wires (if you include audio) and MS' s cable seems to have 6 wires, so the 6th must be composite video. Don' t quote me on this, just a guess.
Terry Bogard
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 20:29
One thing I do want to know is if the $399 X360 will have a Standard AV cable too or if the HD AV cable is compatible with Standard def TV' s. Probably just an RF adapter 
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 20:51
Once again, Bill Gates makes too much money. Damn, Microsoft screwing consumers over little crap that should be no problem for them to hand out.
< Message edited by kombatfighter -- 19 Aug 05 4:52:06 >
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 22:15
The " core" machine is sufficient to me. I don' t play " live" anyways..
Terry Bogard
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 22:33
So far it looks as if Sharon and I are the only two Kikizoids that are planning to get the core package, lol..
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 18, 2005 22:35
ORIGINAL: kombatfighter Once again, Bill Gates makes too much money. Damn, Microsoft screwing consumers over little crap that should be no problem for them to hand out. Bill Gates doesn' t even run the company anymore...
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Aug 19, 2005 02:40
<message edited by cpsethgt on Apr 30, 2012 05:31>
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 12:08
When I pick up my premium 360 I think I' m going to trade in the hi-def AV cables, the ethernet cable, and the headset. I' m also going to see if I can get my wireless controller exchanged for a wired controller. I don' t have a hi-def TV so I don' t need the wires. I assume that by MS packaging ethernet cables they will also be sold seperately, and thus tradeable. The headset looks to use the same audio jacks as XB1 and I already have two headsets here for that. As for the controller, I' d rather just have a wired controller. I don' t know how much the cables and headset will get me, but I' m fairly certain it' s going to knock off enough to get my VGA cable a lot cheaper. That also means not having a wire to hook my 360 to my TV, but since I don' t have the " gaming house" where all my friends hang (I mostly play solo at home) I' d rather play in hi-def on my monitor than low-res on my TV. I probably will keep the media remote though. My DVD player has been going strong for about 4 years but now it' s having problems playing newer DVD' s. So I' ll probably just use my 360 for movies. But for those who don' t plan on using the media remote that' s just more trading fodder.
< Message edited by lotusson -- 19 Aug 05 20:17:23 >
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 12:28
in the article there' s a error: Xbox 360 core (NO HDD) will no have Xbox Live Silver Ed. to my knowledge which would be reasonable because without HDD where should it store the content from Xbox Live? You can play Live without a hd, you just need a memory card. However there won' t be any space for downloadable content, but that doesn' t mean you can' t have Live silver (and I don' t think Live Silver offers downloadable content anyway)
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 13:54
dude, why not wireless lotusson? wireless is the wave of the future, plus no untangling.
Chee Saw
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 16:04
I' ll be getting the " premium" package myself (as if anyone had to wonder about that!). I just wish they had some kind of either DVI or HDMI hookup, but I guess component cables will do. I don' t think either of these packages is unreasonably priced. The way I figure it is that the cost of consoles has to go up at some point. Microsoft is basically doing that, but giving people an option to stay at the $300 pricepoint. I wonder if Sony will follow suit? Lotusson, you' d probably do best just to find someone who' s getting the core system and just trade controllers, seeing as how you probably can' t exchange them with a retail outlet. Either that, or just get the " play and charge" hookup. It' s only $20, and if you decide to go wireless at some point, all you gotta do is unplug!
Joe Redifer
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 16:58
One nice thing about getting the CORE package is that you' ll be able to play the games right away when you get home. With the SUPERMEGAAWESOMEOHMYGOD package, you' ll have to wait 5 days for the wireless controller to charge.
Boss Hogg
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 17:12
The Wireless controler can have up to 30 hrs of battery life on two AA batteries right away while you wait 4 your rechargeable batteries to recharge .
Jason Zeidan
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 17:27
Damn. What the hell is the use of the 299 one? It' s like you can' t even use it!! The other stuff (that are included in the 399 one) are what define the 360, so what' s the deal with the 299? It' s just a system. And a wired controller? They do know they' re making a next-gen system, right? If anything, I would buy the rediculously priced $399 package, because the $299 package is crap.
Joe Redifer
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 19, 2005 20:40
The $399 comes with a wireless power cord as well, though you need a Teslacoil in your home to use it.
Jason Zeidan
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 08:40
You know, all those technical terms.... they' re too confusing, what with the cables and the USBs and hard drives and cards and cords and such... That really will confuse people, when all they want is to play a damn game. And I' ll say I' m one of those folks..
Terry Bogard
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RE: It' s officila, there' s two different Xbox 360 packages.
Aug 20, 2005 09:13
... they' re too confusing, what with the cables and the USBs and hard drives and cards and cords and such... That really will confuse people, when all they want is to play a damn game. And thus the appeal of the $299 version becomes clearer and clearer to Jason ;). When you just wanna play games right away and have no plans to mess around online, the $299 version becomes more ideal
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