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Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 00:28
You obviously care about what Loco has. Is Loco your measuring stick of how successful you are?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 00:51
intel must pay good so.
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 01:03
I think some of us take Emo way too seriously. He's like a a rhetoric squash wall. Fun to chuck insults at, because he whips them right back. It's like roasting a celebrity, only it's online, and you don't give a shit who they really are. Edit: You don't live with anybody do you Emo? The place is pretty big for a bachelor pad.
<message edited by Eddie_the_Hated on Dec 02, 2008 01:14>
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 04:30
I have gf & kid (neice lives with me), etc.
<message edited by emofag on Dec 02, 2008 04:33>
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 04:33
mastachefbkw You obviously care about what Loco has. Is Loco your measuring stick of how successful you are? Yes.
Agent Ghost
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 05:47
Ha! See...this mother fucker IS entertaining.
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 08:30
I can't believe some of you guys are getting so riled up about this. If he actually posts a video of himself entering the house... some of you will look stupid. You might not like his elitist attitude, but you don't appear to have figured out that he simply doesn't give a fuck. Why would you care if he owns a nicer house than the one you live in... or were raised in? What difference does it make? emofag It's like light brown, kneeling yellow. The camera makes it look like that, as you can tell by the resolution it's a crap camera, the images aren't even cropped, that is its native resolution. The ceilings are also more of a dark brown, the camera makes them look kind of red That explains it. I just though green would be an odd colour. Now, i might have missed it, but did you move? I remember you were living in New York... because i'm there in Feb and was going to ask you if you wanted to meet up for a drink... but if you're not living there now...
Agent Ghost
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 10:20
I'm not offended by anything but i understand why people are irritated by Emo. He's a hypocrite. He likes to show off his wealth which in itself is not a problem. People are not jealous. The problem is that he talks down to the lower class. At the same time that he talks shit, he knows that the reason he's in the top 1% is because he was born into it. He talks as if there's economic mobility in western civilization. The wealthy own the working class. The rich only exist because the working class are more productive than the fixed salaries that they are paid with. When you make a percentage off of an existing amount of money you are in a rare position to gain wealth exponentially without increasing your productivity. He's in the position he's in because we live in a capatilist society (he knows this). The game is rigged in his favor and then he talks to people like Eddie as if he had the same opportunities that he had himself. He shouldn't bite the hands that feed him, Emo needs people like Eddie a lot more than they need him. He should be happy that the game is rigged in his favor and stfu. Life is bullshit, society is bullshit (especially in America). This whole concept of working hard to succeed is bullshit. There are two big misconceptions regarding success. One the trick is not to work hard, the trick is to work smart. Success is not how much shit you own, success is not having to work and living a comfortable life. What the fuck is the point of working 40 hours a week even if you are successful? Our time is far more valuable than material goods. Emo isn't successful if he still works 20+ hours a week. So you have a BMW, this means fuck all if you're still a slave to the alarm clock. If you're wealthy enough to retire young and have the common sense to quit, that's success! That would also mean you're not productive at all. But why brag about material goods? Is that your motivation in life, to buy a big house? I'll paraphrase what Stanhope said: Don't work hard dummy. You die at the end of it, didn't you get the memo? If Emo is working 40+ hours a week yet has money to retire, he's a bigger fool then the person flipping burgers for minimum wage. At least the person at McDonald's knows he's a slave. On the other hand if he is rich and not working hard then he's useless for society. Either way, he has nothing to brag about. If he built his wealth from nothing, and uses his wealth to help others. That would impress me. But there's nothing remarkable when a person with two Aces clears the table.
<message edited by Agent Ghost on Dec 02, 2008 10:48>
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 11:26
I don't think he's in the top 1%. I mean, that house is ok but you can buy something like that in Florida for $250k. That's what, about £160k? My apartment alone cost more than that...
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 11:45
Yeah, I didn't mean to make presumptions, I was just using the 1% to make my point. When some individuals have more wealth than the GDP of many countries, something is fucked up.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 11:55
This is some fucked-up self-aggrandising shit going on right here. In the interests of keeping the flow, here's my pad. 
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 12:23
Hahaha... yeah... with a mug like yours... ;)
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 12:24
Dude, I'm beating them off with a stick :)
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 13:39
I can see it now... "Oh Edwin... i've always wanted to fuck a guy that looks like Beetle Juice..." Hahaha...
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 13:50
Say that to my fucking face. Oh wait, you did. Seriously, Beetle Juice? You sure you're not confusing him with Hugh Grant, or something?
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2008
Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 14:19
Hahaha... yes... that's what i did. Sorry Edwin... i meant Hugh Grant... "Oh Edwin... i've always wanted to fuck a guy that looks EXACTLY like Hugh grant! You're so fucking gorgeous... it's just a shame you only have a 4 inch cock..." Hahaha...
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 02, 2008 18:32
Agent Ghost I'm not offended by anything but i understand why people are irritated by Emo. He's a hypocrite. He likes to show off his wealth which in itself is not a problem. People are not jealous. The problem is that he talks down to the lower class. At the same time that he talks shit, he knows that the reason he's in the top 1% is because he was born into it. He talks as if there's economic mobility in western civilization. The wealthy own the working class. The rich only exist because the working class are more productive than the fixed salaries that they are paid with. When you make a percentage off of an existing amount of money you are in a rare position to gain wealth exponentially without increasing your productivity. He's in the position he's in because we live in a capatilist society (he knows this). The game is rigged in his favor and then he talks to people like Eddie as if he had the same opportunities that he had himself. He shouldn't bite the hands that feed him, Emo needs people like Eddie a lot more than they need him. He should be happy that the game is rigged in his favor and stfu. Life is bullshit, society is bullshit (especially in America). This whole concept of working hard to succeed is bullshit. There are two big misconceptions regarding success. One the trick is not to work hard, the trick is to work smart. Success is not how much shit you own, success is not having to work and living a comfortable life. What the fuck is the point of working 40 hours a week even if you are successful? Our time is far more valuable than material goods. Emo isn't successful if he still works 20+ hours a week. So you have a BMW, this means fuck all if you're still a slave to the alarm clock. If you're wealthy enough to retire young and have the common sense to quit, that's success! That would also mean you're not productive at all. But why brag about material goods? Is that your motivation in life, to buy a big house? I'll paraphrase what Stanhope said: Don't work hard dummy. You die at the end of it, didn't you get the memo? If Emo is working 40+ hours a week yet has money to retire, he's a bigger fool then the person flipping burgers for minimum wage. At least the person at McDonald's knows he's a slave. On the other hand if he is rich and not working hard then he's useless for society. Either way, he has nothing to brag about. If he built his wealth from nothing, and uses his wealth to help others. That would impress me. But there's nothing remarkable when a person with two Aces clears the table. I disagree with your economic mobility perceptions. There is plenty of mobility. I made more money right out of college than my parents were when I was living with them. Same with a few of my friends. I also know people my age that have very low paying jobs and basically live off their inheritted wealth. It's being divided three ways and they aren't living nearly as well as their parents who actually increased what they inherited. I also know people who are piss poor living paycheck to paycheck who's parents did okay. What I do see is people that are lazy not doing well and hard workers earning their way.
Agent Ghost
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 03, 2008 00:02
You've gone to College. I assume that many of your friends also went to College. College students are not a good sample of the American population. I know its possible to move up, I'll do it. I'm not saying that no one can do it, and it's certainly very easy to fall. There's still a strong correlation with where you start in life and where you end up. This is even more apparent when you compare the US and Canada to more socialist countries, excluding poor nations. There are places where tuition is free. This promotes class mobility. The 90s saw decent class mobility but today we're seeing a shrinking middle class and the lower class seeing the most growth population wise. Basically the super rich are getting richer and the percentage of people below the poverty line is increasing. I haven't seen the latest graphs but the news seems to be saying this. Of course they have a tendency to be full of shit. I'll try to find good sources. It's difficult because most studies are outdated and some don't display data in a format that illustrates what i mean clearly.
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 03, 2008 08:22
_Majik_ I don't think he's in the top 1%. I mean, that house is ok but you can buy something like that in Florida for $250k. That's what, about £160k? My apartment alone cost more than that... Try $600K, and as always I can prove it, there's a sign like a block away advertising houses in my neighborhood for "as low as the 600's". And people are still buying them, recessions are for poor people. What's your point about cheap houses in Florida? You can buy a bigger house than mine and 3 acres of land for half in Texas. 10 acres in Alaska? The more of a shithole it is the cheaper it is, prices are about location, location, location. I'm not spending even $1 so I can die in a hurricane or be eaten by crocodiles, the problem with poor people is not that your poor, it's that you don't know how to spend your money, buy something good or don't buy anything. If I bought a house in florida I'd be homeless in a couple of years after its destroyed and the insurance company bails on me, and I'd be joining the ranks of you, no thanks. Anyway, I need a host for my video.
<message edited by emofag on Dec 03, 2008 08:30>
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Re:Why Am I Less Successful Than David Jaffe?
Dec 03, 2008 09:06
Agent Ghost I'm not offended by anything but i understand why people are irritated by Emo. He's a hypocrite. He likes to show off his wealth which in itself is not a problem. People are not jealous. The problem is that he talks down to the lower class. At the same time that he talks shit, he knows that the reason he's in the top 1% is because he was born into it. He talks as if there's economic mobility in western civilization. The wealthy own the working class. The rich only exist because the working class are more productive than the fixed salaries that they are paid with. When you make a percentage off of an existing amount of money you are in a rare position to gain wealth exponentially without increasing your productivity. He's in the position he's in because we live in a capatilist society (he knows this). The game is rigged in his favor and then he talks to people like Eddie as if he had the same opportunities that he had himself. He shouldn't bite the hands that feed him, Emo needs people like Eddie a lot more than they need him. He should be happy that the game is rigged in his favor and stfu. Life is bullshit, society is bullshit (especially in America). This whole concept of working hard to succeed is bullshit. There are two big misconceptions regarding success. One the trick is not to work hard, the trick is to work smart. Success is not how much shit you own, success is not having to work and living a comfortable life. What the fuck is the point of working 40 hours a week even if you are successful? Our time is far more valuable than material goods. Emo isn't successful if he still works 20+ hours a week. So you have a BMW, this means fuck all if you're still a slave to the alarm clock. If you're wealthy enough to retire young and have the common sense to quit, that's success! That would also mean you're not productive at all. But why brag about material goods? Is that your motivation in life, to buy a big house? I'll paraphrase what Stanhope said: Don't work hard dummy. You die at the end of it, didn't you get the memo? If Emo is working 40+ hours a week yet has money to retire, he's a bigger fool then the person flipping burgers for minimum wage. At least the person at McDonald's knows he's a slave. On the other hand if he is rich and not working hard then he's useless for society. Either way, he has nothing to brag about. If he built his wealth from nothing, and uses his wealth to help others. That would impress me. But there's nothing remarkable when a person with two Aces clears the table. I payed for everything myself, my parents hardly gave me anything. I worked through college and I payed mostly through cash and grants, would only take out loans when I was short. Sometimes I borrowed more, something I borrowed nothing, etc. My parents gave me: A shitty car. Payed off first semester of college. The thing is, most people can't pay their own college because their fuck ups, you are NOT going to pay college working as a waiter for $15k/year, get out of that mentality. I had a job that started out at $48k/year while I was in college. I remember the $48k exactly, I was pretty happy cause that's the most I had ever made at that point. How could I *not* afford paying for school earning that much? Say I pay $8k in taxes. That leaves 40k. 2 semesters = 20k Cost of living in shitty campus was like $500/month, maybe a bit more = $6,000 year That leaves $14K of disposable income. I bought *alot* garbage, could have easily done without loans. How I did it? Spent like $400 at a testing center and got some IT certifications, MCP, CCNA, Novell, etc. got some shitty jobs at ISPs cause I had no experience and no one would hire me, after a couple of months quit and got an entry level networking job for the $48K. Just get off your ass. And I am not a hypocrite, I defend poor people in the sense that I don't like to see someone who is down being beaten more. If you are a retard that works at McDonald's my sympathy for you doesn't mean I admire or respect you. It merely means that I see you having to pay the same taxes as me as kind of beating on someone in a wheelchair. When I see a guy in a wheelchair I stop and let him go ahead of me. It does not mean I am not thinking inside my head "how pathetic your life must be living in that wheelchair." I am at full liberty to mock locopuyo's poorness, it does not mean I get angry because I have to pay more taxes than him, that is perfectly fair, I see him as a handicap, he shouldn't be economically abused when he's already so poor. He's still fucking retarded, but I think BEYOND that.
<message edited by emofag on Dec 03, 2008 21:55>
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