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RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 03:47
Apple has got nothing in store in regards to games. Nothing! I think it was in an interview with some of the people from Valve, they said they couldn' t believe how much of a complete absence of thought there is at Apple regarding games. No one there is working on anything games-related, no one there is even thinking about games.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 05:14
Apple has got nothing in store in regards to games. Nothing! I think it was in an interview with some of the people from Valve, they said they couldn' t believe how much of a complete absence of thought there is at Apple regarding games. No one there is working on anything games-related, no one there is even thinking about games. Good thing I am not big into PC playing, because Apple does suck big time in the game department. If they wanted to sell more machines and become more mainstream, gaming would be a good business to tackle. To each their own I guess.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 05:58
I think it' s only a matter of time before Apple takes the gaming market seriously. On the one hand, there' s no such thing as too much competition in the games industry. It keeps prices competitive and console designers putting features in that the users want. From the other perspective (the poor one  ), it' s one more console to have some potentially fantastic exclusives on, and one more to have to buy! It' d be odd for sure. We' ve had a 2-3 console market for quite a while, so it' d be interesting to see how it played out.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 06:11
I do believe that Nintendo will announce the Wii 2 sometime this year, because they know that the Wii will not keep up the pace it is on. As Majik pointed out, the Wii will lose most of its steam by the beginning of 2009 so it is not out of the realm of possibility that they will announce the Wii 2 this year so that they do have a head start over MS and Sony. IMHO I believe that Nintendo released the Wii as a test to see how well the public would adopt the Wiimote. They still haven' t focused on third party devs outside of Ubisoft, and we still know next to nothing about Wii' s online service. This leads me to my belief that the Wii was released as a test. Hey, it costs next to nothing to make and so Nintendo are making bucket loads of cash on it right now. Now that they have seen how well the Wii has sold to mainly the casual gamer, they will be primed to announce the Wii 2 with features that will still cater to the casual gamer, but also to the hardcore gamer.
< Message edited by canadagamer -- 9 Jan 08 22:13:41 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 07:02
Wii 2 lol... Nintendo have to keep up with demand of Wii first. Edit, the World is Wii mad ATM,, The queen playing Wii bowling.. Lady on watchdog (UK TV show) crying because Her Wii wasnt delivered, Wiifit (a 8,800 Yen game) Selling Over a Million copies in just over a month.. (god knows how many Wiis this will sell when it hits WW) Theres ZERO reason why Nintendo Need to Announce a Wii 2 over the next few years and When the Wii does finally loose steam, All Nintendo need to do is Announce Wii Sports 2 **Bang!!, demand back up again** and/or a few Price drops (which Wii has a good few to come).. Then you have all the catered Titles Nintendo have uo their sleeves to keep Wii the hot thing to buy.. (Wii fit being the latest one we know about).. OH, i forget the Mass of Hardcore Smash Bros followers who are waiting on that game before Buying a Wii. Logic.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 9 Jan 08 23:23:39 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 08:08
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Logic. We have destroyed 2 tanks, 2 fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 13:20
Wii 2 lol... Nintendo have to keep up with demand of Wii first. Edit, the World is Wii mad ATM,, The queen playing Wii bowling.. Lady on watchdog (UK TV show) crying because Her Wii wasnt delivered, Wiifit (a 8,800 Yen game) Selling Over a Million copies in just over a month.. (god knows how many Wiis this will sell when it hits WW) Theres ZERO reason why Nintendo Need to Announce a Wii 2 over the next few years and When the Wii does finally loose steam, All Nintendo need to do is Announce Wii Sports 2 **Bang!!, demand back up again** and/or a few Price drops (which Wii has a good few to come).. Then you have all the catered Titles Nintendo have uo their sleeves to keep Wii the hot thing to buy.. (Wii fit being the latest one we know about).. OH, i forget the Mass of Hardcore Smash Bros followers who are waiting on that game before Buying a Wii. Logic. I don' t understand you at all. You play games all these hardcore games, yet you keep harping on about the Wii. Wii Sports sucks, it was fun for the first 4 or 5 hours(not consecutive, but cumulative) and the majority of the reason for that being the newness of the wii-mote. The only way I would ever want to play Wii sports again is if they basically made a Fight Night, Virtua Tennis, MLB the Show, and Tiger woods all with great controls in one game. The demo of " Everybody' s Gold" (is that it?) on the PSN is more fun than Wii sports golf. I enjoyed Mario Galaxy, but it wasn' t worth purchasing a Wii for, I guess I overhyped it in my mind thinking it would be as good as Mario 64. I haven' t played Metroid yet, so I can' t knock that, I' ve been meaning to try but haven' t had the time. I realise the Wii is selling well, and that the reasons you give are generally valid, but it just boggles my mind that someone who plays great games like Mass Effect, Crysis, UT3, VF5, CoD etc, can be interested in the mind numbing boredom that is the Wii(excluding a couple key games).
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 14:26
The only thing I give the Wii is that it has the coolest Resident Evil 4 version ever. I wanna play SMG, but not even Zelda was worth it on Wii, the controls were gimmicky on that one and nothing more. I think the Wii is fun for playing with lots of people that don' t mind playing dumb games together, and I admit WarioWare is a lot of fun, but the Wii isn' t really my thing.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 21:26
Wii 2 lol... Nintendo have to keep up with demand of Wii first. Edit, the World is Wii mad ATM,, The queen playing Wii bowling.. Lady on watchdog (UK TV show) crying because Her Wii wasnt delivered, Wiifit (a 8,800 Yen game) Selling Over a Million copies in just over a month.. (god knows how many Wiis this will sell when it hits WW) Theres ZERO reason why Nintendo Need to Announce a Wii 2 over the next few years and When the Wii does finally loose steam, All Nintendo need to do is Announce Wii Sports 2 **Bang!!, demand back up again** and/or a few Price drops (which Wii has a good few to come).. Then you have all the catered Titles Nintendo have uo their sleeves to keep Wii the hot thing to buy.. (Wii fit being the latest one we know about).. OH, i forget the Mass of Hardcore Smash Bros followers who are waiting on that game before Buying a Wii. Logic. I don' t understand you at all. You play games all these hardcore games, yet you keep harping on about the Wii. Wii Sports sucks, it was fun for the first 4 or 5 hours(not consecutive, but cumulative) and the majority of the reason for that being the newness of the wii-mote. The only way I would ever want to play Wii sports again is if they basically made a Fight Night, Virtua Tennis, MLB the Show, and Tiger woods all with great controls in one game. The demo of " Everybody' s Gold" (is that it?) on the PSN is more fun than Wii sports golf. I enjoyed Mario Galaxy, but it wasn' t worth purchasing a Wii for, I guess I overhyped it in my mind thinking it would be as good as Mario 64. I haven' t played Metroid yet, so I can' t knock that, I' ve been meaning to try but haven' t had the time. I realise the Wii is selling well, and that the reasons you give are generally valid, but it just boggles my mind that someone who plays great games like Mass Effect, Crysis, UT3, VF5, CoD etc, can be interested in the mind numbing boredom that is the Wii(excluding a couple key games). I don' t see that he was saying he was interested in it, he mostly had no other opinion then that the Wii2 was far off. Everything else he said was proof and facts(for the most part) and gave a very concise argument against the Wii2 coming out anytime soon. In my opinion the thing we might see is even more peripherals(that will work with one or two games) and they will just make it so if you want to play the new games you have to buy all of the peripherals for that game. I refuse to buy a Wii, because I would feel like I was going against what I think games should be(not gimmicky). I also feel like it is making " gaming" become more of a mainstream popular thing(the best example are the people who claim to be " gamers" but not geeks/nerds). re-study English grammar. I should prolly do that too, and english in general.
< Message edited by Torr -- 10 Jan 08 13:29:09 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 22:22
ORIGINAL: Torr I don' t see that he was saying he was interested in it, he mostly had no other opinion then that the Wii2 was far off. Everything else he said was proof and facts(for the most part) and gave a very concise argument against the Wii2 coming out anytime soon. Next time try running your post by Eddie before you click ' OK'
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 10, 2008 23:01
Having borrowed my friends SMG game, i can say im even further dissapointed with the Wii. While its a decent looking game it ofcourse comes short on all the next gen titles on ps3 and 360. The wii mote controls are useless, and i cant help thinking how much better the game would be if i had a normal pad and could control the camera. All i can say is, people are idiots for following the wii craze, there is nothing special about the machine, well nothing good atleast.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 02:10
I don' t see that he was saying he was interested in it, he mostly had no other opinion then that the Wii2 was far off. Everything else he said was proof and facts(for the most part) and gave a very concise argument against the Wii2 coming out anytime soon. Exactly, im stating the facts of the gamers Wii Draws, I admire Nintendo' s Business Models and the fact they still make better games than anyone else if they really want to, OOT GOTY 2007, SMG GOTY 2008. I realize the Wii is selling well, and that the reasons you give are generally valid, but it just boggles my mind that someone who plays great games like Mass Effect, Crysis, UT3, VF5, CoD etc, can be interested in the mind numbing boredom that is the Wii(excluding a couple key games). Games are made for everyone to enjoy, both hardcore titles and Casual, its not the case of liking one or the other.. I like quality titles that do what they are made to do and do it properly.. VF5 = Hardened, Hardcore Brawler, Wii sports = Casual easy-to-pick-up Sports game. Both executed really well. Besides, Wii has IMO (and ALOT of other gamers) the best game to come out of this generation: SMG.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 02:31
Wii has IMO (and ALOT of other gamers) the best game to come out of this generation: SMG IMO being the most important word! SMG is the most overhyped game there is, Halo 3 isnt!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 02:40
Wii has IMO (and ALOT of other gamers) the best game to come out of this generation: SMG That' s HIS opinion. IMO being the most important word! SMG is the most overhyped game there is, Halo 3 isnt! That' s YOUR opinion. None of you speaks of some kind of truth. (I mean c' mon we all know Mass Effect IS the best game out there - FACT!  )
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 02:45
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 ...they still make better games than anyone else if they really want to, OOT GOTY 2007, SMG GOTY 2008. Ocarina of Time??? Naughty boy, you can' t count VC releases ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Besides, Wii has IMO (and ALOT of other gamers) the best game to come out of this generation: SMG. If you hadn' t thrown in the " ALOT of other gamers" thing then i wouldn' t have to bring up the " Halo 3 is stomping it into the ground sales-wise" thing.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 03:00
I don' t see that he was saying he was interested in it, he mostly had no other opinion then that the Wii2 was far off. Everything else he said was proof and facts(for the most part) and gave a very concise argument against the Wii2 coming out anytime soon. In my opinion the thing we might see is even more peripherals(that will work with one or two games) and they will just make it so if you want to play the new games you have to buy all of the peripherals for that game. I refuse to buy a Wii, because I would feel like I was going against what I think games should be(not gimmicky). I also feel like it is making " gaming" become more of a mainstream popular thing(the best example are the people who claim to be " gamers" but not geeks/nerds). It was more directed to the long line of Wii praising posts, not just this one. I just still have a hard time understanding how core gamers can enjoy the Wii so much. I buy and play as many games as I can get my hands on, and I just don' t find the Wii games all that enjoyable, not because I want to be bored by them, I just am, and the same goes for all my friends. My Wii has only been turned on once since Christmas, and it was to play Super Mario 3.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 03:01
None of you speaks of some kind of truth. I do, SMG is the highest rated of all of this generation. Ocarina of Time??? Naughty boy, you can' t count VC releases OOT GOTY 1998/9, Zelda: TP 2007 then
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 03:25
I do, SMG is the highest rated of all of this generation. Ratings = Based on opinions
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 03:30
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 OOT GOTY 1998/9, Zelda: TP 2007 then I have to give you that. Both were and are amazing.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 11, 2008 04:13
Virtua, how can you admire Nintendo for pretty much hustling millions of people who up until now have had little to no connection to gaming in their life? Most of us here know that the Wii is not even close to the $280 they want for it here in Canada. We understand that the Wii is just an overclocked Gamecube with a gimmick control slapped onto it. We understand that Nintendo are charging consumers over $100 just for the Wiimote as you can pick up a brand new Gamecube for $100 or under on its own. You say great business model, I say taking advantage of unformed consumers, and furthermore you can almost say it is similar to insurance companies ripping the elderly off because they know how to target that uninformed audience. Listen. I sit here at work everyday hearing a lot of people praising their purchase of the Wii, and how fortunate they were for finding one at Christmas. They talk about Wii Sports and such, but as soon as I bring up myself owing a 360 and soon to be an owner of a PS3 and start talking up the awesome releases for those systems, they turn into a group of deer caught in the headlights. Looking at me dumbfounded, wondering what is a 360 and very few knowing what a PS3 is. These are people who are completely uninformed about gaming, and got caught up in the new Ferby, the new Elmo, or the new Pet Rock. The Wii is selling not because of quality, but because of our new age human nature in which everyone has to have the latest electronic craze. Poll every Wii owner, and I would bet you that you would find that at least 65%-70% of them have no idea what Super Smash Brothers Brawl is, or what Metroid Prime are.
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