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2008 Predictions
Jan 03, 2008 11:53
So let me get my predictions down... You can quote me on this later on in the year.. but I' ll only be doing that to put it in your face becuase I am/was right about everything. - Mgs4 hits Q2 [Japan first, Us and Eu a week or so after] will sell over One million in the first few days, will shift lots of ps3' s. Remains exculsive for the time being. - Wii continues to sell well but starts to drop into the summer as titles like mgs4,gta4 etc. become more popular. Will update later on when I' m thinking better.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 3 Jan 08 4:07:52 >
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RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 03, 2008 15:44
Cars will be able to fly and robots will mine mars.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 02:01
The Playstation brand will make a more aggressive advertising push to coincide with their spike in console sales. They' re going to make sure that they butt-heads with major Microsoft and Nintendo releases down to the date. I expect to see some regime changes within Microsoft' s Xbox division. A handful of big people are going to move on, with (possibly) more competent people getting bumped up in the company. If there' s going to be that rumored media-hub with 360 capabilities (which I somewhat doubt), Microsoft is going to push the media-hub component of it' s functionality, instead of referring to it as an expanded Xbox product. If an Xbox handheld is somewhere in the works, I can see them taking the multimedia device route for it, using digital distribution as a viable option for an inevitable microsoft-point based movie service, similar to that of the 360' s, if not the games themselves. Definitely hard-drive equipped, and a " higher-tech" " classier" alternative to the PSP. Don' t expect anything touch or cartridge related beyond a possible memory-card slot. Nintendo will finally get a workable multiplayer service up and running, sans any sort of microphone support to appeal to the child-conscientious parents. I expect to see decent performance in terms of a utilitarian barebones multiplayer service, but a significant lack of now-industry-standard features, and less support from Nintendo that we' ve been seeing from the Live and PSN teams. Atari will finally close it' s doors after getting de-listed from the NYSE, and a handful of ditch-attempt failures from the weak franchises they still have left.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 02:23
Interplay will resurface, and show off a mediocre mmo based on the fallout franchise, they will turn the key again before new years eve though. Blizzard will announce Diablo 3, release Starcraft 2, and ofcourse return of the lich king. Wii sales will sore for awhile untill everyone has one, they dont break often so people wont buy new ones. Bethesda will show off TES5 on a new engine, it will look surperb and will be promised to a " revolution" in the RPG genre (which it will do by further limiting RPG elements) Bioware will reveal their joint Lucas Arts project, Mass Effect 2, Jade Empire 2, and Dragon Age (here of dragon age is the most promising) Lucas Arts will announce Monkey Island 5, which will be bad, since all the original creators left the company. a new DS will be announced. Dreamcast games will be availeble to download on the Xbox 360. PS2 games will be availeble for download on the PS3
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RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 02:31
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Bethesda will show off TES5 on a new engine, it will look surperb and will be promised to a " revolution" in the RPG genre (which it will do by further limiting RPG elements) Bethesda won' t be the ones really showing off the new Elder Scrolls game. They are more focused on Fallout. However there will most likely be news of the new game in the series but from a different development team and the game will be taken in a new direction... this really isn' t a prediction though.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 02:42
Bethesda won' t be the ones really showing off the new Elder Scrolls game. They are more focused on Fallout. However there will most likely be news of the new game in the series but from a different development team and the game will be taken in a new direction... this really isn' t a prediction though. Great! If there are people making worse games than Bethesda its the companies working under bethesda!
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 04:25
from a different development team and the game will be taken in a new direction... Ew... new dev teams and a " change in direction" . I' ve yet to see a game but Resident Evil 4 that could pull off one of the two there (the latter of course).
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 05:15
Well, Mario Galaxy was headed by a new development team (well, their only experience was the DK bongo games) and you see how that' s turned out for everyone.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 07:09
I believe that Nintendo will announce the Wii 2 at some point this year, beating MS and Sony to the punch in announcing their next console. After the announcement of the 360 Ultimate at CES, MS will also announce yet another 360 sku; the 360 slim just to completely confuse consumers as to what 360 they should get. And finally, and most importantly in my mind, the PS3 will come out of 2008 as the best console of that year. It took the 360 pretty much the same amount of time to take off as it will Sony. With the line-up they have coming to us in 2008 I just can' t see the 360 or the Wii beating them out. Oh, and we will see a few games shown off at E3 which are coming out on the next-gen consoles. Elder Scrolls 5 would probably be a good guess as being one of those games.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 04, 2008 07:37
I don' t like making predictions, but I say that PS3 is gonna pick up even more steam than it already has, while Microsoft will either remain the same or slow down. Nintendo' s momentum is going to depend on wether or nor they can deal with their manufacturing problems.
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- Joined: Sep 03, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 05, 2008 01:09
Mr.Adam Doree!, if you have any prediction regarding Shenmue Online & III for 2008 please let us know. My predictions: 1-Shenmue Online will be officially canceled for PC. 2-SEGA might sign a deal with Microsoft to release Saturn & Dreamcast HITS on Xbox LIVE via a new service like " XEGA LIVE" or " X-EGA LIVE" . 3-Microsoft will announce(and launch) a new HOME-like service for Xbox 360 and perhaps they' ll call it " Xbox LIVE LIFE" . 4-Gears 2 will be announced exclusively for Xbox 360. 5-No Resident Evil 5 for 2008(I hope this doesn' t happen) 6-More from God Of War III will be revealed. 7-Shenmue II will be available on Xbox LIVE Originals for download. 8-A new Jet Set Radio will be announced!(perhaps for Wii) but no Street Of Rage 4! 7-Let' s dream: SEGA will announce " Shenmue Saga:The Green Box" . 8-No MGS 4 360! 9-Yakuza III aka Ryu Ga Gotoku:Kenzan! will become a KILLER IP for PS3. 10-Finally, Yu Suzuki will release his first AM-PLUS game! called" SEGA-RACE TV" http://segaracetv.sega.jp/ Regards-Alimn
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 05, 2008 05:27
Mr.Adam Doree!, if you have any prediction regarding Shenmue Online & III for 2008 please let us know. ...Some of us just call him Adam. Do you, out of sheer curiosity, get sexual gratification from the Shenmue franchise?
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RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 05, 2008 22:33
Do you, out of sheer curiosity, get sexual gratification from the Shenmue franchise? Ha ha, he must do because he has mentioned the series in every post so far. if you have any prediction regarding Shenmue Online & III for 2008 please let us know. My magic 8 ball will give you a prediction......................... .................................. " Better not tell you now"
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 09:00
-By Fall 2008 MS will sneak / Leak small Details of their Next Xbox. -Nintendo Will Release atleast 2 new killer, Clever, Original IP' s that will sell absolute shitloads. -Wii will see a Sequel to a Huge Snes classic. -Wii & DS will ever Increasingly Sell like Hotcakes. -Super Smash Bros Brawl Will be the Most Polished Game of 2008, No doubt about that. (I would of Predicted GOTY 2008 but it' s gonna be released too early, will get lost int the hype of the fall releases and is more of a HC title, Soo...) -Resident Evil 5 Will be GOTY 2008 (this All depends what Genius Nintendo Comes up with late 2008) Finally -Kikizo Baords will have seen another fresh 200 pictures of Nitro posted. -Vx Chemical will sign himself in to a Mental hospital after seeing how increasingly Sucessful Wii will get in 2008 -Emofag admits that hes not really into games, just trolling forums while high on weed. -alimn Openly Admits that he is infact, Yu Suzuki Undercover. -I will go to open-university to re-study English grammar.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 9 Jan 08 1:29:13 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 09:40
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 -I will go to open-university to re-study English grammar. I like the candidness
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 17:38
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 17:47
The Next Xbox announcement/rumor is a great call. It' s coming very quickly and already has developers working on titles for it. I expect a late 2009/early 2010 release. At the end of the year, the HD DVD group calls it quits. Universal and Toshiba fold to Blu. EA makes another big time acquisition of either a prominent developer or publisher.
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- Joined: Nov 17, 2007
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 18:22
Wii loses momentum This time last year nobody outside of Nintendo could have had any idea as to how successful the console was going to be. Not even the hardest of hardcore Nintendo fanboys thought Wii would take the world by storm, and those that say they did are full of shit. Wii has done far better than i had expected, but i still can' t see it lasting. Nintendo' s hardcore games (Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3) have done fine, but they haven' t performed as well has expected which i think has probably got something to do with the Wii demographic being substantially different to Gamecubes. I can see Wii selling well throughout the year, but i think it' s going to lose a lot of momentum as we approach the summer months. Nintendo will likely take 2008, but i expect Wii to be on it' s last legs early in 2009. Nintendo partner with Apple for New DS revision Take 2 iPod Touch' s, tape them together and add the ability to play DS games... Ok, probably not, but i can' t help but imagine how cool it would be Gears 2 released in November " exclusively" for Xbox 360 Microsoft need it to be ready and they need it to be 360 only. Sony have the unannounced Resistance 2 (possibly 2009) and Killzone 2 on the way and Microsoft have... Halo Wars Gears 2 is a no brainer, as is it' s " exclusive" -ness. Like the first game it' ll be ported to PC, but not for at least 12 months. Half Life 2: Episode 3 to take us back to Black Mesa Seriously yo!   Got to nip out... more later...
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- Joined: Jan 06, 2008
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 18:55
ORIGINAL: Majik Wii loses momentum This time last year nobody outside of Nintendo could have had any idea as to how successful the console was going to be. Not even the hardest of hardcore Nintendo fanboys thought Wii would take the world by storm, and those that say they did are full of shit. Wii has done far better than i had expected, but i still can' t see it lasting. Nintendo' s hardcore games (Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3) have done fine, but they haven' t performed as well has expected which i think has probably got something to do with the Wii demographic being substantially different to Gamecubes. I can see Wii selling well throughout the year, but i think it' s going to lose a lot of momentum as we approach the summer months. Nintendo will likely take 2008, but i expect Wii to be on it' s last legs early in 2009. Do you have SMG' s sales figures?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2008 Predictions
Jan 09, 2008 19:51
I believe that Nintendo will announce the Wii 2 at some point this year, beating MS and Sony to the punch in announcing their next console. Why would they do that? They' re selling metric assloads as it is. The Next Xbox announcement/rumor is a great call. It' s coming very quickly and already has developers working on titles for it. Where are you guys getting your conviction for stuff like this? As far as I' m concerned, the next-next generation is still years ahead. This generation' s consoles are barely hitting their stride as it is. There are probably quite a few people working on the next Xbox. There' s no doubt about that, but it' s not because there' s a console announcement around the corner. People were getting jumpy before CES because they were expecting massive revelations and uncovering of new consoles.... I didn' t buy it for a minute, and guess what... no news.
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