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Mass X
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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 01, 2008 13:49
damn it dude i was just finishing a porno...thanks a lot you ruined it now...lucky you Armayas coming over tomorrow.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 01, 2008 14:12
damn it dude i was just finishing a porno...thanks a lot you ruined it now...lucky you Armayas coming over tomorrow. Glad to be of service  Send Armaya this way btw
< Message edited by chimura -- 1 Feb 08 6:14:49 >
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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 01, 2008 23:00
Kikizo get together at Mass' s place!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2008 03:49
ORIGINAL: Chimura That' s me " trying" to be strong You' re arms look disproportionate to the rest of your body. Like... midget arms!
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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2008 06:31
Did somebody say midget?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2008 06:46
Did somebody say midget? Not again... You' re arms look disproportionate to the rest of your body. Like... midget arms! I normally don' t look like that, the skying suit makes me look fatter. I am all bones, like the arms
< Message edited by chimura -- 1 Feb 08 22:46:43 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2008 19:59
I normally don' t look like that, the skying suit makes me look fatter. I am all bones, like the arms I think he meant that your arms look short. Don' t mind Majik, he' s just jealous because you' re taller than him. lulz
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 2 Feb 08 12:01:55 >
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 06:57
New batch of pictures coming from this weekends venture. Of course most of it is pre drunk stuff with a few in process pics but eventually the camera was forgotten. Tis a shame. This was more of a reunion of friends from the past 10 some odd years. Everyone came out of the wood works it was amazing. And at times a little emotional ...tear... but overall a ***n blast. Here' s one pic taken on the last day that pretty much describes it all Here comes an onslught...notice the hair change over time. Its my drunk-o-meter.  <--At this point I was told to stop drinking. Since I was some many shots ahead of everyone and I was drinking hard liqour. I wasnt getting beligerant or anything they said I was still fun to be around but they just wanted me to slow down a bit lol *** owell. Armaya being my ex wasn' t happy when my other ex showed up, but they talked and are cool now. So we had the better parts of my past all in one place having the best time of our lives in a long time. Its only the start. Thanks to: Armaya Jon Larwence Anya Jason And all the rest who may not have been part of that group during those crazy years.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 3 Feb 08 23:35:12 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 07:32
Are you putting on weight?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 07:36
I put on weight while I was engaged. Now I' m losing it again. That pic with my gut hanging out is exagerated lol. Im out of shape more or less but not that out of shape.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 3 Feb 08 23:38:01 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 07:47
ORIGINAL: Mass X I put on weight while I was engaged. Now I' m losing it again. Beer won' t help y' know. Heh, what do you think happened to Adam eh!? I didn' t realise you had long hair though... kinda caught me offguard. I like the pink scarf. Seriously. I might get one like that, ...just because i know some poor sap will say something about it and i' ll have a reason to knock his homophobic teeth out I actually want a black & white Palestinian head scarf... they' ve become quite popular amongst the English kids in Manchester... worn around the neck. I' m not sure it' d go down very well with my orthodox friends though
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 08:21
Lol yeah I dont drink beer myself only the hard stuff. But the drinking certainly isnt helping in my weight loss...neither is all the fast food. But hey I' m working out like mad. Doing some boxing in the garage among a plethora of strenous activity and once all this damn snow and the -0 weather is out of the way Im gonna be out and about. I need to lose this damn weight tis depressing. Dont know if I can handle dropping down a level with the women out there. I got it nice right now but If I show up as a 300 pounder I dont think theyd be interested in a night of drinking. That scarf dude was hard to get rid of some how no matter how often i dropped the damn thing itd be right back around me sooner or later. Some how Armaya ended up with it before she fell asleep...hmmm. I actually want a black & white Palestinian head scarf... they' ve become quite popular amongst the English kids in Manchester... worn around the neck. I' m not sure it' d go down very well with my orthodox friends though Lol. Yeah that could bring up some issues with those who lack a sense of humor or open mind.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 08:24
.just because i know some poor sap will say something about it and i' ll have a reason to knock his homophobic teeth ou LoL. Bust their skull and help them open up their mind a bit...literally.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 08:35
Doing some boxing in the garage among a plethora of strenous activity and once all this damn snow and the -0 weather is out of the way Im gonna be out and about. I need to lose this damn weight tis depressing. Yeah, being pudgy is a downer. I trimmed down quite a bit over the past year & a half. Lots of swimming, lots of weight lifting. Exercise does wonderful things for the endorphins in your brain too, stuff that specifically helps level out chemicals related to bipolarity. So if you' re looking for something that doesn' t come in a scrip bottle (and something to bring you back to the " glory days" at the same time), that' d be the way to go.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 09:17
ORIGINAL: Mass X Lol yeah I dont drink beer myself only the hard stuff. But the drinking certainly isnt helping in my weight loss...neither is all the fast food. I put myself in hospital last year with some 60% Ukrainian (Amnesia Gold) absinthe, and haven' t been able to stomach more than a handful of shots of anything since. I like Desperado' s (lager & tequila) and Snakebites (lager & cider)... they probably make up 90% of my alcohol consumption. I can' t drink American beer because it tastes like piss. French beer is the best, closely followed by Australian beer. Everything else is ass. I don' t get drunk that often now. At uni it was every night, and then maybe twice a week until around October last year when i started to focus on work stuff and curbed it to something like twice a month. I have an unopened bottle of B&B that i' ve been saving for forever. I can' t stand how the shit tastes but it has a nice warm afterglow, and the weather has been awful for the past week or so. Maybe tomorrow :) As for fast food... that shit will kill you faster than anything. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. Ugh! ORIGINAL: Mass X But hey I' m working out like mad. Doing some boxing in the garage among a plethora of strenous activity and once all this damn snow and the -0 weather is out of the way Im gonna be out and about. I need to lose this damn weight tis depressing. Dont know if I can handle dropping down a level with the women out there. I got it nice right now but If I show up as a 300 pounder I dont think theyd be interested in a night of drinking. The best way to regulate your weight is by controling your diet. Nothing stupid like salads or calorie counting... but simply cutting the worst shit out and eating around it. Exercise, for the average person, won' t do an awful lot for weight loss. You can increase your metabolic rate but it won' t help much. Weight loss through exercise is massively overstated in the media. The amount of work you have to do to even start buring calories generally outweighs what an average person is prepared to do. I envy Rampage. The guy is unbelievably fit and healthy. But i don' t envy the amount of work he puts in on a daily basis to maintain and improve it. But still... there are hot-as-fuck women that would kill for a guy like that so i' m sure it pays off ;P Your friends look really cool, and you look happy - which is good to see. Are you an only child?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 09:31
Hardly. Tho me and my siblings all live lives away form one another. We care and all but like to keep things apart. However, my sister did show up for a bit, thats her in the last pic. That is an extreme rarity. The exercise is more fun to me then anything else. I like being active. But yeah I really need to start watching what I eat. As for my friends they really really are the greatest. You see some people at parties drink and they just get beligerant and stupid as ***, but with my crew its all just for a good time and relaxation. A time to break out of reality, but knowing that once we dive back in we' re all in there together. I put myself in hospital last year with some 60% Ukrainian (Amnesia Gold) absinthe, and haven' t been able to stomach more than a handful of shots of anything since. I like Desperado' s (lager & tequila) and Snakebites (lager & cider)... they probably make up 90% of my alcohol consumption. I can' t drink American beer because it tastes like piss. French beer is the best, closely followed by Australian beer. Everything else is ass. Yeah I dont drink often but when I sometimes go all out, but my friends always keep me in a safe level. Absinthe just got legalized here but its some really weak form of it. I havent tried it but I hear its a bit insane. I' m gonna have to try some of those combos you mentioned. I don' t often do anything with my drinks, just take whats in the bottle and poor out shots. I won' t lie I miss being with her and came real close to doing some stupid things while I was with Jess. But I would feel horrible if she had to deal with me and my mixed up ways...besides she' s just as bad as me being she is bipolar also lol. Wouldn' t that have been a great relationship...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4 Feb 08 2:14:20 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 10:44
Wouldn' t that have been a great relationship... Has your physician prescribed you with anything on the medication front? Or do you not do meds? (I' ve got multiple friends who won' t touch anything in pill form, so I understand that)
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 10:55
Ive got no medical insurance or anything. Had the small window of opportunity to get checked but thats about it. Not sure if i' d take the meds or not anyways. I' d probably try them out a bit and if it helped keep' m. I should have medical insurance again soon in which I will go and get thoroughly checked and hopefully fixed up. this is what me and her made while waiting for the others...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4 Feb 08 3:01:53 >
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 15:04
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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2008 20:48
Mass you have some strange friends, also is the guy in the top pic the one you were saying looked like me? Also exercise isn' t what makes you loose weight per se but it does help your body start to burn some calories and compliments cutting out " bad" foods as well. Yes I know I have know first hand experience in this(looked at my pics earlier in this thread), but I have read about this stuff and know people who have lots tons of weight. I have found the best thing about exercise is that it makes you feel better and also keeps you all around healthy(your heart is a muscle too).
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