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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 06:43
Hey mass, does it cost money for you to transfer pictures from your camera? I want to do it but I don' t want to pay for it.
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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 07:51
Took a lot of time and devotion but I finally got a six pack. I still want to bulk up some more and lose another 5% body fat or so. It' s been a pain in the ass getting those muscles cut. Even in cross country back in high school when I weighed only 170lbs. (at 6' 4' ) my abs weren' t defined. Now I' m 185lbs. (at 6' 5" ) and going strong towards that " 300" look. THIS IS SPARTA!!!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 08:16
how long did that take? what did you do?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 08:41
Holy fuc.k dude! In less than a year you' ve gone from relatively average... ...to badass motherfuc.ker... Consider me seriously impressed!
< Message edited by nitro -- 17 Feb 08 0:41:49 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 09:17
Took a lot of time and devotion but I finally got a six pack. I still want to bulk up some more and lose another 5% body fat or so. It' s been a pain in the ass getting those muscles cut. Even in cross country back in high school when I weighed only 170lbs. (at 6' 4' ) my abs weren' t defined. Now I' m 185lbs. (at 6' 5" ) and going strong towards that " 300" look. THIS IS SPARTA!!! Impressive... I lost my six pack. I never worked out seriously, but I had a natural slim physique in HS (I wasn' t athletic). I lost it after too much whisky and coke, now I have a small beer belly. I' m the type of person that can gain or lose 10 pounds in a month without trying. I know I can lose fat easilly, the challenge will be to put on muscle weight. For the past few years I' ve had weight training on my mind but I never got past my rampant procrastination. I should get some free weights next weekend. I believe I weigh about 165 @ 6' 0" . I haven' t measured my weight in years. I don' t even have a scale in the house (my mom doesn' t want one in the bathroom lol). Anyways, I' m definitely cutting back on the alcohol and coke, maybe completely. I' ve been having an upset stomach and mild chest pains. Maybe the occassional glass of wine, that' s it. The party' s over. Rampage are you using any protein suplements? If so do you have any recommendations?
< Message edited by agent Ghost -- 17 Feb 08 1:22:59 >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 09:46
Thanks Nitro, and holy crap!!! Man, that' s the first time I' ve seen one of my old pics side by side with what I look like now. Damn... and I thought I looked in shape back then, lol! Man, that makes me feel so accomplished. Silent, you can check out the type of workout routine I do on my blog - Progression. I' ve actually been working on getting a six pack since high school. It took a lot of learning to figure out what it really took to get ripped. Like I said, in high school I was only 170lbs but still wasn' t all that defined. Thats because I relied on running alone. Once I started college I switched to regular lifting (which I kind of consider pussy lifting these days...). Basically the type of stuff buff bodybuilders do. I' m not discrediting their methods, I mean shit Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of my heroes, but their style of lifting is really just for looks. I often switched back and forth between running and lifting stints. Never stuck with one for a considerable amount of time. Then the movie 300 came out and talk about inspiration. That' s when things got serious. I looked into the training regiment they went through and did a ton of background research on their techniques. They were trained at Gym Jones by Mark Twight, a professional mountain climber with several world records. Gym Jones' method is based off Crossfit' s regiment, just a whole lot stricter and more intense. I' ve learned a lot from both gyms and have modified them to my needs. Their training is focused on functional strength, not just getting big. In fact I will never get huge off this routine. I' ll stay fairly lean, very strong, and keep off a lot of body fat. It' s really focused on intense full body workouts at a rapid pace. Most workouts are no longer than a half an hour but that short time is absolute hell. Doing regular lifting it would take hours and hours to even get close to the level of exhaustion this method causes. There are many times where these workouts cause you to collapse at the end and you simply can' t get up... and the workout could be only 5 to 10 minutes *Cough* Jones Crawl*Cough*. I pretty much run (in the morning) and do one of these workouts (later in the day) Monday through Friday and then go for a long run (7+ miles) on Saturday. Sunday is my rest day. I' ve only been doing the regiment seriously since just before Christmas. There are only a few key factors to getting the results- 1)Be consistent. 2.) Eat right... that doesn' t mean be a health nut just monitor what you eat. Stick to water and unsweet tea for drinks and try not to over do sugar, carbs, or fats. 3.) " Learn to suffer" - Mark Twight. You really have to learn to love pain doing these workouts. If it doesn' t hurt you' re not pushing hard enough. Agent, I take protein on occasion. Not very often though. I used to do it consistently months ago when I was doing regular body building. I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein. It was recommended to me by a lifter that has a degree in nutrition and physical fitness. Like I said it' s pretty rare that I take it these days. I' ll make a protein shake if I' m craving something sweet but that' s about it. I eat a lot of chicken and almonds so I get my protein through regular meals.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 09:56
Dude, you are a badass! Seriously! My face was something along the lines of  , especially when I saw the pictures Nitro posted. I am more like the first you, except more skinny, and definitely smaller (I am only 5' 8" and weight 140) Depending on how much I' ve eaten, then you can sometimes see a slight six pack, and some other times not. My main problems is that, eating. I do 40 minutes of cardio work everyday, except Sundays, but I need to learn to control my mouth. Drinking fluids is not a problem for me, I am a water freak, occasionally drink a soda and last time I drank alcohol was on New Years eve. What types of foods do you normally eat? Yeah, I know, don' t abuse the fats, sugars, calories, etc, but what would you consider a healthy weekly diet? Also, what kind of exercises would you recommend to get more definition and muscle mass? I ask, cause I don' t think I would get on a regime as heavy as yours, something more lightweight would definitely work for me. I don' t have access to weights, so I am kind of lost as to what to do other than abs and pull-ups. I am definitely checking all those links though.
< Message edited by chimura -- 17 Feb 08 2:02:05 >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 10:22
Thanks Chimura, I appreciate it! As far as foods go it' s best to go with several small meals a day. I break this rule quite often. I have a huge appetite. Eating two foot long subs is a breeze for me. I' m a bottomless pit when it comes to food. The thing you need to focus on is when you feel satisfied rather than when you feel full. It takes a lot for me to get full but as soon as I get to the point where I don' t feel hungry anymore I know it' s time to stop. As far as the meals I eat... like I said I' m not a health nut, I really don' t watch what I eat all that much. Breakfast is usually 2 eggs and two slices of sausage or bacon. Then between breakfast and lunch I' ll eat a hand full of almonds. I may have some yogurt or fruit as well. For lunch it varies. Salad, sandwiches, chicken, shrimp, or whatever. I try to keep the carb intake low but I don' t restrict it since I have my workout right before or a couple hours after that meal and carbs are the primary source of energy. I snack on more almonds a while after that. Then for dinner I try to eat something with a decent amount of protein and as few carbs as possible. It' s hard though since that meal is with the family and I eat whatever my mom cooks. Something I try not to do is eat any carbs after 6 or 7pm. Doing that causes them to store overnight while you are sleeping since you aren' t doing any physical activity to burn them off. In terms of the workouts don' t rely entirely on cardio. That' s something I used to do and it really doesn' t get you the greatest of results in terms of figure. You really have to balance strength training with the cardio. Since you don' t have access to weights bulking up will be a little tough but body weight workouts will help. Something that you should try are tabatas. I' m going to warn you right now this type of workout is one of the single most painful things you can do. The first time I did tabata squats my legs felt like they were in a train wreck. They were so messed up the muscles were misfiring and just jerking around on their own. That being said the workout only takes 4 minutes (per exercise... 4 minutes if you are just doing one section of your body that day). All you do it take an exercise, we' ll say bodyweight squats for this example (you are just squating and then standing up straight, no weights), and you do 20 seconds of that exercise doing as many reps as you can do as quickly as possible. Then you take a ten second break. Repeat another 7 times making 8 sets in 4 minutes (well 3:50 since that last 10 seconds is rest anyway). You can do this with squats, push-ups, pull-ups, dips, sit-ups, etc... Aside from that you can take two or three exercises and set them up like: 5x Pull-up + 10x Push-up + 15x Sit-up As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. When you do these workouts just make sure you are mixing up the body parts you are using. You don' t want to overwork one piece. Like the workout I just described, notice how the exercises are complimentary. Pull-up (back, biceps, forearms) + Push-up (chest, triceps) + Sit-up (abs) This gives the different muscle groups time to rest but your body is still active because you have moved onto another muscle group. If you want me to help you start up a regiment I' d be more than happy to help. I can also give you some tutorials on how to make some home gym equipment for really really cheap so you don' t have to go out and buy weights.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 17 Feb 08 2:26:37 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:25
I am exactly like that! I can down a large pizza and half like no other, and still crave for more  Though I can sense when I am satisfied, so I am gonna have to put that into practice. My saving grace has always been my metabolism, cause other than martial arts a long time ago, and the occasional soccer games with my brother, I' ve never done much in the way of regular exercise. The closest thing I' ve done to a routine is these videos I started doing this with my aunt since around October last year: Hip Hop Abs I' ve never been a fan of exercise videos, but I can' t deny it has done quite a bit. I mean, going from 160 to 140 in 3 months, I think that' s change. Me! That is me atm. Light is a little crappy and I only have my Mac camera, but I hope is clear enough. I definitely want definition. I don' t think I wanna put up that much muscle, but strength and definition would be nice. So I would love to have a good strengthening routine with the videos I am doing. So any tips on a good program would be great! I do have a flexibility problem too actually. Not with the legs, as I know I can kick real high and stretch my legs, no problems there. But I can' t touch my toes without bending my knees. Isn' t that pathetic?  So what can I do to correct that problem?? I know I am probably not making much sense, but I just don' t know much in the ways of having a good working out routine. PS: Sorry, I tried to embed the picture on the post, but couldn' t get it to work
< Message edited by chimura -- 17 Feb 08 3:31:04 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:28
[image]http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd293/djjotero/Photo384.jpg?t=1203218627 [/image] Superman PJ' s?
< Message edited by nitro -- 17 Feb 08 3:52:47 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:29
Nitro, you' re definitely the Sith Lord at this! Superman PJ' s? Hell yeah!! Gotta show what I am made of in a visual way
< Message edited by chimura -- 17 Feb 08 3:32:11 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:32
Everybody does it. Just click ' Image' and drop the URL between the fields. The ' Click to upload' and ' Embed picture in post' options don' t work. They never have.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:39
[image]http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd293/djjotero/?action=view¤t=Photo384.jpg[/image] I did that, but it just does the " ?" symbol. Can you see it??
< Message edited by chimura -- 17 Feb 08 3:41:18 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:48
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 Thanks Nitro, and holy crap!!! Man, that' s the first time I' ve seen one of my old pics side by side with what I look like now. You' re my new hero. Your determination and focus has been nothing short of amazing and i' m glad it' s yielded the kind of results you initially set out to persue. I know you' re not done yet but seriously dude, congrats. You have good genes anyway - obviously coming from good stock, but you' ve managed to completely change your body shape in like 10 months or so. The difference is staggering.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:53
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 11:54
Oh... I see. I get it now.
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
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RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 13:25
Good job Rampage! You know, that face that you' re making goes with your call sign more than your current avatar. Just sayin' ! That guy looks like a Sam, or a Rick or something!
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 17, 2008 14:06
Im drunk at party uh oh need to take pics but cant hold phone.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 18, 2008 01:45
I wonder can everybody bulk up like Rampage or is it like a gene thing which Nitro talked about? I am too a bottomless pit for eating.. I' d easily eat a 16inch pizza and be hungry an hour later [altough I wouldnt eat pizza again], I' m not fat either, altough I am big enough I guess at 6 foot something, I' m still growing apparently [I am 19 now, turning 20 in May] but I should watch what I eat.. and I really do no excerize but next week I am going back into the gym once I have the money. I love the feeling of excerizeing but I hate being out of breath. also does anybody else find it boring? threadmill esp?
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 17 Feb 08 17:47:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Post your picture!
Feb 18, 2008 02:13
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber I wonder can everybody bulk up like Rampage or is it like a gene thing which Nitro talked about? It' s a bit of both. Everybody can change their body shape to a certain degree but some will find it far more difficult - not that it' s been easy for Rampage - the guy has worked his ass off to get these results and it' s not like he' s gotten " big" , he' s worked on his definition more than anything. The guys 6' 5" though so proportionately he can take it much further and further increase his muscle mass. I on the otherhand am broad shouldered and naturally muscular and I produce more testosterone than the average male. I certainly don' t have Rampages definition and i don' t know how hard i would have to work to achieve it, but i also don' t envy the amount of work the guy has put in. I' m not lazy, but i also don' t think i' m capable of maintaining that kind of work ethic. The guy' s been like a machine... you should check out his blog. When i was at university i boxed more - something that' s taken a sideline in the past 2 years and i can put weight on really quickly if i dont watch what i eat :( ORIGINAL: Silentbomber I am too a bottomless pit for eating.. I' d easily eat a 16inch pizza and be hungry an hour later [altough I wouldnt eat pizza again], I' m not fat either, altough I am big enough I guess at 6 foot something, I' m still growing apparently [I am 19 now, turning 20 in May] but I should watch what I eat.. and I really do no excerize but next week I am going back into the gym once I have the money. I love the feeling of excerizeing but I hate being out of breath. also does anybody else find it boring? threadmill esp? You should run outdoors.
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