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Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer (Now with Previews)
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Apr 30, 2007 22:03
People who fight for " their" (own retarded views) religion is often fucked up. And need to die I' m not one of these pro-bush guys however I do think that a country like Afghanistan needed someone to go in there. They beheaded christians and womens or stoned them without evidence for things some imam just accused them of. There was no music and people got whiped on the street if there beard wasn' t long enough. These kind of things are just disgusting. And if someone defend these ideals they can fuck themselves. ABout the Iraq war,well looking at it now,it probably was the oil. But since the russian+british+egyptians had the same information as USA its pretty much a defense. However what is done and done,and instead of getting ready to leave bush sends 20k more soldiers,wtf?! I don' t get him. But nvm,these games against religious fundemalist are Okay,If someone actually think his people must follow the Quran and he would die for that belif then im happy to play an US soldiers getting an HS on them. No americans isn' t innocent either,their army does a lot of wrong things,but terrprist who attacks civlians to making their words heard CAN FUCK THEMSELVES,ATTACK THE ARMY OR KILL YOURSELVES YOU DICKHEADS,WTF HAS WE DONE? They mean that the English peple fgor ex voted for Blair? Okay but you terrorist has taken over your country so yiou all kneed to DIE,DIE YOU SHALL!!!
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 30 Apr 07 14:05:45 >
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 00:36
Humans fight for their own sake. The ones who claim to be fighting for religion or some kind of higher purpose have chosen that ideal on purpose because it benefits them. I can' t say that I' ve ever read about a war where I could see any side being a winner. The only ones who win in wars are the people who are smart and benefit from it without getting involved in the fighting. In the case of the war on Iraq/Afghanistan, oil companies and weapon manufacturers are big winners. American soldiers, the american people, the Iraqi people, are all losing freedom, welfare, stability, peace and lifes in this war. War is only good for a selected few who are quick and smart enough to benefit from it without getting directly involved. War is a terrible thing and that' s why I don' t like realistic war games. It reminds me too much of what' s actually going on.
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 00:43
You can' t be that dumb,that you think the war against the talibans was to build an oil pipe to Iraq.
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 00:50
Nah, that was pure revenge. Btw, I never said the reason to invade Afghanistan was the oil. I just said that the only winners are oil companies. After the attack on World Trade Center Bush had to act fast and I can imagine the feelings of the american people after such a thing. Something big needed to be done fast. But I think they acted too fast, they acted on emotion instead of rational thinking. But in the end, I think invading Afghanistan turned out to be a decent decision, at least IF they can bring some stability to the country. Iraq on the other hand didn' t seem as a smart thing to do. I hated Saddam but shit, it wasn' t worth it.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 30 Apr 07 16:56:05 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 03:10
Yeah,I can' t comment about Iraq. I don' ät know how it was over there and how it is now,and how the trade off will be in the future. We will see,
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 03:30
Save it for another time, or at least another thread. Lets keep this on topic, even if we' re only hypothesizing.
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 04:58
Right-O, back to the graphics. Call of Duty 2 was quite amazing for when it was released, but honestly, there were better games (from a technical standpoint) out there. However, the developers got friendly with the hardware, exploited it to it' s full potential, and it turned out looking leaps & bounds better than the more advanced titles. The graphics are a tad underwhelming, especially after the strong performance of COD:3 (visually speaking that is.  ) but they' ve still got tons of cook time to clean everything up a bit. The character models won' t be that fluid of course, and I highly doubt the characters are going to have anywhere near that high of a poly count. But I do have faith in them. They haven' t turned out trash yet.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 07:12
CoD2 was underwhelming upon it' s release, and that includes the PC version (which only had the higher resolutions going for it), but CoD3 is gorgeous. It isn' t perfect but its the best looking FPS to date and arguably the 2nd best looking next-gen game available. Obviously CoD4 will look better than CoD4, so even if it' s not all that much more advanced we would still get a solid and attractive shooter no matter what platform we look at. The trailer is graphically underwhelming but since it' s still early we probably can' t really comment right now. Anyway, i' m still waiting for hose F-15' s eddie, i can' t see them anywhere...
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 08:55
Y' know, it took me 5 minutes before I finally concluded that Quicktime wouldn' t let me screencap.  Ripped from some backwater corner of QJ. The wings were a big tip-off. What did you think they were?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 10:08
You' ve got me questioning my own eyes now... See, this... ...is definitely an Su-30MK2, ...and to me the undercarriage looks identical to 2 that you' re telling me are F-15' s. But they can' t be F-15' s because they don' t have angled forward wings like so... ... But i don' t know now. If they' re F-15' s then the wings and undercarriage shouldn' t match the Su-30MK2' s. Argh...  I don' t know... As a side note though, i hope there are Ka-50' s in the game. I like Russian military aircraft, they just look meaner than everything else, ...like the Mi-24. Evilness!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 01, 2007 21:39
Save it for another time, or at least another thread. Lets keep this on topic, even if we' re only hypothesizing. I' m answering a fucking question. I can' t belive this retards who talks about morale when people blew up terrorist. Being a terrorist means you wanna attack civilians for mass effect,who are civilians? We. They want to kill us. And what happend then? we choose another leader etc they try and change and scare our democray values. So I dont wanna hear some kind of shit talk about its wrong or some kind of dilemma having someone blasting terrorist to hell. People who focus attacks on women and children instead of the military power of the ones they hate is dead to me,dead I say,fuck them and nooo,I' m not against torture on thes sretards either,let them stand naked and whip their asses and then let them play ps3 with gangasta,fuck them.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 1 May 07 13:42:18 >
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 02, 2007 11:49
Dude... maybe we just know more about modern military aircraft than Infinity Ward. Regardless of who' s right, they' re both waaaaay too low-res and waaaaay too far back to really come to a decent conclusion. We' ll be in the same deathmatch 8 months from now with google image-search opened comparing wing angles and weaponry on the hi-res grounded models as 22 other people are flying around us guns blazing.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 02, 2007 12:18
Dear Infinity Ward, Your new trailer from your upcoming entry into the COD franchise looks like it' s following in the footsteps of EA' s series known as Battlefield time period X. What in the fuck are you thinking? You are copycatting one of the shittiest companies in the industry, except you have even less of a justification than they do. Call of Duty is a series that can develop within the WW2 genre and within the parameters you originally set for the series which you FAILED with Call of Duty 2. Please, accept this tube of red lipstick, and be sure to share it with Treyarch after they abort whatever random time period and gameplay they infuse Call of Duty 5 with. Fuck you, DontPeeOnBilly
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 03:26
Nitro, Eddie whilst the footprint could be either the F15 or the SU30 have you not come to the conclusion that they maybe using poetic license with regards the aircraft, otherwise they may run into copyright issues regarding the use of the images, I also think that from one of the shots. it looks like a bastardised version of the much maligned Eurofighter(What ever variant they are on now.) The tailplane looks to splayed to be the F15. But I do agree with your views it does look underwhelming.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 03:57
Dear Infinity Ward, Your new trailer from your upcoming entry into the COD franchise looks like it' s following in the footsteps of EA' s series known as Battlefield time period X. What in the fuck are you thinking? You are copycatting one of the shittiest companies in the industry, except you have even less of a justification than they do. Call of Duty is a series that can develop within the WW2 genre and within the parameters you originally set for the series which you FAILED with Call of Duty 2. Please, accept this tube of red lipstick, and be sure to share it with Treyarch after they abort whatever random time period and gameplay they infuse Call of Duty 5 with. Fuck you, DontPeeOnBilly Nobody' s forcing you to buy the game at gunpoint. If you don' t like it, go have a hissy-fit at Infinity Ward and Activision. They' re not the ones reading these forums. Nitro, Eddie whilst the footprint could be either the F15 or the SU30 have you not come to the conclusion that they maybe using poetic license with regards the aircraft, otherwise they may run into copyright issues regarding the use of the images, I also think that from one of the shots. it looks like a bastardised version of the much maligned Eurofighter(What ever variant they are on now.) The tailplane looks to splayed to be the F15.
Oh we both know they could have screwed up (Some of CoD:2' s tanks weren' t historically accurate) but this you see, is a debate the two of us can have without morons coming in and making baseless opinions on what' s awesome and what sucks. Also, as a side note, you might know differently, but I don' t know of any copyright holders that have gone after the game industry for military vehicles and weapons, at least I hope not! Guns that exist are so much more fun!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 04:04
Y' know, we pitty people in military hotspots and third-world countries, we give them money and food parcels, ...but no matter how poor they are they still ALL have Sky fucking Digital... ...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 04:49
Heh, I did notice the sattelites. Although, that could give us an idea of where we are. Pakistan and India have an enormous amount of rooftop sattelites, and seeing as everything is written in Arabic...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 05:48
It needs an M-79... ...and awesome physics...
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 05:50
I know the Ace combat series on the PS2 have clearance by lockhead,General dynamics etc, was just thinking that they may not have got authorisation and they could have mashed two concepts together. Don' t quite a few former soviet countries have satelite, just thinking that Kosovo or some former member state could be the location. Which would give credence to the seemiingly abundance of Soviet hardware, the MI8' s and SU30' s. Although didn' t the soviets supply Pakistan with arms in the early 80' s?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
May 03, 2007 08:51
It needs an M-79... ...and awesome physics... Why yes... yes it does.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 3 May 07 0:54:07 >
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