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Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer (Now with Previews)
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RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 02, 2007 07:02
CoD 4 is to chaotic to take the time to look thru holes in walls anyhow, that extra level of detail should be saved for slower more tactical shooters. Not saying its a bad idea nor impossible just not the right game. I' m curious of how the whole ' perks' thing works. Does it go by what guns you have or is it as selectable as a gun load out itself. The explanation said that Deep Impact and Last Stand are just two optional perks and that you can have a max of 3 perks, meaning there should be plenty more videos coming out soon huh?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 02, 2007 07:20
Other perks include things like being exempt from enemy radar, being able to listen to enemy chat, being able to move silently, have faster or more damaging rounds or extra health. But then theyre including other mechanics like... the ability to call in an airstrike if yo kill 5 people without dying...  ...and unlocking new weapons as you rank up like in BF2.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 02, 2007 14:51
This game is going to be awesome and I love that you can customize your character in multiplayer and from what I read in GI it is extremely customizable and so no matter what you are good at you can choose/earn things that make that easier. I cannot wait for this to come out.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 02, 2007 23:21
The multiplayer character development is a good idea in theory, but I' m wondering how well it' ll hold up in practice. Sure it' d be fine for the first 3 months, untill tons of people are running around at twice all the new guy' s pace silently firing M60s from the shoulder that shoot bearsharks.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 03, 2007 00:15
CoD 4 is to chaotic to take the time to look thru holes in walls anyhow, that extra level of detail should be saved for slower more tactical shooters. Not saying its a bad idea nor impossible just not the right game. What? You act as if shooting through a wall and acknowledging light holes would be the equivalent of taking time to smell the roses. No, a simple shoot at wall and if light would be all that' s needed. A literal split second of time. It' s the only way something like that could work successfully at all.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 03, 2007 00:25
Infinity Ward aren' t interested in damage modeling. If you want that then Battlefield: Bad Company will be what you' re looking for.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 03, 2007 02:18
Infinity Ward aren' t interested in damage modeling. If you want that then Battlefield: Bad Company will be what you' re looking for. Shooting through a wall is noob spray without visible holes with light/shadows. There' s nothing good about it without the visuals.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 03, 2007 04:32
If the wall provides no resistance to bullets, and you don' t feel the need to " noob spray" then why not just sidestep (in this case) to the right? Nobody was claiming that this was the most interesting and revolutionary development breakthrough of the century.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 03, 2007 11:35
If the wall provides no resistance to bullets, and you don' t feel the need to " noob spray" then why not just sidestep (in this case) to the right? Nobody was claiming that this was the most interesting and revolutionary development breakthrough of the century. It could' ve been a worthwile thing, but instead it' s just noob spray.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 03, 2007 11:44
Soooo... you' re angry because you' re going to get your rear handed to you by noobs?
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 04, 2007 21:27
Soooo... you' re angry because you' re going to get your rear handed to you by noobs? Yeah, that' s it, that' s my sole reason for this point being made.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 04, 2007 23:22
I haven' t seen anything that coherent thus far, so maybe I was just getting my hopes up. It wasn' t in the last game, it' s in this game, it' s not a step backwards, so why are you complaining?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 04:29
ya know what I dont like in this game? its small but whenever you go into last stand mode and whip out your pistol I' d wish that you would take time to fall to the ground and take out the pistol instead of the instant thing they have, it' d be more realisitc, but maybe that wouldnt work in this type of game. But nevermind.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 04:52
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber its small but whenever you go into last stand mode and whip out your pistol Silent is that a euphemism for something other than the game? Billy you really are a whiny bitch at times aren' t you. It' s about time they started putting stuff like this in, makes it more realistic. Surely there will be some like skill system a' la halo' s lobby, rather than noobmeat Vs Veteran.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 06:56
Silent is that a euphemism for something other than the game? lol, I didnt mean it like that. I hope your not coming on to me though.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 07:02
No your ok, my wife would string me up by the short and curlies.
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- Joined: Apr 02, 2007
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 12:30
I haven' t seen anything that coherent thus far, so maybe I was just getting my hopes up. It wasn' t in the last game, it' s in this game, it' s not a step backwards, so why are you complaining? Except it' s one step forward in the wrong direction. Making holes in the wall would provide for strategy on either side, Not making holes in the wall makes it unrealistic and silly. Think about it, you' re running down a hallway and somebody just randomly spews bullets in the hall. Because you can' t see where the bullets are being made you yourself have to spew bullets at an invisible wall. That' s the future with COD 4' s system in play, it completely wrecks any notion of it being a positive innovation.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 13:21
Except it' s one step forward in the wrong direction. Wouldnt that be backwards?
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 05, 2007 16:32
Except it' s one step forward in the wrong direction. Making holes in the wall would provide for strategy on either side, Not making holes in the wall makes it unrealistic and silly. Think about it, you' re running down a hallway and somebody just randomly spews bullets in the hall. Because you can' t see where the bullets are being made you yourself have to spew bullets at an invisible wall. That' s the future with COD 4' s system in play, it completely wrecks any notion of it being a positive innovation. Ok why don' t you go and shot through some drywall and see how much light actually comes through because I' m betting that shit falls into the holes as they are shot and so the light would be extremely marginal at best. But I guess you can go on and on with your stupid rant saying things like " Except it' s one step forward in the wrong direction" which just makes you sound stupid. But you know I don' t want to confuse use with my logic so I' ll just stop now. Ok wait one last thing I believe that not all guns can shoot through walls and not all walls can be shot through so some noob decides he is going to shoot up a house and he can' t see where you are you slip out the back and flank him and pwn him so it is not going to be something everyone is going to use.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Call of Duty 4 trailer+unrated extended trailer
Jul 06, 2007 01:48
DontPeeOnBilly, sorry if you already answered this but is Billy your Dog? Also which Country are you from? I only ask because you remind me of someone. As for realtime lighting through the bullet holes, it would be nice but the game won' t be ruined without it. I can' t imagine myself jumping around in the game dodging bullets, trying to pistol whip Eddie (no that wasn' t a euphemism) and thinking fuck the light sources are fixed! Mother fucker I can' t play this shit, how the hell am I supposed to see them coming, *throws controller at TV*. I don' t care about real time lighting in any game. I consider it a nice bonus, unless the gameplay is dependant on it somehow, which COD4 wouldn' t be.
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