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Wii Software Rant
Jun 25, 2007 19:41
I am pissed off about how developers treat the Wii like an infant. They just try to dumb their games down and seem to believe that they are obligated to always fit in unnecessary motion control. Why is this, though? Not every developer is implementing the Sixaxis into their PS3 titles just for the hell of it, so why should the Wii be any different? Another thing I don' t get is how the ' Cube had many great games that would eat your life away like Paper Mario: TTYD, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and even Pikmin 2. So how come the Wii is mainly made up of tired ports and watered down spin-offs (such as Tony Hawk' s Downhill Jam)? What has the Gamecube got that the Wii hasn' t? Isn' t the Wii more powerful than it? Should people have to settle with " Soul Calibur Legends" when Nintendo was capable of Soul Calibur 2 on their previous console? Don' t get me wrong. There are lots of games I am looking forward to on the Wii: Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, Mario & Sonic at the Olympics and Nights: Journey of Dreams to name a few. However, compare that to the HUGE numbers of games that are being released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in just this year alone: Bioshock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Brothers in Arms Hell' s Highway, Assassin' s Creed, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, The Darkness, Grand Theft Auto IV, Alone in the Dark, Alan Wake, etc. The Wii needs more proper games, and not just five-second minigames that the player has to shake the remote and nunchuck like a pair of maracas to. Looking at Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Galaxy, these are two fine examples of how a game can be done properly without much unneeded control tweaks (if what we' ve seen and heard is anything to go by). Why can' t we have more stuff like that? Obviously, I don' t mind if the game actually works with the controls. Metroid Prime 3 might be just the game to make (near) perfect use of the controls, and not making them feel tacked on. Manhunt 2, which NGamer awarded an astonishing 92%, could' ve also been one of those games (and perhaps also be able to prove to developers that the Wii is capable of much bigger things), as the controls supposedly work well for that game. Of course, it just had to be (temporarily?) banned until Rockstar could make it more " acceptable" , didn' t it? This is another thing that just gets underneath my skin. I suppose it is good to actually see some great online games on the horizon (with Mario Strikers Charged already out). It may not be able to compete with Xbox Live, and waiting times may be agonising, but it still offers plenty of good clean fun. I' m really hoping for the inevitable Mario Kart to be announced soon too. Oh well, I guess I should end this on a positive note, so I won' t say any more than that. We all know Nintendo are the king of party games, and are pretty damn good with games in general (judging from the SNES, N64, Gamecube and various Gameboy iterations), so I am hoping we will see more of what we used to- superb classics that will stay in our memories, in the good way. I guess, for now, all we can do is enjoy some of the Wii, 360 and PS3' s back catalogues until we get a few AAA titles that Ninty are famous for. My rant is over (just wanted to get it all off my chest)... for now.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 25, 2007 19:48
i understand your frustration...
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- Joined: Mar 17, 2007
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RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 25, 2007 21:01
They didn' t expect Wii to do so well so they didn' t really have any real titles planned for Wii. So they opt for quick ports and throw in some bad motion controls. The developers have just been lazy when it comes down to the Wii but that can' t last forever so they' ll have to start trying anyway. I know DS and Wii can' t really be compared but if Wii is going down that road we' ll be starting to get good games in a while when the developers start getting of their lazy asses and actually try to make something instead of doing a quick port. The thing that annoys me most is that they always make a port of the damn PS2 versions. They could at least pick the xbox version and give us a bit more eye candy. Ah well as I said they can' t keep doing this. But for now we' ll have to be content with wath Nintendo itself serves us. Cause for the moment those are the only things who are really worth it that are out there. And SEGA did a bit of an effort with Sonic. I do like the list of games you mentioned for Wii. Those should be games that everyone with a Wii should get when they are out. But I don' t agree with ya on the maracas part. Well not completely. I would love to have a new Samba de Amigo on Wii. But you are right at another point. There are to many mini games out there.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 25, 2007 21:50
a lot of developers also have a rep,they wanna do graphic intense epic titles,and you could multiplattform that to ps3+xbox360+pc but not on a wii...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 25, 2007 23:33
Well Marink, y' know what I' ve expressed vehemently for quite some time... I am pissed off about how developers treat the Wii like an infant. They just try to dumb their games down and seem to believe that they are obligated to always fit in unnecessary motion control. Why is this, though? Not every developer is implementing the Sixaxis into their PS3 titles just for the hell of it, so why should the Wii be any different? Another thing I don' t get is how the ' Cube had many great games that would eat your life away like Paper Mario: TTYD, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and even Pikmin 2. So how come the Wii is mainly made up of tired ports and watered down spin-offs (such as Tony Hawk' s Downhill Jam)? What has the Gamecube got that the Wii hasn' t? Isn' t the Wii more powerful than it? Should people have to settle with " Soul Calibur Legends" when Nintendo was capable of Soul Calibur 2 on their previous console? Don' t get me wrong. There are lots of games I am looking forward to on the Wii: Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, Mario & Sonic at the Olympics and Nights: Journey of Dreams to name a few. However, compare that to the HUGE numbers of games that are being released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in just this year alone: Bioshock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Brothers in Arms Hell' s Highway, Assassin' s Creed, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, The Darkness, Grand Theft Auto IV, Alone in the Dark, Alan Wake, etc. The Wii needs more proper games, and not just five-second minigames that the player has to shake the remote and nunchuck like a pair of maracas to. Looking at Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Galaxy, these are two fine examples of how a game can be done properly without much unneeded control tweaks (if what we' ve seen and heard is anything to go by). Why can' t we have more stuff like that? Obviously, I don' t mind if the game actually works with the controls. Metroid Prime 3 might be just the game to make (near) perfect use of the controls, and not making them feel tacked on. Manhunt 2, which NGamer awarded an astonishing 92%, could' ve also been one of those games (and perhaps also be able to prove to developers that the Wii is capable of much bigger things), as the controls supposedly work well for that game. Of course, it just had to be (temporarily?) banned until Rockstar could make it more " acceptable" , didn' t it? This is another thing that just gets underneath my skin. I suppose it is good to actually see some great online games on the horizon (with Mario Strikers Charged already out). It may not be able to compete with Xbox Live, and waiting times may be agonising, but it still offers plenty of good clean fun. I' m really hoping for the inevitable Mario Kart to be announced soon too. Oh well, I guess I should end this on a positive note, so I won' t say any more than that. We all know Nintendo are the king of party games, and are pretty damn good with games in general (judging from the SNES, N64, Gamecube and various Gameboy iterations), so I am hoping we will see more of what we used to- superb classics that will stay in our memories, in the good way. I guess, for now, all we can do is enjoy some of the Wii, 360 and PS3' s back catalogues until we get a few AAA titles that Ninty are famous for. My rant is over (just wanted to get it all off my chest)... for now.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 02:39
Hardcore gamers that bought a Wii are in the minority compared to casual gamers. And those people didn' t buy a Wii for the graphics. You got suckered.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 10:03
I fell your pain Marink, and to be honest i' m surprised the Wii has got this far considering the shovelware that has plagued it since it launched. Well Nintendo isn' t faultless in this regard either, there relative failure in the previous generation and the countless internet rumours of them turning into a thirdparty only developer ala Sega, i' m pretty sure the majority of the developers didn' t think Nintendo had any chance on success in this generation of consoles. If i came down to 3 competing HD consoles, considering what happened for 2 consecutive generations, Nintendo was sure to lose once again. In other words the events leading up to the Wii did not give developers any real confidence in any of Nintendos endeavours. Oh how things can change. Like others have mentioned, who would have though the Wii would have been as successful as it was today - i certainly didn' t. So imagine what the developers would have though - " lets sink millions in to developing games for Nintendos new console - Nintendo the company that has been soundly beated in 2 previous generations - develops a console with a an unusual & very risky motion controls and no HD graphics - that looks like a profitable venture" . ITs not hard to see why developers have not really given the Wii any substancial support. Remember this can all change. Wiis continued success gives developers more incentive to put some serious effort into there Wii games. So the future does look promising, especially with Nintendos offerings more then adequately satisfying gamers needs till the thrid party developers get there act together. SO don' t give up hope just yet - i most certainly will not.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 10:30
I read in interview that was very telling. A CEO of THQ basically said that they can make low budget titles for Wii and turn a profit while focusing their larger budget stuff on the high end platforms. EDIT: (you fucking pansies with your low res monitors  ) http://onthexbox.com/news1120.aspx It doesn' t seem like there is much incentive for publishers to take the risk with large budget titles when low budget stuff are just as profitable on Wii.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 27 Jun 07 0:02:18 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 11:38
I don' t recall any THQ games on Wii, nor any in the future so this news doesn' t concern me anyway. On the other hand Ubisoft admitted on releasing shovelware for the Wii and vowed to improve their Wii offerings in the future. In any event you mentioned that developing Wii games is profitable - thats a good start. Whether it translates into more cheap rehashes/shovelware we' ll soon find out - but the fact that more developers see the Wii as profitable - supposedly enough to ' help' develop for other platforms means Wii is a viable option for games developers. Even if what you say is true don' t assume that thats indicative of all developers developing on the Wii.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 11:47
I don' t recall any THQ games on Wii, nor any in the future so this news doesn' t concern me anyway According to their site, they have 3 games out for the wii right now(Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cars, and SpongeBob: Creature from the Krusty Krab) which are all kiddie games. They have 2 games listed as upcoming games which are WWE Smackdown vs Raw 08' and something called Ratatouille. So yeah, THQ are putting garbage on the wii
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 12:56
is this page wider than normal for anyone else?
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 13:26
Well i didn' t know those were THQ games (never even thought to check who made that garbage) but they like many are part of the shovelware Wii is drowning in at the moment. I wish Nintendo should just ban companies that only make shovelware on there consoles. I know it won' t happen but i' d be glad if they did. F* you to THQ, well at least your PC games are good, but lets start making some ' decent' Wii games. BTW Locopuyo its also stupid wide for me too
< Message edited by Terrak -- 26 Jun 07 5:27:27 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 13:33
is this page wider than normal for anyone else? It happened when Terrak made this long post: I fell your pain Marink, and to be honest i' m surprised the Wii has got this far considering the shovelware that has plagued it since it launched. Well Nintendo isn' t faultless in this regard either, there relative failure in the previous generation and the countless internet rumours of them turning into a thirdparty only developer ala Sega, i' m pretty sure the majority of the developers didn' t think Nintendo had any chance on success in this generation of consoles. If i came down to 3 competing HD consoles, considering what happened for 2 consecutive generations, Nintendo was sure to lose once again. In other words the events leading up to the Wii did not give developers any real confidence in any of Nintendos endeavours. Oh how things can change. Like others have mentioned, who would have though the Wii would have been as successful as it was today - i certainly didn' t. So imagine what the developers would have though - " lets sink millions in to developing games for Nintendos new console - Nintendo the company that has been soundly beated in 2 previous generations - develops a console with a an unusual & very risky motion controls and no HD graphics - that looks like a profitable venture" . ITs not hard to see why developers have not really given the Wii any substancial support. Remember this can all change. Wiis continued success gives developers more incentive to put some serious effort into there Wii games. So the future does look promising, especially with Nintendos offerings more then adequately satisfying gamers needs till the thrid party developers get there act together. SO don' t give up hope just yet - i most certainly will not.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 13:35
Did it? My bad
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 13:43
Did it? My bad lol, I' m pretty sure its not your fault
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 14:31
No, it' s Agent Ghost' s fault for posting the long URL. Hell, I prefer it wider! They just try to dumb their games down and seem to believe that they are obligated to always fit in unnecessary motion control. Why is this, though? Not every developer is implementing the Sixaxis into their PS3 titles just for the hell of it, so why should the Wii be any different? They put in motion control because that is 100% of what the Wii is based on. It' s like putting in HD graphics on the Xbox360 or CD quality audio on the Sega CD. Without it, the console wouldn' t exist. The Wii is absolutely nothing else except for the added motion control. Without it, it' s just a Gamecube. You may pretend that it' s more powerful, but the difference is so small that 99.9% of the world' populace could never tell the difference. The Wii should just be a peripheral for the Gamecube, but peripherals don' t sell well, so they made a whole new system and added some solid state memory built-in so you could pay to download stuff.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 14:44
My belief is that the Wii' s only real quality is its motion control and that if they made any game without it then it would sell badly. If you wanted to have a console that didn' t have motion control and had better graphics and better third party support then you should have gotten one of the other systems, btu you didn' t so that means you bought it knowing that it had extremely reduced graphics quality and that it had motion control(i.e a lot of nunchuck shaking and a lot of party games. So if you insist on whining then you should at least have the balls to say that you bought the cheaper more gimmicky console and now you are paying for it. On the other hand if you bought a Wii for the party games and its novelty(and ofcourse price) then good for you because if thats what you wanted then thats exactly what you got. I personally find the mini games and party games fun and so I play my friends which is about as much time as I want to play it. is this page wider than normal for anyone else? It happened when Terrak made this long post: No, it' s Agent Ghost' s fault for posting the long URL. Hell, I prefer it wider!
Ok first who gives a damn who' s fault it is and I f***ing hate it I have to scroll over just to read the damn thing.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 15:43
I like it wider, it would be nice if they didn' t code in a length and let it fill up your whole page. You must be on a pretty low resolution screen if you have to scroll over for this!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 15:49
My belief is that the Wii' s only real quality is its motion control and that if they made any game without it then it would sell badly. If you wanted to have a console that didn' t have motion control and had better graphics and better third party support then you should have gotten one of the other systems, btu you didn' t so that means you bought it knowing that it had extremely reduced graphics quality and that it had motion control(i.e a lot of nunchuck shaking and a lot of party games. So if you insist on whining then you should at least have the balls to say that you bought the cheaper more gimmicky console and now you are paying for it. On the other hand if you bought a Wii for the party games and its novelty(and ofcourse price) then good for you because if thats what you wanted then thats exactly what you got. I personally find the mini games and party games fun and so I play my friends which is about as much time as I want to play it. Fuck iv been suckered! The thing about the Wii for me, is that there are no games that im paying 39-49£ for, im not going to pay that much money for silly party games where 80% of them arent fun at all. I guess ill just have to wait and get the few must have titles that will arrive, Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Zelda, Paper Mario, i dont think we wil see any pleasant surprises at all!
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 26, 2007 19:09
My belief is that the Wii' s only real quality is its motion control and that if they made any game without it then it would sell badly. We' ll see about that when Super Smash Bros Brawl is released then, won' t we? If you wanted to have a console that didn' t have motion control and had better graphics and better third party support then you should have gotten one of the other systems, btu you didn' t so that means you bought it knowing that it had extremely reduced graphics quality and that it had motion control Oh no. I bought a console knowing that it has worse graphics than the others and motion control!!! Read my post again. So if you insist on whining then you should at least have the balls to say that you bought the cheaper more gimmicky console and now you are paying for it. Paying for it? The Wii is getting quite a few great games this/next year- ie. Smash Bros Brawl and Metroid Prime. I' m just saying that the Wii needs more games like those. On the other hand if you bought a Wii for the party games and its novelty(and ofcourse price) then good for you because if thats what you wanted then thats exactly what you got. I personally find the mini games and party games fun and so I play my friends which is about as much time as I want to play it. That' s one reason why I bought the Wii in the first place. The fun party games. However, the Wii is getting too many games like them that aren' t worth the £30 we are being charged for. You may be made of money, but that isn' t the case for all of us.
< Message edited by Marink -- 26 Jun 07 11:10:34 >
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