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RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 28, 2007 17:31
But to think that a lot of the Wii games are going to have no motion control is silly because that is what significantly sets it apart from the other consoles. What I am saying is that you shouldn' t expect many games that don' t use motion control Where the hell do you come up with this shit? Did you just see the word " motion control" and stopped reading or something? and yes I agree that the Wii deserves more credit than it is getting and prolly more support but I doubt that many of the games third party companies will make will be not have bad tacked on motion control and one of the biggest problems is that lots of the third party developers are going multi-platform and the Wii cant stand up graphics wise so they have to have some selling point. I' m aware that the Wii has a disadvantage as far as graphics are concerned, but if Activision could get Tony Hawk' s Proving Ground onto the Wii, surely many developers are just being lazy. But whatever I am not posting in this thread again because I am sick of it. You shouldn' t have posted in the first place, then, should you?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 28, 2007 18:06
ORIGINAL: Marink I' m aware that the Wii has a disadvantage as far as graphics are concerned, but if Activision could get Tony Hawk' s Proving Ground onto the Wii, surely many developers are just being lazy. Project 8 on PSP says hi. It' s called scalability. Hell, Gears of War could be ported to PS2, ...but it wouldn' t be the same game or give the same experience. You could port it to Wii and add in full motion control but it wouldn' t play right because the game, like all 3rd party games, was created around the 360 pad.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 28, 2007 18:38
It' s called scalability. Hell, Gears of War could be ported to PS2, ...but it wouldn' t be the same game or give the same experience. You could port it to Wii and add in full motion control but it wouldn' t play right because the game, like all 3rd party games, was created around the 360 pad. Fine. Forget 3rd party games, but you still can' t deny that the Wii needs some more decent games from the developers. Maybe in about a years time, the Wii will have as many great games as the 360 did in a year (maybe more, who knows) anyway, though...
< Message edited by Marink -- 28 Jun 07 10:39:20 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 28, 2007 19:26
You can' t forget 3rd party games because without them Wii will suffer like Nintendo did with Gamecube and SEGA did with Saturn and Dreamcast. The best option would be for developers to port games built for pads as is and not bother with tacking on dodgy motion controls, ...instead focusing on usingt he extra horsepower to polish the visual quality and increase the distance between last-gen and Wii. However, because Wii doesn' t ship with a traditional pad, developers are forced to adapt the control method, and in the vast majority of cases it' s just made things awkward.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 01:07
Maybe in about a years time, the Wii will have as many great games as the 360 did in a year (maybe more, who knows) anyway, though... Thats what? Three?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 02:48
Easy there children. We' re veering into that dangerous " 3rd party support" topic again. Im playing through Res 4 on Wii right now... a GC upade? so? still by far the best game with the best gameplay ive witnessed on a console Shooter this generation. Really wipes the floor with any of the generic pad-play shooters ive tried to play.
There is no way you were sober when you posted that. I could roll off 10 better console shooters for that generation without even thinking. So you' re telling me that the Wii' s faulty shooter control scheme is better than an analogue stick? It' s not a matter of personal preference. It' s a fact. The Nintendo Wii has an inherently flawed controller for first-person shooters. It' s not physically possible with their current method of aim to create an experience as accurate as an analog stick. Have you ever tried to clear a corner on a Wii shooter? What about trying to look & shoot upwards? The stairwell level from Red Steel?! You need to focus your reticle way above the enemy so your screen centers on him. Then you need to worry about dropping back down & popping him. That' s not even counting if you feel the need to zoom-in for accuracy. I' ve got a high tolerance for crap, but that rates dude.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 08:20
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated So you' re telling me that the Wii' s faulty shooter control scheme is better than an analogue stick? It' s not a matter of personal preference. It' s a fact. The Nintendo Wii has an inherently flawed controller for first-person shooters. It' s not physically possible with their current method of aim to create an experience as accurate as an analog stick. Have you ever tried to clear a corner on a Wii shooter? What about trying to look & shoot upwards? The stairwell level from Red Steel?! You need to focus your reticle way above the enemy so your screen centers on him. Then you need to worry about dropping back down & popping him. That' s not even counting if you feel the need to zoom-in for accuracy. I' ve got a high tolerance for crap, but that rates dude. I don' t know where you got the idea that your opinion is a fact Eddie. You make it sound like it is impossible for the Wiis controls to be improved upon which is rubbish. Currently yes most shooters on Wii today have flawed controls, but considering how new the control scheme is, compared to analogue controls this should be understandable. What did you think analogue sticks when they came out that developers nailed the controls on there first attempt? No way, the fact that people have looked at one or 2 examples as definative proof that the Wii cannot get any better then it is, is a bit rich. The Wiis FPS controls can get better (although there is the small chance it will not). Even in the flawed state they are in now FPS on Wii offer decent accuracy, you only gave Redsteel as an example, but playing CoD3 and MoH:V i could consistently shoot very accurately after a short time. Headshots were also very easy to perform with little effort, and if there was an attachment that made the Wiimote & nunchuk into a ' rifle' that is held in 2 hands it would be even more accurate and stable. And yes i have tried to do everything you mentioned Eddie and with some practice i can play games close to how well i can play them on a PC' s mouse and keyboard. Its not there yet currently but playing both CoD3 & HoH:V and Rayman the accuracy is there just waiting to be perfected by a good developer. FPS on standard control Pads, Pfft, turn off the autoaim and call me back([:' (] j/k). I know i might seem a little harsh Eddie, but your comments of late have been a little more negative then usual when discussing the Wii, not sure why.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 29 Jun 07 0:26:03 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 08:30
I know i might seem a little harsh Eddie, but your comments of late have been a little more negative then usual when discussing the Wii, not sure why. Sigh* I just cant wait to see eddies response to this, it should be rather entertaining
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 08:39
I don' t know where you got the idea that your opinion is a fact Eddie.
It' s not my opinion. In a first-person shooter for the Wii, to hit an enemy that' s not on your screen, you need to push your screen over with the ' mote, push it beyond the guy you' re trying to hit, and then float your reticle back over him & pull the trigger. In an FPS with a traditional control-scheme all you need to do is move up & pull the trigger. I' m sure you can become quite proficient with the ' mote & ' chuck combo, but in the end it still requires more work, meaning more time, which is something you don' t have in a twitch firefight. I didn' t mean it in a cocky self-inflating kind of way at all. What did you think analogue sticks when they came out that developers nailed the controls on there first attempt? No way, the fact that people have looked at one or 2 examples as definative proof that the Wii cannot get any better then it is, screams of blatant hypocrisy.
No, but the basis for what we' ve still got now is the same. Press up on the analog stick & your reticle moves up, centered on the screen. I can see what you' re saying, as it has improved, but the fundamentals have remained the same. You can' t keep the current control scheme' s fundamentals and have it be as effective. Maybe we' re all missing some unduly simple method of controlling your legs, your camera and your gun all at the same time, but right now it' s not effective for shooters requiring independent movement. Even in the flawed state they are in now FPS on Wii offer decent accuracy, you only gave Redsteel as an example, but playing CoD3 and MoH:V i could consistently shoot very accurately after a short time. Headshots were also very easy to perform with little effort, and if there was an attachment that made the Wiimote & nunchuk into a ' rifle' that is held in 2 hands it would be even more accurate and stable.
I' ve played all 3 as well, & I will say this. If you' re getting 100% sensor-mote communication, shooting something that' s already on your screen is a cinch on the Wii. That' s why I' m so excited about games like Umbrella Chronicles. It' s a formula that works incredibly well on the Wii & I' ve got very high hopes for it. FPS on standard control Pads, Pfft, turn off the autoaim and call me back
Auto-Aim! We donneed no stinkin' Auto-Aim! I know i might seem a little harsh Eddie, but your comments of late have been a little more negative then usual when discussing the Wii, not sure why.
You don' t sound harsh at all. You' re honest, and I respect that. You are right, I have been incredibly critical of the Wii for the past seven or so months. It' s selling incredibly well on almost nothing, and that bothers me. I expected far better from Nintendo this generation. I had my hopes so low for the PS3 it was ridiculous, and while it wasn' t amazing, it turned out to be better than I imagined. I had my sights set really really high for the Wii (just look at some of my posts before launch, I was exstatic), and it frustrates the hell out of me when I see them sitting on their hands with the massive success they' re enjoying. Finally, my apologies to you if some of my frustration bled over onto you. It' s not fair for you to take my sh*t, so I' ll try to keep my mouth in check in the future. Y' all feel free to tell me to shut up if I start acting like a knob.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 08:42
Was that entertaining enough Cheif?  If you didn' t find the performance moving you can grab a refund at the door, but the milk-duds you left stuck to the bottom of the seat are mine![:' (]
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 08:54
Was that entertaining enough Cheif? If you didn' t find the performance moving you can grab a refund at the door, but the milk-duds you left stuck to the bottom of the seat are mine! I believe I want a rain check instead  .... And the milk duds are mine.... I need them...
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 08:57
LOL its was just something i noticed over your last few posts. You were normally a little bit more objective with all your posts so it did come as surprise when you all of the sudden layed the smack down on me when i defended the Wii  . I' ll admit i too am dissapointed in the current conditiong of Wii software. I haven' t bought a Wii game in a month, and play it very rarely (only when friends come around). If i didn' t have my PC i would be bored $#!tless. Sad but true. If in 2 years time the Wii software continues to be nothing more then shovelware and cheap ports i will have no hessitation but to dump the platform all together. I did it with the GC, and the Wii will get the same treatment if it goes down the same road. Don' t get me wrong, i may defend the Wii all the time but if they give me little reason to ' defend' it (on forums anyway) its gone. I only defend the Wii because it seems like its Nintendos best chance to redeem itself in my eyes, especially after 2 crushing defeats. Most of the people that post here are predominately anti Wii, and with the way things are at the moment i guess they have every reason to be that way. I just wanted to give the other side of the story, i mean its going to be a bit boring if its just a one sided Wii bashing fest. There is still hope for the Wii, i just pray i don' t have to wait too long for it.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 09:02
You were normally a little bit more objective with all your posts so it did come as surprise when you all of the sudden layed the smack down on me when i defended the Wii I havent laughed this hard in a while, that should be said every time eddie corrects someone.... But then i' ll be smacked down too often
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 29, 2007 23:55
it seems like its Nintendos best chance to redeem itself in my eyes, And that' s why I slam them.  In the end, marketshare and console sales aren' t going to drive me to purchase a Wii. I need to see some merit in buying what amounts to a 5-year investment.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jun 30, 2007 22:38
And that' s why I slam them. In the end, marketshare and console sales aren' t going to drive me to purchase a Wii. I need to see some merit in buying what amounts to a 5-year investment. 5 years investment?? What gamer thinks like that?? Most poeple i know use it as a side dish, now and again using it for party gaming ETC. For me it' s been great purchase side console / time filler. With freinds or GF' s and it' s been a great laff, ive had / having some seriously great 1 player experiences too and even more to come. Fuck the 5 years investment bull. If it ever becomes a dust collector im sure a little brother / sister etc would love to have it.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jul 01, 2007 11:43
5 years investment?? What gamer thinks like that?? Typically when I spend that much money, I like to think it will atleast give me enjoyment for a few years. Why would someone spend $250 on something they hope tol use every now and then?
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jul 02, 2007 22:01
Actually, I really hope that the Wii outsells the others, as that could probably mean Dragon Quest X for the Wii. It would make sense, given Square' s history of putting Dragon Quest on the best selling format (NES, Playstation, PS2 and DS). Maybe it' s just false hope, but you never know... Also, Beautiful Katamari for the Wii could probably be pretty sweet too (if what IGN says is true).
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jul 02, 2007 22:42
sales number don' t mean much, developers should figure out what is the major segment that bought the wii... then they can make a reasonable decision
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jul 02, 2007 22:52
And that' s why I slam them. In the end, marketshare and console sales aren' t going to drive me to purchase a Wii. I need to see some merit in buying what amounts to a 5-year investment. 5 years investment?? What gamer thinks like that?? Um... how about the piss-poor ones? I don' t have boatloads of extra money floating around, so I make up for the games & consoles I can' t immediately purchase by floating around the web, doing as much research on them as I can, & picking the cream of the crop. Most poeple i know use it as a side dish, now and again using it for party gaming ETC. I' m not spending $300 on something I' m going to be using now and again. With freinds or GF' s Pimp much? If it ever becomes a dust collector im sure a little brother / sister etc would love to have it. I' m not that generous.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Wii Software Rant
Jul 04, 2007 01:40
I know i might seem a little harsh Eddie, but your comments of late have been a little more negative then usual when discussing the Wii, not sure why. He was being honest, which is more than we can say for you. It' s time we face facts, Wii is junk. Pure and simple, it' s a nice toy but nowhere near the level you would expect from one of the three console giants. Nintendo should stick with handhelds and go third party on consoles.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 3 Jul 07 17:40:58 >
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