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The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
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RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 06:33
That' s a Demo picture or one of the final ver.?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 06:36
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on And Burnout is a last-gen port. Get the picture? This is what MotorStorm looks like during gameplay... 1. Why did you bring up Burnout when it clearly wasn' t looking as nice as Motorstorm. 2. That Motorstorm screenshot looks good.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 07:02
It' s nigh on impossible to get a capture of Burnout where the vehicle is stationary. It has rolling starts where the camera comes up from the side of the car and so i took one from it in motion. MotroStorm is a better looking game, the ca models specifically look 500% better, but Burnout has sharper textures and runs at twice the framerate. My point wasn' t that Burnout looks better than MotorStorm, but that MotorStorm is being released a year later than Burnout and Burnout is a port on a PS2/Xbox game and wasn' t built for the hardware from the ground up. BlimBlim has some 720p Burnout evenge footage that people can check out if they want to see what it actually looks like.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 07:13
Couldn' t you just have showed PGR2 screenshots instead or something from the upcoming Forza? Those games are made specifically for the 360. I don' t think there' s any gameplay screenshots from Forza 2 but then many of the Motorstorm screenshots aren' t gameplay either. Maybe I should just walk out on the street around the corner, take a photo of some cars and then post it here saying it' s an in-game screenshot from Mario Kart Wii
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RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 07:23
I see your point. Test Drive then...
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RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 07:41
....if you' re gonna compare ingame screens, at least use ones from the final Japanese retail version...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 07:48
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ....if you' re gonna compare ingame screens, at least use ones from the final Japanese retail version... The 2nd one obviously isn' t ingame but the 1st is and it still doesn' t look as good as some are making out. I mean, it' s not like i' m saying DoA4 looks nicer than VF5 because it doesn' t. EDIT: i hadn' t realised IGN had new screens up, but here are more...
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 16 Dec 06 23:52:36 >
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 07:51
Just seen some vids of the final japanse game and it looks just as good as i expected.. So all the anit-ps3 bull thats come between this and my first post is waisted time. Playing this on the shitty six-axis is another thing entirely.. I wonder if this game supports the GT-force?? that would be much more appealing if it did.. (ad the force feedback).
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 17 Dec 06 0:00:38 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 08:17
ORIGINAL: f3hunter So all the anit-ps3 bull thats come between this and my first post is waisted time. PS3 has nothing to do with it. The game doesn' t look as good as people are making out. Again, like i said - it' s not like we' re saying DoA4 looks nicer than VF5, because it doesn' t.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 08:26
VF5? DOA4? ?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 08:39
VF5? DOA4? ? Neither are next-gen, they dont have futuristic mud physics.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 08:46
ORIGINAL: f3hunter VF5? DOA4? ? It' s not like we' re saying something on 360 is better than something on PS3 purely because it' s on 360. That' s what you keep claiming isn' t it?! Anyway, about your projectori wanted to ask a couple of questions: is it 1080p? what' s the refresh rate like and is there and latency? how does 720p-1080p upscaling look? how does it handle HD footage? * do you have to pass stuf through a scaler or does the projector handle it internally? * i ask because in theatres the projector processes 24 frames at double the speed by opening the film-projector' s shooter twice for each frame, to total 48 frames per second. Some home projectors when playing HD movies show flicker. Since yours is an expensive one i wondered how it handles it. EDIT: Neither are next-gen, they dont have futuristic mud physics. Hahahaha!
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 17 Dec 06 0:46:53 >
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 09:06
Neither are next-gen, they dont have futuristic mud physics. Actually VF5 does.. Try again troller. Actually dont bother, im tired of all this.. from now on im not giving any negative points towards 360 from this day forward.. I' ll let ya' ll give it sweet talk.. TBH i dont care for 360 so im waisting my time..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 17 Dec 06 1:08:23 >
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RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 09:10
Aww don' t cry! Y' know what, i' ll agree to everything you say and take all of my comments back if you take some photos of Ninja Gaiden Black running in 1080p on your projector... ...Please?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 09:15
Actually VF5 does.. Try again troller. I stand corrected  Now if only we could apply the mud physics and fighting genres to make a great (possibley DOA) mud wrestling game. (and no, I am not a DOA fan, but after DOAX a mud wrestling game doesnt seem to absurd)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 17, 2006 09:26
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Actually VF5 does.. Try again troller. I stand corrected Now if only we could apply the mud physics and fighting genres to make a great (possibley DOA) mud wrestling game. (and no, I am not a DOA fan, but after DOAX a mud wrestling game doesnt seem to absurd) Terry would fly to Japan and queue for days to get his hands on that!
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 18, 2006 12:57
To me this game looks just incredible, the mud, the dust, everything its just amazing, besides, the UK/USA version will look even better and will support online and offline multiplayer, thats only fair since japanese people got the game 3 months early, the PS3 there its 80 dlls less and they only have to pay 49 dlls for SCE published games, still they will get the patch later. Just cant whait to play this game, late feb/early march cant come fast enough. And take a look at the bike gameplay, just incredible, no more, no less. http://www.free4up.com/ShowImages.aspx?fn=003141025132119.jpg   http://www.free4up.com/ShowImages.aspx?fn=091224183239105.jpg   http://www.free4up.com/ShowImages.aspx?fn=177011165081046.jpg   ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on People poting non-gameplay images make themselves look like fools. That isn' t how the game looks. That its gameplay majik, just so u know, when u pause the game u can move the camera arround and look at every pice of the track and even to other racers. ORIGINAL: ginjirou MGS: portable ops- 6 What? What was bad about it? I must know! If you didn' t like the other games in the series either than you don' t need to reply. Dont listen to him, hes just the classic xbox fanboy/ps hater, he doesnt have the game, he doesnt know anything about the game, i bet he doesnt even have a PSP, he just knows that Play Station + Metal Gear Solid its bad for the xbox there for its bad for him, not even Starcraft, Diablo, or Guild Wars would be good for him if they where on any PlayStation. On topic, my friend has the game, i played whit its PSP about 2 hours and the game its awesome, the graphics are the best on the PSP, big boss kicks ass, the music its great, the new capture system rocks and the Ashley Wood art its pretty good, im gonna buy my own copy next saturday along whit SOCOM, rigth now Killzone Liberation keeps me entertained, great game BTW, the PSP sure has some awesome games. ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Now as for that guy Ferdinando.... Dont mind me, i think u are a stupid bastard
< Message edited by fernandino -- 18 Dec 06 8:01:21 >
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- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 18, 2006 15:15
Dont mind me, i think u are a stupid bastard Too bad the majority agrees with me And thats ok, I think you like small asian penis.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 18, 2006 15:55
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Too bad the majority agrees with me . Then if u have to rely on what other people thinks u are not just a stupid bastard, but retarded as well, but as i said, dont mind me, u can be as stupid or retarded as u wish for all i care. And thats ok, I think you like small asian penis. Dont quite get u here, its that because im half japanese??? or its just some random racist thing u say to anyone u come across??? either way it just shows how worthless u are.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 18 Dec 06 8:02:29 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The PS3 title that will start to show the technical gap
Dec 18, 2006 16:02
Then if u have to rely on what other people thinks u are not just a stupid bastard, but retarded as well, but as i said, dont mind me, u can be as stupid or retarded as u wish for all i care. Im not relying on the majority, Im stating that other intelligent free thinking people have came to the same conclusion. Trust me, I didnt have a poll to determine if you were an idiot or not. Dont quite get u here, its that because im half japanese??? or its just some randome recist thing u say to anyone u come across??? either way it just shows how worthless u are. It has nothing to do with race, it has to do with your constant MS bashing and Sony loving. I didn' t know you were japanese, now at least I know why you are so closed minded.
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