(without getting all fanboy defensive, 360 boys),
Anyone who
read my original post ,Claiming MS to do things with graphics that has not been seen before, in the physics, draw distance particle FX etc. Raising the Bar.
Well here’s an extract from a short discussion from a 1up podast, after receiving the Japanese version of MS in the office..
You' ll hear things along the line of:
" This game really does push out a level of graphics and physics not seen before on 360"
" we hope to see this engine used for other coming ps3 titles such as Wipeout ETC, as they potentially could look mindblowing"
(john is known to be a 360 fan BTW)
And to a lesser extent:
" The Japanese version is really rushed, has only one mode"
" Wait for the US version"
Anyway, listen for yourself.
Then again, any fair non-fanboy could blantantly
see what MS is doing over everything else graphically.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 24 Dec 06 14:42:45 >