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Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 14, 2007 06:41
I don' t blame Nintendo for taking the safe route. I just get annoyed when die hard Nintendo fans argue that Nintendo is making new headways with " innovation" . Or that they' re doing anything more than fitting in a niche market. Nintendo isn' t even competing against MS or Sony anymore, not like they used to. They created a new low standard and they' re gobbling up the marketshare. Nintendo did the cheapest thing possible, they took old components from last gen and repackaged it with a fancy controller, marketed as innovation so nintendo fanboys have something to talk about. When you think about it, all they did was take a giant shit on hardcore gamers who enjoy Nintendo games. Nintendo providing Wiimote functionality in the Wii is like giving someone a lollipop after they kicked you in the nuts. The Wiimote won' t change fuk all, if it was so great they would have given it along with a beefier console and price wii along with the 360 and PS3 range. Nintendo' s strategy has nothing to do with an " innovative" controller, it has everything to do with taking no risks and being cheap with development costs. Innovation- The most misused buzz word in the industry. What' s my point? Nintendo isn' t in the same league as Sony or MS anymore (at least not this gen). Wii is a nice toy, but a terrible console. So at the very least we shouldn' t compare sale numbers of wii with anything. Nothing is comparable with Wii.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 13 Jul 07 22:43:08 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 14, 2007 17:19
I don' t blame Nintendo for taking the safe route. I just get annoyed when die hard Nintendo fans argue that Nintendo is making new headways with " innovation" . Or that they' re doing anything more than fitting in a niche market. Nintendo isn' t even competing against MS or Sony anymore, not like they used to. They created a new low standard and they' re gobbling up the marketshare. Nintendo did the cheapest thing possible, they took old components from last gen and repackaged it with a fancy controller, marketed as innovation so nintendo fanboys have something to talk about. When you think about it, all they did was take a giant shit on hardcore gamers who enjoy Nintendo games. Nintendo providing Wiimote functionality in the Wii is like giving someone a lollipop after they kicked you in the nuts. The Wiimote won' t change fuk all, if it was so great they would have given it along with a beefier console and price wii along with the 360 and PS3 range. Nintendo' s strategy has nothing to do with an " innovative" controller, it has everything to do with taking no risks and being cheap with development costs. Innovation- The most misused buzz word in the industry. What' s my point? Nintendo isn' t in the same league as Sony or MS anymore (at least not this gen). Wii is a nice toy, but a terrible console. So at the very least we shouldn' t compare sale numbers of wii with anything. Nothing is comparable with Wii. Nicely put!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 14, 2007 23:14
I don' t blame Nintendo for taking the safe route. For them it is a safe route indeed since competing on the same level as MS and Sony would be quite difficult after the Gamecube. They created a new low standard and they' re gobbling up the marketshare.
It is low standard when it comes to the power of the hardware yes, but high standards are more than just that. If the Wii is fun to use and the price is right, then I will see no problems with the hardware. Sadly, I think the price is wrong. If they' re making such a huge profit now it means they can lower the price. Greedy bastards  . Nintendo did the cheapest thing possible, they took old components from last gen and repackaged it with a fancy controller, marketed as innovation so nintendo fanboys have something to talk about. To me there are no cheap things you can do in bussiness. If it sells, it sells. People are talking about the Wii and it sells. But the one' s talking about it aren' t the Nintendo fanboys for once. It' s the " normal" people, the non-gamers. Media has given the Wii the attention, not the fanboys. And that' s because the Wii truly is different in a good way. Not so much to us perhaps, but it wasn' t supposed to be. It' s different to non-gamers because they see something they can finally understand. When you think about it, all they did was take a giant shit on hardcore gamers who enjoy Nintendo games. I have to play Nintendo' s big titles like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, F-Zero and the next Zelda before I make a verdict like that. Right now I think Mario Galaxy and MP3 can offer more fun than most 360 or PS3 games. It' s too bad the graphics aren' t up to date of course, but still, if it' s fun it doesn' t matter. But as I said, I have to play them before I make my final verdict. Playing = Believing after all. The Wiimote won' t change fuk all, if it was so great they would have given it along with a beefier console and price wii along with the 360 and PS3 range. If it was more powerful and more expensive they would lose the non-gamers. So called " hardcore" gamers have their loyalty at MS and Sony after the last generation. But not me, though, I loved my Gamecube more than any of the other prev-gen consoles  . I think their idea of broadening the market is really great. It needs to be done and I have seen, not only in Nintendo' s own commersial videos, that people who viewed videogames as something lonely geeks do, now see it as something that everyone can participate in. Nintendo' s strategy has nothing to do with an " innovative" controller, it has everything to do with taking no risks and being cheap with development costs. To the executives at Nintendo, you' re right. But the creative minds at Nintendo still wanted to do something good. Wii is a nice toy, but a terrible console. I don' t care if it' s a toy or a console. All I care about is if it' s fun or not. Don' t get stuck up on words. I think the Wii will provide much fun, but their interest in broadening the market is at the expense of the conservative gamers' interests. I think that now that Nintendo has shown non-gamers that videogames can be interesting and fun, they can make their next console both powerful and inno...uh... unique, in order to satisfy both hardcore gamers and non-gamers. I think I kinda understand what F3 was saying now. (F3 Wtf, I thought that name was dead  ) Wii DSLite Nintendo Playing = Believing Yeah, I understand if the " fanboy-meter" just went through the roof while scanning me but whatever    
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Jul 07 15:35:52 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 03:45
Why do you have to swoop a conversion into such a low level. Why do you have to switch back to your old name.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 04:16
Why do you have to switch back to your old name. Why cant you stop trolling and have something constructive to say in relation to the actual topic. Thanks.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 04:51
Nintendo isn' t in the same league as Sony or MS anymore (at least not this gen). Wii is a nice toy, but a terrible console. So at the very least we shouldn' t compare sale numbers of wii with anything. Nothing is comparable with Wii. I agree somewhat, but I don' t think you should underestimate the importance of the Wii and its audience in relation to other consoles and the so-called hardcore gamers. Without expanding the audience to include more casual gamers, there will not be the revenue base to continue evolving the hardcore gaming experience. Already, games are requiring staffs of sometimes a couple hundred people 2-3 years of development time. That kind of workload, and its associated financial risk, is sooner or later going to create restrictions in what is really possible in a ' hardcore' gaming experience. I would argue that it already has, as you have many people complaining about games with great graphics that only last about 8-10 hours. Plus, we' ve seen publishers get more and more conservative, with sequels and obviously derivative rip-off ideas, because the financial risks are so great. By establishing a bigger audience through more casual games, companies can have more financial security to take some greater risks in hardcore games. Is Nintendo going to do that? Probably not... but they have proven it can work and maybe some other publishers and developers will adopt a similar strategy and apply it to more hardcore games. The question then is, can anyone create ' family-friendly' and casual games that are as high-quality and addictive as Nintendo?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 04:55
Why cant you stop trolling and have something constructive to say in relation to the actual topic. Thanks. Im not the troll, Virtua.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 05:43
If it was more powerful and more expensive they would lose the non-gamers. So called " hardcore" gamers have their loyalty at MS and Sony after the last generation. But not me, though, I loved my Gamecube more than any of the other prev-gen consoles . I think their idea of broadening the market is really great. It needs to be done and I have seen, not only in Nintendo' s own commersial videos, that people who viewed videogames as something lonely geeks do, now see it as something that everyone can participate in. Exactly, Aslo, Nintendo are by far One the Most creative companies out there and wouldnt waste their time on Wiimote Technology if they knew it thought it couldnt Change Fk all
. Actually, one BIG reason Nintendo wanted away with the Standard analogue control is simple: They were getting bored and found it too Limited. Miyamoto' s Visions were getting too big, in a interview he stated when working on Pikmin He realised the controller was too shallow to allow certain game play aspects he wanted to achieve. Then he got a team together to start work on new controller ideas which ultimately lead to the Wimote. So it was not just a ' Safe option out' It was stemmed from creativaty / Business mind which MS or Sony would never have the bollocks or Creativaty to risk themselfs. Easy Rout, nothing But easy i say.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 14 Jul 07 21:48:54 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 06:51
It' s asinine that people buy Nintendo' s hype and put so much weight into a contoller. We' re not talking about the be all and end all of controllers here, the wiimote isn' t the new standard. The creation of a console doesn' t start with the controller. It starts with a budget along with a business model. MS and Sony did what' s expected of them and invested tuck loads of money developing the best product for our money. Even if their consoles sell at higher prices they still lose money initially on each console sold with the hopes of making their profit with the games. The reason I say Nintendo is cheap is because not only did they hardly spend any money on R&D but they were even able to pull a profit right out of the gate on the less expensive hardware. Gamers are far from getting their moneys worth with Wii.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 07:36
If it' s fun it' s worth it. Right now there' s not much fun. Wait with your verdict until Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy is out. If you dislike them just because the graphics aren' t up to date then it sucks to be you.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 07:46
It' s asinine that people buy Nintendo' s hype and put so much weight into a controller. How the Hell is it stupid for people to believe in the Wiimote? How the Hell could the Medium be fully realised if No one believes in it? Take the DS and it' s Touch / Dual Screen meduim. Devolpers stuck by and started to take full advantage, its now a 44.97m + selling Platform, Your saying these owners are all Stupid? Your saying the Developers that took time in making Great DS-functioned games are all stupid? We' re not talking about the be all and end all of controllers here, the wiimote isn' t the new standard. Nor was i, nor Nintendo, It' s their first step, It' s Nintendos New Standard, It' s the 9.05m Wii owners new standard (jesus, it' s not much behind 360 already). The creation of a console doesn' t start with the controller. It starts with a budget along with a business model. Erm the whole project / Development was Coded: Revolution  Obviously the Wiimote had ALOT to do with the Birth of it. MS and Sony did what' s expected of them and invested tuck loads of money developing the best product for our money Best Product?? For who? You maybe! for your average ardcore gamer maybe But in General and in only less than a year, the Wii is already on the Way of Taking No1 position, It' s currently selling at a faster rate than Both 360 and PS3 combined (erm PS3' s worth its money?). So that claim is flawed. If it' s fun it' s worth it. Right now there' s not much fun. Wait with your verdict until Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy is out. If you dislike them just because the graphics aren' t up to date then it sucks to be you.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 14 Jul 07 23:56:17 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 07:56
I think they decided to make the Wii when they noticed the DS became popular. The DS was both an experiment and a way to tackle the upcoming PSP. It' s clear that Nintendo didn' t intend to go this way since they first said that the DS was an experiment and that it would co-exist with the GB series.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Jul 07 23:57:18 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 08:09
We all know this was what the new Gamecube was going to be like. I find the mention of a Blu-ray drive to be quite hilarious
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 08:12
Erm the whole project / Development was Coded: Revolution Obviously the Wiimote had ALOT to do with the Birth of it. LOL, you' re a funny guy. Gamecube was code named Project Dolphine, but hey lets not get " stuck up on words" .
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 08:20
Ultra 64 says Hi.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 11:14
It' s currently selling at a faster rate than Both 360 and PS3 combined Lets look at software sells shall we?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 11:28
Masta is right. It doesnt matter what wii sells,it doesnt sell games,these people who got the wii doesnt look intresting in buying games expect Zelda so far. On the 360 even new titles like Lost planet+Dead rising became smash hits with over 1 million units sold in a short period. 360 has people who buys plenty of games no matter what month. Wii audience miss that,thus thrid party developers still stick witrh 360+ps3 and lets face it,these rich developers likes to do something epic and fantastic and it can only be done with 360/ps3.
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 12:41
My mom just got a wii And let me give yiu my review. I think the dam thing sucks. Its for women and kids lol. I just dont like the thing. I had paid for it I would want my money back. But hey that' s just what I think.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 21:46
Lets look at software sells shall we? Masta is right. It doesnt matter what wii sells,it doesnt sell games,these people who got the wii doesnt look intresting in buying games expect Zelda so far. On the 360 even new titles like Lost planet+Dead rising became smash hits with over 1 million units sold in a short period. 360 has people who buys plenty of games no matter what month. Wii audience miss that,thus thrid party developers still stick witrh 360+ps3 and lets face it,these rich developers likes to do something epic and fantastic and it can only be done with 360/ps3. Top 7 Million Sellers Chart Xbox 360 Released 1 year and 8 Months Ago. Nintedno Wii Released only 8 Months Ago. Next
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
- Location: Germany
RE: The New Nintendo
Jul 15, 2007 23:06
Mr. Virtua Fighter, I am sorry but your numbers are SO wrong. First of all, you are counting Wii Sports which is uhm - well let me put it like that. If you count Wii Sports numbers for ALL territories, why not count Hexic HD numbers, too? That game has " sold" over 10 million units if we look at it " your way" ! Furthermore your list is lacking titles like Dead Rising, Saints Row or Lost Planet. Here a few sources for games that sold a Million+ and you forgot to mention: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/742/742581p1.aspx (Perfect Dark Zero) http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4133&Itemid=2 (Saints Row) http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/itagaki/doa-4-sells-a-lot-itagaki-still-***ed-213118.php (Dead or Alive 4) So please, don' t try to put some " spin" on it by " accidentally" forgetting a few XBox 360 titles. Don' t lower the level of this conversation by blatantly lying. Thank you very much! (Oh and citing some sources would be nice, too. VGChartz isn' t actually the most reliable site on the net, you know?) What' s the point in posting a top 7 chart anyway? Why not post a top 10 or top 15 chart? And what you are also forgetting is that attach rates matter as well. And that' s a point where the 360 is still leading by far, with almost 6 games per console (Source: E3 press conference this year). On topic: Nintendo' s motion sensing idea is quite nice. But I see it as a two-edged sword - some games can be played better using the Wiimote and/or Nunchuck. Other genres though are simply shit using the Wiimote. For example, playing racing games using the Wiimote sucks and that " Wiiel" won' t make things any better (I already tried it out since something similiar was packed with GT Pro). What about giving us a REAL racing wheel, Nintendo? Furthermore I am afraid that Wii is actually hindering game development. Of course, you got the benefits of using the Wiimote (Which might lead to better controls as well as a better " feeling" ) but on the other hand due to the lack of power you have to cut gameplay elements which depend on much processing power like advanced AI as well as advanced physics. I am also still waiting for a Wii game that shows me the power of the Wiimote. Games like Zelda or Mario Strikers Charged make use of the Wiimote but I don' t feel they are actually adding something to the game. The controls are NOT better, just different. And so far the only games to really make use of the Wiimote' s capabilities have been mini-game collections. I just hope with the release of titles like MP3, SMG, SSBB and MK I will finally see some games making good use of the Wiimote.
< Message edited by Evilkiller -- 15 Jul 07 15:10:23 >
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