I don' t blame Nintendo for taking the safe route.
For them it is a safe route indeed since competing on the same level as MS and Sony would be quite difficult after the Gamecube.
They created a new low standard and they' re gobbling up the marketshare.
It is low standard when it comes to the power of the hardware yes, but high standards are more than just that. If the Wii is fun to use and the price is right, then I will see no problems with the hardware.
Sadly, I think the price is wrong. If they' re making such a huge profit now it means they can lower the price. Greedy bastards

Nintendo did the cheapest thing possible, they took old components from last gen and repackaged it with a fancy controller, marketed as innovation so nintendo fanboys have something to talk about.
To me there are no cheap things you can do in bussiness. If it sells, it sells. People are talking about the Wii and it sells. But the one' s talking about it aren' t the Nintendo fanboys for once. It' s the " normal" people, the non-gamers. Media has given the Wii the attention, not the fanboys. And that' s because the Wii truly is different in a good way. Not so much to us perhaps, but it wasn' t supposed to be. It' s different to non-gamers because they see something they can finally understand.
When you think about it, all they did was take a giant shit on hardcore gamers who enjoy Nintendo games.
I have to play Nintendo' s big titles like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, F-Zero and the next Zelda before I make a verdict like that. Right now I think Mario Galaxy and MP3 can offer more fun than most 360 or PS3 games. It' s too bad the graphics aren' t up to date of course, but still, if it' s fun it doesn' t matter. But as I said, I have to play them before I make my final verdict. Playing = Believing after all.
The Wiimote won' t change fuk all, if it was so great they would have given it along with a beefier console and price wii along with the 360 and PS3 range.
If it was more powerful and more expensive they would lose the non-gamers. So called " hardcore" gamers have their loyalty at MS and Sony after the last generation. But not me, though, I loved my Gamecube more than any of the other prev-gen consoles

. I think their idea of broadening the market is really great. It needs to be done and I have seen, not only in Nintendo' s own commersial videos, that people who viewed videogames as something lonely geeks do, now see it as something that everyone can participate in.
Nintendo' s strategy has nothing to do with an " innovative" controller, it has everything to do with taking no risks and being cheap with development costs.
To the executives at Nintendo, you' re right. But the creative minds at Nintendo still wanted to do something good.
Wii is a nice toy, but a terrible console.
I don' t care if it' s a toy or a console. All I care about is if it' s fun or not.
Don' t get stuck up on words.
I think the Wii will provide much fun, but their interest in broadening the market is at the expense of the conservative gamers' interests.
I think that now that Nintendo has shown non-gamers that videogames can be interesting and fun, they can make their next console both powerful and inno...uh... unique, in order to satisfy both hardcore gamers and non-gamers.
I think I kinda understand what F3 was saying now. (F3 Wtf, I thought that name was dead

Wii DSLite
Nintendo Playing = Believing Yeah, I understand if the " fanboy-meter" just went through the roof while scanning me but whatever

< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Jul 07 15:35:52 >