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Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 17:57
Ok, so you' ve been stranded on a tropical island. There' s nothing really dangerous there - posinous snakes and spiders and sharks in the sea but no big cats or anything. You' re going to be there for at least 12 months and you don' t have anything but a knife. You can' t take anything with you but you can take another Kikizo member. So, who would you choose and why?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 18:12
Oh my what Kitten must endure on that Island.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 18:13
Kitten, obviously. Aside from her. Let me think.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 3 Apr 08 10:14:24 >
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 18:37
Taking the girl would be a very bad idea. You only have a knife, so she' ll only be as pretty as she is for so long. No hot wax, no razors, no toothbrush etc... nothing.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 18:55
No hot wax, no razors, no toothbrush etc... nothing. She will still be a girl, although a hairy one. I could go without sex for a month, but i like female company a lot.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:01
Ok... if you' re going to choose kitten then you' ll also need to choose an alternative too because " duh! i' d obviously choose teh gurl cuz she has boobs!" isn' t a compelling answer. Plus, ...if you don' t mind hairy tits then you' d probably be better off taking Torr
Agent Ghost
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:10
No hot wax, no razors, no toothbrush etc... nothing. She might not even need to shave, she could be hairless naturally. Either way I don' t care if she' s hairy. I' m not one to argue with nature. Although if she wanted I could give her a trim with my teeth. Or she could use the knife. I can make shaving cream with fish guts. As for not having a tooth brush. With our diet we wouldn' t really need one. Our teeth only get stained and full of plaque due to the disgusting shit we eat/drink. On a diet of fish, snakes and fruit they would stay nice and white. Look at the starving African kids on TV. Do you think they have a home dentist kit, Crest? F.uck no. Their teeth stay white because they only eat rice and bread. They should pay them to be on a comercial for teeth whitening products. She wouldn' t be nearly as gross as any guy. There' s a good chance she would smell better at least. Overall a girl would be easier to deal with. And once she goes completely crazy there' s less chance of me being hurt. Because trust me, anyone living with me on a ***ing island for a year without contact with anyone else is going to lose their mind. Also, there' s the cannobolism factor, I think I would rather eat a female over a male. I' m weird that way. Then again, if I want a nicer piece of meat I should probably choose VX. I think he' s the heaviest here. Bah *** it, I' d just learn how to fish with a spear. Shit I don' t know. It' s hard to make a dicision when I have no idea what it would be like to live with anyone here. It' s one thing to think alike but that says nothing about how you act. The smallest odd manurism can piss me off. Since Kitten is the only female here, she' d be my first choice. Secondly, maybe you Majik. You may have the highest tolerance for me. I know you' d pull your weight too. Most importantly, I know we' d figure out how to make some sort of Island moonshine.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 3 Apr 08 11:19:00 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:13
Plus, ...if you don' t mind hairy tits then you' d probably be better off taking Torr No no,. im not much for anal sex. Mmmm okay, Kitten and.... kitten and..... mmmmmmmm Well id take Majik, or shoudl i pick Nitro? Well any of the self proclaimed assholes seem like nice fun guys. If not, i could always eat you
Vx Chemical
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:18
if I want a nicer piece of meat I should probably choose VX. I think he' s the heaviest here. Rampage is pure muscle, you' d get more from that than my fat ass
Agent Ghost
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:28
Rampage is pure muscle, you' d get more from that than my fat ass lol Maybe, but Chistians frighten me.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:30
lol Maybe, but Chistians frighten me. well you cant bloody well eat atheist, we arent that many!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 19:42
well you cant bloody well eat atheist, we arent that many! Another good point. However in the grand sheme of things I really don' t care what happens after I die. Why should I? I don' t care if religion dies, I just like to argue about it. I' m a nice guy though, I wouldn' t kill a person for a steak. I' d just wait until you die first assuming a food shortage. Otherwise, I wouldn' t even need to resort to cannobolism. Actually I would go with anyone who would want to go with me. That way if we get in a heated argument I can just say " F.uck you, it was your choice" .
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- Joined: Nov 17, 2007
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 20:49
I would take Agent. I think the year would pass really quickly, especially if we figured out how to ferment snake blood I think i' d end up killing most other people here, although i think living with Torr for a year would be really interesting. I' d probably have to beat him faily often, but i' d be curious to see how he would adapt and grow as a person. Zoy was another person who i first thought of. He' s an interesting guy and i supect he' d adapt to the conditions really well. I' d take Quez but i don' t think i could stand his Blue Dragon obsession. He' d be pining for Sakaguchi games and i' d have to put him out of his misery. I don' t think anybody else would survive 12 months of a tropical island with me. The rest of you fuc.ks would get on my nerves and i' d end up beating you to death.
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 22:06
Since living in the wilderness is no problem I really don' t care who came with me as long as they can handle solitude, a lack of technology, and women without going nuts. My grandparents own a 100 acre camp ground up in Minnesota that' s in the middle of nowhere. The closest city is miles away and has a population of like 300. the campground is almost entirely forest and 20 acres of it is an island on a 3 mile long lake. I spent every summer up there from the time I was 4 to sophomore year of high school (we' re talking entire summer vacation). Since then I still spend at least two weeks up there every summer. Being stuck on an island for 12 months would be a breeze and a welcome relief from what' s become a boring stagnant life working in front of my computer all day.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 3 Apr 08 14:15:59 >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 03, 2008 23:17
I would have to take any Canadian on the boards with me. Christ, we would have a log cabin, hockey rink, Tim Horton' s, and a Molson' s brewery all made up on the island within the first month. You gotta remember, when it' s not 50 below outside without 6 feet of snow, us Canadians can get a f.uck load done.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 04, 2008 00:31
What a bunch of selfish people you guys are condemning others to your fate    . That said, I' d have to condemn Joe and maybe even Adam as well if I can squeeze in a second person. They can put their heads together to come up with a plan to get us off of that island pronto. Plus, Joe' s ability to engage in Random Acts of Violence could be of great use if the island was ever attacked!
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 04, 2008 00:33
Duff or Majik. Duff' s cool, and I might actually be able to understand the guy worth a damn in person.  Majik and myself don' t have a whole lot in common, but at the very least, he' s been nice enough to me, despite his claims of massive assholism, and he' s good conversation (or argument, as is the usual case). The fact that' s he' s a Star-Wars nerd bumps him up on the roster a bit as well.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 3 Apr 08 16:39:50 >
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 04, 2008 01:37
Hmmm having had full blown survival training whilst serving inthe Armed forces back in the late 80' s early 90' s. I think I would be ok on my own, however if I needed a bitch to do the fetching and carrying then, it would have to one of you young ' uns. Nitro your too old and set in you Asshole ways, and yes I would end up making jew stu out of you. So it would be Eddie, he has a weird thing for midgets and Robin Gibb the days would fly by.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 04, 2008 01:44
I don' t think I could safely take anyone with me. Being a natural loner, eventually I' d get tired of socializing with whoever' s with me and settle into my own private routine. After a few months of virtual silence, my companion would grow suspicious. After a few more months, they' d go insane. I probably wouldn' t be able to kill the person unless it was obvious they were about to kill me, so I' d be in real trouble. They LAST person I' d take would be kitten. I might be able to gauge any guy' s sanity through observation, but a female could go nuts at the drop of a hat. I' d never see it coming. Plus, my chronic masturbation would freak anyone out.
< Message edited by nekkid_monkey -- 3 Apr 08 18:00:36 >
Mass X
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RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 04, 2008 02:56
Hmmm... you know, it' d have to be Torr. His meaty self can provide plenty such as food upon his purely accidental death, bait to lure other animals for food and I can cut him open if needed Star Wars style for a temporary shelter. Plus he wouldn' t have the energy to overpower me.
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