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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 05, 2008 21:20
So you two have never met in real life? And you consider it to be a proper relationship? That' s fuc.king nuts! Oh well, at least you ain' t Jews
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- Joined: Mar 27, 2008
- Location: Australia
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 05, 2008 21:26
Well, i at least consider it a proper relationship. XD Its weird though, not being able to hold them and stuff, but at the same time, i know more about him than i do any other boyfriend i' ve ever had, just because we have the time to sit around and talk, for hours and hours
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- Joined: Mar 17, 2007
- Location: Belgium
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 05, 2008 21:55
A proper relationship in my eyes is simply when both sides confirm they love each other and decide to be faithful to each other. In a way I' m not able to have touched her from the start. In my eyes it' s a mistake many make from the start. You hook up and then because you can touch it quickly turns into sex and there' s hardly any talking or really getting to know each other. When after a while in other relations when the bliss of being together fades away, they suddenly find they don' t really know each other that well and at many times the relationship stops. As for me now since I can' t touch her the only thing I can do is talk to her. Which makes me get to know her better, understand the way she thinks and feels. I don' t consider it as a bad thing at all. As I see it, it only makes us stronger in the end. Of course I want to be able to touch her, but I know that when that fades unlike many other couples we' ll still be much stronger than they do because we took our time learning about each other and understanding each other. Unlike my other relationships this feels like a completely other level. The best way I till now have found to describe it is...it just feels right as it should be. It' s like she' s always been there. Well at least that' s how I see it. And yeah I know I' m probably gonna be laughed at for writing this. Hey at least I' m a man that ain' t afraid to admit he has feelings  which actually makes me more of a man than all those machos out there.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 5 Apr 08 13:57:35 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 05, 2008 22:25
Are you both the same age?
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 05, 2008 23:29
Eddie, Silent, Majik and Torr. Any of the above. Eddie and Torr are cool, I could see myself getting along with them. Plus Eddie is a fellow redhead so we have something in common plus he is able to speak some Irish! (fair play dude!). Majik because he is Majik, need I say any more? and I might actually be able to understand the guy worth a damn in person. Haha lol.  Yeah my accent can be difficult to understand lol.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 06, 2008 00:12
It' s rough to understand you, but the fact that the sound quality on their mics is piss poor doesn' t help either. It' s the same for a lot of people with heavy accents. Tiz is hard to understand as well, but I' m sure I' d hear him perfectly fine if I were to ever meet him.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 06, 2008 00:17
Seriously heavy accent? lol
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 06, 2008 00:26
Seriously heavy accent? lol Yeah we do. If we had a Cork or Kerry accent nobody would understand us lol.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 5 Apr 08 16:27:47 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 06, 2008 00:37
seriously heavy accents? lol Well, if someone would get a 360, or buy me a PS3, you could one-up Duff in the thick accent department!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 06, 2008 05:47
Ill only ever get a 360 when its more reliable and even then I will only get for the games I missed, I dont think I would fork out for live.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Stranded! Oh noes!
Apr 07, 2008 01:27
I am surprised by how many people picked me(even if it was just for warmth, food, bait, or general torture  ), so thanks it makes me feel loved  . I changed my avatar just for a change of pace, what I really want is something more personal, but it seems I am fated to be stuck with leftovers(BTW I' ll change it if somebody really hates it). I also chose this one because in a thread I read a long time ago when I was looking through the archives, the guy who had this originally said something about why do you hate me or something and someone answered " because you keep licking my damn screen!!" (or something to that effect), and I thought it was funny as hell(if I find myself with copious amounts of time I will go back and find said thread). Now as for Demonoroth and kitten' s relationship, it definitely is an interesting way to meet someone and then date them, but whatever floats your boat  , hope your relationship lasts and you find out where the two of you are moving. Also Demonoroth I think that you have a gross generalization of people' s relationships, I for one would not get overly physical(like any form of sex) until I knew the person very well, and as my friends will tell you I love to just sit around and talk, so to say that the only way people can have a good relationship and really get to know someone is when you can' t get physical with them is just stupid.
< Message edited by Torr -- 6 Apr 08 17:28:48 >
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