I am surprised by how many people picked me(even if it was just for warmth, food, bait, or general torture

), so thanks it makes me feel loved

I changed my avatar just for a change of pace, what I really want is something more personal, but it seems I am fated to be stuck with leftovers(BTW I' ll change it if somebody really hates it). I also chose this one because in a thread I read a long time ago when I was looking through the archives, the guy who had this originally said something about why do you hate me or something and someone answered " because you keep licking my damn screen!!" (or something to that effect), and I thought it was funny as hell(if I find myself with copious amounts of time I will go back and find said thread).
Now as for Demonoroth and kitten' s relationship, it definitely is an interesting way to meet someone and then date them, but whatever floats your boat

, hope your relationship lasts and you find out where the two of you are moving. Also Demonoroth I think that you have a gross generalization of people' s relationships, I for one would not get overly physical(like any form of sex) until I knew the person very well, and as my friends will tell you I love to just sit around and talk, so to say that the only way people can have a good relationship and really get to know someone is when you can' t get physical with them is just stupid.
< Message edited by Torr -- 6 Apr 08 17:28:48 >