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Sony' s pre-E3 conference
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Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 08, 2006 07:59
Well I for one have been highly anticipating this weeks arrival (Most of you too I' ll assume). So Sony Kick start with their conference at 4pm (Central time) and will hopefully divulge some juicy information (Juicy... Should I have saved that for wii?  ) Well there was me forgetting the whole time zone thing and looking forward to monday, rather than as it should be tuesday. As it is, Sony look set to kick off, so to speak, at Midnight Monday for us...  . I' ll be with my gf a few days this week but I' m gonna try to watch the conferences of each company. I hope someone gets them up as soon as.... Anyway, I thought I' d open this up to be a main source for any news/information Sony may send our way in about 12 hours.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 08, 2006 16:19
Virtua Fighter 5 = PS3 Exclusive... Although I would have much rather seen the game released for both the 360 and the PS3, in the end the PS3 was definitely the much better choice for an exclusive release, given the Japan factor. Quite frankly, the 360 just isn' t doing well at all in Virtua Fighter' s homeland and that matters a GREAT deal.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 08, 2006 17:21
My friend at swedish gamingeye just wrote to me saying its p3 exclusive " virtua fighter 5" . So yes its prob official now :S
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 08, 2006 18:14
Well that is good news for sony, to be sure. They certainly needed something exclusive that they could throw in MS face, given how many MS seem to be getting. on a price note, while reading over at Joystiq, take with a pinch of salt - though I consider this pretty realistic. Also a good chance of a price announcement today. Fingers Crossed. (I wanna hear UK price) 5. Ahem... breaking news: PS3 price will be " between $300 and $400" according to Sony reps. Translation: $399.99 They acknowledged that they will be taking approximately $400 loss on each console sold, but they want Blu-Ray penetration. This is right from the Sony Rep' s mouth a few hours ago, and as my confidentiality agreement is with my retail employer, and NOT with Sony, I see no problem with revealing this... Especially since they' ll confirm it soon.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 08, 2006 18:22
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 00:37
They acknowledged that they will be taking approximately $400 loss on each console sold, but they want Blu-Ray penetration. Oh they' re going to receive penetration alright, with a near $400 loss on each console they' re going to be on the ' Receiving' end of the penetration!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 01:29
Attention all Sony-Haters! If you really hate Sony then make them lose 400$ by buying a PS3! All of you who love Sony, don' t buy it! You' ll only cost them money.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 02:31
lol, everyone buy PS3' s but don' t buy any games, accessories or blue ray movies.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 04:06
Attention all Sony-Haters! If you really hate Sony then make them lose 400$ by buying a PS3! All of you who love Sony, don' t buy it! You' ll only cost them money. HAHAHAH :) That movie was also amazing... Anyway - you should also NOT BUY 360 at the same time - cause they lose 126$ on each one :) So in short - buy PS3,don' t buy games and peripherials,don' t buy 360,buy a lot of 360 games and peripherials and get an XBL account :)
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:12
Oh they' re going to receive penetration alright, with a near $400 loss on each console they' re going to be on the ' Receiving' end of the penetration! Haha, Hope the price turns up right though, it' s good for gamers regardless of Blu-Ray... 3 Hours for the conference, right? Can' t wait, how about you all? Wondering if i should get an insider account to be able to stream the conference tomorrow morning, or will Kikizo have it up super quick?
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:25
no, uumai please! get an insider account. kikizo will be hours before they post, being in europe. and we' re all aroused by the news! its not a good combination.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 8 May 06 21:40:31 >
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:38
Go to GameSpot, you can steam the live feed of the conference with the ' free account' so no need to pay for anything. Then just wait for Kikizo to give us the HD version.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:42
thanks man, forgot about gamespot. my heartrate' s back to normal. MGS4 premise, a possible ps3 price, and e3 insider coverage, it makes me giddy as kickass331 on medication day.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:53
Oh Yes! 2 hours can' t go by fast enough. Sadly my PC Subwoofer broke today so I' m going to have to watch the whole thing with my old tinny sounding speakers. And most of, if not all of the almost live E3 coverage. Thankfully new ones are on the way, or they will be here by friday, just time enough for Kikizo' s HD coverage I hope, plus GameSpots free hi-res downloads.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:54
Yeah,but a lot of gamesites ognna have the videos up,not likg you miss anything out if you dont see it " live" .
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 05:59
No, but it' s quite exciting seeing stuff unfold when it happens even if the steam quality is quite shit for free people. Or maybe it' s just me experiencing E3 with my own broadband for the first time, rather than going over my friends for the vids etc.
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 07:09
...guess i' ll be the only one to sleep through it all, huh?.... ...f*ck... ...sure y' all are gonna post every scrap of information here anyway.... ...just please, PLEASE, try really hard to use existing threads and not start like a hundred new ones.... *yawn* ..-g' night!..
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 07:21
Bish this is what I made this thread for, all sony conference news... So people post all in here, too many new threads are a pain
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 07:36
30 min left untill its up.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 07:46
it' s 00:42 in Poland , what' s the time at your place? (17 min left)
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