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Sony' s pre-E3 conference
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Game Junkie
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:38
Looks like a dual shock.. Ken has a sick grin. You have to be fucking kidding me, motion detection. Bravo Sony, so much for originality.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 9 May 06 2:40:12 >
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:40
Mm they gonna use dualshock as their handcontroller.
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:42
HAHAHAHA it' s a fuckin tilt sensor inside dualshock - Oh MY GOD they are so fucked :) Ok wait a minute - warhawk demo kicks ass :) When you look at their hands , it looks like there' s a delay between what they do and what happens on the screen - I guess that' s that tilt sensor
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 May 06 2:44:54 >
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:43
LOL they replaced the ' Shock with a tilt sensor... I' m no longer interested in the ps3. Oh well MS and Nintendo conference tomorrow, maybe we will see Halo 3 and Super Smash Bros. 3
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 9 May 06 2:45:46 >
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- Location: Poland
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:45
VF5 won' t save their asses in my eyes - not anymore
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:47
Holy fuck 500-600 usd, Sony is Crazy! They are so fucked its not even funny! LMAO!
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:47
499 for 20gb version ...it' s not worth it - FUCK YOU Khaz
Game Junkie
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:49
I think Peter Moore must of had a boner when he say the price point of the ps3, escpecially considering that by the release of ps3 the 360 will be cheaper, and have more games. MS will win in NA for sure.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 9 May 06 2:50:57 >
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- Location: Poland
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:50
Yeah it' s definitely a new Era for PS3 - I call it " Wii and 360 ERA" as of now Was that a fuckin joke? I mean WTF was that? my god what a waste of time Thankfully we have companies like Nintendo to organise awesome conferences Good night people G over and out (Sony you so totally suck)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 May 06 2:52:10 >
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:52
The best part was in the MGS4 video when Solid Snake was pointing a gun in his mouth. I think he saw this coming.
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 10:52
499$ us and 599$ us. sweet baby kutaragi floatin down the river in a birchbark canoe. what in sam hell are they smoking???!!!! He must' ve been on weed before he went out. I don' t usually get down to personal attacks, but that' s outrageous!!!!!! Motion Sensitivity MY ARSE! Warhawk looked cool but, they so stole that from nintendo (yeah, i sound like a whiny 13 year old i know, but... they DID!!!!) I need time to freaking sleep on this one, the emotions are just running too high right now.    okay, so let' s hear who' s still getting one, after the price, just post yes or no or something, count me in, but i' m still shocked and appalled...
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 9 May 06 2:53:36 >
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 11:01
just watched the show.. Not saying anything TBh, just the same old S$£t but better graphics, And the ' partly implicated' and obviously ' rushed ' Wii rip-off controller is only going to encourage us all to play driving games like how girls do.. I mean Do it properly like nintendo or not atall.. really boring, and uninspiring.. And at the end cringing. Role on the other conferences
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 11:02
they didn' t steal anything - tilt sensors are nothing comparing to Wii controllers technology. 500$? FUCK' em you can probably get Wii + 360 for that so I' ll say it again S O N Y, EAT SHIT AND DIE
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 May 06 3:02:50 >
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 11:06
Ok here' s my prediction for the next five to seven years, MS is going to kill Sony in North America and Nintendo is going to kill them again in Japan, I' m not sure about Europe.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 14:58
okay, so let' s hear who' s still getting one, after the price, just post yes or no or something, count me in, but i' m still shocked and appalled... *Both hands up HIGH into the air* YES! Like I said before, REGARDLESS of what Sony wants to charge I' m still getting one.. If they make it even MORE expensive then I' ll just take out a second mortgage (although I don' t even have a first one yet).
Mass X
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 15:24
I dunno many people were sold on the PS2 simply because it was the ' in' thing. All the hip hop superstars were rolling on and on bout there new PS2 and people wanted to be in on it as well. The entire human race are sooo a buncha little whores I swear... Anyway I' m very curious to see how this all turns out come release day. Sony can still win the people with just the right amount of smoke (marijuana smoke maybe?) and mirrors. And a lot of people will look at the price and think " $100 more expencive...must mean its super btter, I dont wanna be the weak ass shopping at Goodwill now do I?" ...wtf am I even talking about I truly have no point here nor is any of it properly back nor do I really care. Ima be happy with me Wii60 combo. By the way I' m coining the Wii60 term so back off!
< Message edited by Mass X -- 9 May 06 7:25:21 >
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 16:14
here is my thought about the evil Sony empire. They don' t have a creative bone in their body' s the just slap together powerful hardware and copy everything else from everyone else. Sony critisized Microsoft for doing a world launch and having 2 consoles and said " we will not do that" and they are. They are hypocritical copycats. I am not paying $600 for a console (on gamestop they said the $500 one is a striped down one kinda like the 360 core, gee i wonder where they got the idea from) especially from sony who always has problems at launch and problems with crapy stuff that breaks within a few months my friends new slim PS2s died within a few months (not to mention i work at best buy and have heard the same thing from some other people) and my other friends PSPs are messing up and having blown pixels after just a few months. Not to mention i have had 2 or 3 (lost count) PS1s and PS2s each.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2005
RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 16:18
oh yeah forgot to mention isn' t it funny how they mysteriously changed their controller to have gyro scopic functions right after Nintendo showed theirs? Plus i read the pres conferance and it was really boring nothing interesting at all until the end with the price. Can' t wait to see the surprises nintendo has in store lucky for them they go after SOny so they can' t be copied again haha.
Mass X
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 16:21
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RE: Sony' s pre-E3 conference
May 09, 2006 16:22
haha that was funny it took me to get it.
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