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Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 08:46
so true quez.. by the way i' m sorry i can' t keep up with fanboys around here, i' m lost , so who is the nintendo fanboy again? and who' ss sony and MS fanboy? Quez lately you are healing from the MS fanboy, i' m so proud of you, keep up the good work. Virtua don' t start fooling around, the WIi sucks by the hardcore standard, check out the 2007 vs 2008 thread, the list of games that is heading to both ps3 and 360 is amazing and leave the Wii extremly far behind. sure the wii got some interesting games on that list , yet they are absolutly not in the same league as what the ps3 and 360 will have. well except for Mario galaxy and metroid 3, hands down.
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 08:46
GoW came out late 2006. Xbox360 came out late 2005 in EU. Excuse me then but its still in the year limit.
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 08:47
Wow, you are using your " double standards" technique AGAIN. Not bad, not bad at all. So you are seriously saying a game like Cooking Mama is better than Condemned, Dead or Alive 4, Burnout Revenge, PGR3 and so on, and so on. Oh and btw. you haven' t commented on my claim that the Wii is still lacking good games in important genres like racing, fighting or FPS(so far). Why don' t you say anything about this, dude?
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 08:51
How many of you are on either company' s payroll???? You all sound like cheesy double glaze window salesmen desperately trying to sell a product, newsflash: NO ONE IS WATCHING! It' s all games at the end of the day. I' m not going to go into the opinion debacle, I think everyone knows it. Everyone is just being everyone' s antagonist for the sake of being a click-click bloody click-click antagonist.
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 08:55
for god' s sake we' re only having a discution, NOTHING WRONG WITH IT, call it flame bate or whatever , we' re just discussing and that' s why forums are here, it' ll be extremly boring if forums didn' t have that kind of discutions... the guy he' s calaiming that wii got great games and it' s got variety , many here don' t agree and there is a clear reason . Opinions of the others CAN affect you indirectly so you should pay attention to what people say. YOU DO KNOW THAT OPINION OF THE OTHERS AFFECT YOU RIGHT ??
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:00
There' s opinion..... Then there' s stupidity..... Then there' s stupidity revisited. I' ll give a Peter Moore style hint: This thread is not the first option, however, it is the first option but two lines below and one line below the second. Clearly there' s a monotonous tone in all threads similar to this, you guys are like moths to a flame..... Resuscitated, then burnt again. It' s been turned into a Wii thread, oh, never saw that coming.
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:14
I disagree. Look, for example, at the " Post E3 Wii: Has the flood of games begun? " thread. THe tone in there isn' t as agressive as, for example, in this one, because Terrak isn' t talking BS all the time and therefore people don' t get angry. It' s just when people start to come up with dubious facts out of nowhere when the big hate begins and we start having that big ass fanboy war.
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:16
because gamers who bought the 360 and ps3 are REALLY CONCERNED, The wii is selling like hot cakes for reasons that many think are not convincing. We don' t want major developers to see the wii as an opportunity to make good quick cash on the back of casual gamers and forget US the hard core gamers. We want Major titles to be headed to the 360 and ps3 as we know that Gears of wars or Metal gear 4 or final fantasy 13 or Mass effect or bioshock and much much more could not be done on the wii, and even if it' s the case the game quality will be severly reduced to the advantage of different and in some case better control... most hard core gamers don' t see any good in that as they just too happy with their regular controlers. i don' t want developers to forsake the other consoles, i don' t want to live again the lasy Gen experience, different control is far from enough, i want awesome graphics, awesome AI, awesome physics and MANY GREAT IDEAS that THE HARDWARe POWER can realise... if the wii really succeed, developers will certainly focus on the wii and we might see major series head to it. Opinion of people that defend the wii for some reasons like it had great games DOES AFFECT ME, this guy is encouraging people to buy the wii instead of the 360. it is saying to the industry , please release more party games , more crap games and more gimmicky control because it works like a charm, haven' t you seen the recent sales? As long as i don' t see major titles heading to the wii instead of a 360 or ps3, i would not have a problem with the wii, and i will encourage this console to appeal to more casual gamers and introduce for them this awesome hobby.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:19
From now now, im going to just agree with what ever shit i hear.. I only simply corrected ones opinions about being more open minded about what he was saying and then it hit a nerve of the 360 defense force.. Really i should just of left it and or agreed. So ill correct it to make them happy. (in a typical fanboy style) Wii' s first years line up is total garbage.. Zelda: OOT Super Mario Galaxy Super Smash Bros: Brawl Metroid 3 Resident Evil 4 Wario Strikers Super Paper Mario Wii Sports (made for the Wiimote, not touch screen) Cooking Mama (made for the Wiimote, not touch screen) Rayman Raving Rabbids (made for the Wiimote, not touch screen) Big Brain Academy (made for the Wiimote, not touch screen) Wario Ware (made for the Wiimote, not touch screen) Excite truck SSX Sonic and the Secret Rings Metal Slug Anthology Zack and Wiki No more Heros lost in blue Trauma Center 2 Fire Emblem: The Goddess of Dawn Animal Crossing online NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams Battalion Wars 2 Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles Alien Syndrome Endless Ocean Soul Caibur Legends Pokemon Revolution Boogie Party (made for the Wiimote and could not be done on DS) Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (made for the Wiimote and could not be done on DS) Mario & Sonic at the Olympics Me and my freinds had absolutey ZERO fun with Wii so far. Weve been constantly playing my perfectly-working 360 and having a blast with it. So many games to choose from, I love playing FPS' s on Pad, it' s the Best, especially combined with 30fps framerates THIS is NEXT generation baby.. Gaming at it' s best!! I can even play online with freinds OMG... Ok, Yes, i was Playing games in HD and online with my pc years ago but that aint the point.. The point is, i love to play the same shit Over and over again. i don' t like to wanna solve puzzles using the Wimote on games like Zak and Wikki, i dont want to lift my hand up, fuck that shit, i want the old Pad in my hand and shoot some people.. new gameplay mechanics?, are u crazy!!. Wiifit?? give me a Break, my idea of Physical fun is sitting on the coach with a pad and acassionally scratching my ass. Wii Sucks.
Mass X
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:22
The Wii is the greatest console ever simply because my fiance now gives the greatest handjobs ever! And if the Wii didnt make that possible then its because she is a slut. On an even more personal note masturbation has seen a 230% increase in satisfaction! ....  Stop looking at me funny!
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:22
Back To Topic RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble I heard rumours they were fitting the 65 into repaired consoles, which is good news if its true. Die Console Die! Now this is a great idea and if true would certainly be an effective way of solving their problem. Edit: lol@ MAss X comment - good one.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 26 Jul 07 1:25:31 >
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:26
Hmmm wow my idea of physical fun is actually going out with some REAL people and doing some REAL sports, not stepping up and down on the balance board. And nobody here said that the Wii Year One lineup is bad(It' s also nice how you seem to ignore ANY points I am making, like that the Wii lacks good games in major genres like FPS, Racing or RPG. Or how I said, that the Wii is saving up all it' s good games for the end of the year, while the 360 had a constant stream of good games in it' s first year) we just said that we believe the 360' s line up is better.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:34
The 360 lineup for this Fall is AWESOME and i' ll be first in line for games like, Mass Effect. But don' t you think people are being alittle harshe on The Wii? People always saying aprt from the 3 Mario Galaxy, SSB, Metriod i has nothing
. This is just untrue and undermiming the fact that Nintnedo have never released such big titles so close toghter. At the end of the day, i' ll be playing All 3 consoles and DS. So im happy overall.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 09:40
VF5 owns Nintendo stock. I don' t understand why he' s so bitter, profits for nintendo' s stock quadrupled last quarter. " Game reviewers fought each other to write the most glowing coverage possible for the powerhouse Sony, MS systems. Reviewers flipped coins to see who would review the Nintendo Wii. The losers got stuck with the job." -- Andy Marken
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 17:48
So... uh... back to the 360. I' ve noticed that some menus and stuff kind of lags when I go through them. Like when I' m playing a game and press the Xbox-button (don' t remember what it' s called) the menu that comes up kinda... stutters. And it looks like it' s being shredd into pieces, like there' s no v-sync. And even in games it takes more time than it should for the pause menu to appear and such. And in most menus, in games or the 360 itself, it takes a while for the 360 to react when I push a button. But the games have no problems at all and react lightning fast even in advanced games like Gears. So, is it only my 360 that' s like that, or have anyone else experienced the same thing? I just find it really weird that the 360 can handle uber-advanced super high definitinon graphics without slow downs, but it can' t show me menus in a fluid manner
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 26 Jul 07 9:49:36 >
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 19:22
Yes, Menus are really slow for 360, I can agree on that. I can' t say that for game menus but Dashboard is damn slow. As far as I know the reason for the slowness is that all the Dashboard stuff i.e. the XBox 360 OS(including things like Friendlist, Gamerscore as well as all the tech behind voice chat, marketplace etc) is confined to 32 MB. Also it has got a small part of the XBox CPU reserved for that stuff. On the PS3 on the other hand you don' t have such a limit and therefore its much faster. (Unfortunely though, the PS3 takes up a rather large chunk of memory and CPU performance. 96 MB of Ram, as well as one of the seven cores are completely dedicated to the OS.)
< Message edited by Evilkiller -- 26 Jul 07 12:23:44 >
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 19:49
Oh I see. Well, it' s too bad the 360 is limited that way. It' s not the end of the world or something but it makes the whole product and experience feel kind of cheap.
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 26, 2007 21:50
Xbox-button (don' t remember what it' s called) the menu that comes up kinda... stutters. It' s supposed to come up no matter what you do,its not developed to fit a certain place when you start it. Thus you can open it in any game,during any loading etc,its not optimize to work in the dashboard and since every game and diffrent place req diffrent memory its hard to tell how it will work. You can' t blame a program that works anytime anywhere for being slow sometimes. Its not like its not coming up after 1 second anyway.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 27, 2007 02:08
Oh I see. Well, it' s too bad the 360 is limited that way. It' s not the end of the world or something but it makes the whole product and experience feel kind of cheap. Very much soo.. then again this is MS were talking about, king of clunky interfaces i never expected much better TBH.. Not exactly Apple / Nintendo / SEGA (when they did consoles) and their ultra-smooth software transitions. It' s funny as IVe got windows XP playing up on me at the momemt and facing a Broke 360, while every other machine i use are mint. Expected really.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Six Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
Jul 27, 2007 03:21
Windows Xp acting up is surely going to be your own fault, or the fault or your hardware or drivers.
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