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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:04
I just want it on 1 disk with no swapping, plus i like to see lots of stuff on such little thin compact things. It looks cool. I have hair removal fridays, and no i don' t need any hair removal volunteers. Before you ask, yes i know my jokes are lame. I get funny responses though, and no not with my hair.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:04
Tired of people complaining DVD9 isn' t enough and you need bluray. I want to know which game is bigger then oblivion,and then i want to know why you can' t use 2 dvd' s if it req more then 9gb. Man, i' ve been playing the game nearly every day since it' s release and i am still finding tons of cool places. I' ve not even scratched the surface of the main game. The load times in outdoor areas are not much quicker than on PC thanks to Microsoft' s update the other day, but the ' loading' screens before you get into the game seem longer now. I' d also like to see what games PS3 will have that will run in 1080P.   Oh, Quez, rather than email you, you up for some GR later? I still don' t have R* Presents Table Tennis yet so it' d have to be GR, unless you have FNR3 or DoA4 now...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 10 Jun 06 18:07:37 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:06
Mass effect gonna have a world like 10th times bigger then KOTOR,look at the demo,they had for ex 4 places where you could zoom in which had as many plaents/areas as Kotor alone,also you gonna need a vehicle to travel across the huge enviorment in some planets,. ALso look at the e3,we saw awesome grpahic and many NPC. Lets see if that req 2 dvd' s or not,if not dvd 9 is more then fine cause OB was fine with it. Btw about the disc swapping,no games has been announced to have 2 dvd' s so you are just guessing you gonna have that problem " IwantShenmue3" ... Also how hard is it to change one disc when you perhaps played 20-25 hours in a RPG... with linear road/quest. Is it really a problem for you? Or are you just looking for faults in 360?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 10 Jun 06 18:09:27 >
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:09
I' m not concerned with the space issues. If a game DOES end up requiring 2 discs then so be it. Did ANY Xbox game need more than 1 disc?!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:10
FF11 a huge mmoprg ...one disc,Oblivion/enchant arm,one disc... Dont know which game will req 2 dvds.---
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:11
Yeah Oblivion is cool, there' s this guy character that sounds like he' s allways in a library it' s so funny. Most of them do as well. I just steal the horse then allways end up in jail then my skills decrease and no before you ask, my characters skills not my sexual skills.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:12
Perhaps the creators in Enchanted arm thought about putting all languages and text into one dvd for Pal and NTSC with region free coded? But skipped it...and delayed it? lol now im just trying to find problems also.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:13
Quez, rather than email you, you up for some GR later? I still don' t have R* Presents Table Tennis yet so it' d have to be GR, unless you have FNR3 or DoA4 now... I' m doing coursework at the mo, so i can' t play yet, but i' ll be on later tonight.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:15
Well on on PS2 FF10 used 2 probably just because they wanted the making of video to be separate. Same thing with Shenmue 2 on Xbox and Metal gear Solid 2 and others. PS3 will make this task not needed to be done as it can do HD video and data on it. If we all make a little effort we can get to Wii better, on with our Wii then. That reminds me who thinks a Wii can make you Wii more? The games or the Wii mote, can Wiiing teach us to aim better in other games too? like PS3 and the Xbox 360 ones. Brain storm people. Imagine Wiing with Joy in Shenmue 3, luckily PS3 has this kind of controller too. Well the Wii mote has something going for it, it looks longer, i guess it' s better for a Wii than for a PS3, j/k.
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 18:25:02 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:21
But how many games will come with ' the making of' material on the discs? That would be an additional cost (pyiong somebody to actually put the video together) to developers who are already complaining about PS3' s high development costs. Additional content is always nice, but games themselves don' t need that kind of space yet.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 02:28
I want them to have this kind and even more space, i' m sick of low resolution textures. I want detail in everything even signs. Like imagine GTA 4 with even the Jewelery looking nice and the Alchacol etc. Many other games like Sonic and Forza 2 would look cool. It doesn' t have to be an additional cost as it can be something they allready had lying around. Like they just went there' s the space lets throw that in, it would make more sales and make the scale look bigger getting more people. What they are aiming to do is make the scale of games bigger, this is definetely a good thing. This stuff about development costs bah, as GTA San Andreas proved selling 3.6 million in 2 months, they can afford to make very high cost games. Well GTA 4 can afford to cost a lot of money to make, this kind of stuff happens with Movies and soon will see budgets like in Movies i hope. Thats why i like Shenmue so much as it was going in this direction on top of it being cool ofcourse. Halo 2 sold around the same as GTA S A and yet they had a 25 million or so user base back then. PS2 had a 100 million user base. This is what marketing can do. To me Halo is no where near as good as many other games that sell less, it' s simply marketing. I do like these games, i even like games that others say are sucky, not sucky in a good way.
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 18:50:32 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 03:12
Gonna play graw no,im so fucking angry at the 0-0 against trinibad -tobago in WM afgainst sweden,im so pissed off...
Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 03:14
So pissed that you can spit??
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 03:22
Gonna play graw no,im so fucking angry at the 0-0 against trinibad -tobago in WM afgainst sweden,im so pissed off... Mwahaha. ENGUUUUURRLLUUUNNNNDDDDDD!!!111
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 03:26
If there will be a Shenmue 3 I hope they' ll include more minigames. A playable Virtua Fighter 2 in some arcade would be awesome. A minigame like that would alone make it worth buying the game.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Jun 06 19:27:24 >
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 03:49
I just don' t want to change a disk if it' s not needed on another system, it just ruins the whole mood. For example a huge scene is on and you can' t wait to get to the other and you need to swap disks. I' d be like sour Salsa man i have got bad Pasta like a bad Omen which i don' t believe in. Even though there wasn' t even any pasta there, and yes all this over a disk swap, even cursing. I don' t see it as a fault on 360, it' s just that games that are multi platform like the new Sonic i will defenetely get the PS3 version. It looks like Shenmue 3 is going to PS3 and ofcourse i will get the PS3 version. Some games i would be looking forward to on the Wii. My Wii is too hot to cook. Hot Pasta can get spiced with onions but can you spice it enough only time will tell. There' s a timer it revolves around onions Pikmin style if they sprout too late and look ugly you have to Wii them out. Can you Wii them out in time if not they pounce and you just can' t go on Wiing, too many and it' s Wii time is over.
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 19:52:21 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 03:53
I loooove changing discs. It' s like getting confirmation that you' re actually progressing in the game and usually the devs have you change discs at the right moment. FFVII, Shenmue, ToS, all of those made disc changing fun.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 04:17
It wasn' t Enchant Arms, they said it was a 40 gb plus game. It' s still not known what this is.
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 04:27
I like changing stuff too like new prn and sometimes i don' t shave my pe@#$ j/k, but when it comes to disk swaping it just doesn' t do it for me. Oops i responded to myself, i' m such a twat. I hope 360' s, PS3' s and Wii' s Online service get' s really good free prn. Just imagine You see the Wii' s light go red thinking well if your drunk that your in the red light district and that there' s new prn. Just because you can' t enter into publications about pre menapause doesn' t mean you can' t elaborate on it, like right now. Any pre menapause thoughts?
< Message edited by IwantShenmue3 -- 10 Jun 06 20:36:42 >
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Shenmue 3: Anything new?
Jun 11, 2006 04:41
I loooove changing discs. It' s like getting confirmation that you' re actually progressing in the game and usually the devs have you change discs at the right moment. FFVII, Shenmue, ToS, all of those made disc changing fun. For me it was a bittersweet experience when changing discs. It was all happy and fun, until you reach disc 4 (or whatever disc that is the last) and then it hits you… After this disc, there is no more. I’ll probably miss the disc switching to some extent (though I can’t think of a single game for the Xbox or PS2 I have, that required this), however with no swapping things can get more exciting as you will have no idea how long till the game ends. Actually, that might not be all true, as you’ll probably only be disappointed that it ended so soon… I still can’t believe Perfect Dark Zero ended so abruptly.
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