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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 25, 2006 13:43
Damn you Sony execs! " Blame it on Sony. That' s the latest dark spot in their shameful track record as gaming industry leader. The Empire finally ' won' , few dominating retailers from the UK probably will rejoice the news, but everybody else in the gaming world lost something today." Dammit
< Message edited by Byakko -- 25 Oct 06 5:45:17 >
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 26, 2006 04:26
All they' re doing is showing that they' re still the Big Bad Corporation of Doom.  It' s like they feel the need to prove to the world that they' ve got some cojones.
Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 26, 2006 06:16
Thats annoying! I use to order game ost' s from them lol. Lik-sang was really cool for ordering not only games but a lot of stuff you couldn' t get here, like cool statues and arcades sticks! Benn orderingfrom them for 3/4 years and they were always awesome. ...now they are nomore. Thank you SONY!!! fucking dicks!
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 26, 2006 07:57
funny,here we talked about why regionsfree ps3 ands xbox360 would kick ass,because of sites like sang,then they make them go away ^^ You people who bragged about ps3 being regions free,tough luck,now the biggest site who handle that gone away thanks to sony,and for us in europe,we are even more screwed.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 26, 2006 08:27
Firstly quez, i agree it' s weird to see a company release a region free games console and complain to importers about import/exporting their stuff Secondly, and not to sound too pro-sony with this, but sony had little to do with them closing their doors as i understand it, sony took them to court to stop them selling psp and ps3' s that is all, now like a child with a tantrum they closed the whole shop down. Some part of me can' t help but think this was done as an effort to put their customers off sony and PS3 and it seems to work. Joystiq [Update: Sony has issued a response to GamesIndustry.biz denying responsibility for closure of the popular online shop, alleging " sour grapes" on Lik-Sang' s part. Basically, since they didn' t show up to contest the case in London, therefore incurring no costs, and haven' t paid the amount awarded to Sony, there is little reason -- save for the anticipated losses due to an inability to sell Sony products to Europe in the future -- that Lik-Sang should have been forced to fold. Something sounds fishy here, but we' re not experts in international trade. The rabbit hole goes deeper.]
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 26, 2006 09:35
If I' m correct, wouldn' t they/don' t they owe Sony butloads of money as the ruling stands now? Why would Lik-Sang try to deliberately kill one of the major wings of their site? You should know how many random cool things they sold for the PSP and PS2, there' d be no intelligent argument for their wanting to downhype Sony products. It just doesn' t make sense. Now granted, not much makes sense when you' ve got the words " Sony" and " litigation" in the same paragraph.
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- Joined: Jan 02, 2006
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 27, 2006 07:21
This definitely reminds me a lot of the N64 days, with the whole " You should be damn thankful you have the privilege to play the N64, and you will pay us through the nose for it! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" . Then a young usptart SCEA came along with a formerly unknown PlayStation, with the sole purpose of making enjoyable and accessible games. My how the tables have turned.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 27, 2006 10:59
I dont think sony should be able to do anything about this, if the people bought the psp' s, then i think they should be able to do what ever they want with them.
Evil Man
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 27, 2006 11:09
That site sold GBA Flash Carts used to play GBA games illegaly, I have no sympathy for them.
Vx Chemical
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 27, 2006 15:46
That site sold GBA Flash Carts used to play GBA games illegaly, I have no sympathy for them. Well Walmart sells kitchen knives and bullets, maybe they should close shop as well, because they are indirectly responsible for people getting killed!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 27, 2006 19:23
As much as i like Lik-Sang, i think they' re being childish and since they' re not closing down completely and only making it seem like they are they are just making themselves look foolish. Sony has tried stopping Lik-Sang from exporting their products before so this goes way back. Technically Lik-Sang should be able to ship to wherever it wants and Sony shouldn' t be able to stop them but from all accounts Sony have just thrown a ton of money at the " problem" and in a sense " bought" the ruling. Does anybody here use Play-Asia?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 27, 2006 21:12
Whether Lik-Sang goes completely out of business isn' t the main issue here IMO. In this particular case Sony sued Lik-Sang for trademark infringement. Meaning the lawsuit was filed because Sony thinks that by Lik-Sang selling the PS3/PSP/etc before it' s officially released in Europe, they' re taking fraudulent ownership of their trademarks. It really had nothing to do with anything else. It wasn' t because of the products not being up to EU safety standards. This of course is completely bullshit. Who the hell would ever think that Lik-Sang makes the PSP/PS3? It' s a half assed lawsuit designed to put pressure on the small businesses that can' t fight back. It' s a bully tactic.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 27 Oct 06 13:18:58 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 03:13
Does anybody here use Play-Asia? Me, but I haven' t hit that site in a while now. Thanks for reminding me. Lik sang had more modding tools though. I was expecting the Torx 8 whatever screwdriver for my 360. My warantee died yesterday, so I cracked it open, & am repainting it.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 27 Oct 06 19:17:29 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 03:52
That site sold GBA Flash Carts used to play GBA games illegaly, I have no sympathy for them. You have no sympathy for anyone you fag. you will die alone in the dark and cold and you will be miserable for the rest of your pathetic life
Evil Man
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 07:59
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Well Walmart sells kitchen knives and bullets, maybe they should close shop as well, because they are indirectly responsible for people getting killed! The difference is knives serve a good purpose - to cook, and besides some people deserve to die (mastachef). Flash Carts are for piracy.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 28 Oct 06 0:11:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 08:19
ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw You have no sympathy for anyone you fag. you will die alone in the dark and cold and you will be miserable for the rest of your pathetic life Hey, i thought we were finished with this. You' re out of order.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 12:25
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on ORIGINAL: mastachefbkw You have no sympathy for anyone you fag. you will die alone in the dark and cold and you will be miserable for the rest of your pathetic life Hey, i thought we were finished with this. You' re out of order. Majik stop defending him. No offense, but Evil Man doesn' t need a " bigger brother" to fight his fights for him. It was directed at Evil Man and it' s up to him to decide what to do about it. It' s up to him to realize why he' s being attacked by everyone. And since there are no mods here, it' s no one else' s problem.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 28 Oct 06 4:36:22 >
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 15:27
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated and Lik-sang stole some thunder form the oficial release and made SONY lose some money Stealing their thunder? Does that mean they have to shut down Lik-Sang? They could have had Lik-Sang remove the listings that " stole their thunder" and called it pax. Sony lost no money in those sales. Lik-Sang payed the for those PSP' s the same as every other consumer, and sold them at a reasonable price to European consumers. However, what Sony is failing to take into account is the number of Ex Lik-Sang visitors who are now livid with Sony corp. Have you seen the comments under their official closing statement? There must be over 300 Sony hate posts, and that message hasn' t even been out for 24 hours. How many of those folks do you think are going to rush out and buy a PSP or PS3 now? This could be more detrimental to Sony' s sales than anything Lik-Sang imported. OMFG, u really are not making any sense, there is a reason why selling whitout the oficial support of the company its illegal, of course they paid for the PSP´s still its illegal for them to sell the machines in europe, i knew it, Sony knew it, and fucking lik-Sang should have fucking known better, in fact they did knew it, and they choose to play dumb, how would u call that??? they commit a crime, i agree whit u thet it looks like the big guy bullying the small but that just isnt the case, that small guy is a criminal. Quez the region free will shine later, once the PS3 is released worldwide every company like ling.sak will be able to import PS3´s and their games
< Message edited by fernandino -- 28 Oct 06 7:31:42 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 16:06
The difference is knives serve a good purpose - to cook, and besides some people deserve to die (mastachef). Flash Carts are for piracy. The flash carts can be used for emulators and home grown software just as well as piracy! just as knives can but used for cooking, they can be used for killing! Should we ban people for selling Cd' s because they can be used for piracy as well? hell in denmark we pay a 500% tax on cd' s and dvds because the music buisness here estimates thats what they are loosing because of home burning, thats pretty fucked up!
Evil Man
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RE: SONY gone too far now??
Oct 28, 2006 17:07
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical The difference is knives serve a good purpose - to cook, and besides some people deserve to die (mastachef). Flash Carts are for piracy. The flash carts can be used for emulators and home grown software just as well as piracy! just as knives can but used for cooking, they can be used for killing! Should we ban people for selling Cd' s because they can be used for piracy as well? hell in denmark we pay a 500% tax on cd' s and dvds because the music buisness here estimates thats what they are loosing because of home burning, thats pretty fucked up! No, there are flashkarts SPECIFICALLY developed to counter-act games that require batteries such as Pokemon, and Lik-Sang sold those, there is no need for high capacity 512-1024MB flash karts with built in battery, the only reason is for piracy.
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