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 Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and...
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Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 16:46
just check this shit -

It' s really bad.In short they are happy that they can patch games cause this way consumers will be the beta testers and they don' t need to do it themselves.

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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 17:24
I know the 360 already does this, but not major patches.

I hope this is only Squaresoft that adopts this..

So does that mean there will be an area of lets say... unfinished texture in the
game, and then they will make a patch available?

Or are they just trying to add to the PS3' s LONG LIST of plus points?

They are just getting desperate to reduce development costs, is the PS3 that
expensive to develop for?
Ninja Dog
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 17:24
Let him say what he wants.. Square Enix will test their games religiously before they get released.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 17:39


Let him say what he wants.. Square Enix will test their games religiously before they get released.

This is what I don' t get, a company says one thing, and people don' t believe

Square have admitted the PS3 is a pain in the ass to develop for, and probably
costing them millions too. They are gonna want to scrape the bottom of the
barrell to find ways to reduce those costs, with leaving things out. The initial game
development won' t cost much, because they won' t be working against an
impending deadline.

That being said, once the game comes out, they can spend so much time,
carefree doing patches for bugs.

This could really kill a game. If they don' t have people test it, there are certain
bugs that stop the game from progressing, if that' s overlooked, Square and
parent company Sony will have to clean up this PR mess.

THAT is all speculation of course.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 19:46
Not everybody has an internet connection. They won' t release anything that isn' t deemed satisfactory.

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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 20:18
some find oblivion satisfactory with all those bugs an glitces... It could be a huge problem for many people who value japanese quality games.

I hope you' re right though.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 07, 2006 23:38
ahhhhhhhh WELL ff13 is still coming

DONT HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chee Saw
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 08, 2006 13:14


some find oblivion satisfactory with all those bugs an glitces... It could be a huge problem for many people who value japanese quality games.

I hope you' re right though.

What bugs and glitches?
Ninja Dog
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 08, 2006 16:26
hell, so much anger in me but calm down... they r going to give this a try so please everyone, for the greater good dont download the patches and complain so they drop this dumb idea
< Message edited by fernandino -- 8 Jul 06 8:26:57 >
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 08, 2006 22:04



some find oblivion satisfactory with all those bugs an glitces... It could be a huge problem for many people who value japanese quality games.

I hope you' re right though.

What bugs and glitches?

He doesn' t actually HAVE the game, he' s READ somewhere that there are a million (not an actual million) bugs and glitches. Something he claims is due to it being a PC developer/PC port title. He also says that the horses turning circle is unrealistic.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 08, 2006 22:11
Seriously,i never experience a glitch or bug in Oblivion.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 01:57

He doesn' t actually HAVE the game, he' s READ somewhere that there are a million (not an actual million) bugs and glitches. Something he claims is due to it being a PC developer/PC port title. He also says that the horses turning circle is unrealistic.

Yes that' s what he means :)

And he saw Oblivion since then and agrees with IGN and Gamespot Editors that it' s a buglivion with glitches in AI and colission detection and so on.You guys must be blind.

I' m not saying that it' s a bad game in overall though.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Jul 06 17:58:32 >
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 06:35
There are minor collision detection problems and the only proper bug/glitch i' ve encountered is when i tried riding off the edge of a mountain and ended up landing in and getting stuck in a tree.

I haven' t encountered any of the bugs that hinder progress though although i' ve heard about them.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 07:18
Same with me Majik,.i have the pc and 360 version.
There is no question whatsoever in mind that there must be a lot of bugs,since the world is so huge with so much items and A.I character living theior own life.
But in my 90 hour of gameplay i have yet to find even one bug.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 10:22
I never played Oblivion, But i have played Tomb Radier 1!
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 10:30

I have both the X360 and PC versions too and I can say that the X360 version is practically flawless. The only bug I' ve encountered is during the thieves guild forgery quest. The Stranger wouldn' t complete my forgery no matter how long I waited (several days). So I just went off, did some other quests and by the time I came back he was ready to cooperate. And this was a one off too. My brother' s character didn' t have any problems at all with that quest. I havn' t encountered any significant AI glitches and clipping problems are apparant in just about every game out there.

However the PC version is the one I have encountered bugs in. Not gameplay bugs or anything like that, just stability and performance. This is due to the fact that there are millions of different PC configurations out there and to make a game that is that complex and completely scalable/stable is near impossible anyway. Some of the mods I have installed probably aren' t helping either.

some find oblivion satisfactory with all those bugs an glitces... It could be a huge problem for many people who value japanese quality games.

Oblivion is by no means perfect - no game is. But it is not as buggy as some people say it is. It feels quite solid to me and you' ve also got to realise that currently no game that is this complex has ever been attempted before. If you actually played the game for yourself for 10 hours or so you' d realise that not even the " perfect japanese developers" you talk about could have done a better job than Bethesda. Oblivion beats every other recent game in terms of AI, graphics, physics and complexity. Oblivion is a masterpiece (technological and gameplay wise) and I give huge props to Bethesda for making a reality.
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 18:42

you' d realise that not even the " perfect japanese developers" you talk about could have done a better job than Bethesda

While Japanese developers ain' t perfect - this my friend is bullshit, since Bethesda is known for bugs and shit.It' s what people know about their products way before they' re released.

Japanese developers (those great ones) have far better testing of their products while bethesda is a PC developer used to repairing their games on-the-go with patches.

I wonder how many games from Square did you play and found bugs or glitches in them, Resident Evil? Metal Gear Solid?

It' s cool to disagree but it' s even better to validate your point with some arguments.

And yes,this...

There are minor collision detection problems and the only proper bug/glitch i' ve encountered is when i tried riding off the edge of a mountain and ended up landing in and getting stuck in a tree. what I' m talking about (not to mention framerate and lack of detail comparing to PC - that' s why I' m going t finish it on PC)

I don' t care how nicely modeled characters are if they can turn 180 normal way - cause this way it will never be believable.

I know I' ve said a lot of things about OB that are bad , but I' m really excited about spending more time with it - it' s just that I like to enjoy my products without stupid problems - and I just hate any visual glitches - I hate them (and PC devs are the ones who seem to love them, that' s why I' m always so hard on them)
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 21:22

While Japanese developers ain' t perfect - this my friend is bullshit, since Bethesda is known for bugs and shit.It' s what people know about their products way before they' re released.

Japanese developers (those great ones) have far better testing of their products while bethesda is a PC developer used to repairing their games on-the-go with patches.

I wonder how many games from Square did you play and found bugs or glitches in them, Resident Evil? Metal Gear Solid?

For the record, once when I was playing MGS3, after I defeated Fear the crossbow bolts stayed in my body for the rest of the game. I wasn' t able to remove them for some reason. But we' re getting away from the point.

I know Japanese developers make great solid games. I enjoy and play many of them. Every game has glitches regardless of where it' s made. And I know that Japanese games have a high standard of quality. But all those examples you gave don' t help your argument. I could also argue that Jade Empire, Half Life 2, Halo, etc don' t have any " glaring" glitches and therefore their developers are perfect. But they are extemely simplistic and linear when compared to Oblivion. They don' t have 24 hour constant AI schedules, complete physics systems, huge persistant free roaming worlds, hundreds of hours of voice acting and insane levels of detail.

It' s pretty obvious that Bethesda has done everything they could to balance load times, complexity and visuals. When the Japanese get off their asses and do something as complex as Oblivion and pull it off perfectly, I' ll shut up. But until then your argument is flawed too.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 9 Jul 06 13:25:47 >
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 21:34
Gangsta the Elder scroll worlds has been about creating a mmorpg world into SP.

Its so huge its almost impossible to know where something can glitch or not.
however,i havn' t had any problem with OB.
And to call it glithcy is very dis-respectful.
There seem to be a lot of people who claim ob is glitchy and so buggy and trahs it,and they doesnt seem to have played it at all.

Btw check my gamertag,got 940 points off 1000 in OB,has done soon all guild quest,havn' t had any problem,nor did i have any at the thief guild as unlucky talked about.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Rest in Peace Japanese Perfection...for PS3 is coming and... - Jul 09, 2006 23:16
I only had one very minor glitch after the first fighters guild quest, but it didnt hinder in anyway! Admit you have a fetich for all things japaneese Gangsta!
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