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Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 01:53
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 02:18
true, and it they do run jerky or woth Framerate problems, they have plenty of time to optimise.
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 03:13
....hey.....what' s Resistance about?... ..haven' t seen nothing about that one before.... ...and Ratchet & Clank looks pretty impressive... .....sweet pics dude...keep the faith!
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 03:19
wasn' t " I-8" renamed into restiance:fall of human?
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 04:10
Awesome link, thanks - I also fail to see the PS2 quality in these images... unless i have a dodgy ps2...
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 04:29
wasn' t " I-8" renamed into restiance:fall of human? .....that sounds right.... ..check these out: ...not bad eh?.... ..work in progress though...
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 04:34
I just said what I was told by someone who was there. Those shorts are quite blurry though. I' d like to see something sharp.
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 04:57
Not that you can tell much at all from those SMALL and DARK images... Kudos to the guy who took them though, ...a nice sly move! I agree that the quality of the visuals don' t QUITE match what i have read about. IGN said of Resistance: Fall of Man... Once the demo itself began, it was obvious that it wasn' t looking as good as the trailer from E3 last year... Less spectacular as the demo might have been, it did show off some nice next-gen effects that you wouldn' t be able to do on the PS2. High-end bump mapping, specular highlighting, and other accelerator-friendly goodies were obvious from the very beginning but they weren' t any better than what the 360 can do with software right now ...and of Motorstorm... Compared to the E3 presentation, the game is close in presentation and functionality and look to its promise, with detail not reaching the level of the astounding E3 demo but still running with some very cool technology to provide a new way of playing in the mud So the visuals obviously aren' t exactly PS2 quality, but they' re nothing like anything previously claimed. They' ll definately improve through optimization and as the edevelopers figure out how best to use the 7 SPU' s. Suffice to say i don' t expect PS3 to surpass 360 for at least a year after it' s launch, ...but then, ...maybe...
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 05:12
So the visuals obviously aren' t exactly PS2 quality, but they' re nothing like anything previously claimed. it is ridiculous to compare those videos to ps2 quality, and majic you are exagerating, what ign said : the game is close in presentation and functionality and look to its promise, with detail not reaching the level of the astounding E3 demo but still running with some very cool technology to provide a new way of playing in the mud if the game is " close" to that video they wowed people with last year at E3, Then HOW the hell can you compare it to a PS2 game ... you don' t quote ign at the begining of its article saying it looks surprisngly to the level of the video except for the particle effects which are not in that level ( i' m lazy to go back to ign and look for the article) Ratche and Clark is a CG and just those pics of motorstorm are damn impressive yet, i wonder how the game will look like at its release... lovely
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 06:57
close in presentation and functionality and look to its promise, I' m unsure at just how fluent you are at English, but that does NOT mean that it' s around/about/almost the same visual quality as the CG shown at E3. Presentation and functionality? The look? Come off it, you' d have to be either very misguided, or very young to take that to mean what you' re saying. The next sentance... with detail not reaching the level of the astounding E3 demo but still running with some very cool technology to provide a new way of playing in the mud. ...is the one that is talking about the visual quality. Why would the writer contradict himself in his opening paragraph?! HOW the hell can you compare it to a PS2 game I' m not. The day of the keynote speech i was getting minute by minute updates and relayed them in the GDC thread as i had recieved them. At that time, i was hearing that the visuals weren' t as impressive as expected and parts of it looked like PS2 + fancy post-processing effects. Until i saw the SMALL pictures, referred to in this thread, i hadn' t seen anything, only heard. You should ALSO note that 1UP' s coverage of the video' s shown includes the following... Examples of network play began with a demo of Formula 1 racing. Following that Motorstorm was used to demonstrate how you can buy stuff in the game. In action the HDR lighting looked sharp, but the poor framerate made it clear this was still an early build. While the texturing looked nice, it was a significant step down from the jaw-dropping pre-rendered demo shown at last year' s E3 WOW, a SIGNIFICANT step DOWN from the pre-rendered demo shown at last year' s E3??? The article is available here... http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3148951 While i' m not trying to make anybody think PS3 will suck, i just think some people are getting a little too carried away with the hype. Fully fledged games running on the thing could be completely different for better OR worse. It' s still too early to tell and we' ll get a much better idea when E3 rolls around...
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 07:42
SIlentbomber,thanks for the pics.
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 08:29
....I8/Resistance/whatever looks like freaking carnage man! ...check out the trailer at: http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/748/748483/vids_1.aspx ...hearing your buds scream and cry out for a medic is pretty funny too... ...reminds me of halo... ..this game is DEFINITELY one to watch.... (warning: PS2 level graphics missing from trailer)
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 08:52
It sure looks great,alwqays wanted to have that feeling,like being one of " them" like in starship tropers,and yes not the movie.
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 10:26
This is my friend Robby who was the one that told me about the PS3 videos. He wrote this article. Link To prove that I know this person (thee is always a person to question it, her is the website for our game development team- MadNinjaCow Go to the staff page which is the icon on the far right. This brings up all the people that are currently working with me. Robby is the second to last person on the right. Click him and it' ll bring up a bio. I' m the third from the right (just left of Robby). Btw, I know my bio is extremely boring and horribly written on this page, lol. As of right now I' m going to trust my friend who has seen it first hand compared to a bunch of dark and blurry pics.
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 10:32
(warning: PS2 level graphics missing from trailer) Wow, you linked to the E3 2005 trailer... Congratulations on being the idiot of the day... The car models and physics were decent although the texturing and the environment was PS2 level of quality Oh look... As of right now I' m going to trust my friend who has seen it first hand compared to a bunch of dark and blurry pics. Damn straight! Oh, and thanks!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 26 Mar 06 2:35:29 >
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 10:43
Rather wait untill novemember before i comment or jduge any ps3 game,these dev deserev that time.
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 11:59
Well, those Ratchet and Clank pics suprised me. I thought they' d beat that horse dead. but then again, i could be wrong. As long as it' s not another cheap party game, or combat racing game, i' ll be fine.  Jak X... why? why?
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 21:19
Wow, you linked to the E3 2005 trailer... ...so that' s not allowed then?.....
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 26, 2006 21:42
...so that' s not allowed then?..... Not considering it wasn' t running on PS3 hardware. That' s why the version shown at GDC the other day is described like... Once the demo itself began, it was obvious that it wasn' t looking as good as the trailer from E3 last year Less spectacular as the demo might have been, it did show off some nice next-gen effects that you wouldn' t be able to do on the PS2. High-end bump mapping, specular highlighting, and other accelerator-friendly goodies were obvious from the very beginning but they weren' t any better than what the 360 can do with software right now. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/697/697658p1.aspx   Easy mistake to make though... Although the framerates of the demos shown were said to be uneasy and not constant, it' s nothing worse than when Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Perfect Dark Zero were first shown running on 360 devkits. Both titles ended up running smooth (although PDZ sucks ass!) with constant framerates so there' s little to worry about. Just don' t expect to be wowed...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 26 Mar 06 14:26:16 >
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RE: Ps3 GDC Pics!
Mar 27, 2006 03:22
I would be wowed to play these games, majik... I don' t know about anyone else, But it' d be wow enough after all the hype and wait to actually play a game on PS3. Even if it look utter crap, it' s still kinda like... " Wow the machine actually came out and with games too... " The screen were all decent, I think comparing anything on next gen to ps2 is pretty insulting really. Heck 360' s early stuff was jaggies and framerate issues, but it was never compared to PS2... It' s a bit insulting to be compared to like...6/7 year old hardware (or however old it is now - time flies) - At least have the decency to compare it to a very well polished ps2 game or an xbox game. Just my opinion though. I didn' t see the fuss in those screens about ratchet and clank... perhaps there was more than the 3 i saw, but i would have thought ps3/360 wouldn' t have the smallest problem handling anything i saw there. I look forward to E3 to see videos and hands-on with PS3 games, and then the end of the year to hopefully play one myself.
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